Biographical File
Number R77402374.

Name: T'Shana cha'AAnikh
Height:5' 6"
Weight:130 lbs.
Hair:dark brown, long
Eyes:dark brown
Physical Attributes:pointed ears and straight brows, but no cranial ridge (appearing to be Vulcan); slender, yet voluptuous figure; greater strength than Humans
Psychological Attributes:highly intelligent; independent and opinionated; temperamental, at times stubborn and downright spiteful
  • 4 years at SF Academy (graduating with highest honors)
  • 2 years at the Daystrom Institute of Technology
  • Doctorate - Theoretic and Applied Engineering Sciences and Technology
  • Master - Astrogeology and Atmospheric Chemistry
  • Bachelor - Anthropology and Quantum Mechanics
T'Shana was born on Caldos II, where her mother, Tasya Alves, a Brazilian native, was working as an Anthropologist. She was studying the integration of non-natives at Caldos Colony, one of the Federation's first major terraforming projects. Tasya raised her daughter as a single mother for many years, due to T'Shana's fleshly father not even being aware of her existence. Her mother had met and copulated a single time with a Vulcan Scientist named Tubed during a Science convention at the Federation Academy of Sciences on Deneb V. Tubed had enter Pon'Farr and engaged with Tasya to end this phase in time for the convention's start. Unbeknownst to Tasya, Tubed was no Vulcan Scientist at all, but a Romulan spy, altered to look like a Vulcan.

After the convention, Tasya, finding herself pregnant, took a mission to Caldos II, partly for anthropological studies and party for being in serene surrounding to give birth to her child. She had wished to involve Tubed in the joyous event, but was unable to locate him. The Colony, modeled after Earth's Scotland, prove to be a good place for those purposes. Several months later, she gave birth to a baby girl. She named her child T'Shana after her mother Shana, but gave the name a Vulcan twist, since the girl undeniably had typical "Vulcan" features, i.e. pointed ears and straight eyebrows. Tasya also gave her daughter the last name Tubed as a testimony to her father.

She raised T'Shana on Caldos II for 7 years, then moved on to a new assignment on the planet Iyar. During their stay, T'Shana, by then in her early teens, was privileged to meet Captain Jean-Luc Picard as part of a cultural exchange program. His visit brought about a growing interest about Starfleet in her. A year later, Tasya moved with her daughter to the planet Zayra IV, where they stayed on a Federation Starbase. There Tasya met the merchant Zuran K'Reskedo, who owned a business and was trading in engineering technology. She married Zuran just 6 months later. The native Zayraian adopted T'Shana and helped Tasya raise her daughter for the remainder of her teenage years. Though, T'Shana's official name became T'Shana K'Reskedo-Tubed, she opted to only use her Vulcan name.

Her parents found T'Shana to be fairly easy to raise, even through her teenage years. She was rather disinterested in dating or any other frivolous pursuits, though her temper sometimes flared. Unaware of Tubed's real identity, her mother chalked it up to her lacking any real Vulcan influence in her life, guiding her through deep inner searches and immersing her mind in peaceful mediations. Her temperament is one aspect of her personality that T'Shana had been struggling with from early age onward. It made it difficult for her to fit into the typical mold of how a "Vulcan" was to behave.

After T'Shana reached the age of 18, she informed her mother that she wanted to spend a year on Vulcan to learn the ways of her ancestors. She moved in hopes to find peace of mind and reign in her emotions. Unfortunately, it wasn't as easy as T'Shana had pictured and she succumb to frustration over her inability to control her mind and feelings. Still unsuspecting of her Romulan heritage, she she tried to fight her inner demons, but only ended up being exasperated by her Vulcan mentors. One month short of a year, she abruptly ended her stay and traveled to Earth.
After considering the words spoken to her by Captain Picard so many years ago, she applied for Starfleet Academy. The knowledge her step-father had passed along to her about technology and particularly engineering technology proved to be valuable in passing her entrance exam.

By the end of her 4 years in the Academy, she had established herself as an expert in the field of engineering. Instead of being assigned to a Starship as an officer, however, T'Shana was asked if she'd be interested in continuing her studies into the field of theoretical and applied engineering to eventually join the Engineering Team at Utopia Planitia. It only took her another two years to earn her Doctorate in Engineering technology and several other degrees at the Daystrom Institute of Technology. The following year, at the age of 25, she joined the Engineering Team at the Fleet Yards. T'Shana integrated herself well into the team and became an important contributor in innovative design, particularly refitting newer vessels in line with advancing technology.

To her dismay, her temperamental side suddenly received a major boost, when she enter what was deemed to be her sexual maturity stage, and she began experiencing Pon'Farr type phases at intervals of 6 or 7 months. Getting along with workmates and specifically her superior, Admiral Zea Qu'Atack, was getting more and more difficult. T'Shana dealt herself a major blow, when she unknowingly engaged in sexual relations with the Admiral's future-son-in-law after his bachelor party to abate her "phase". The transgression was discovered and the Admiral laid the blame squarely on T'Shana's shoulders.

Consequently, a few months later, she received orders for a temporary assignment to the USS Columbia. This had apparently been arranged by Qu'Atack. T'Shana traveled to Starbase 718, close to the Romulan Neutral Zone, to rendezvous with the ship and begin her assignment. Despite her knowing that she had probably received the orders to remove her from the Fleet Yard for a while, she was actually looking forward to being a consultant to the ship's Engineering department and evaluate the field testing of the ship's recent upgrades, for she had designed some of the updated part on the Sovereign Class C vessel.

To her dismay, though, she found out she had been posted as temporary Science officer with a provisional rank of Lieutenant. Her complains to the Captain fell on deaf ears, and she struggled to fit in with the crew. In between her duty shifts as Science officer, T'Shana managed to slowly but surely take care of her role as Engineering consultant, reporting back to Admiral Qu'Atack once she had a comprehensive overview.
Classified Section:
In a strange twist of events that remain classified as of yet, she was suddenly confronted with her heritage, as she met her father and discovered he wasn't a Vulcan Scientist, but a Romulan spy. During the same incident, T'Shana ended up far out in the Beta Quadrant on a planet that was home to a Romulan colony.


Finding herself in the company of pure-bred Rihannsu (as they did not want to be refered to as Romulans), T'Shana deemed it best to take on her father's real name, and introduced herself to the leader of the colony as T'Shana cha'AAnikh. Of course, her physical attributes easily gave her away as a hybrid, which did not earn her the respect of anyone in the colony. Feeling mistreated and like an outsider, she used her expertly skills in Engineering and began working on a way to escape from the planet and somehow return to the Alpha Quadrant.

Sometime later, all her efforts seemed to be in vain....