Crew Logs

Captain James Hunter ... Dr. Zira Dominie
"Storm Clouds Breaking" ... posted 060630

      Jim had made it back to his quarters.  His mood was still extremely foul after the encounter with the slimy little Merchant Galin.  People such as him literally made his skin crawl.  Hunter could never understand how someone could sell out another living being for money.  And then, to try to use Federation Laws as a way out by claiming he'd been was enough to make Jim want to show the little toad to an airlock.
      He looked up as the door chime rang.  "Enter."

     The door slid open and Zira stepped inside.

  It had been a long long day that wasn't anywhere near ending.  It started out fairly routine; breakfast and working out.  But, after punching out Ben, attending a nerve wracking staff meeting, overseeing psychiatric/neurological testing, assisting Columbia's medical staff, performing emergency surgery, hiding biodampners within some of the ships security staff, repairing Galin's knee...all while trying to sort out memories as she ran the Endeavour's entire medical department, Zira was tired...and she could use a soft couch and a drink. 

     And now she felt like she was facing the most difficult part of her day.  She quickly took in her surroundings and then turned to him, "I apologise for the intrusion, but we need to talk."

      Jim motioned her to come in and sit down.  He had a feeling he wasn't going to enjoy this conversation.  "I see.  Well, I have some time.  What's on your mind Doctor??"

Zira sat back on the couch, crossing her legs as she did so. "You".  She smoothed back her hair and then rested an elbow on the back of the couch as she shifted and leaned in on it. "I need to are you doing?"
      Jim actually felt a laugh bubbling up from inside himself.  "How am I doing??  Let's see.  I've been dragged back into Starfleet against my will.  I've been put in charge of an impossible mission to rescue the passengers and crew of a pirated starship......some of which are my friends.  I also have to find three children who are being used as ransome for the sliding technology.  I have to save them......and keep the Orions from gaining our secrets.  To do that, I'm about to send someone who is as close to me as my own brother into the Lion's Den......figuratively and literally."  His face turned a little sour.  "To add to that, I've been given a command that includes two Orion women as crew.  Me......who is allergic to the counter-agent for their pheromones.  Nothing against either of them, as both seem extremely competent officers.  It just that it can times."
      He looked away from her.  "I also have had to grudgingly admit that I've enjoyed being back aboard a starship......sitting in the center seat......feeling that adrenaline rush."
      He looked back at her again......not hiding anything behind his mantle of command.  "And then there's you.  So, in answer to how I'm doing......just peachy, thanks for asking."

     Zira's hand had moved up to her forehead as she stared back at him.  She was there as the ship's CMO and had not expected his last remark.  She hadn't expected him to release any of what he said so easily, and now... she was at a loss. "Well", she responded quietly, "I...don't know how to help you where I am concerned ..with the exception of putting in for a transfer as soon as this mission is over."

      Jim shook his head.  "You don't need to apply for a transfer.  I'm not sure I'll be staying around after this mission, so don't make any rash choices."
      He focused his intense blue eyes on her.  "Why did you leave like that??  No word, no note, no goodbye.  Just vanishing into the night.  I get up for a drink, and you're gone."

     Zira opened her mouth to respond but the words just weren't there.  She stood up, and rubbed her hands down her face as she walked away.   She folded her arms as she came to a stop across the room.  "I told you I wasn't thinking very clearly."  She turned around and had to look away from his stare, "I was going to wake you and tell you goodbye but I couldn't chance you insisting on the reason why."

     The painful memory of losing Dominie came back.  She looked at him, her own eyes pleading, "I'm not ready to talk about this yet and I am not up to defending myself to you.  Please just accept my apology and let it go."

      Jim relented......a bit.  "Okay.  It wasn't my intention to put you on trial.  Apology accepted.  However......I think in fairness to both of us, that night should be left isolated incident."  Hunter wasn't totally happy.  If there was one thing he was being left dangling in the wind when he really wanted to understand something.  He decided then and there that the night on Chincoteague was something to be put completely behind him.  It would do no good to dwell on it......not when there was so much ahead for the future......especially if the other part of the equation was at a point in her life where she felt it necessary to keep things hidden.  In is mind's voice, he could hear himself saying something along the lines of 'this is exactly why I don't get involved'.

Zira replied back, her tone revealing her hurt, "If that is all that night meant to you... you can refer to that way."  Trying to sort out and understand memories and feelings towards things and people between herself and the 'other' Zira had been difficult.  A process she was still working on.  But two things she was sure of, she was hurt by his attitude, and that night at Chincoteague had meant much more to her than an 'isolated incident'. "It feels as if your need for answers has more to do with ego than concern.  Why can't you understand I just need some time?"
      Jim felt his emotions begin to bubble up inside.  The last little while had been a roller coaster ride for him.  He'd pulled drafted back into the service, thrown into the middle of an impossible conflict and told he had to solve it, no matter what, and now he had to deal with personal issues of this nature......and at a point where he wasn't sure how he felt about things himself.
      "I resent that Doctor.  I was trying to be diplomatic and express that I had no expectations of you......and that I was willing to give you time......despite the fact that it's been months since I've heard from you."  Getting angry wasn't part of the plan......but there it was.  His own anger......his own a lot more.  Feelings he'd never really allowed himself to address properly.  Thoughts and emotions that he'd always done his best to keep a handle on.  Yes, he'd had flare ups on occasion......especially against Mallory.  But as for all that he was inside, he kept that on a tight rein.  Now......he was in a position where the hold on those reins was perilously loose.
      "If that's all it meant to me......I wouldn't have even brought it up now."  His voice was low and soft......yet held a cold anger that was projected in way that yelling could never have accomplished.  "I was the one who woke up alone.  My need for answers was out of concern......that maybe I'd done something to scare you away......or had hurt you in some manner, maybe with regards to your memories from your home Universe."  He was of course referring to the Jim Hunter she'd left behind when she'd been brought aboard the Challenger during the slide out of her Universe.
      "If it was ego Doctor, I'd have just added a notch to my bedpost and called it a day."  He turned away from her.  "Maybe it's not my ego......or my motives......that need to be questioned.  Maybe you need to ask yourself why you feel this need for time and space.  Once you know the answers, then maybe you'll be able to tell me why you need time.  If it has to do with another who wears my face......well......I'm a big boy.  I can take it.  I may not like the answer......but I'll live, trust me."

  "No.", she replied quickly, her own level of frustration beginning to rise, "This has nothing to do with him.  It never did."
      Jim crossed his what is considered in Psychology circles as the classic example of putting up a barrier.  "So why the need for character assassination with regards to comments about my ego??  I never said anything other than leaving things as an isolated incident......intending to give you the time you needed......and an 'out' if that's what you wanted."
    Zira hugged herself as understanding and self conviction came to her. She knew she hadn't been fair. "I'm sorry...." She took in a deep breath,  "I shouldn't have attacked you."   As she spoke, images and sensations of the night they spent together came to her...... and the following morning she left him.  She had to look away.  There was a slight tremble to her voice,"I didn't want to leave." she whispered.  Her eyes looked as if she was searching for the meaning of it.

      The Captain turned away from her again.  The set of set of his shoulders took on the 'Mantle of Command' look that he tended to have when on duty.  The look on her face had taken on an almost pleading aspect.  It only added to his confusion.  She said she that she didn't want to leave that long ago morning......yet still she had.  "I have had in the past......a sort of 'personal policy' or sorts where I don't become involved with people under my command.  So......if my words come out's because I'm in 'uncharted territory'."
      Jim's eyes softened a bit.  "I'm still willing to listen......if you ever want to talk.  Take all the time you want.  It's just that this is neither the time nor the place for this.  I think you know that as well."

Zira nodded, welcoming the chance for escape, "Yes..I do.  And I really should be getting back to Sickbay."  She headed towards the exit and stopped suddenly, turning back to him. "Captain..", her voice soft and kind.  "I understand and I really do appreciate your offer.  I hope you understand as well that I am CMO of this ship.. to how this mission is affecting you on a personal and command level.  You have admitted to me yourself the difficulties you are having."
      The Captain smiled back at her.  "Doctor......I've had nothing but difficulties for the past five years."  He took a deep breath......then exhaled.  He really had been through the ringer during the past number of years.  Slowly......the fear that he would break like his counter-part in that other Universe had faded into the background.  He would always have doubts.  That was part of being Human.  But for now, here, wasn't an issue for him.  "I've learned to bend so as not to break.  I'll be alright.  Trust me."

The Doctor studied him.  She wanted to believe him.  Her mind automatically slipped into a memory from long ago.  With the new reality of her trinary existence......that of being one host to two different Dominie symbionts......her memories were somewhat cluttered.  Still......this one came through loud and clear.
~Jim Hunter smiled over at her.  Not the Hunter she knew now.  The 'other'.  The one she'd left behind.  The one who had been her friend......he big brother......her confidant......and her secret crush.  He was telling her that the sliding mission would all work out fine.  She had just cautioned him to be careful.  As his CMO, she was concerned.  He'd smiled and told her he was used to pressure......and that he'd be fine and to trust him.~
      The similarity was uncanny.  Zira had to repress a shudder at it.  Despite her hesitation, she relented, "I will.  I'll accept your word." She angled her head down, raising an eyebrow, "But, I will bring this up again, Captain.  Can you include that in with your bending?"
      Hunter shrugged.  Water may wear away stone......but only after thousands of years.  He was still mortal.  He was still Jim Hunter.  And he was still stubborn.  "We'll see when the time comes......won't we Doctor??"

  She nodded sadly, "Yes, we will",  and left.

Captain James Hunter, Lieutenant Commander Dana Imari
"Storm Clouds and Thunder" ... posted 060630

Jim waited patiently for Commander Imari to arrive.  He had to ask her a big favour, and he was at odds with himself.  The Captain wanted her to join Captain Dominie aboard Columbia.  He felt her insight into the Orions would be invaluable.  However, he was worried about sending her as well.  This scenario could turn very ugly......and as an Orion in Starfleet, she'd be at extreme risk.  
    The door of his ready room chimed, opened, and Imari entered wearing her full uniform, with her loose blue smock. Her hair, brought back in out of her eyes. Her thick black glasses hanging just off the end of her nose. The frumpy, homely look was back in place. A slight contrast to the sexy Orion appeal very few of the security officers and Hunter saw earlier that day with the merchant captain, Galin.
    Her hands were stuffed the pockets of her smock. "You wished to see me, Captain?" Imari asked, stopping just short of his desk.
      Hunter nodded, motioning her in.  He took note that the voluptuous creature on the hanger deck had once more retreated inside the shell of the Starfleet Officer.  he had to wonder at the glasses once again.  Why????  Especially when Orions don't suffer the degenerative eye disorders that Humans do.  "I did indeed Commander.  I have a favour to ask of you.  It is voluntary, please remember that.  I'd like you to join Captain Dominie aboard the Columbia.  I believe you would be a huge asset to her as she heads deeper into Orion territory."
      Jim motioned her to sit down.  "I don't make this request lightly.  I know the dangers it might entail to you. know things about their protocols that we don't.  In fact, having you on the inside could be an 'ace-in-the-whole' for us." 
      The Captain paused a moment to choose his next words.  "Since I arrived here, I've been quite impressed with your performance as First Officer.  In all honesty......I don't want to send you on this mission.  But......I have to make choices for the greater good.  I think you can help best by going with the Columbia."
    Dana nodded. "It would be no different than other assignments I've been on, Captain." Dana said as she sat back in the chair; her legs crossing. Her hands were still in her pockets. The only time a hand appeared was to take care of the sliding glasses that slipped to the edge of her nose then back into the pocket it went. "What are the details and what is it that you hope will be accomplished?"
      Jim smiled.  "Good questions.  I hope I can give you some good answers."  He took a deep breath.  "Captain Dominie has volunteered to let Columbia be hopes of finding out where they've taken our people.  If she can accomplish this goal, hopefully she'll be able to relay that info to us.  As I see it, we have two objectives.  Find the crew of the USS Nash, and find the missing children.  We're going to put up a fight, but Endeavour will fake heavy damage and pull out.  The Orions will take Columbia and depart with their prize......hopefully.  Brian Culkin will shadow them under cloak.  You will relay info to him, and he will relay it to me.  The sliding apparatus has been faked as well as all the technical data.  The real equipment has been moved and hidden.  Not even its creators would know it's purpose now."
      He paused for a moment to let what he'd said sink in.  "To be honest......I'm not happy with this plan.  But......we're running out of time.  We haven't got many options left to us."
    "Am I too assume then those on board the Columbia will only be a skeleton crew," Dana asked, "with the rest of the Columbia crew coming on board the Endeavour?" She leaned over slightly. "I am asking, as those Orions wanting such information as they've taken bold steps to acquire it, should they find out it is fake they will have no problem in exterminating the crew and sending what is left of them in body bags."
      Hunter hid the grimace.  "I know.  Hopefully, the technical aspects Admiral Mallory has created in the false systems will keep them confused long enough for the rest of us to do our job.  As for the crew, yes, the majority of Columbia's crew will be aboard Endeavour.  She will have a skeleton crew, plus you and Viktor and a Security compliment hidden via biodampeners in the Engineering spaces and Jefferies Tubes."
    Imari sat back in the chair, thinking for a brief moment. "Will this fake information be enough that they won't be looking for technicalities or discrepancies? Again, I'm thinking of the words spoken in the debriefing that there is or was a possible leak from someone. We can speculate that the girl may have said something but I doubt it would be anything technical, just enough to wet the appetite. How much of the information was leaked out? And do we share with Captain Dominie if it hasn't already been shared?"
      Hunter shrugged.  "We can't be sure how much information was leaked.  We still don't even know who the leak is.  The fake information will keep them busy for a long, long time.  The technical data on the sliding technology is massive.  Nobody could hope to go through it all in anything less that a month......much less have the apparatus up and running and properly programmed.  No......the fake data will do its job.  The fake equipment will do its job.  As for Captain Dominie......what she doesn't know......they can't kill her for.  The good Captain will have enough on her plate.  Having to worry if anything has been something she doesn't need.  She knows to be careful."
    "No, Captain," Dana corrected quickly, "they will kill her for something she does not know as well as for something she does." Dana met his gaze. "But I will not say anything about the potential leak. I will do my best to relay the information to the King of Arus and keep her informed as we go deeper into Orion space. Is there anything else you'd like me to do while I'm there?"
      Jim nodded.  "Keep your eyes and ears open.  Finding this leak is just as important as any other part of this mission.  Admiral Ross confided in me......and now I'm confiding in you.  Starfleet has known about a potential security risk for several months now.  In addition to saving everyone, we're to find that leak......and plug it."  He stopped for a moment to give her a half-smile.  "This just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it??  My job is to report certain 'facts' to headquarters.  Your job will be to listen to see if that info makes it back to the Orions, and try to back-track it.  If you do, you let me know through Brian Culkin."
      The Captain leaned back in his chair, his hands making a steeple in front of his face.  "When I speak to Captain Dominie, I'll have to leave this bit out.  I'm not happy about that as you might be able to tell.  She was my Exec for four friend for even longer.  I'm God-father to her daughter.  But we need to attack this problem on all fronts.  If we manage to save the people from the Nash without fixing the leak, what's to stop the Orions from trying again??"
      Jim sighed at the problem before him.  "This is one of those moments Commander when the dictates of the uniform come into conflict with just about everything else.  Every step you take could have a potential landmine under foot.  I'm about to send a friend off in the arms of the enemy.  In addition, I'm using the situation she suggested herself to potentially find a dangerous security leak.  However......trying to find this leak could put this friend into even more danger......not to mention the lives of you and Viktor and the rest.  Viktor I've also known for many years......and more than one bottle of vodka.  You and I have just met......but I can already see why Starfleet speaks so highly of you."
      He looked out the window of his Ready Room.  "And Ross wondered why I wanted out."
    Dana understood to a point about the deep friendship he had with his fellow crewmen. It was something she did not have. "It is a luxury I could not have in my previous assignment. It was too dangerous." It was all she said then added. "I'm used to the free falls of danger. I'm used to going in alone." Dana paused. "I'll look after her the best I can, Captain."
      Hunter nodded gratefully.  "I know you will.  I wouldn't have asked if I hadn't thought I could count on you.  And for the record......I want you back safe and sound as well.  You're part of the 'family' now.  That means that no matter're never going to be alone."

Captain James Hunter, Captain Katerina Dominie
"Storm & Fury" ... posted 060630

The last progress report had come in.  Repairs to Kat's ship had been completed, and the last of the Engineering crews had returned to Endeavour.  In addition, the Security people and Commander Imari had transferred to Columbia.  There wasn't anything left to do except put their plan into action.  Jim opened a commchannel.  On the screen, Kat's face appeared.  +The last of my people have beamed back aboard.  I think that's about it.+

Kat took in a deep breath and nodded, +Yes...And we are as ready as we can possibly be.  We are going to fight back with..well, almost everything we got. Give them a convincing fight, Jim.  It may not be so easy to just stand back and allow them to take us.+
      Jim gave her a wry smile.  +Why Katerina my've developed a wonderful sense of irony and a talent for understatement since you gained that fourth pip on your collar.+  He allowed his smile to ease into its old teasing mannerism.

Kat swept her hair back as her cheeks changed color.  She forced a smile back, +I learned from the best.+
      Jim laughed out loud this time.  He adopted an Scottish accent before responding to her.  +Yer a sassbox' there's nary a kiver ta be done wi' ye'.+  The good humour was brief in duration however.  His smile faded, and his face sobered.  +This may very well be the hardest thing I've ever had to do.  Staying aboard Challenger to cover you and the rest of the crew's escape was a cake-walk by comparison.+

Kat looked around as she fought back at the emotions building behind her eyes. She was close to losing when she looked back at him.  +You told me you would see me on the other side.  I took that as a promise that I thought you had broken.  I was wrong to give up hope.+  She wiped at one of her eyes with the palm of her had as she continued, +Well..this time I am telling you......I will be seeing you on the other side.+
      Jim swallowed past a lump in his own throat.  +The first thing I learned about Command was that there are times when you have to do and say things for the benefit of others......even if you know it isn't true.  When I told you I'd see you on the other side......I'd meant for whatever lies beyond this mortal existence.  While I'd hoped to fly away from the Challenger......I knew there was a pretty good chance I wouldn't make it.+  He let the silence hang between them.

Her eyes shining, Kat forced a smile, "Well..I guess that's where we differ. My meaning has a different definition.  So..shall we say until next time?"
      "The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions Captain.  I know it......and now that you're part of the Captain's Club......I'd bet my last dollar you know it too."  He gave her his best smile.  "Just do your best."  A small sample of his inner devil peaked out in a grin.  "That's an order."
She nodded in sad agreement, "Aye aye Captain",  and then disappeared from the screen.
      Jim reached out and gently touched the screen where Kat's face had been only moments ago.  The hand clenched into a fist, which came crashing down on the table top.  All was quiet for a few long moments.  Then......slowly......deliberately......he stood up, straightened his jacket, and went out onto the Bridge.

Captain James D. Hunter, "Thunderstrike" ... posted 060712

      Jim reached out and gently touched the screen where Kat's face had been only moments ago.  The hand clenched into a fist, which came crashing down on the table top.  All was quiet for a few long moments.  Then......slowly......deliberately......he stood up, straightened his jacket, and went out onto the Bridge.

Zack looked up and obediently called out, "Captain on the Bridge."
      Hunter took his seat, pondering the upcoming events silently for a few moments.  "Helm, lay in a course away from the gas giant, four eleven mark six.  Full sensor sweeps.  I want to know what the Orions have in store for us."
      As the crew went to work, Jim felt the absence of Viktor and Dana immediately.  Both would've been here had circumstances been different.  Still......there was the ever-reliable Zack who could switch back between Navigator and Science Officer with no ill-effects.  And Mark Jackson was at the Helm.  The Tactical Officer was one he didn't know yet, though......being the only Brikar had to be Zan Kebron.  Also, manning the Bridge Engineering station was Anichent th' his Acting First Officer as Dana was aboard Columbia.  Still......Jim felt he needed more.  With a flick of a switch, he opened the ship-wide intercom.  +Counselor Rookii, please report to the Bridge.+  The Captain felt he needed someone to provide him with some insight into the Orions......and the Counselor was the perfect choice......being a trained Psychologist AND an Orion herself.

    Tapping her commbadge, Teesnia automatically replied, "On my way, Captain." Her feet immediately headed toward a turbolift.

Zack looked over at him.  "Sir......sensors are sketchy at best.  But it appears that Orion re-inforcements have arrived.  I think I can see four Imperative-class battleships now.  In addition, I now see six Harmony-class vessels."
      Jim suppressed a shudder.  "Ten to two!!!!  Good about over-kill!!!!!!  We won't really have to act too much with this plan.  We really are over-matched matter what upgrades this ship has."
      The Captain swung around to face the Helm.  "Mr. Jackson, give us a nice, easy heading out of here.  Also, transfer any and all data on the electromagnetic anomalies to Mr. th'Dani."

Anichent had snapped his head at the screen at Zack's announcement and stepped forward, "Perception is strong and sight is weak, Captain."  His senses keen and the aggression built as his enemy's numbers grew. The Endeavour deserved her revenge. "Too bad there isn't more than one opinion here as to give us the opportunity of selection."
      Jim actually felt a smile tug at his lips.  "Why Commander......that sounds almost Shakespearean."  He nodded at the blue-skinned officer.  "The 'Lady' will get to have her day.  Trust me."

Shakespearean...  Anichent angled his head up as antennae moved around in uncertainty.  Joe Pavao once accused him of the same thing.  Feeling a bit perplexed, Anichent nodded back and looked back at his Engineering console for a moment.

Mark smiled, "Aye sir, taking us out nice and easy, also transferring data on the anomalies. Time to run through the maze."

The Captain nodded.  "Then by all means Mr. Jackson, take us out.  And send a coded signal to Columbia to do likewise."  Jim fought to keep the butterflies he was feeling in his stomach from showing on his face.
Arriving on the bridge, Teesnia nodded to the captain. She didn't know if he wanted her there just in case or if he had some specific question for her, so she stood, out of the way to the side and said, "Counselor Rookii reporting as ordered, sir."
  Jim nodded.  "Grab a seat somewhere Counselor.  I'd like your input on the members of your race we're about to be facing.  I've only faced them once before, during an incident where a Starfleet Operative was sent in to bust a Slaver's Ring.  I was sent in as her backup, and to provide her with a way to contact the outside.  However, there wasn't that much contact with actual Orions other than the leader of the organization who I didn't get to see more than once or twice."

     Anichent gave Teesnia a quick sideways glare as he turned back to the Captain, "Captain, data received. Shield adjustments will be made as data is collected by the sensors within the shielding systems.  Warp power to engines and deflector grid are back to normal."

Mark continued to smile, this was almost fun for the moment, though he had a gut feeling this would go from fun to bad in no time. "Signal sent, taking us out."
    Teesnia noted Anichent's glare and had to refrain from sighing out loud. She almost wished smacking someone in the back of the head and telling them to get over it was a viable psychiatric tool. As it wasn't, she took a seat near-ish the captain and considered his question.
    Input on the members of her race. Did he assume all Orions were the same? Would he like it if someone suggested all Human's were the same? No no, she was being silly now. She knew what he meant, he wasn't slighting anyone. All races, taken as a whole, posses certain identifiable traits, and while an individual in that race might be different, they would still tend to lean toward the whole.
    Obviously this was something counselors get used to and eventually she would just rattle off what the captain wants without a second thought. Teesnia, however, was still sort of new to this. "Is there something specific you are looking for, Captain?" She asked. She didn't know the Captain well enough, or really at all, to know how much or little information he wanted from such a broad question.
      The Captain considered a moment.  "I need some broad insight on what sort of tactics they could use.  How members of the Orion Military might be trained to fight.  What sort of people they might be."

     Kebron listened to the chatter while monitoring the sensors, he wanted to make sure they got no surprises from the Orions. He already felt extremely uncomfortable leaving the Columbia. He would have preferred to have gone over with Chief Kowalenko but being Brikar he obviously didn't have the size or grace needed to fit into a Jeffries tube. A pity.
    Ok, she knew what he wanted, sort of, now how to tell him without A) going on and on, and B) feeling like she was maligning or betraying her own race. "I'm sure you're aware that the men are generally under female control? Because of that you can generally expect one of two situations. If the mistress is on board, you might" she paused to stress, "might be able to negotiate. If she is not aboard, the men will battle to the death to follow their orders as they will not usually call for additional orders or changes to orders."

    "Now, if you wind up in hand to hand combat, you should know that the Orion homeworld has the equivalent of two of your Earth's gravities. Which means that physiologically they are probably stronger than even Vulcans. I'm sure you've at least seen Orion males, they are large, extremely powerful beings."
    Without getting into a long dissertation on the speculation that Orions had evolved from reptilian, rather than simian ancestors as Terrans did thus having much different mannerisms, Teesnia finished with a broad generalization of Orion mannerisms/values. "You can expect them to be colder and more ruthless than Terrans. For instance, it would appear that Terrans have more value for life, all life. Some might say they are vicious and cruel. Their attack strategies would tend to bear that out anyway."

     His head slightly bowed in the typical Andorian manner when listening, Anichent headed back towards the Captain and Counselor. "Sounds about right", he hissed.
"Otherwise would be in pretense." 

         Teesnia had been ready for another verbal attack when the Andorian approached. She'd even mentally braced herself for it. She watched him closely as she looked for the slur in his words. She couldn't really take offense, after all, he was just agreeing with what she said. So why did she feel he was casting slurs anyway? She decided to keep silent and hope he'd go back to his station soon.

     Anichent returned the stare as he continued, "Even so, I suggest we attempt a negotiation.   Use their advantage for our own... feed on their known tendancies towards..."  His eyes left hers and he looked at the captain, "..I believe the human word is vainglory."

      Hunter suppressed a smile.  "We usually call it vanity......however, if my memory of Webster's Dictionary is correct, vainglory can be substituted."  The Captain allowed his teasing grin to surface for a moment.  "Just another example of your Shakesperean tendencies Mr. th'Dani."
      Jim looked back towards the Teesnia.  "Thankyou Lieutenant.  Please, stick around.  I have a feeling we'll need some of your insight in the moments to come."
      At that moment......the starship rocked as she was intersected by the disruptor beams from two of the Orion battlecruisers.  Hunter just had time to grab his chair arms to keep from being unceremoniously dumped onto the deck.  "Here's where the fun begins!!!!"
To be continued..........

Lt. Viktor Kowalenko ... "Sardines" ... posted 060725

Post #1886: Sardines
Viktor Kowlenko, Dana Imari
and fellow sardines.

   Jeffries tubes weren't the most comfortable of hideaways. Everyonegot into position, a combination of readiness and trying not to havearms and legs go numb from an awkward position for an extended amountof time. No one complained, but two of his team managed to findsomething humorous about being in such cramped quarters. Viktor ignoredit for the moment as they had only just pulled themselves in. He wouldgive them another moment to settle down. He knew once they did theywould sober up and the full weight of what was going to happen wouldsettle on them all.
  The whole security detail was split in to several teams and Viktorlook back at his team and received nods of readiness. It had growneerily quiet with just the sound of the starship pulsing around them.
  Viktor tapped his badge "Commander Imari..Alpha team is ready"

Danaheard Viktor's voice echo through her combadge and resonate in thejefferies tube which her team readied and prepared themselves. Then shelooked down, giving one of her men, Larry Lamas as she came to know hisname, a crooked grin. "Enjoying the view down there?" She asked.
    Lamas's response was more than just a blush as he looked away. The other officers simply chuckled.
    It was a tension reliever. They were all tense and nervous even ifthey felt like they were trapped sardines in tin can. Still, it helpedso none of them became too trigger happy. They settled in and Danalooked around pulling the thick rimmed glasses from off her face andstuck them into the smock of her pocket. She'd be able to fight betterwith out them. Then she looked down again, at Lamas. He was just anensign and his first bout of duty was about to begin.  "Here, you finda safe place for 'em." Dana took the glasses out of her pocket handingthem to him. She winked at him as everything became a still silent.
    The calm before the storm. Dana thought feeling the ship's vibration. "Beta team is ready. We go on your mark."

Captain Katerina Dominie & crew ... Thunderstrike, Pt2" ... posted 060725


"TheRoad to Hell is paved with good intentions Captain.  I know it......andnow that you're part of the Captain's Club......I'd bet my last dollaryou know it too."  He gave her his best smile.  "Just do your best."  A small sample of his inner devil peaked out in a grin.  "That's an order."
Kat nodded in sad agreement, "Aye aye Captain", and then ended the communication.  Self doubt once again hung over herbut she pushed it away. She stared at the dark screen as she took indeep breaths in an attempt to ease the tightness she felt inside herchest.   After a moment the tightness began to ease, but there was anache even deeper that was always there and kept her moving forward withobsessed determination.  Finally, Kat stood up ...smoothing down heruniform, she walked out of her readyroom and onto the Bridge.
Samwasn't exactly certain of what was going to be happening next as mostof the transfer of nonessential personnel were beamed to the Endeavour.All he could do was sit and speculate on the things to come. Though,his speculation only made his anxiety rise a notch making him want toreach for a glass of vodka that wasn't there. Sam noticed when helooked down that the terrible shaking in his hands had returned. Thesingle thought of wanting a drink caused his body to react anew. Hecursed to himself with the misgiven thought floating in his mind; Ithought I had this beat. He clenched his teeth and balled his fists. Heonly released the tension when he heard the sliding of the captainreadyroom's door open and the captain step out.
Sam was on his feet announcing as if he were first year cadet or beginning ensign. "Captain on the Bridge!"

Kat slowed down, startled by the wave of anxiety and discomposuredstature of her chief science officer.  She turned towards him withconcern, "Sam...

     Korvon glanced up from the security console to look first to Sam then to Kat before interrupting. "Endeavour security is in position. Engineering and Medical's remaining staff report that they are ready as well, Captain."He finished while giving Sam a glare, wondering what was going on withthe Lieutenant. This was neither the time or place for personal issues.

  Kat's attention had been changed to Korvon and she breathed in deeply, "Okay...good.. "Sheheaded down to her seat, looking at the back of Mallory as she did so. He was leaning down at his own console, seemingly deep in thought.

    Max looked back at her as she made her way down, "The Endeavour hasjust signaled us and is moving off ma'am, I've laid in coordinates tofollow"

Kat nodded as she sat down, "Follow them ...for now, Cadet."  Soon she would be ordering more distance between the two starships.
      That was the moment the Orions chose to strike.  From out of theelectromagnetic disturbances they came.  The four big battlecruiserswasted no time.  They headed straight for the Endeavour, determined todestroy her completely.  The six Harmony-class ships headed forColumbia.
       Mallory glanced up from his console.  "They're not wasting any time!!  They've opened fire on Hunter's ship!!"
      On the static-filled screen, Endeavour could just barely be madeout......her shields glowing from multiple disruptor blasts. However......they couldn't worry about the big Galaxy-classvessel......for the six Harmony-class vessels now struck at Columbia.

To be Continued....

Commander Brian Culkin ...#1888 - "Waiting Out the Storm" ...posted 060725

    The Knightstar sat on the edge, waiting and listening to the screams as they came across the comm. Images of the battle were upon the screen. Brian's  face was as straight as stone. He hoped what the Endeavour was going through was just an act, and he hoped that Kats plan would work. 
    "Sir, why aren't we doing anything?" A'ron asked. 
    "Because, I'm under orders." He responded. 
    "Whose orders sir, last I checked you didn't work for the fleet anymore." 
    Brian turned looking at A'ron, "I realize that but both of those Captains out there are my friends and so are thier crews. I was asked to hold off, and so we shall. Ok?"
     "Aye, sir, I'm sorry, it's just..."
     "Frustrating? I know, trust me, but those two out there, if they needed us, would call. So we have to be confident in thier abilities."
     "Ryn, whats the ships status?"
     The blond head popped up on the other half of the screen in front of them, "Well, the way I figure, shields are back up to full, weapons banks are recharged, and the Engines are ready for full power. And also thanks to the beating we took earlier, we'll be more prepared in case we have to fight these guys again."
     "Excellent Ryn, Good Luck, when we get back home, I'll make sure you get a promotion." 
     "Thanks sir!"
      Brian smiled just a bit as they continued to watch the battle, when A'ron spoke again, "Sir, the Orions are circling, from the looks trying to pen the two ships in."
    "I noticed...this is the moment, where if Jims going to make a move he'll make it." Brian leaned forward steepling his fingers together.

Captain James Hunter ... "Thunderstrike, pt 3" ... posted 060725

      On the static-filled screen, Endeavour could just barely be madeout......her shields glowing from multiple disruptor blasts. However......they couldn't worry about the big Galaxy-classvessel......for the six Harmony-class vessels now struck at Columbia.

     Katerina had stood up and she stared wide eyed at the screen. "Red Alert!  Helm, evasive maneuvers!!"  She swung around to Korvon, "Let us be generous.."

        "Aye, engaging evasive manuvers." His fingers danced, much likehis father's across the panel, the ship felt sluggish, and he couldhear her screaming in protest to what he was trying to do, he knew theplan, and he knew there could be no escape, but they had to make itlook good.
     "Give them everything we got, Mr. Korvon!"

"Aye, Captain...I can be very generous."  Korvon wasted no time in targeting the closest Harmony's weaponsport. He gave them a good pounding while wearing a grim smile. The oddsof six to one weren't good but that didn't mean he was going to make iteasy for them.
TheOrion cruisers moved into an encompassing formation, each one takingprecise pinpoint shots at Columbia.  The attacks were designed to weardown her defenses bit by bit.  The Nova-class vessel was being rockedhard by each blast.  The silvery hull was becoming pockmarked bycarbon-scoring.
      Endeavour wasn't fairing much better.  The big battlecruiserswere throwing everything they had at the starship.  Despite herupgraded systems......Endeavour was based on a design that was nearlytwo decades old.  While a brand new ship, she was no longer the moststate-of-the-art vessel being flown by Starfleet.  The bigImperative-class cruiser design was only three to four years old bycomparison.  One-on-one, Endeavour would've been a match.  Maybe eventwo-on-one.  But four-on-one was too much to ask......even of her.
      On her Bridge, Jim Hunter ducked as a conduit ruptured above him.  "I want Damage Reports from all decks!!!!"  Gripping onto his chair arms for dear life, he swung over to face Tactical.  "Mr.Kebron......lay down a scattering pattern of fire!!  Try to disorientthem enough to give us some time to catch our breath!!"

      "Aye sir" Kebronawknowledged and changed the firing pattern. After a moment or two itseemed to be working, the beating they were getting eased up a bit.

Mark ducked out of reaction as the conduit exploded, "Sir!  They aretrying to pin us in here!  Between Columbia and ourselves we're losingroom for navigation!"
Hunter nodded.  "Do your best Mr. Jackson.  That's all any of us can do now.  Also, be prepared to go to maximum warp on my command!!!!

        "Aye sir...standing by on your command...setting up a vector."

Anichent leaned over a back console,"Captain, damage reports are coming in and repair teams have beendispatched.  Casualties are light. Shields are down 37% andfluctuating.  We have taken a damage to hull and both nacelles havetaken a noticeable pounding.  Power out on multiple decks.  Captain..",he came back towards Jim, "I suggest we open communications as I mentioned earlier."

Jim nodded.  "Do it.  And whatever it takes......keep those warp engines online!!!!


Back aboard Columbia, Mallory pulled himself back into his chair.  "Kat......I mean Captain......I have a plan that might help us.  Something Mr. Richards and I cooked up."

   Korvon grumbled laying down as much fire as he could. "Captain shields are not holding..we are down to 40% and losing quickly" He tried to determine during his next rounds if there was any weak spots in their shieldings he could concentrate on.
  Maxworked as hard as he could to keep the old girl upright, the Orions mayhave been using strategic shots, but he warranted that they hadn't beenable to hit the same place so often, but he was begining to notice thatthe Orion ships were hearding the two vessels together. "Ma'am!  We'vegot a situation!"

    Katnodded back at Mallory and then put up a hand for him to wait a momentas she turned her head sharply back to Max, gripping her chairs armstightly, "What is it, Cadet?!

     "The Orions are trying to pen us in like cattle, they are severely limiting the area with which we have to navigate!"

     Mallory stepped down to stand next to Kat.  "Captain......Iknow the plan you and Hunter concocted.  I know we aren't supposed towin......but at the rate things are going, neither of us will surviveunless we do something!!!!"

      Kat shook her head not looking at anyone in particular, "We can't allow them to take the Endeavour!"

      Quen nodded.  "Then let me do something!!!!"

     She turned to him, her eyes pleading as she commanded, "Do whatever you must to help the Endeavour!"

To be Continued....

Lt. Maxwell Richards ... "Thunderstruck" ... posted 060727


Columbia's Main Engineering was once again a flurry of activity. The skeleton crew of personnel left abaoard had their hands full rerouting systems as the Orions pounded on the ship. Lt. Max Richards was busy re-routing power flows and coordinating the few cremen he had left to effect repairs on the Nova-class ship. He hoped Admiral Mallory would give the word soon for the ship would not take much more before essesential systems would all start to fry. Just as he finished this thought, the ship again shuttered under the barrage of fire from the Orions, causing the auxillary shield console to erupt in a shower of sparks and fire.

"Jensen!" Richards shouted out. "Take care of that fire! I will re-route controls away from that panel. Barok! Get the spare console in here quick!"

The two engineers jumped to the orders of the chief. Max manipulated the energy flows and the command controls the auxilary panel would normally handle and put them in "stasis" until the new panel was put into place. He really wished he had more of his staff as he could see plasma and EPS conduits ruturing in different areas of the ship. THe only thing he could do now was manipulate the relays which would reroute flows through secondary systems. He then put each rupture onto the Trouble oard. These would be taken care of on a priority basis as soon as things calmed down..... provided things do calm down.

Captains Hunter & Dominie and the crew... "When the Bough Breaks" ... posted 060814


      Kat shook her head not looking at anyone in particular, "We can't allow them to take the Endeavour!"

      Quen nodded.  "Then let me do something!!!!"

     She turned to him, her eyes pleading as she commanded, "Do whatever you must to help the Endeavour!"


      Mallory nodded.  "Consider it done.  However......I warn won't like it.


     Columbia's  Main Engineering was once again a flurry of activity.  Theskeleton crew of personnel left aboard had their hands full reroutingsystems as the Orions pounded on the ship.  Lt. Max Richards was busyre-routing power flows and coordinating the few crewmen he had left toeffect repairs on the Nova-class ship.  He hoped AdmiralMallory would give the word soon for the ship would not take much morebefore essential systems would all start to fry.  Just as he finishedthis thought, the ship again shuttered under the barrage of fire fromthe Orions, causing the auxiliary shield console to erupt in a showerof sparks and fire.

"Jensen!" Richards shouted out.  "Take care of that fire!  I will re-route controls away from that panel.  Barok!  Get the spare console in here quick!"

The two engineers jumped to the orders of the chief.  Maxmanipulated the energy flows and the command controls the auxiliarypanel would normally handle and put them in "stasis" until the newpanel was put into place.  He really wished he had more of his staff ashe could see plasma and EPS conduits rupturing in different areas ofthe ship.  The only thing he could do now was manipulate the relayswhich would reroute flows through secondary systems.  He then put eachrupture onto the Trouble board.  These would be taken care of on apriority basis as soon as things calmed down..... provided things docalm down.

       +Bridge to Engineering.  This is Mallory.  Mr.Richards......that little modification we MacGyvered.  Please prepareto implement it on my signal.+

     Just as the Admiral's orders were being voiced over the commsystem, Richards cursed under his breath as yet another power conduitruptured.  Max, again, manipulated the controls to reroute power awayfrom the rupture. He then brought up the controls for the new Slidingset-up. 

    +"Engineering to Admiral Mallory,"+ Max said into the open comm channel.  +" Ready for implementation."+

Katstared at Mallory puzzled for a moment as she wondered at his plan...itdidn't really matter, just as long as the Endeavour got away.  "How much time do you need!?" she asked with a tone of uncertainty as an idea came to her.

      Mallory swore as the cross-circuit connections he and Max had jury-rigged failed to implement properly.  +Engineering......wehave a red-light failure on the device!!!!  It appears to be AlphaControl circuit 1A through JC, plus Deflector ShuntControl circuit B5.  We have to re-route those systems!!!!+  He looked over at Kat.  "This might take a bit longer.+

    Kat inhaled deeply forcing herself to believe that whatever Quinn hadplanned with the Sliding device did not include the Columbia slidingherself.   The ship again shuttered and she had to fight to keep herbalance.   "We need it now!! Maybe we can get them to pull back..."  She quickly tapped her commbadge,+Richards, I know you have your hands full but get someone toimmediately blow out the dorsal phase emitter!!  Then vent a pair ofL-N-Two exhaust conduits along the dorsal emitters!  Take all enginesoffline...+  She kept her eyes on Mallory as she spoke next to Sam, "Lt Kellum, as soon as the engines are offline give false readings of a warp core surge.... That should  fool them for a few minutes and mask the powerup of the Sliding device."

     Maxwell Richards was already on his way to the auxilary deflector control room, when he heard the captain's call.  "Barog! "  Hesaid tapping his comm badge.  Max repeated the captain's orders.  Heknew the engineer would follow them precisely.  Max arrived at thecontrol room.  Re-routing the systems was difficult as each path Maxtried was proving not to be strong enough for the amount of powerrequired.  He then decided to split the load between two systems.  +Richards to Admiral Mallory.  Ready to go.+


      Outside,the Orions responded to the change in Columbia's sensor signature. Seeing that the vessel appeared to have suffered a containment failureand lost power, they moved in like sharks for the kill.  Two of thelarger cruisers left their assault on Endeavour to also close on thesmaller federation vessel.

      Aboard Endeavour, Jim Hunter considered his options.  The Orionswere playing for keeps.  They planned to destroy his ship, and werethrowing everything they had at them.  To her credit, Endeavour wastaking all they had and still coming up for more.  But how long couldeven she last??

    Kebron looked up from the communication line he had opened as ordered earlier by th'Dani "No response, Captain."

      Jim shook his head.  "Keep trying.  Helm......we can't do anymore here.  Set a course out of the system and engage!!!!"

Mark nodded, "Aye sir, setting course 12 Mark zero...full impulse."

      The starship continued to rock violently as she took impact afterimpact.  Jim knew from the intensity of the attacks that she wouldn'ttake much more.  The deflectors whined louder with each shot taken,emergency systems were strained.  Smoke was billowing from a number ofconsoles.  He looked at the readouts on his chair arms.  His lipstightened in a grim line.  This isn't going to work!!  We're not goingto make it!!!!

     At that moment, the attacks lessened.  Jim watched as the Tactical Ploton the main viewer showed two of the huge Imperative-class cruisersleaving to go after Columbia.  "Full sensor sweeps on Columbia!!!!  What's happening over there?!?!?!?!"


      Aboard Columbia, Mallory acknowledged Richard's call.  +Activatingsliding apparatus!!!!  Power systems online!!!!  Shunting power toauxiliary circuits!!!!  That's it Max!!!!  We're set!!!!  Let's go!!!! Implement power discharge!!!!+

+Acknowledged Admiral!+
Richards acknowledged.  +Discharging......NOW!+


 On the Bridge of the Endeavour Anichent had been going back and forthmonitoring engineering and other ship operations.  Zan Kebron had hishands full at tactical and Zack was busy with navigational duties;Anichent reached over the console tapping into sensor readings, "Sensors are picking up high readings of nitrogen emissions coming fromthe Columbia.  I am reading a power surge in her Engineeringsection..she is shutting down. Captain, there is another powerbuildup..coming from her !"

To Be Continued....

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