Biographical File

Number 53497394.
Maxwell Richards

File Data:
Name:Maxwell David Richards
Gender: Male
Birthday:July 27th, 2357
Physical Description
Hair: Dark brown
Height:1.8 m (5'11")
Personal Information
Family: Father: David Francis Richards, Sr. Age: 54
Mother: Linda Lue Richards (nee Evans). Age: 52
Brother: David Francis Richards, Jr. Age: 27
Sister: Kassandra Margaret Richards. Age: 20.
Place of birthSalinas, CA, Earth
Maxwell Richards was orn and raised in Salinas, California on Earth. One of two sons and middle child to David (Sr.) and Kassandra Richards. At an early age Max was showing he was nothing like his older brother, David, Jr., and had a propensity for trouble.

A very bright studen, Max would easily become bored with classroom work and find different ways to amuse himself. These ways would more than likely get youg Maxwell in trouble. At age 17, Max was ready to drop out of high school altogether. His parents insisted he find a direction or he would be tossed out of the house. It was at the urgings of a high school teacher, that Max take some aptitude tests where he scored very high on quantuum mechanics and warp theory technologies. The teacher urgedMax to stick it out in high school and take the entrance exams for Starfleet Academy.

Max reluctantly tok and passed the entrance exams. He excelled in the engineering field, but still maintained the air of a trouble maker. He enjoyed practical jokes on his classmates and would quickly get into fights with upper classmen. Max was also quite promiscuous during his academy stay, not limiting himself to a single gender and often waking up in different dorm rooms. Despite his propensity for trouble, Max graduated with honors.
Psyche Profile
Max has whatcould be termed a "colorful" psyche. His propensity for practical jokes and promiscuity have made (and lost) him many friends. Max is also very quick to anger. Heis also fastidious about his work. Serving as an engineer aboard the USS Exeter, showed these range of behaviors. Max has spent his share of time in the ship's brig for minor insubordination which, this far, has been limited to talking back to a superior officer.
Medical Profile:
Max has always spent much time making certain he was in the best of physical health. Despite his oredom with school, he never missed a dy, as was the case in the Academy. He has a fondness for alcoholic beverages, but has also been known to push himself physically for days after "partying."