Biographical File

Number 45489217.
Mark St. Porter

File Data:
Current Rank:Captain
Current assignmentCommanding officer, U.S.S. Bismarck, NCC-61984
Age: 40
Species: Human
Marital Status:Single
Physical Information-------
Weight-115 lbs
Parents: Father: Captain Steven St. Porter (DECEASED)
Mother: Dr. (Lt Cmdr) Sharon Vander (DECEASED)
Siblings: Brother: Micheal St. Porter* (MIA)
Sister: Francis St. Porter* (MIA)
*NOTE:Michael and Sharon are/were identical triplets.
      Mark entered Starfleet Academy at age 16 through the Advanced Command Studies program and graduated 5 years later with degrees in:
  • Engineering
  • Science
  • Ship Operations
  • Communications
  • With a minor degree in medical.

     Assigned to starship Endevour as ensign. While on Endevour, Mark served in all ship departments as part of his training. Transferred year later to starship Yorktown and assigned to science section as 3rd assistant science officer. Promoted year later to Lieutenant and assigned to starship Farragut as 1st assistant science officer.

     While on the Farragut, the ship suffered major structural damage when ship struck a cosmic string. Lieutenant St. Porter was on the bridge and assumed command when senior officers were rendered incapacitated. Lt St. Porter commanded the ship to nearest starbase. As a result of his actions, Lt St. Porter was promoted to Lieutenant Commander.

     Transferred to starship Hallifax as helm officer. With the death of the Hallifax's captain, Captain Reynolds, promoted to Commander and assigned as 1st officer. Mark served on the Hallifax until his promotion to captain when he took command of the USS Bismarck.