Biographical File

Number 45489283.
Roman Haas

File Data:
Current Rank:lieutenant junior grade
Current assignmentOperations officer, U.S.S. Eagle, NCC-9561
Year born: 2354
Species: Rigelian
Marital Status:Single
Physical Information-------
Weight-140 lbs
Build-Slim, muscular
Pre-Academy Education:
      Subject attended standard Rigelian elementary educational facilities as well as secondary education. In high school equivalent years he show an aptitude for mechanics and science, though not excelling in either subject.
Personal History
      Roman is one of ten children born into the Haas clan in the Growing Season,Federation Standar year 2354. Instead of relating to one mother and one father all the children are nurtured by all the women of the clan and relate to the men in the clan as their elders. Roman was one of the smaller children born that season, but always had a certain cunning which kept him from being bullied and often had the older boys protecting him.
     Because of the closeness all in the clan share in all aspects (spiritual, mental and sexual) it is felt by all should one of the clan be lost. This loss is as profound, should one of the clan decide to leave. Should a member of the clan wish to leave, as in the case of those whom have joined Starfleet, a rotual is performed to "prepare" the remaining clan members for the loss of those whom have left. For this reason clan member are only allowed to leave in numbers of three (3) or more. Roman was one of four (4) to leave to join Starfleet.
Starfleet Record
2377Graduated Starfleet Academy assigned USS Eagle, NCC 956
2380 Promoted to Lieutenant junior grade, USS Eagle, NCC 9561