USS Eagle, NCC 9561

Sim of 050525

EnsignMelody: ::AA::
RomnHaas: ::AA::
Cadet Stuart: ::AA::
GwenivereMarqusa: ::AA::
T L Lost: ::AA::
EnsignMelody: (CSci)::AA::
Malachi Styles: ::AA::
CommoLukasFyrstk: Captain's Log, Stardate 59357.87
CommoLukasFyrstk: We have been in a holding paosition at the rendezvous point 

where Commander Bass we supposed to meet us.  He had left behahnd a log buoy 

explaining where he had gone...
CommoLukasFyrstk: But this far we have not been able to pick up any distress 

signal or sahgn of Commander Bass's runabout.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Ah have asked Commander Marqusa to hold off on her briefing 

whahle we searched, but wil now allow her to comence with it.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>[AXO]  Gwen, Ah'm sory to hold you up.  You cain call your 

briefing when you are ready
GwenivereMarqusa: [co] Aye Sir. I'm just as worried about Commander Bass.  

He has a knack of getting himself into trouble.
EnsignMelody: ::Goes back to reading her book.::
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>  Ah'll have the replacement SCAENCE OFFICER CONTINUE 

GwenivereMarqusa: [all on away mission] Please meet in Conference Room 1
Azanna Danare has entered the room.
GwenivereMarqusa: [co] ::nods:: I hope you find him Sir.
RomnHaas: OPS>::Moves out of his seat and heads fro the conference room.::
GwenivereMarqusa: ::heads to the Conference Room::
EnsignMelody: (CSci) ::Gets up and heads for Confrence room::
T L Lost: ::stands up and heads to the conference room with everyone else::
Malachi Styles: ::re-enters sick bay.  Sees Melody::
GwenivereMarqusa: ((brb))
EnsignMelody: ::Is reading the section on Clarvoince::
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>:: walks to the conference room to observe, just as Col 

Suntun comes in::
Malachi Styles: Hi, Melody.
EnsignMelody: (Csci) ::Has the specs on the Orion ship on a PADD with her.::
Cadet Stuart: [test]
CommoLukasFyrstk: [pass]
cmdrlancebass01 has entered the room.
Cadet Stuart: [my im isnt working then.]
CommoLukasFyrstk: Col S>::takes a seat at the conference table::
EnsignMelody: ::Looks up from her book to see Malachi.:: Hello Mal. ::Smiles:: 

Sorry I didn't hear you come in I was engrossed in my book.
cmdrlancebass01: (Sorry I am late)
Malachi Styles: I noticed..::Shy smile:: I can come back..umm.. later if you're 

GwenivereMarqusa: ((bak . . . ::thwaps Jeffie/Bassieboy::-))
RomnHaas: (Lashes for Jeff later for being late))
EnsignMelody: AMO>If I was busy I wouldn't be reading.
RomnHaas: OPS>::Sits at the table, wondering who Suntun is.::
Azanna Danare has left the room.
GwenivereMarqusa: ::takes a seat, waiting for everyone::
cmdrlancebass01: (GRRRRRR I need to call my cable company in the morning.  My 

internet is as slow as dialup.
Malachi Styles: ::blushes:: Well you could be busy with the book.
EnsignMelody: Csci> ::Is at the table with a PADD::
Cadet Stuart: Ratchet>::enters conference room with padd and sits a little 

preoccupied with thoughts::
cmdrlancebass01:  :leaves his quarters and heads up 2 decks to where the 

meeting is going to start:
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>::remains in the background::
EnsignMelody: AMO> ::Thinks hes so cute when he blushes.:: Well I'm really not 

Malachi Styles: ::Sits down and smiles again::  I was tinking we could maybe try 

a few things.
cmdrlancebass01:  :enters the meeting and takes his place:
GwenivereMarqusa: Well, I believe we are all here, finally.
RomnHaas: OPS2>::On the bridge scanning all lower frequency channels for the 

distress call::
EnsignMelody: AMO> Ok... What do we want to try first?
Malachi Styles: Well, the simple things.  I will toss a thought your way a-and 

you try and blcok me.
GwenivereMarqusa:  ::motions to the Colonel:: This is Colonel Suntun.  He 

has come aboard to lead a rescue, of sorts, mission.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Suntun>::Nods to all the team::
EnsignMelody: AMO> Alrighty... From what I read of mental blocks I have to sort 

of imagin a wall or something right?
GwenivereMarqusa:  the USS Checkov has gone missing.  It was last on a 

mission within Spaculan territory.
Malachi Styles: Tight!::an eagerness comes to his eyes::  I was reading it is one 

of the first principles to learn how to put up the blocks.
Malachi Styles: You don't want people seeing al your secrets.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Suntun>::Watches the reactions of the team::
EnsignMelody: AMO> ::builds an image in her mind of a brick wall then nods to 

Malachi Styles: ~Hi, Melody.~
GwenivereMarqusa:  We believe that our favorite person, Gladiam, has the 

ship in his possession.
cmdrlancebass01:  :roles his eyes at Gwen's last statement:  
Malachi Styles: SCI2>::Sees strange energy readings in the Spaculaan territory::
T L Lost: ::listens, not really responding::
RomnHaas: OPS2>::receives the distress call from the Frinkta carrier::
Cadet Stuart: Ratchet>::Listens::
EnsignMelody: AMO> ::Does her best to block Mal's message::
RomnHaas: OPS2>+[CO]+  OPs to Commodore Fyrstk.
EnsignMelody: CSci>::Raises her hand.::
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>+Yaps badge+::Quietly:: Fyrstk here.
GwenivereMarqusa:  We will be taking an Orion Ship and searching for the 

ship.  To make things more difficult ::gwen paused for a second:: The Checkov has 

a cloak.
Malachi Styles: ::Easily pushes past Melody's block.::~Try again.~
RomnHaas: OPS2>+[CO]+  I am sending you some data you might be interested in, 

EnsignMelody: AMO> Dang. ::This time imagins a wall of steel.::
Cadet Stuart: Ratchet>CMO>Isn't that against the treaty of Algernon with the 

CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>:looks at the data being sent.::
cmdrlancebass01:  Excuse me sir, but did I hear right?  A cloaking 

Cadet Stuart: Ratchet>::thinks the Romulans are going to be pissed::
CommoLukasFyrstk: Suntun>  The Romulans have done their own share of breaking the 

treaty, Doctor.
EnsignMelody: CSci> And why are we taking an Orion ship? I scaned it. Tis a piece 

of junk.
GwenivereMarqusa: [eng] unfortunately Jeff
Cadet Stuart: Ratchet>Yes but for us it is hypocritical. We pride ourselves 

on not and yet we do
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>::walks forward to adress the group::
GwenivereMarqusa: [sci] Colonel Suntun believes that Gladiam is expecting 

the Eagle -- ::looks over to Lukas:: Something wrong Captian?
CommoLukasFyrstk: Suntun>[CMO]  In a perfect universe, Dr.  We wouldn't have to.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> Ah've just been shown some data that wil pertain to your 

cmdrlancebass01:   I cant believe I am saying this but I agree with 

the doctor here.  
GwenivereMarqusa: [co] Please share Sir
EnsignMelody: CSci> Couldn't we just make the Eagle look like an Orion ship with 

our sub mode?
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>  Gladaham apparently does have the Chekov, and has already 

used it.
GwenivereMarqusa: [cmo,eng] That debate is for another time.
GwenivereMarqusa: [co] Used it?  Where Sir?
cmdrlancebass01:   Yes sir.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>  We are showing sahgns of Phaser fahre against a squadrn of 

Frinkta fahghters.
GwenivereMarqusa: ::frowns:: Then the sooner we get underway, the sooner we 

can get the ship back.
Malachi Styles: :Tries to push down the new wall.  It takes him a little longer, 

but still succeeds::~Surprise!
EnsignMelody: AMO> Drat. ::Thinks of a very thick brick wall reenforced with 

CommoLukasFyrstk: Suntun>::Mentally thanks Gwen for stoping the debate::  
Malachi Styles: :tries to push past the wall.  Is unsuccessful::
Malachi Styles: ::Smiles::Good job.
EnsignMelody: CSci> I would still like to know why we can't use this ship under 

sub mode. That Freighter surely can't stand up to a Defiant class ship
EnsignMelody: AMO>~Cool!~
RomnHaas: OPS>  We shouldn't have much trouble getting our Trojan horse in shape
cmdrlancebass01: :laughes a bitter laugh:  We can only hope so Rommie.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Suntun>  [CSCI]  They will be looking for the Eagle.  Then they 

wil either hide the Chekov or use it against us with the cloak
GwenivereMarqusa: [sci] Josie, with the Checkov, Gladiam has access to 

starfleet database. 
Malachi Styles: Now you try and enter my mind.
GwenivereMarqusa:  While they can't access everything, they have access to a 

lot more.
GwenivereMarqusa:  and like Colonel Suntun said they are looking for the 

Eagle and know about her submode.
RomnHaas: OPS>  They could gain access to Eagle's codes and shut down our systems
EnsignMelody: CSci> Ok if we are playing Trojan horse why not use a Frinkta 

freighter? Wouldn't that be a more tempting target?
cmdrlancebass01:  Including alot of technical information.  Information 

that will advance the spaculan empire another 50 years or more.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Suntun>  I'm afraid they already ave a lot of that information. 

 They did gain control of the Chekov somehow
GwenivereMarqusa:  I don't think the mission is to get blown up or attacked 

and a Frinkta freighter would be a good target.
GwenivereMarqusa:  We want to Catch Gladiam unprepared for any type of 

EnsignMelody: AMO> Ok...~Hey Mal. Can you hear me?~
CommoLukasFyrstk: Suntun>  We dont have a Frinkta ship to use.  They do trade 

with the Orions though
Malachi Styles: ~Yep.  Loud and clear.  Now I will try and block you.~
Malachi Styles: ::Sets up a mental block::
GwenivereMarqusa: Rommie, I'm going to want you to find out as much 

information as you can about the Checkov.  
EnsignMelody: AMO> ::Focuses really hard:: ~MAL. YOUR DEFENSES WILL NOT LAST~ 

::Of course every telepath on the ship can hear it.::
RomnHaas: OPS>Not ap-problem, Commander.
GwenivereMarqusa: Josie, I want you and Max to be familar with the Checkov, 

and also the area around the Checkov's last known position before it disapeared 

and the area that it attacked the freighter.
Malachi Styles: ::Mental lock easily goes down and Mal winces from the "loudness" 

in his head::
cmdrlancebass01:   Excuse me sir, but do we know if Gladiam 

was able to change the Checkov's codes?
Cadet Stuart: Ratchet>CMO>::jumps in surprose:: What the bloody Hell?
Malachi Styles: ~ Don't push so hard, Melody.~
EnsignMelody: AMO> Oh Mal.. I didn't hurt you did I?
Cadet Stuart: Ratchet>::is Vulcan and thus a telepath::
GwenivereMarqusa: ::looks over to Colonel Suntun to answer that::
Malachi Styles: It dd hurt a little, but I'm okay.
GwenivereMarqusa: Ratch, you okay?
Cadet Stuart: Ratchet>::touches her temple looking about not a little 

startled or confused:: Yeah. Yeah . . I think. . weird
EnsignMelody: AMO> Sorry. 
CommoLukasFyrstk: Suntun>[CENG]  We should assume that he has.  however every 

Starship has a "backdoor."
EnsignMelody: CSci> And you know what it is right?
GwenivereMarqusa:  ::nods to Ratch, having a strong block almost always in 

place, doesn't even realize that anything happened::
Malachi Styles: It's okay.  Just ry a small push. You really came at me.
Cadet Stuart: Ratchet>::sits down wondering, her shields sometims down to 

get a feel of things around her::
GwenivereMarqusa: Jeff, I want you to be as familar as you can with both the 

Checkov and the Orion Ship.  You're going to need to hold the thing together for 

EnsignMelody: AMO> Ok  tell me when you are ready.
cmdrlancebass01:   Yes sir, I AM aware of that backdoor.  I was 

trained by the best.  
CommoLukasFyrstk: Suntun>[CSCI]  I am a soldier, Lt.  I look to you people to 

know the backdoors.
RomnHaas: OPS>  W-we shouldn't have any problems there, Josie
EnsignMelody: CSci> Sir I am a walking computer system. IF anyone knows about 

backdoors its me.
cmdrlancebass01:   Between you and Max, I dont think we will have a 

problem then.
GwenivereMarqusa: Soren, I want you to become as familar as you can with the 

Orion tactical systems and the checkov's.
GwenivereMarqusa: Soren>::nods::
CommoLukasFyrstk: Suntun>  Our bigest problem will be knowing the location of 

their people on the Chekov.
RomnHaas: OPS>  Pproviding we CAN find the Chekov
EnsignMelody: CSci> Any hope that they needed any of the Chekov's crew to run the 

Malachi Styles: I'm ready now.:put up his mental blocks::
GwenivereMarqusa: [ops] From the sounds of it Rommie, I don't think that's 

going to be a problem.  Gladiam seems to want to use it.
cmdrlancebass01:  :nods to Gwen to acknowledge her orders:  Not a 

problem, once we get thru the back door, we can use the Chekov's own intruder 

system to realeave Gladiam of his command.
EnsignMelody: AMO> ~Melody to Mal. Melody to Mal... I think you are the cutest 

boy on this ship~
EnsignMelody: AMO> ::Looks to see if he blushes.::
Malachi Styles: ::his wall comes down as he is caught by surprise by her comment, 

she is suddenly flooded with his embarrassing thoughts::
Malachi Styles: ::blushes big time::
GwenivereMarqusa:  Ratch, look over the Orion's specs to see what you might 

need to bring to keep the crew together.
EnsignMelody: AMO> ::Blushes at Mal's thoughts.::
Cadet Stuart: Ratchet>Yes sir
GwenivereMarqusa: Tru, you get to fly that trojan horse.  
CommoLukasFyrstk: Suntun>  I agree Gladiam will have no problem making this ship 

know, especially now.
Malachi Styles: I...I'm sory about that.
T L Lost: ::nods and mutters quietly:: assuming that thing will even fly.
EnsignMelody: Max>::Through the PADD.:: I bet they have a 386 system on that 

Malachi Styles: new at this too
EnsignMelody: AMO> I am very flattered you think of me that way...
Malachi Styles: ::BLushes even more.::
GwenivereMarqusa: Colonel, do you have anything you'd like to add?
Malachi Styles: May...maybe we should stop ....ummmm ....for now.
EnsignMelody: AMO> If you want to. 
EnsignMelody: AMO> Or we could try something else...
CommoLukasFyrstk: Suntun>  Just that...despite comments made by the command of 

Starbase 325, I have the utmost faith in your abilities to pul this off to a 

succesful conclusion
CommoLukasFyrstk: Suntun> There have been more positive comments from around the 

fleet about the crew of this ship.
GwenivereMarqusa: ::frowns at the mention of Starbase 325, but keeps quiet 

on that::
T L Lost: ::thinks starbase 325 is just jealous::
Malachi Styles: ::is totally embarrassed.::  I... think I have some more..... 

homework to do.
EnsignMelody: Max> Thats cause the commander of Starbase 325 is a...::Josie 

covers the speaker.::
GwenivereMarqusa: Josie, it's going to be VERY important that Max doesn't go 

off and do his own thing.
cmdrlancebass01:  :looks over at Josie and bearly covers a laugh:
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> Ah want you all to know Ah have the utmost faith in you as 

EnsignMelody: CSci> I think he's been doing a very good job at asking permission 

CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>  And the Eagle will be watching, ready to scoop ya up if 

you need it
GwenivereMarqusa: As of late, he has been doing a great job.
CommoLukasFyrstk: PAUSE SIM

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