USS Eagle, NCC 9561

Sim of 0300820

GwenivereMarqusa: ::AA::
Ens Ratchet: ::AA::
T L Lost: ::AA::
CmdrLanceBass: Thanks, Bloody AOL
RomnHaas: ::AA::
Lt Jeff Dawson: :AA:
CmdrLanceBass: :AA:
CaptFyrstk: CAPTAIN's LOG Stardate 030821
CaptFyrstk: The Talon has docked with the research vessel.
CaptFyrstk: As stated previously, the oxygen levels are extremely low, so
the rescue crew wil have to take appropriate measures
CaptFyrstk: We will trah and follow their progress as best as our sensors
and the Badland conditions will permit.
CaptFyrstk: [BEGIN]
CaptFyrstk: <CO> [OPS2} Trah and maintain somekahnd of lock on them
LtSvonn: <OPS2>Aye, sir.
CmdrLanceBass: @<XO><AT> Everyone ready?
Ens Ratchet: <CSCI>::Working at her station scanning and doing science
officerly stuff::
T L Lost: Muerta><nurse>::nods:: Yes Sir
Lt Jeff Dawson: <ACENG> :sitting at his console monitoring both the talon,
and the Eagle.
RomnHaas: @<OPS> Ready commander.::puts his rebreather and mask on::
GwenivereMarqusa: <tac> ::checks her rebreather and weapon::Aye Sir.

CaptFyrstk: ::AS the crew enters the research ship, they find it is filled
with smoke::
CmdrLanceBass: @<XO> +<OPS> Rommie, see if you can pin point the
CaptFyrstk: Visibility is limited to less than a meter in front of them::
CmdrLanceBass: @<XO> :takes out his own tricorder and scans the ship
to see what is causing the problem:
RomnHaas: @<OPS>::Checks his tricorder::
Ens Ratchet: <CSCI<::Is monitoring the people on the research ship on
her scanners as well::
RomnHaas: @<OPS>  I am reading life signs, Commander.  Faint, but they're
about 30 meters away.
GwenivereMarqusa: @<tac>dang
CmdrLanceBass: @<XO> :mutters to himself as he scans: Damn
T L Lost: @Muerta><nurse>::takes out tricorder and holds onto medical
CaptFyrstk: <CO>[CSCI] See what you can do to enhance sensors.
RomnHaas: @<OPS> Commander, it is difficult to guage a direction in all
this smoke
CmdrLanceBass: @<XO> :waves the away the smoke from his face:
<OPS> I am aware of that Lieutenant, try using the direction of the
runabout as a guide.
RomnHaas:  @<OPS>  I have another I-idea, sir.
AlosarKoebera: (waveS)
CmdrLanceBass: :-P
Ens Ratchet: <CSCI>Yes sir
RomnHaas: @<OPS>  Reprograms his tricorder::
Ens Ratchet: (I mean)
Ens Ratchet: <CSCI>[CO] Yes sir
RomnHaas: @<OPS>::Turns in one direction, a slight ping is heard.::
RomnHaas: @<OPS>::Turns in the opposite direction, the ping get slouder.
Lt Jeff Dawson: <ACENG> <CO, CSCI> I have put as much power into the sensors
as I can with out overloading them.
AlosarKoebera: (hand held sonar )
RomnHaas: ((Aye, sir))
GwenivereMarqusa: @<tac>::listens to the pings:: nice
CaptFyrstk: <CO>[CSCI] Has it improved any images?
Ens Ratchet: <CSCI>::struggles to try and get the scanners better in
the badlands:: Not much sir
RomnHaas: @<OPS> This direction, sir.
CmdrLanceBass: @<XO> :does his own scan and frounds, but waits until
rommie makes his report:
Ens Ratchet: <CSCI>[CO] I am working to try and clear the interference
Ens Ratchet: sir
T L Lost: ::listens to the conversation on the bridge, starting to relax at
little with the corrections, though not in a way that would affect the ship::
CmdrLanceBass: @<XO><OPS, TAC, MED> Very well, I want you to
take the rest of the team and find any surviers.  I am going to head for
engineering and see what I can do about getting the fire out and lifesupport
back online.

GwenivereMarqusa: ((WB Cap'n
GwenivereMarqusa: ))
GwenivereMarqusa: ((you two have trouble with AOL too?))
CmdrLanceBass: @<XO> <TAC> :puts his hand on gwen sholders,: I
know, but I will be fine, you take care of Rommie and the good nurse here and
I will call if I need you. Now move out, there are wounded to deal with.
CaptFyrstk: First my fricking cable then my modem.....GRRRRRR
Ens Ratchet: I think it is AOL - everyone here on AOL is going down - sir
GwenivereMarqusa: @<tac>::nods:: Aye Sir
CmdrLanceBass: (:hands lukas a big stiff drink: )
CaptFyrstk: ((Who else is having problems with AOL?))
Ens Ratchet: (IF you want I got the sim log if you want it)
Ens Ratchet: (I am on AIM)
Ens Ratchet: (I did not crash once yet thank god)
GwenivereMarqusa: ((Lucky you Ratch))
RomnHaas: @<OPS>  M-man it's thick as pea soup in here
GwenivereMarqusa: @<tac>That it is Rommie.  Since you're the one with the
sonar thing, where're we off to?
CmdrLanceBass: @<XO> :watches the group head off before heading off in
the other direction, on his way to the ship's engine room:
RomnHaas: @<OPS>::Slides his hand along the bulkhead to find his way down
the corridor
T L Lost: @Muerta><nurse>::follows the others, thinking this is a great
first mission::
RomnHaas: @<OPS>::Feels the sweat dripping down his back::
GwenivereMarqusa: @<tac>::stays close to Rommie so as not to get lost::
RomnHaas: @<OPS>  E-evryone still back there?
GwenivereMarqusa: @<tac>::mutters quietly:: damn it's hot.
CaptFyrstk: ACTION  The rescue team comes to a dead end::
T L Lost: @Muerta><nurse>I'm back here still Lt.
CmdrLanceBass: @<XO> :makes his way over burned bodies and smoked
filled halls as he approches the ships engine section:
RomnHaas: @<OPS>  Almost runs into the bulkhead directly in front of
GwenivereMarqusa: @<tac>::runs into Rommie as he stops abruptly:: sorry
RomnHaas: @<OPS>  I h-have a dead end here.  Anyone feel another corridor
to your l-lef or right?
T L Lost: @Muerta><nurse>[ops]::feels along the walls:: I think there's
one over here.
LtSvonn: <OPS2> Captain, it seems the group has split up.
LtSvonn: <OPS2> I cannot tell which is which but one group is headed fore
and the other aft.
T L Lost: <helm>::looks over at Ops for a moment::
RomnHaas: @<OPS>I-it's worth a try...::moves over to her position.::
CmdrLanceBass: @<XO> :standing infront of the engine room doors
cussing at his tricorder readings: DAMN! :his readings indicate that there is
a big fire in there, and the fire supprsine system was out:
GwenivereMarqusa: @<tac>::moves off after Rommie towards Muerta::
CaptFyrstk: ACTION..Bass's tricorder shows higher temperatures on the other
side of the engine room doors.::
RomnHaas: @<OPS>::Starts moving down the new corridor.::
T L Lost: @Muerta><nurse>::let's the others go ahead and then follows
them, keeping close::
CmdrLanceBass: @<XO> :starts running threw his mind everything he
knows about a ship of this class: Mmmmmmmm, maybe there is a way to take out
the fire.
CaptFyrstk: ACTION::Rom's team goes abot two meters and finds another
corridor on their right.::
RomnHaas: @<OPS>::Feeels the next corridor with his hand::I-I have
another corridor here.
GwenivereMarqusa: @<tac>yeah, but where will it lead us?
Ens Ratchet: <CSCI>::Gets the resolution for a little better with the
RomnHaas: @<OPS>::Turns in the direction down the new corridor.  The
beeps get louder::
CmdrLanceBass: @<XO> :using his tricorder, he scanned around the door
for the the life support contorl chips that he knew were behind that wall:
GwenivereMarqusa: @<tac>::sweat runs down face, wishes she could take the
rebreather off::
LtSvonn: <OPS2>  ::sees the image enhance::
LtSvonn: <OPS2> [CSCI]  That was good.  We need it just a little finer.
CmdrLanceBass: @<XO> :find the panel he is looking for, and then
starts to reporgram the lifesupport system for the engine room to seal it off
and evacuate all the air fromt he room:
RomnHaas: @<OPS>::Moves down the new corridor.::I-I think this is still
taking us foreward.
T L Lost: @Muerta><nurse>Let's hope we get there before it's too late.
RomnHaas: @<OPS>  Yeah, let's hope.
CaptFyrstk: ACTION::As the team moves forward they come to another
RomnHaas: @<OPS> O-Okay.  Now which way?
GwenivereMarqusa: @<tac>I say Left
CmdrLanceBass: @<XO> :finishes his reporgramming and activates it.
almost instently the air is evacuated, and the fire killed.: Yes!!! I am the
T L Lost: @Muerta><nurse>I was going to say right.
RomnHaas: @<OPS>  I really h-hate not being able to see.
GwenivereMarqusa: @<tac>You're definately NOT the only one Rommie.  I really
don't like it.
RomnHaas: @<OPS>  I agree.
RomnHaas: #<OPS>  I-I think we should go right
GwenivereMarqusa: @<tac>::chuckles:: I still think it's left.  But you're
incharge so lead the way.
RomnHaas: @<OPS>::moves off to the right, staying close to the wall::
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> :talking to himself as he undoes his handy work:
Now all I have to do is reverse, this, restore an antmisphore, and unlock
this, and presto chango, :taps the last button: and problem number one is
GwenivereMarqusa: @<tac>::follows Rommie to the right::
CaptFyrstk: ACTION::The pings on the tricorder get louder::
T L Lost: @Muerta><nurse>::follows the others::
GwenivereMarqusa: @<tac>sounds like you two were right.
Ens Ratchet: <CSCI>::Is working at her station::
RomnHaas: @<OPS>::Moves forward in the corridor.::
T L Lost: <helm>::continues with the corrections, hoping the away team
finishes their duty quickly so they can get out of the badlands::
CaptFyrstk: ACTION:: The team comes to another T-intersection, with the dead
end tot heir right.::
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> :smileing to himself, he activates the emergency
lifesupport for the enginering room and enters the badly damaged engine room
GwenivereMarqusa: @<tac>Now which way? Right again?
RomnHaas: @<OPS>  Left.... I-I think
GwenivereMarqusa: @<tac>::chuckles and shakes her head:: figures.
RomnHaas: <OPS>  I-It would stay consistent with forward movement through
the ship
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> :moves over to a bairly funcitonal panel and
starts working, seeing what he can find out about the ships condition:
GwenivereMarqusa: @<tac>well you were right last time . . . so let's go
CmdrLanceBass: @<XO> ;sees something that might be useful +<OPS>
Bass to Haas, come in please.
T L Lost: @Muerta><nurse>::really can't stand the heat::
RomnHaas: @<OPS>  I-I mean, does anyone disagree with that logic?
GwenivereMarqusa: @<tac>No, it does sound logical . . . we keep going right
and we'll end up where we started.
RomnHaas: @<OPS>+[XO]+ Haas here, go ahead sir
T L Lost: @Muerta><nurse>sounds logical to me.
CmdrLanceBass: with all @<XO> :works his tricorder as he talks: I am
the engine room, its a mess down here. 
CmdrLanceBass: I havent had a chance to get lifesupport back up yet but I
found something you might need.  I am transfering to you a current map of the
ship along with all known damage.
CmdrLanceBass: Should help you avoid a few pit falls along the way.
RomnHaas: @<OPS>+[XO]+ Aye, s-sir.  That will be helpful.
GwenivereMarqusa: @<tac>No more guessing right vs left . . .
CaptFyrstk: <CO>[CSCI] How are they making out, ENsign?
CmdrLanceBass: @<XO> I am going to get to work on lifesupport, let me
know when you find the servivers. Bass Out.
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> +<OPS>
RomnHaas: @<OPS>+[XO]+ Aye, sir.  ::Sees the information come to his
tricorder from Bass's
Ens Ratchet: <CSCI>[CO] I have got things cleared up a little better.
By rerouting the flux modulators and focusing the resolution through the
deflector dish I was able to cut down all delta radiation and Ion particles
Ens Ratchet: (I have no idea what I just said)
RomnHaas: ((Wohho, you snowed me, Ratch))
GwenivereMarqusa: (LOL)
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> :opens his tool kit and gets to work, on trying ot
get at least parsal lifesupport online.
GwenivereMarqusa: @<tac>So, what does the map say Rommie? 
RomnHaas: @<OPS>::Studies the schematic::W-we definitely go left.
Ens Ratchet: <CSCI>::brings up the better cleared picture on the view
RomnHaas: @<OPS>::moves forward in the corridor::
GwenivereMarqusa: @<tac>::chuckles:: the sooner we get to the survivors, the
sooner we can get off this flying inferno.  ::follows Rommie::
CaptFyrstk: ACTION::The beeeps are their loudest on the tricorder.::
RomnHaas: @<OPS>::Studies the map once again.  ::Stay on th-this wall.
RomnHaas: @<OPS>  I want to t-try something
GwenivereMarqusa: @<tac>::stays on the wall::
RomnHaas: @<OPS>::Moves out from the wall and directly across the
RomnHaas: @<OPS>::Finds a door::
T L Lost: @Muerta><nurse>::stays put, wondering what he's up to::
RomnHaas: @<OPS>  I-I think they're in here.  Th-the map says it's a mess
T L Lost: @Muerta><nurse>::moves over toward Rommie, following his
voice::Then Let's get in there
RomnHaas: @<OPS>::tries to find a way to open the door.::
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> :mutters to himself as he craws into a jeffrys
tube and starts worrking on the air processing control system:
GwenivereMarqusa: @<tac>::moves over and helps to find a way to get to the
RomnHaas: @<OPS>::finds a manual release for the door.:: T-try and slide
it open, Gwen
GwenivereMarqusa: @<tac>::nods and attempts to open the door::
CaptFyrstk: ACTION The doors slide open easily for her::
GwenivereMarqusa: @<tac>::smiles:: hey, that worked nicely
CaptFyrstk: ::Faint sounds of coughing can be heard inside the room::
RomnHaas: @<OPS>+[XO]+ We've found th-them, sir!
T L Lost: @Muerta><nurse>::moves into the room, turning to her tricorder
to try to find people::
CaptFyrstk: ACTION The smoke inside the room is not as thick as in the
CmdrLanceBass: <Xo> :craws out of the tube and back to the console,
taking a moment to run threw everything in his head, he activated the backup
lifesupport system and waited as fans came on to pull the smoke away and
bring air back in.
CaptFyrstk: Visibilty is increased to five meters.
GwenivereMarqusa: @<tac>::follows Muerta in::Hey, I can see more in here . .
. but it's not a bit cooler.
CaptFyrstk: ACTION:  The ventilation system kicks in and starts moving the
smoke out.::
CaptFyrstk: PAUSE SIM
T L Lost: ::paused::
Ens Ratchet: <BRB!!!!>
GwenivereMarqusa: ::AA::
T L Lost: ::AA::
CmdrLanceBass: :-P
Lt Jeff Dawson: :AA:
RomnHaas: ::AA::
LtSvonn: ::AA::
CmdrLanceBass: :-D
CaptFyrstk: Maggots?
CmdrLanceBass: Whatever....SIR!
CaptFyrstk: Okay
CmdrLanceBass: :AA:
Ens Ratchet: <bak>

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