USS Eagle, NCC 9561

Sim of 031022

Ens Ratchet: ::AA::
CmdrLanceBass: :AA:
Lt Jeff Dawson: :AA:   
Arreanna Rose: -=AA=-
RomnHaas: ::AA::
Ens Noah Fyrstk: ::AA::
CaptFyrstk: Captain's Log, Stardate 031022 (Ah think)
CmdrLanceBass: (The date is correct)
CaptFyrstk: AH'm dead in space.  WEll not me exactly but mah ship, the
captain's yacht is dead in space.
CaptFyrstk: Ah'm not sure at the moment whether Ah made it through the
opening, Ah cain only assume Ah did, just because Ah can record this log. 
CaptFyrstk: Ah am attempting to restore systems.
CaptFyrstk: ((Lance?))
CmdrLanceBass: Ships Log, Stardate 031022 Commander Lance Bass in Command.
CmdrLanceBass: We may have missed our best chance to go home but I am
determaned to assit Voyager in saving the lives of the Federation Starship
CmdrLanceBass: I have informed Captain Janeway of our desision and she and
her staff are beaming over to plan and prepare for our mission.
CmdrLanceBass: End Log.
CaptFyrstk: @<CO>::Starts working on a comm panel to see if he can get the
emergency signal working.::
Ens Ratchet: <CSCI>::Goes in search if Haas to inform him of her and her
staffs discovery::
Arreanna Rose: -=Sitting in her seat on the bridge wondering how they are
going to pull this off.=-
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> :closes recorder and looks up: <OPS> Beam over Janeway
and her staff when she is ready.
Lt Jeff Dawson: ACENG>  :Assiting Gwen in the Level three dionostics
Lance ordered:   
RomnHaas: <OPS>::Checks::Aye,s ir.  Captain Janeway states she is
RomnHaas: <OPS>::Beams Janeway and company over::
Ens Noah Fyrstk: <JANEWAY>::Beams over with Commander Chakotay and Lt.
Commander Tuvok.::
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> :stands up: Have them excorted to Holodeck one. We will
work there. Rommie, Gwen, your with me.
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> <OPS>
CmdrLanceBass: <TAC>**
Ens Ratchet: <CSCI>::Sitting at her science station::
GwenivereMarqusa: <tac>::follows the XO::
RomnHaas: <OPS> Aye, sir.
RomnHaas: <OPS>::Turns his station over to OPS2 and heads out with
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> :enters the TL and waits for both officers to join him
before he orders the lift to deck 6:
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> <TAC> How did the dionostics turn out Gwen?
Ens Noah Fyrstk: <JWY>::Is escorted and waiting outside HD1::
Arreanna Rose: -=Just watches as they leave, silently wishing them good
Lt Jeff Dawson: <ACENG> :moves over to the center seat: <SCI>
How is the assigment going Ratch?   
GwenivereMarqusa: <tac><xo> Sheilds, submoode at 100%, Weapons normal, but
down to 20 Quantum Torpedos Sir.
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> :steps out of the TL and makes his way to HD1: <TAC>
Very good.  I assume you have already got your people preparing spare Photon
Topedoes just in case we will need them.
Ens Ratchet: <CSCI>[ECENG] ::Looks very startked but then smiles:: Very good
sir. I have found the match for the Energy signature
GwenivereMarqusa: <tac>[xo] yes sir
CaptFyrstk: @<CO>::tries to energize a panel.... nothing happens::
Lt Jeff Dawson: <ACENG>  :looks over to the new CNS, raises an eye
brow but then turns back to  Ratch: <SCI> Thats good, thats half the
battle, But what our are  chances of being able to duplicate it long enough
to get home?  
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> <TAC> Good. I know you have things well in hand Gwen.
:approches HD1: JW> Captain. A pleasure to see you again.
Ens Ratchet: <CSCI>My staff are working on it at present. I believe the key
to our returing deals with the Interphasic cloak
Ens Noah Fyrstk: <JWY>  The pleasure is definitely ours, Lance.  WHat
changed your mind?
Ens Noah Fyrstk: ::Chakotay and Tuvok nod hello to the others::
Arreanna Rose: -=Takes a padd out from her pocket, silently reading. Doesn't
catch the look.=-
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> <JW> :motions her and her staff to enter the HD: Oh the fact that I can not turn my back on people in need. And also the fact that with out the Eagle, there is no way the mission could sucesd
Lt Jeff Dawson: <ACENG> The Interphase Cloak?  The Frinkta.  I had a feeling they were involved in this mess.   
EnsNoahFyrstk: <JWY>::Gives that wry smike of hers::You;ll never change Lance
EnsNoahFyrstk: <JWY>::Enters the holodeck followed by her officers::
RomnHaas: <OPS>::Enters the holodeck::
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> <JW> I know. I know you have already meet my acting XO. Lieutenant Haas, but alow me to introduce my tactical officer. Ensign Gwen Marqusa
ensratchet: <CSCI> Yes sir. Unless the Romuylans have found a way but my staff and I believe if they have created their own interphase cloak the energy signature would be slighytly different
EnsNoahFyrstk: <JWY>::Smiles and extends her hand:: A pleasure, Ensign.
Lt Jeff Dawson: <ACENG>   :nods:   Well I will let you get back to work. :turns to Rose:  So how  do you like serving on the Eagle so far?  
Arreanna Rose: -=Blinks and looks up with a smile.=- Sae far i' has preceeded all o' me expec'a'ions, Sir.
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> :moves into the holodeck:  Computer, show me a 3d scamatic of Starbase 325
EnsNoahFyrstk: ::shakes Gwen's hand and turns to her two officers:: You already know Commander Chakotay, and This is my tactcial officer and chief of security Lt. Commander Tuvok
Lt Jeff Dawson: :smiles:  Yes, serving on the Eagle is amazing.  It has exceded my expectations.   
CaptFyrstk: ::The computer does as asked::
*** CaptFyrstk has left the chat.
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> :simply nods to both men:  Here is our target. Starbase 325.
Arreanna Rose: -=Lays the padd in her lap while looking up at him=- Aye, the welcomin' comi'iee tha' Q ga'e was qui'e...unique. -=and chuckles=-
EnsNoahFyrstk: <JWY>::Looks at the holoimage::
Lt Jeff Dawson: <ACENG>  :chuckles with her: Yes it was.  Luckly we dont have to put up with Q  as much as some ships.  Between you and Me I think its because Q is  intimdated by both Flt Commadore Fyrstk and Commander Bass
ensratchet: <CSCI>::Returns to her work::
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> A very well defended base, which I am sure thats why the Dominion wanted it so bad. But I do believe that Mr Haas has found the bases achillies heel.  Mr Haas?
RomnHaas: <OPS>  Computer zoom in and highlight sector 233, panel 5.
RomnHaas: ::The image of the space station spins and zoooms into the specified panel::
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> :watches the image, smiling:
Arreanna Rose: I liked i', reminded me o' me rela'ion with the Q back on campus. -=Shrugs=- then again... we did ge' intae a bi' o' trouble taegether..-=and laughs a bit more=- Bu' as tae why he would be intimida'ed, I don' see why he should.
RomnHaas: <OPS>  W-what you're looking at is a s-seldom used... o-often forgotten access tube.
RomnHaas: <OP>S Computer b-blow the hatch and enter the station.
RomnHaas: ::The panel is blown away and the image zooms into the access way as if they are flying in a ship::
Lt Jeff Dawson: ACENG> You knew Q back when you were in the Acadamy?   
RomnHaas: <OPS>Th=this shaft as you can see is large enough for a D-delta Flyer class shuttle.  It is not sensored and it leads directly to the inside space dock.
Arreanna Rose: Naugh' Q himself, -=shakes her head=- A Q. he was campus securi'y.
CmdrLanceBass: <XO>  It is our hope that the dominion know nothing about this hatch.  After all, most starfleet personel overlook it as well.
RomnHaas: ::the image moves along to show the inside of the space dock and possible ships inside.  It moves along to another small access way.::
RomnHaas: <OPS> From this particular point we could safely t-transport a team inside the auxilary flight control room and get whatever information we need on the starships and crews
Aensai: <CSCI>::Is still working on finding on a way to open and return home as is her staff::
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> <ALL> The Falcon, that is our delta flyer, will have one
other advantage.
Ens Noah Fyrstk: <JWY>  You have a Delta Flyer?
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> <ALL> Using the submode system onboard, she should be
able to sneak into the dock with out being detected.
Ens Noah Fyrstk: <TUVOK>  Excuse me, Commander....the sub mode system?
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> <JWY> Yep, they are being built with all Intrepid class
ships these days. 
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> <TUVOK> Sub mode uses holoemitters and the shields to
create a image around the ship.  Depending on the power avialable, a ship can
appear to be anything in its databanks.
Ens Noah Fyrstk: <JWY>::looks at surprise to her two officers then back
to Lance::You have that capability on this ship as well?
Lt Jeff Dawson: ACENG>  Ahhhhhhhh :smiles; I see.    :lowers voice: Just
between you and me.   what do you think  our chances of helping Voyager and
getting back  home?  
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> <JWY> Yes, but the submode system is not standard.  The
Eagle and the falcon are the only ships in the fleet to use it.
Arreanna Rose: -=Thinks a moment, the smile leaving her face and shakes her
head again=- Tae be hones' with ye...I'm naugh' sure. I'm hopin' 50/50 is in
the'e sumewhe'e, bu' whe'e I don' knae.
Ens Noah Fyrstk: <TUVOK>  Once we have a team aboard the station, what is
the plan for getting us into the station? 
Lt Jeff Dawson: ACENG>  :smiles: I give us an 80 % chance.  Commander
Bass is a great engineer  and a born fighter.  If he cant get us threw this,
then no one can.  
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> <ALL> Once we get a team inside, and they send us the
information that we need, The Eagle will use the sub mode system to appear to
be a Jem' Hadar warship.
CmdrLanceBass: A warship which managed to capture the famed starship
CaptFyrstk: @<CO>  ::tries a second time to energize the panel::
CaptFyrstk: @::The emergency beacon comes to life::
Arreanna Rose: -=Nods, the smile returning=- Sae I'e read. -=Lifting the
padd and waving it slightly=-
Ens Noah Fyrstk: <JWY> They have been wanting to get us, that's for sure
Lt Jeff Dawson: ACENG>  :smiles back, but wonders if she had read his SF
record as well:   
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> <ALL> Once we get inside, were rescue the crews, try and
steall at least two of the ships and get the hell out of there. 
CaptFyrstk: <OPS2>[ACENG] Lt. Dawson?
Lt Jeff Dawson: <ACENG> <Ops2> Yes?   
Ens Noah Fyrstk: ::Janeway's Comm badge sounds off::"lt Kim to
CaptFyrstk: <OPS2>  Sir, I am picking up a distress beacon.
Ens Noah Fyrstk: <JWY> Go ahead Mr. Kim
Lt Jeff Dawson: <ACENG> <OPS2> Locate it. <XO> Bridge to
Commander Bass.   
Ens Noah Fyrstk: @<KIM>"Captain we just started picking up a Federation
distres beacon."
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> :looks at JW and smiles: <ACENG> Bass here, go ahead.
Lt Jeff Dawson: ACENG> +<XO> Sir, we are picking up a Federation
Distress beacon.   
CaptFyrstk: <OPS2>::checks::It's about 2 kilometers from the anamomaly
sight, sir.
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> +<ACENG> Conferm and see if you can identify its scorce.
Lt Jeff Dawson: ,ACENG> +XO>Aye sir, Ops reads it at about 2 KM from
the anomaly sir.    
Ens Noah Fyrstk: <JWY>Locate and identify the source, Mr. Kim.
Lt Jeff Dawson: ACENG> <OPS2> You heard the man, whats the sorce?

CaptFyrstk: <OPS2> Lt!  It's the Eagle's Wing!
Ens Noah Fyrstk: #<KIM> Captain, the transpoder is coming back to a
shuttle called the Eagle's Wing/

Ens Noah Fyrstk: <JWY>::Looks to Bass::One of yours?
CmdrLanceBass: <XO>+<ACENG> LUKAS, Mr Dawson, bring us to with in
transporter range and beam the Captain directly to sickbay.  <SCI> Ensign
Hamaz, report to sickbay.
Aensai: <CSCI>+Bass+ Yes sir!
Lt Jeff Dawson: ACENG>  +<XO> Aye sir, Bridge out.  :orders the
ship brought with in  range: <OPS2> Lock on to the Commdore and beam
him directly to  sickbay.  And then tracter beam the Eagle Wing and     dock
Aensai: <CSCI>::Gets up quickly from her seat and thinking it must be
an emergency for him to pull her from her work hurries to the turbo life
where she orders sickbay::
RomnHaas: <OPS>::tries to hide his building enthusiasm at the news::
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> :smiles:<JWY> Aye, thats our airo wing.  And she is
carrying the Eagle's Captain.  Fleet Commodore Lukas Styles.
CaptFyrstk: ((AHEM!!))
Aensai: <CSCI>::Arriving on the sickbay deck she hurries into
CmdrLanceBass: (woops sorry,) LUkas Fyrstk*
CaptFyrstk: ((She took mah name, Ah didn't take hers.))
Aensai: (APRIL?!?!?!?)
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> <JWY> Kathryn, if you will excuse us, Me and my officers
need to welcome back our commanding officer.
Ens Noah Fyrstk: <JWY>  Fyrstk?  A commodore ow?
Aensai: <CSCI>::She walks into Sickbay looking about wondering what
was the emergency::
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> <JWY> :nods: YOur welcome to join us if you like.
Ens Noah Fyrstk: <JWY>  I would be delighted.
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> :motions to the doors: <JWY, OPS, Tac>Lets go.
Ens Noah Fyrstk: <TUVOK>  I do have a question for you commander.
Ens Noah Fyrstk: ::JWY and crew follow along::
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> <TUV> :walks to the nearest TL: Shoot
GwenivereMarqusa: <tac>::walks to the TL with the rest::
Ens Noah Fyrstk: <TUVOK>  Have you decided on who is going on the initial
assault team?
CaptFyrstk: ::Gets beamed directly to sick bay::
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> <TUV> From my staff, yes, Ensign Marqusa commanding the
team, Ens Hamaz for medical, and an engineer to help run the submode.  But I
was hopeing Captain Janeway would also asign a few of her crew.
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> :orders the lift to take them one deck up:
Aensai: <CSCI>::Looks a little nervous now in medical. She looks about
wondering if she should activate the EMH. She picks up a medical kit then
near jumps in surprise whent he commodore materializes::\
Ens Noah Fyrstk: <TUVOK>  I would of course be requesting to go along,
and work with your tactical officer.
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> :exits the TL and heads for sickbay:  <TUV> That is fine
with me as long as your Captain has no objections.
CaptFyrstk: <CO> Ensign Hamza....good to see you.
CaptFyrstk: <CO> Now what are you doing in sick bay?
Aensai: <CSCI>::Jumps to attention:: Yes sir. I am here to see if you
are okay sir. ::pulls out a medical scanner and starts to run it over him::
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> :enters sick bay and see both ratch and LUkas: <CO>
Commodore, welcome back.
Ens Noah Fyrstk: <JWY>  No offense to your officers, Lance but I would
almost insist Tuvok go along
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> <SCI> How is he Ensign?
CaptFyrstk: <CO>::Sees Lance enter.:: Lance!......Admiral Janeway?
Aensai: <CSCI>::Continues to scan the Commodore::
Ens Noah Fyrstk: <JWY>  Not yet, Commodore.  Still a this
CmdrLanceBass: <XO> :smiles and looks to Janeway: <CO> We sorta ran into the
Voyager of this universe Sir.
CaptFyrstk: PAUSE SIM

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