Biographical File

Number 24389cvP.

Name: Kasha.


     Real name: Moe'uhane   'Uhane, wailua  / Dream Spirit   


      Gender: Female


      Hair Color: Deep Red-Black. Lower back length. Often in tight eight or twelve

strand braid.


   Skin Color: Light Tan


  Eye Color: Dark black


      Q Forced Blindness. In darkness. Corneas have become a thick, opaque,

dark black. No retinas, optic nerves or visual center of the brain. Visual

memory in tact. Eyes are entirely, dark black, with faint evidence

of a fully open iris, and the whole eye looking as if it were covered in a thin,

layer of clear glass.

      When examined by medical staff, with in hours of loosing her sight, it

was found that most of her visual system is gone, and replaced with an

unknown substance a thousand times stronger than tritanium, easily

flexible, uncutable and not removable. Even any form of implant was

destroyed, and then disintegrated, with in minutes of implantation, by the

Q's power.

       She often wears a clean black blindfold. Made of a breathable fabric, with

an internal, tough, flexible, plastic eye guard. When alone, she will remove

the blindfold about half the time. Wearing it when with other people.

      Never under estimate her capabilities. She isn't helpless. If she needs

help, she will ask for it.

     She has adapted with time to live with it. Also has the ability of 'blind sight'.

     Blind Sight is rare. Little known or understood. No medical or

scientific explanation. Ability of some completely blind individuals to

'see' objects in a faint, single color. Objects will appear as a faint, deep black

Silhouette against a lighter black background. No details or features of any kind.

Distance of object, limited. Depth perception, very limited to non existent.

Determining size, limited, and at very close range.

    Blind Sight can also exist in very similar ways for sighted people as well

when their eyes are closed.


   Height:  5 ft, 9 in. Muscular, but still feminine.


   Age:  60 ( Looks 25. She stopped aging when 'cursed' with a Q's life span.

IS NOT A Q!  More info below. )



   Race / Species: Human


   Sub Race: Polynesian


  Place of origin: Moanalua Hawaii


   Post: Civilian. Part time merchant / trader / pirate / cutthroat / smuggler.

(Refuses to transport or smuggle slaves)


   Strong Telepath.






  Personal Info:  This character is NOT a Q, BUT is permanently 'cursed'

(in a sense) by an evil, *malicious, *mischievous and *insidious one. 

One that's by far more sinister than "Q of Enterprise fame". He has 'cursed'

her with the eternal life span of a Q. She is unable to die. She is also unable

to carry any type or form of disease, and injuries heal with in minutes.


       Kasha is known to have an attitude, and sometimes, a bad one. She also

carries some well hidden knifes, and can be wickedly fast with them.


    A very talented free hand artist in drawing and painting. Using adaptive,

raised, tactical, mediums. Also very talented in music and singing. Voice is

alto. Playing an alto, twin sided, antique, wooden flute, and single flute.

Twelve string dulcimer, violin, guitar, banjo.


       Highly skilled herbalist. Knows how and where to use many poisons and

toxins. Skilled in survival. Ace fighter. Excellent guide in certain areas. Collects

bladed weapons. Including rare bladed weapons. Assorted medical and first aid

skills. Including cesarean sections. Midwife. Skilled archer. Can cook very well

without replication of any ingredients or foods.


      Kasha has a small, pet / helper monkey, who's often perched on

her shoulder, or somewhere near by. He's twenty-four inches long, from

nose to the tip of a long, strong, prehensile  tail. Twenty inches standing.

Is strong, and highly agile mover. He's also intelligent. His intelligence

level being that of a ten year old human child, and able to speak

telepathically with her on an animal level.  

      This soft furred monkey is a very well trained and a gift from one of

her friends. It to, has been given the same life span and curse as Kasha..

The monkey is also a loved friend and companion, and very well cared for.

It also has a harness and long leash that Kasha carries with her in the event it

is ever needed. Monkey's full name is "Tucker", but is most often called

"Tuk". Tuk is a soft, brushed gold in color, with white face, chest, belly

and paws, with golden eyes.


   This monkey is also a very different kind from other known species. One

from a world that only a few pirates know of.

   Able to change color and pattern at will. Even into highly complex colors

and patterns.     

   Able to become invisible, and totally undetectable in any way to others.

   Only Kasha can see or hear him when he's in this state, and when he's


   Able to disappear and reappear. The monkey DOES NOT HAVE Q

POWERS. The abilities he has are natural in his species.

Kasha Trim. Polynesian.doc (0KB) Kasha Trim. Polynesian.rtf (0KB)       Kasha Trim.  Polynesian. 

     Name: Kasha.
     Real name: Moe'uhane   'Uhane, wailua  / Dream Spirit  

      Gender: Female
      Hair Color: Deep Red-Black. Lower back length. Often in tight eight or twelve
strand braid.

   Skin Color: Light Tan

  Eye Color: Dark black

      Q Forced Blindness. In darkness. Corneas have become a thick, opaque,
dark black. No retinas, optic nerves or visual center of the brain. Visual
memory in tact. Eyes are entirely, dark black, with faint evidence
of a fully open iris, and the whole eye looking as if it were covered in a thin,
layer of clear glass.
      When examined by medical staff, with in hours of loosing her sight, it
was found that most of her visual system is gone, and replaced with an
unknown substance a thousand times stronger than tritanium, easily
flexible, uncutable and not removable. Even any form of implant was
destroyed, and then disintegrated, with in minutes of implantation, by the
Q's power.
       She often wears a clean black blindfold. Made of a breathable fabric, with
an internal, tough, flexible, plastic eye guard. When alone, she will remove
the blindfold about half the time. Wearing it when with other people.
      Never under estimate her capabilities. She isn't helpless. If she needs
help, she will ask for it.
     She has adapted with time to live with it. Also has the ability of 'blind sight'.
     Blind Sight is rare. Little known or understood. No medical or
scientific explanation. Ability of some completely blind individuals to
'see' objects in a faint, single color. Objects will appear as a faint, deep black
Silhouette against a lighter black background. No details or features of any kind.
Distance of object, limited. Depth perception, very limited to non existent.
Determining size, limited, and at very close range.
    Blind Sight can also exist in very similar ways for sighted people as well
when their eyes are closed.

   Height:  5 ft, 9 in. Muscular, but still feminine.

   Age:  60 ( Looks 25. She stopped aging when 'cursed' with a Q's life span.
IS NOT A Q!  More info below. )

   Race / Species: Human

   Sub Race: Polynesian

  Place of origin: Moanalua Hawaii

   Post: Civilian. Part time merchant / trader / pirate / cutthroat / smuggler.
(Refuses to transport or smuggle slaves)

   Strong Telepath.



  Personal Info:  This character is NOT a Q, BUT is permanently 'cursed'
(in a sense) by an evil, *malicious, *mischievous and *insidious one. 
One that's by far more sinister than "Q of Enterprise fame". He has 'cursed'
her with the eternal life span of a Q. She is unable to die. She is also unable
to carry any type or form of disease, and injuries heal with in minutes.

       Kasha is known to have an attitude, and sometimes, a bad one. She also
carries some well hidden knifes, and can be wickedly fast with them.
    A very talented free hand artist in drawing and painting. Using adaptive,
raised, tactical, mediums. Also very talented in music and singing. Voice is
alto. Playing an alto, twin sided, antique, wooden flute, and single flute.
Twelve string dulcimer, violin, guitar, banjo.

       Highly skilled herbalist. Knows how and where to use many poisons and
toxins. Skilled in survival. Ace fighter. Excellent guide in certain areas. Collects
bladed weapons. Including rare bladed weapons. Assorted medical and first aid
skills. Including cesarean sections. Midwife. Skilled archer. Can cook very well
without replication of any ingredients or foods.

      Kasha has a small, pet / helper monkey, who's often perched on
her shoulder, or somewhere near by. He's twenty-four inches long, from
nose to the tip of a long, strong, prehensile  tail. Twenty inches standing.
Is strong, and highly agile mover. He's also intelligent. His intelligence
level being that of a ten year old human child, and able to speak
telepathically with her on an animal level.  
      This soft furred monkey is a very well trained and a gift from one of
her friends. It to, has been given the same life span and curse as Kasha..
The monkey is also a loved friend and companion, and very well cared for.
It also has a harness and long leash that Kasha carries with her in the event it
is ever needed. Monkey's full name is "Tucker", but is most often called
"Tuk". Tuk is a soft, brushed gold in color, with white face, chest, belly
and paws, with golden eyes.

   This monkey is also a very different kind from other known species. One
from a world that only a few pirates know of.
   Able to change color and pattern at will. Even into highly complex colors
and patterns.     
   Able to become invisible, and totally undetectable in any way to others.
   Only Kasha can see or hear him when he's in this state, and when he's
   Able to disappear and reappear. The monkey DOES NOT HAVE Q
POWERS. The abilities he has are natural in his species.