USS Eagle, NCC 9561

Sim of 060405

T L Lost: ::AA::
Lt Tebok trKhev: ::AA::
GwenivereMarqusa: ::AA::
RomnHaas: ::AA::
Malachi Styles: ::AA::
CommoLukasFyrstk: Captain's Log, Stardate 74215.06 (03/20/2397, 12:00 hours)
CommoLukasFyrstk: We have transported the Federation President and his entourage to a safe-base.  Needless to say that he was very appreciative of our tahmely rescue.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Fortunately we were able to make a clean escape from the T'Kil.  The Eagle, however has suffered some hull damage from the slip-stream jump.
CommoLukasFyrstk: We are awaiting duranium supplahes come in with the USS Targo.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Meanwahle we are still trahing to fahnd a way to send the past-crew back to their tahme... and universe.
CommoLukasFyrstk: They have had use of the stellar cartography lab which had been shut down to conserve power on the ship.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> [OPS]  Commander.  Inform me the moment the Targo is in sensor range.  We need to get these repairs completed.
Malachi Styles: SCI> ::working in the S-C lab.::
T L Lost: HPW><Ops>[co] Aye sir
CommoLukasFyrstk: Rohan>:Walks into the S-C lab::  Yo, Mal!  How's it going?
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>::in the stellar cartography lab:: How are things going Mal?
Lt Tebok trKhev: Ratchet><CMO>::In sickbay doing stuff -- a little lost from frequent absences::
Malachi Styles: SCI> ::Looks to Rohan and Gwen, who asked the same question at the same time::  Well, I know we could go back in time, but jumping universes..... that's a whole other matter.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Rohan> ::Sits down at the console and starts looking over Mal's data.::
CommoLukasFyrstk: Rohan>  Mal, you are a genius. No wonder you...... :Stops before he reveals something he shouldn't::  Well, you are a genius.
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>Anything that I can do to help Mal?  I'm not the best when it comes to science
Malachi Styles: SCI> ::smiles at his "younger" brother, then looks over at Gwen:: We need some out-of-the-box thinking,
Commander.  I'm just going on scientific facts right now.
CommoLukasFyrstk: ACTION: The Targo comes into sensor
CommoLukasFyrstk: Ronov> ::Enters the SC-Lab::What about
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>::chuckles:: Well, when it comes to tactics, I am great with out of the box thinking
T L Lost: HPW><ops>Captain, I have the Targo on the edge of sensors.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>[OPS]  Thank you, Commander.  Raise her, will you please?
T L Lost: HPW><Ops> Aye sir.  ::hails the Targo::
RomnHaas: @Targo-CO> +[Eagle]+  Targo here, go ahead, Eagle.
Malachi Styles: SCI> ::Gives Ronov a strange look::
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>::looks over to Ronov as he enters::
CommoLukasFyrstk: Rohan> Ronnie you don't be stupid.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Ronov>  What stupid? Y'all want out-of-the-box thinking and that is a way for them to return to their universe.
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo> Will it work Mal?
Malachi Styles: SCI>  Sliding is a theory, sir.  I am not certain.....
T L Lost: Tru>::walks into sickbay::
CommoLukasFyrstk: Ronov>  Slahding is a reality.  It was done back in your tahme bah Admiral Quentin Mallory.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Rohan> Yeah, and we haven't heard from them in years!
Lt Tebok trKhev: Ratchet>::Is playing a game in her office during the lull of things::
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo> What would we have to do?
Malachi Styles: SCI> and we would need some sort of generator, wouldn't we?
T L Lost: Tru>::Peeks into Ratchet's office::
Lt Tebok trKhev: Ratchet>::rather hurried attempt to hide what she was doing and to try and look working:: Errr hello
CommoLukasFyrstk: Ronov>  We could get what we needed at Moonbase Alpha.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Rohan>  Now I know you are loco, brother.  Moon Bas Alpha was destroyed.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>[OPS]  Any replah from Targo?
T L Lost: Tru>Hi . . . I was . . . uh . . . wondering if you had . . . umm . . . any games I could . . . uh . . . barrow.
T L Lost: HPW><Ops>Aye Sir, ::puts them on screen::
Lt Tebok trKhev: Ratchet>::blinks in surprise:: I think so. You aren't on duty or something?
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> ::looks up at the screen:: Captain!  Good to see you again.
RomnHaas: @T-CO> +[Eagle]+ The pleasure is all mine, Commodore.  I wish the circumstances were much better.
T L Lost: Tru>::smiles slyly::
Lt Tebok trKhev: Ratchet>I won't tell if you won't tell on me
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>+[Targo]+  AS do Ah.  Ah have picked up something very interesting about fahve days ago.
T L Lost: Tru>::smiles and moves over around her desk:: What do you have?
CommoLukasFyrstk: Ronov> ::Loks away from his brother and addresses Gwen::  Rumor is the base wasn't destroyed, merely abandoned.
RomnHaas: @T-CO> +[Eagle]  And what would that be?
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>Rumor has it?  How much can those rumor be trusted?  And what are the risks of going there?
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> [OPS]  Commander, send Targo the dtat on our guests.
T L Lost: HPW>[Ops]::sends the information over to the Targo::
Lt Tebok trKhev: Ratchet>Well, I have this card game that I like but I also have a racing game and I like these side scrolling action games. I have several.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Rohan>  There just rumors, Commander. And the risk of running into T'Kil there is high.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Ronov> ::looking only at Gwen::  The runors are from good sources, Commander.  And the T'Kil very rarely simply occupah territory.  They conquer an' move on
RomnHaas: @T-CO> ::looks at the data sent from the Eagle. ::  This is interesting, sir.  Permission to come aboard, when we arrive?
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo> I see.  Mal, figure out what we'll need.
Malachi Styles: SCI> A better ship than what we have in the shuttle bay, that is for certain.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Rohan>  [AXO]  Commander?  are you seriously considering this?
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo> I don't want to rule anything out Rohan.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Ronov> ::Smiles::  That is whah Pop made you his XO..... Sir.
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>::grins:: I also want other ideas.
Malachi Styles: SCI> [Rohan]  Do we have data on Quenton's work?
T L Lost: Tru>::looks at her games:: hmmm . . . Got any war games?
CommoLukasFyrstk: Rohan> ::Sits down at the computer a bit disgruntled::  Yes. ::Taps on the console to bring up the data::
Lt Tebok trKhev: Ratchet>You mean like shooter games? I do have several
CommoLukasFyrstk: ACTION:: The Targo arives at the star base.  It starts seding over the raw material to repair the hull::
T L Lost: Tru>Yeah, something like that.
Lt Tebok trKhev: Ratchet>::reaches into her desk:: I especially like anything to do with . . . Romulans. Take a look ::hands him several::
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>+[AXO]+Fyrstk to Commander Marqusa.
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>+CO+ Marqusa here Captain.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>+[AXO]+  Cain you come to mah ready room, Commander?
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>+co+ I'm on my way sir.
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>You three, keep working.  I want a list of the supplies we need and a plan on how to use the sliding technology to get home.  Also, keep thinking of other ideas.
Malachi Styles: SCI> [AXO]  Aye, sir.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Rohan> You're right about that shuttle, Mal.  That doesn't even have it's own power source.
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>::heads to the ready room::
CommoLukasFyrstk: Ronov>  Ah'll agree the shutle is useless, but Ah'm sure we'll come up with something.  You two do the calculations.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>:Sits in the ready room::
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>::arrives at the ready room and chimes the door::
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> Enter.
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>::enters the room:: You wanted to see me sir?
RomnHaas: T-CO>::Stands as she enters the room::
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>  Commander.  Ah'm sure you remem.... errr know the captain of the USS Targo.
RomnHaas: T-CO> ::Smiles seeing her again:: Hello, Gwen
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>::looks to the Captain of the Targo:: Greetings Captain.
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>::she tried to repress a smile::


USS Eagle, NCC 9561

Sim of 060412

Lt JG Melody: ::AA::
Lt Tebok trKhev: Dominoes
Lt Tebok trKhev: ::AA::
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: ::AA::
RomnHaas: ::AA::
Malachi Styles: ::AA::
GwenivereMarqusa: ::AA::
T L Lost: ::AA::
CommoLukasFyrstk: Captain's Log, Supplemental:
CommoLukasFyrstk: The repairs to the Eagle's hull are complete.  We have turned our attentions to getting the tahme-displaced Eagle crew back to their own tahme and universe.
CommoLukasFyrstk: We have decahded to head back to Sector 001, and see if we can locate whatever information is available on Admiral Mallory's slahding equipment.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Captain Haas has offered to accompany us with his ship the USS Targo.
CommoLukasFyrstk: It will be of no help if the T'Kil are still occupahing the sector, but it will be good to have someone watching our backs whahle we do what needs to be done.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Ah have ofered Tru te chance to re-take his "old" post at helm.  He has always been one of the best pahlots this ship has ever had.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> [OPS]  Clear us from space dock, Commander.
Lt Tebok trKhev: Ratchet>::In sickbay::
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: CSci/XO> ::Takes her seat in the XO's chair.::
CommoLukasFyrstk: ACTION:  OPS receives a signal from an incoming shuttle::
T L Lost: <hpw>[Ops] Aye Sir.  I'm recieving a signal from an incoming shuttle Captain.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> [OPS]  Raises an eyebrow: Are we expecting anyone?  Put it on screen.
T L Lost: <hpw>[Ops]::puts it  on screen:: Not that I'm aware of Sir.
Lt JG Melody: AMO> ::Sits quietly in Stelar Cartogphy::
Malachi Styles: @ Fitire-SCI> +[EAGLE]+ Sparrow to Eagle.  Requesting permission to dock before you leave, sir.
Malachi Styles: SCI> ::sitting in Stellar Cartography, bows his head suddenly as if he has a headache::
Lt JG Melody: AMO>::Whispers:: What's wrong Mal?
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> ::smiles:: +[Sparrow]+  Permission granted, Mal.  We weren't expecting you back.
Lt JG Melody: AMO>::Her eyes widen as she senses the other Mal::
Malachi Styles: SCI> ::looks up::  I..... feel like something echoed inside my head.
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>::looks from the screen to her timeline Mal:: This isn't good
Lt JG Melody: AMO>::Looks at Gwen and suddenly bolts from the room.::
Malachi Styles: @F-SCI> +[Eagle]+  I've finished my studies, sir, and think I may have some answers.
Malachi Styles: SCI> ::Looks at Gwen::  Why do you say that, Commander?
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> +[Sparrow]+  Ah look forward to hearing what you have found.  Ah also have some strange news.
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo> Two of you in close proximity Mal, and with your strong psi-ability especially.
Malachi Styles: @F-SCI> +[Eagle]+  I can feel him, sir.  I will be interested in hearing what happened.
Lt JG Melody: AMO>::gets in to the TL:: Shuttle bay.
Malachi Styles: SCI> [AXO]  Can you feel him too, Commander?  You think my future-self is coming?
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>[OPS]  Guahde the Sparrow in, Commander, then let's get under way.
Lt JG Melody: AMO>::Exits into the shuttlebay and waits for the shuttle.::
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>::wonders where Meldoy is running off to now, hoping she doesn't go starting trouble::
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo> Yeah, and I don't think it's that great of an idea.
RomnHaas: @ T-CO> ::Back on his own bridge waiting for the Eagle to head out::
Malachi Styles: SCI>  It doesn't hurt, sir.  It just.... surprised me.  I can tell exactly what he is doing also.
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: CSci/XO>::Watches as Mal's shuttle docks::
Malachi Styles: F-SCI> ::sits back as the Eagle's flight control takes over the docking of his shuttle::
Malachi Styles: F-SCI> ::Exits the shuttle after it is shut down::
Lt JG Melody: AMO>Mal?
Malachi Styles: F-SCI> ::Stops suddenly....extremely shocked.::  Melody?
Lt JG Melody: AMO> ::Nods::
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> Helm.  Take us out.  Once clear of the stations influence go to maximum warp.
Lt JG Melody: AMO> I'm glad you are ok...
Malachi Styles: F-SCI> ::Wants to scoop her up on his arms::  Wh-what are you ding here?...... Wait.  You're here with ... him, aren't you?
Lt JG Melody: AMO>::Nods:: Yes
T L Lost: <helm>Aye Captain.  ::takes off away from the station::
RomnHaas: @T-CO> ::Orders his ship to follow the Eagle::
Lt JG Melody: AMO> Mal I need to know. Everyone else is here but me. What happens to me in this timeline?
Malachi Styles: F-Sci> :: deliberately blocks his mind form her and the younger Mal::  I cannot tell you, Melody.  I wish I could, but you should know better.
Lt JG Melody: AMO>::Looks at him with big sad eyes.::
Malachi Styles: SCI> [AXO]  Sir, maybe you should have Melody come back here.  My other slef just literally shut off a part of his link to me
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>I'm glad he did.  +Mel+ Marqusa to Melody, please return to Stellar Cartography.
Malachi Styles: F-SCI> ::Melts::  Now don't do that to me, Mel.  You know I cannot resist them eyes, but you also know how knowing future events can mess things up real bad.
Lt JG Melody: AMO> I died didn't I? I did something stupid and got myself killed.
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: CSci/XO> Sir I think we should be getting underway.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>[CSCI/XO]  Yoshi, Ah'm going below, you have the conn.
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>+Mel+ Please respond Lt.
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: CSci/XO> Yes sir.
CommoLukasFyrstk: ((The ship should already be underway))
Lt JG Melody: AMO>::Turns away and heads for the TL.:: +Gwen+ On my way, Sir.
Malachi Styles: F-SCI>  Mel?
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>Mal, make sure she returns.  I'm going to head up to the Bridge.
Lt JG Melody: AMO> ::Turns back.:: Yes, Mal?
Malachi Styles: F-SCI>  ::soft smile::  You haven't done anything stupid.
Malachi Styles: SCI>[AXO]  Aye, sir.
Lt JG Melody: AMO>::Smiles as the TL doors close.::
Malachi Styles: F-SCI> ::waits for the next lift::
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: CSci/XO> Commander let me know the second anything appears on sensors.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> ::Exits the TL just as Gwen is ready to enter::
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>::looks up surprised to see the CO:: I was just on my way to the Bridge sir.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> [AXO]  And Ah was on mah way to see you.  how goes the planning?
Malachi Styles: F-SCI> Computer.  Locate my father.
Lt JG Melody: AMO>::Enters SC.::Well you look good Mal.
CommoLukasFyrstk: COMPUTER> Commodore Fyrstk is outside Stellar Cartography.
Malachi Styles: SCI> ::Looks over to Melody,::  It didn't hurt....o!  You mean the other me?
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>It's going pretty well. 
Malachi Styles: F-SCI> ::Takes the lift to where the CO and AXO are::
Lt JG Melody: AMO> You are going to be even more handsome when you get older.
Malachi Styles: F-SCI> ::Smiles at Gwen as he steps out of the lift sporting Lieutenant's pips::
Malachi Styles: SCI> ::Blushes::
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>::smiles to Mal:: You definitely have grown, Lt.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> Mal, you remember Commander Marqusa.
Malachi Styles: F-SCI> ::Salutes and becomes more military like::  Hello, Commander it is god to see you again
T L Lost: <helm>::relaxes at the helm, starts thinking about his games::
Malachi Styles: F-SCI> [CO]  Sir, if we can, I think we should try to get to Moonbase Alpha.
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>That's actually where we're heading Mal.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> ::Raises a brow:: 
Malachi Styles: F-SCI> ::Looks momentarily confused::  You are?  Did you find out something also?
Malachi Styles: SCI> I must have gotten a goo dhandle on these psi-poweres, Melody.  He can shut me of like a switch.
Lt JG Melody: AMO> Yes looks like you get quite good at using your powers.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>[F-SCI]  We elieve we can get this crew back to their universe and tahme bah some information stored there.
Lt JG Melody: AMO>::Still looks alittle sad.::
Malachi Styles: F-SCI>  By using the sliding technology...... Yes, of course.
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>Yup
CommoLukasFyrstk: ACTION:  Several hours pass, the two ships enter Sector 001::
T L Lost: <helm> We are entering Earth's Sector
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> ::Just arriving back on the bridge::
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: CSci/XO> I was just about to call you sir. We have entered Sector 001.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>  Thank you, Yoshi.  Helm.  Slow to 3/4 impulse.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>  Commander Wren, engage the sub mode and have the Targo hold back til we are certain the sector is clear.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> ::re-takes his seat:: Take us in nahce ans slow, Mr. Lost.  Yoshi. Take a good hard lok around.
T L Lost: <hpw>::grumbles a little about having to keep the submode up, but engages:: +Targo+ Please hold back until we have checked the sector out.
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: CSci/XO>::Gets up and mans the Science station engaging sensors.:: Aye sir.
Lt Tebok trKhev has left the room.
T L Lost: <Helm> Aye sir.
RomnHaas: @T-OPS> +[Eagle]+  Afirmative, Eagle.  Holding position.
CommoLukasFyrstk: ACTION:  Al sensor sweeps show the sector is clear of any and al ships::
Malachi Styles: F-SCI> ::Enters the bridge::
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: CSci/XO> Sector is clear.
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: CSci/XO> Greetings Malachi.
Malachi Styles: F-SCI> ::Walks over to Commander Wren.   Hands her a data padd with a special frequency on it. ::
Malachi Styles: F-SCI> Greetings, Captain Matsu.
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>::on the bridge going over final details::
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: CSci/XO> I hope your studies went well.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> :: looks over to OPS and F-SCI.::
T L Lost: <hpw>::takes the PADD:: What's this?
Malachi Styles: F-SCI> [CSCI/XO]  Yes, sir they did.  What I have learned could very well be a beginning to the end of all this
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: CSci/XO> I do hope so.
Malachi Styles: F-SCI>[OPS]  Enter the numbers 39988Z23 on that frequency.
T L Lost: <hpw>[Ops] Again, what is it Mal?
Malachi Styles: F-SCI> [OPS]  It should activate the beacon for Moonbase Alpha.... if it is still in the sector
T L Lost: <hpw>[ops] ::brings up the frequency, and inputs the numbers::
CommoLukasFyrstk: ACTION: Almost immediately, Hailey starts receiving a beacon on the same frequency::
T L Lost: <hpw>[ops] We've got signal
CommoLukasFyrstk: PAUSE SIM


USS Eagle, NCC 9561

Sim of 060419

GwenivereMarqusa: ::AA::
RomnHaas: ::AA::
T L Lost: ::AA::
Malachi Styles: ::AA::
CommoLukasFyrstk: Captain's Log, Stardate supplemental:
CommoLukasFyrstk: We have returned to Sector 001 to fahnd slahding technology on Moonbase Alpha.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Lt. Fyrstk had given Commander Wren a code which activated the homing beacon for the base.
CommoLukasFyrstk: We are enroute to it now, but it no longer is in orbit around Earth's moon.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> ::Turns to the older Malachi::  Where did you get those codes?
T L Lost: <hpw><Ops>::looks over to Mal wondering the same thing::
Malachi Styles: F-SCI>  I was doing some research on the readings taken by ships which encountered the T'Kil yet managed to get away.
Malachi Styles: F-SCI>  They recorded an anomalous energy which they couldn't define.  After studying the readings,...
Malachi Styles: I cam eup witht he hypothesis that the T'Kil are sliding in and out of our universe.
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo> Mal, can they time travel too?  Or just move from dimension to dimension?
Malachi Styles: F-SCI>  I managed to do some more research of the work of Admiral Malory Q
Malachi Styles: Quenton Mallory
Malachi Styles: F-SCI>  When I delve further into the files, I did find the information on Moonbase Alpha, which they used as a base of operations.
Malachi Styles: F-SCI> [AXO] To my knowledge they can only slide, Commander.  But the Bird-ofPrey is capale of time travel if done properly, sir.
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo> But if they are sliding.  Then your TKill are the TKill in my universe.
Malachi Styles: F-SCI>  There is a good possibility of that, Commander.
Malachi Styles: SCI> ::Steps onto the bridge::
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> ::Glances over at the younger Mal::
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>::looks over to young Mal::
Malachi Styles: SCI> ::Looks apologetically at Gwen::  My apologies, Commander.  I know you said to stay in the lab, but I think I may have something on the sliding.
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>[yMal] It's okay Mal, what do you have?
CommoLukasFyrstk: Rohan & Ronov> :Step onto the bridge behind Mal::
Malachi Styles: SCI>  Well, sir..... I was able to .... ::hopes he won't get in trouble:: access some confidential files on sliding, and I think we can tune into our exact universe to get home.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Ronov> He hacked into the system.
T L Lost: <hpw><Ops>::looks over to the twins and the younger Mal::
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>Hacked into the system, eh Mal?
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> ::Looks between the older and younger mals ans simply smiles::
Malachi Styles: F-SCI> :refrains from laughing as he watches his younger self blush::
Malachi Styles: SCI> ::blushing::  Yes, sir.  I did
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo> ::grins:: How would we tune into our exact universe Mal?
CommoLukasFyrstk: Rohan> :just dying to tell what they figured out::  We could actually do it according to your molecular differences, Commander.
Malachi Styles: F-SCI>  You could actually compare it to ours and set parameters for the other universe...... Very good.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Rohan> ::Beams as his older brother praises his work.::
CommoLukasFyrstk: Ronov> Providing we find the right equipment to allow you to slahde, that shuttle of yours'll never do it, Commander.
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>::thinking this is going way over her head:: Okay, what do you need?
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>[Ronov] We have no intention of using their shuttle, son.  Start thinking of how to adapt it to Klingon technology.
Malachi Styles: SCI> [AXO]  We will need the molecuar readings Dr. Hamza has gotten.
Malachi Styles: SCI>  And we can compare it to molecular data on our counterparts.. or my counterpart.
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>::nods::
CommoLukasFyrstk: Rohan>  We can get the magic number from that and get you home.
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>How long will it take?
Malachi Styles: SCI>  We could have that number almost immediately, Commander.  We just need the data.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>  We can get that data for you.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Ronov> ::Still puzzled over his father's statement about Klingon technology::
CommoLukasFyrstk: ACTION:  The Eagle comes upon Moonbase Alpha, drifting silently out near Jupiter::
CommoLukasFyrstk: ::Just the homing beacon emitting rom the dark object::
Malachi Styles: F-SCI & SCI> ::Both move to the science console to start sensor scans::
Malachi Styles: SCI> ::Looks to his older self::  Sorry.  I'm just used to helping out.
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>::chuckles::
Malachi Styles: F-SCI> :gestures towards the station::  I remember it all too well.  Be my guest.
Malachi Styles: SCI> ::Sits down and starts scanning the station::  No power emissions, no life signs.
Malachi Styles: SCI>  If it still has an atmosphere, I would guess it is pretty musty and cold, sir.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> ::Nods and looks to Gwen::  Commander?  Would you lahke to lead an away team?
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> :: thinks to himself how easy it was to rely on her again::
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>::smiles:: Would be happy too Sir.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Ronov>  It would probably be best to take a shuttle, Commander.  You could use it to power the station's systems.
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>::nods:: Good idea Ronov ::she hoped it was Ronov and not Rohan::
CommoLukasFyrstk: Ronov> ::Beams as he always did when Gwen praised him::
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>Lt. Fyrstk, would you please accompany me.  Commander Wren, I could also use your help.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Rohan> :Rolls his eyes and says silently to his twin::  She's still too old for you.
GwenivereMarqusa: (LOL)
CommoLukasFyrstk: Ronov> ::Ignores his brother and steps up::  Could Ah go also, Commander?
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>::looks over to the Captain and raises her eyebrows for his reaction::
Malachi Styles: F-SCI> ::Pats his younger self on the shoulder and goes to follow Gwen::
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> ::Nods::  He is a fahne pahlot and a damn good engineer, Commander.
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>::nods to Ronov:: Sure, you can come with.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Ronov> ::Stops short of jumping up triumphantly::
CommoLukasFyrstk: Ronov> {CO]  The Falcon, sir?
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>::looks to the younger Mal.::I'd like you to stay here and continue to work on things Mal.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> ::Nods::  That one will be your best choice.
Malachi Styles: SCI>  Of course, Commander.
T L Lost: <hpw><ops>One of the few that's still working
CommoLukasFyrstk: Ronov> :Looks annoyed at Wren::  We are trahin' our best with what we have, Commander.
T L Lost: <hpw><Ops>I know we are Ronov.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Rohan>  She didn't mean anything mean by the comment, Ronnie.
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>Let's head out
CommoLukasFyrstk: Ronov> ::looks annoyed back at his broter::  Y'all are just saying that cause you're sweet on er.
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>::heads to the turbolift::
CommoLukasFyrstk: Rohan> ::lushes and looks to Wren hoping she didn't hear that.::
CommoLukasFyrstk: Ronov> ::Joins Gwen on the TL::
Malachi Styles: F-SCI> ::Gets on the TL::
T L Lost: <Hpw>::turns away from Rohan so he doesn't see her smile, types a few commands into her station and then heads to the turbolift::
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> Rohan.  You cain go to sick bay and get the information from Dr. Hamza.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Rohan>  Aye, sir
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo>::exits the turbolift and heads to the shuttle bay:: we'll need to make sure that we evo suits.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Ronov>  Tey are already aboard Falcon, Commander
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> ::ttells the replacement OPS officer to send word to the Targo as to what we are doing.::
GwenivereMarqusa: <axo> Before we leave, make sure that they are working
RomnHaas: ((Oooo!  I DO get to do something this sim))
GwenivereMarqusa: ((LOL))
CommoLukasFyrstk: Ronov> Aye, sir.  ::Doesn't tel her that they check the gear once a month... cause it's Gwen::
GwenivereMarqusa: ((those on the away mission please use @))
RomnHaas: @CO -T> ::gets the message and transmits theat they will be doing a sensor sweep of Earth.::
CommoLukasFyrstk: @Ronov>  The gear is ready, Commander.
Malachi Styles: @F-SCI> ::Sits down at the science console and checks systems::
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>Good.  Ronov, you want to fly us over?
CommoLukasFyrstk: @Ronov> ::smiling like there's no tomorrow::  Aye, Commander.
Malachi Styles: @F-SCI> ::refrains from chuckling, being able to read Ronov so clearly::
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>::chuckles and takes a seat::
Malachi Styles: SCI> ::Sitting on the bridge DOES chuckle as he too, can read Ronov way too clearly::
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> [SCI]  Something amusing, Mal?
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>Whenever you're ready Ronov, get clearance from the Eagle.
CommoLukasFyrstk: @Ronov> ::receives clearance and takes the Falcon out of the shutle bay::
Malachi Styles: SCI> ::blushes:  NOthing .... here, sir.
RomnHaas: ((I'm bugging out, Crew seeing as you don't need me for this))
T L Lost: @<hpw>::takes a seat::
GwenivereMarqusa: ((Night night Rommie))
CommoLukasFyrstk: ((Nite, Rommie))
RomnHaas: ((Nite all))
RomnHaas has left the room.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Ronov> ::Banks the Falcon away from the Eagle and engages impulse engines to give them a bost towards the station::
Malachi Styles: @ F-SCI>  Scanning the station, sir and all bay doors are locked down.  We may not be able to fly into the station.
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>::looks over Mal's station::
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>::does a quick scan:: What about entering here.  ::pointing to a small hatch.:: If we can form a good seal around there.
Malachi Styles: @F-SCI> Yes, sir.  That would work perfectly.
CommoLukasFyrstk: @Ronov> ::Mutters about how Mal can be such an eg-head sometimes::
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>  What was that Ronov?
Malachi Styles: @F-SCI>  It's okay, Commander.  He's right.  I tend to overlok some common-sense solutions at times.
CommoLukasFyrstk: @Ronov>  ::Thinks quickly::  I was just wondering if you wished to use the botom hatch or rea hatch off the shuttle, Commander
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>::grins:: What do you think Mal?
Malachi Styles: @F-SCI> [Ronov] ~~I'll eg-head you.~~
Malachi Styles: @F-SCI>  Which-ever would be easiest for Ronnie to hook up a power supply, sir.
CommoLukasFyrstk: @Ronov> ~~You'll have to catch me first.~~
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>Ronov?
CommoLukasFyrstk: @Ronov> Ah could do it either way, Commander, but docking to the rear mahght be a bit trickier
CommoLukasFyrstk: @Ronov>  A little mtougher gettin' a seal also, sir
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>Then you have your answer.  Let's make this as easy as possible.
CommoLukasFyrstk: @Ronov>  Aye, sir.  Bottom it is.  ::Brings the thuttle around to the indicated hatch.::
CommoLukasFyrstk: @Ronov> Docking in fahve, ... four.. three ... two...
CommoLukasFyrstk: ACTION::  The shuttle lightly touches the hul of the station.::
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>::looks over to Commander Wren, and wondering if the Cadet that's now on the Eagle will be anything like this universe's Wren::
CommoLukasFyrstk: @RONOV> [Wren]  We're on, Commander.  Y'all can engage the seal.
T L Lost: @<hpw>::engages the seal, then double checks to make sure the seal is good::
CommoLukasFyrstk: @Ronov> ::Shuts down the engines, then gets up and pulls the plating for the bottom hatch opening::
Malachi Styles: SCI> ::goes to the rear and puts on a suit::
CommoLukasFyrstk: @Ronov> ::prepares a power cable to hook into the station::
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>Let's go everyone. ::suits up::
CommoLukasFyrstk: @Ronov> :gets up from the deck and goes for a suit::  The hatchis ready to open, Commander.
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>::waits for everyone to suit up::
CommoLukasFyrstk: @Ronov> ::Suits up::
T L Lost: @<hpw>::suites up::
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>Go ahead and open the hatch
Malachi Styles: @F-SCI> Ready, Commander.
CommoLukasFyrstk: PAUSE SIM


USS Eagle, NCC 9561

Sim of 060426

GwenivereMarqusa: ::AA::
T L Lost: ::AA::
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: ::AA::
Lt JG Melody: ::AA::
Lt Tebok trKhev has entered the room.
RomnHaas: ::AA::
Malachi Styles: ::AA::
Lt Tebok trKhev: ::AA::
CommoLukasFyrstk: Captain's Log, Supplemental:
CommoLukasFyrstk: The shutle Falcon has reached and docked with Moonbase Alpha. Ah am awaiting word from the crew as they enter the station
CommoLukasFyrstk: Captain Haas, in the meantahme, has taken his ship to Earth to check out the Smitsonean(sp?) Space Institute.
CommoLukasFyrstk: We're hoping to fahnd the Klingon Bird-of-Prey James T Kirk used to travel through tahme.
CommoLukasFyrstk: And hopefully it will stil be in useful condition.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> [SCI] Have they entered the station yet, Mal?
Malachi Styles: SCI> No, sir. They are still aboard Falcon.
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: ::Sits in the XO's Chair ::
Malachi Styles: @F-SCI> ::Checks his scanner one more time::
Lt JG Melody: ::Sits at one of the back stations trying to keep out of the way.::
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>Everyone becareful.
CommoLukasFyrstk: @Ronov> [XO] The station now has power, Commander
Lt JG Melody: ::Is still intensly curious about what happened to her in this timeline.::
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo> Good. Where do we need to go to get the information that you need Lt. Fyrstk?
Lt Tebok trKhev: Ratchet>::Is in her office doing something being she is too confused about what is going on and has too unreliable an attendence at this time::
RomnHaas: @@T-CO> :: Watches the space institute appear on the Targo viewer.
T L Lost: <Ops>::at the helm, just daydreaming::
Malachi Styles: @F-SCI> ::Shows Gwen the map.:: Admiral Mallory's lab was here. This is where we'll most likely find the sliding data files. ::points to another deck:: ...
Malachi Styles: @F-SCI> This is their enginering area. This si where we'll find any equipment.
CommoLukasFyrstk: @Ronov> Ah can go to that area, Commander.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> [AXO] Dr. Melody. Why don't you go tot he auxilary console and keep an eye on their vahtal sahgns.
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: @Katrina> ::Pops her head out of the Falcon:: Is there anything I can do?
Lt JG Melody: AMO> Yes sir.:: Moves over to the console and brings up the away team's life signs.::
CommoLukasFyrstk: @Ronov> :Turns to see Katrina:: What the devl y'all doing here?
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: @ Katrina> Following the two cutest human boys I know.
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: @Katrina> Well at least part human.
Malachi Styles: @F-SCI>:: Rolls his eyes at the stow-away.::
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: @Katrina>::Waves at Mal:: Hey Mal when did you get back?
Malachi Styles: SCI> [CSCI/XO] Commander, can you come over here a moment?
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: ::Stands and walks over:: Yes Malachi?
Malachi Styles: @F-SCI> About two days ago, Katrina. You better get in an EVO suit.
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>::frowns at Katrina::[katrina] Stay here and monitor us.
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: @Katrina> ::Salutes:: Yes Sir
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>Ronov, let's get to that equipment. Mal, you get the information you need.
Malachi Styles: SCI> ::Points tot he life signs on the Falcon, Katrina's particularly:: T don't recognise this one
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: ::Looks at the readings:: That is Katrina. She's the daughter of Commander Kitty Pryde of the Pathfinder. She came on board with the twins.
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: She and her mother are Catians. Last of their species.
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: She as a knack for getting into trouble and out of it.
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo> Let's go.
Malachi Styles: SCI>She wasn't on the team originally
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: No. Most likely stowed away.
CommoLukasFyrstk: @ Rohan> ::Moves into the station::
CommoLukasFyrstk: ((Sorry, that was Ronov))
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>mal, keep the comm channel open.
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: @Katrina> ::Plops down into the chair in the shuttle and brings up sensors.::
Malachi Styles: @F-SCI> ::Moves into the station:: [XO] Commander are you going to want us to split up?
CommoLukasFyrstk: @Ronov> ::Stands ready to move off to engineering::
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: @Katrina>::Scans the entire place for any other lifesigns.::
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>Let's go. And, yes Mal, I think it would be faster if we split up.
CommoLukasFyrstk: ACTION: Kat's scans show wo life signs on the station.::
CommoLukasFyrstk: @Ronov> Who's with me, Commander?
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: @Katrina>+Gwen+ I could help him Miss Gwen.
CommoLukasFyrstk: ((that was 'sposed to be "two" like signs))
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: ((Oh I thought it was suppose to be no)
CommoLukasFyrstk: ((My bad))
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: @Katrina>+Gwen+ Miss Gwen I am picking up two other life signs on the station.
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: @Katrina>::Tries to identify them::
GwenivereMarqusa: @<AXO>+Katrina+You are helping. By STAYING on the Falcon, and monitoring us. And never call me Miss Gwen.
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>+Katrina+Life signs? Where? What species?
Malachi Styles: @F-SCI> ::Scans.:: She's right. I have them also, now. There is a low-level sensor blanket that prevented the ship from detecting them.
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: @Katrina> +Gwen+ Looking that up now.. um... Commander?
Lt JG Melody: AMO> Sir the shuttle sensors have picked up two other life signs on the station.
CommoLukasFyrstk: ::The life signs are on what was labeld the housing deck::
CommoLukasFyrstk: @Ronov> ::Impatient to get moving::
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: @Katrina> +Gwen+ The life signs are on the housing deck. I can't identify who they are tho.
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>+Katrina+ What CAN you tell me about them?
Malachi Styles: @F-SCI> Either can I, Commander. The sensor blanket is muffling clear detection.
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>Mal, that kills any idea of splitting up. Let's get to Mallory's lab and get the information.
Malachi Styles: @F-SCI> Aye, sir. Ronnie, you're with us.
Lt JG Melody: AMO> Looks like they are leaving the Catian in the shuttle.
CommoLukasFyrstk: @Ronov> But sir, it's only two people. You can handle them
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>+Katrina+I do not want you leaving the shuttle Katrina.
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>Ronov, we are not splitting up.
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: @Katrina> +Gwen+ Wouldn't think of it, Commander.
RomnHaas: @@T-CO> ::Finsd the Institute AND the Bo-P intact. Beams down with an away team to check out the ship.::
CommoLukasFyrstk: @Ronov> ::a bit disappointed:: Aye, sir.
Malachi Styles: @F-SCI> ::Leads the way to the admiral's lab::
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>Let's get the information, and the equipment, then find out who's on this station.
CommoLukasFyrstk: ACTION: Katrina's sensors show the life forms on the move towards the lab. THe sensor blanket maoves withthem::
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: @Katrina>+Gwen+ Commander Gwen... Thoes two life signs are moving towards the lab and the sensor blanket seems to be a moble device.
Malachi Styles: @F-SCI> ::tries to access the computer. :: Ronie? Do you think we can boost power to the station. I need it for the computer core.
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>+Katrina+Acknowledged. Keep us updated.
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: @Katrina>+Gwen+ Alrighty
CommoLukasFyrstk: @Ronov> ::taps his communicator:: +Kat+ Ronnie to Katrina. Give the power gain to the station a fahve K boost.
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: @ Katrina> +Ronov+ I'm on it...::Does as he asked::
Malachi Styles: @F-SCI> ::Sees the core come to life:: It will take a moment to boot, Commander.
Malachi Styles: ((It runs on Windows XP 6000))
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: ((NOOOOOOO... It hasn't downloaded the latest security patches yet... its going to take two days to boot.))
Malachi Styles: SCI> [CO] The station computer core is online, sir.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> Thank you, Mal. ::Looks to Yoshi:: They're making good tahme then
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: @Katrina>::Goes back to watching the strange life signs::
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: XO/CSci> Gwen was always the best away team leader.
CommoLukasFyrstk: ::The life signs are ascending stairs to the level the away team is on::
Lt Yoshiko Matsu: @Katrina> +Gwen+ Commander the life signs are heading your way... they are on the stairs up to you guys...
CommoLukasFyrstk: @Ronov> Not enough power for the lifts. Thank goodness
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>+Katrina+ Acknowledged.
CommoLukasFyrstk: @Ronov> Commander. We could head them off whahle Mal gets his information.
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>Ronov, I want you to stay with Mal.
CommoLukasFyrstk: @Ronov> But ...... Aye, sir.
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>::moves to the door::
CommoLukasFyrstk: ((You should have Wren with you guys too. Tru?))
T L Lost: (Sorry, I totally forgot!)
Malachi Styles: ((Tru was lost again))
Malachi Styles: F-SCI> I am accessing the files now, Commander. He has them heavilly encrypted.
T L Lost: @<hpw>::follows Gwen, and takes up position opposite her, watching the hallway::
GwenivereMarqusa: @<axo>::quietly:: get what you can Mal.
CommoLukasFyrstk: @Ronov> [F-SCI] Use yourself to help break the encryption.
Malachi Styles: @F-SCI> [Ronov] What?
CommoLukasFyrstk: @Ronov> Two Mals are beter than one.
Malachi Styles: @F-SCI> :: big smile:: Right!!!! ::Sends the data to the Eagle::
CommoLukasFyrstk: ACTION:: The life forms enter the deck where the labis::
CommoLukasFyrstk: PAUSE SIM