USS Eagle, NCC 9561

Sim of 090902

21:01 CommoFyrstk =/\= ATTENTION ON DECK =/\=
21:01 LtJG_Costa ::AA::
21:01 EnsBanning ::AA::
21:01 LtMelody ::AA::
21:01 Cmdr_Haas ::AA::
21:01 LtCmdrMatsu ::AA::
21:01 CmdrMarqusa ::AA::
21:01 CadetStyles ::AA::
21:02 CommoFyrstk Captains Log, Supplemental
21:02 CommoFyrstk We are still in parking orbit bah Outpost two-zero-three-fahve.
21:03 CommoFyrstk The station appears to be deserted. Mah scahence officer informs me that Commander Haas who is a part of the away team has restored power to the station.
21:04 CommoFyrstk So, hopefully we will fahnd out where the team who occupahed this station got to.
21:04 CommoFyrstk === BEGIN =====
21:05 LtJG_Costa ((who's on the Outpost?))
21:05 Cmdr_Haas @ CENG> ::working on getting life support working ::
21:05 LtCmdrMatsu @CSci>::Attempts to access the main computer::
21:05 LtJG_Costa ((nvm ,that's all I needed to know))
21:05 CommoFyrstk (( XO, CSCI, SCI2, CENG))
21:05 LtJG_Costa ::on bridge at Engineering station::
21:05 LtMelody ::Sitting in the Councelor's chair on the bridge.::
21:05 LtJG_Costa ((thank-you))
21:06 CmdrMarqusa XO >[ CSCI/SCI2 ] Let's move to the control room.
21:07 CadetStyles @ SCI2> ::Nods and heads out in the corridor::
21:07 LtCmdrMatsu (I thought that was where we were)
21:08 CmdrMarqusa (( No, I think we just beamed into their transporter room))
21:08 LtCmdrMatsu @CSci>::Follows Gwen to the control room::
21:09 CommoFyrstk =/\=ACTION: As Gwen's team moves through one of the buikhead doors, the atmosphere seems very different. The air cleaner, the lights brighter, the station warmer. =/\=
21:10 CommoFyrstk =/\=ACTION: The OPS officer loses track of their three comuunicator badges. =/\=
21:10 CmdrMarqusa @ XO> ::feels the difference immediately::
21:11 CadetStyles @ SCI2> ::stops and scans:: Uh-oh.
21:11 LtCmdrMatsu @CSci> ::Looks at her tricorder.::Odd
21:12 CmdrMarqusa @ XO >[ SCI2 ] Uh-oh, is not quite professional, Mal
21:12 CommoFyrstk =/\=ACTION: Yoshi and Mal's tricorders now show life on the station. Lots of life.... All Romulan. =/\=
21:13 LtCmdrMatsu @CSci>Commander I am picking up lifesigns on the stations. All Romulan
21:13 EnsBanning SCI >[ CO ] we've lost the away team, sir.
21:14 EnsBanning SCI> ::Looks again:: Well, not all of them. I still have Commander Haas.
21:14 LtJG_Costa AENG >+[ CO ]+ I'm going to try and adjust the sensors, see if I can get through
21:14 LtJG_Costa ((whoops, I'm on the bridge, not in ME))
21:14 CadetStyles @ SCI2> I confitm that, Commander. A lot of them.
21:15 CommoFyrstk CO >[ SCI ] What happened to them?
21:15 LtJG_Costa AENG> ::Attempts to compensate for sensor interference::
21:15 EnsBanning SCI >[ CO ] Unknown, sir. I was tracking them, and then.... they were gone.
21:16 LtJG_Costa AENG> ::can't get through interference::
21:16 LtCmdrMatsu @CSci>::Waits to see what Gwen wants to do or to see if the Romulans come to arrest them.::
21:16 CmdrMarqusa @ XO >[ CSCI ] How is that possible? They weren't on our ship sensors, or when we beamed in here.
21:16 LtJG_Costa AENG >[ CO ] captain, I can't get through the interference, but I can increase power to the sensors to see what's going on inside
21:17 CommoFyrstk =/\=ACTION: as of this time, the Romulan have no idea the Eagle team is there. =/\=
21:17 LtJG_Costa AENG >[ CO ] It won't be that good of a signal, but I can give you a partial view
21:18 LtCmdrMatsu @CSci> ::Scans to see if there are any temporal or spacial anomilies.::
21:18 CmdrMarqusa @ XO >[ CSCI ] Is there any movement towards us?
21:18 LtCmdrMatsu @CSci> If I hazard to guess we have stepped through either a temporal or spacial rift and are somewhere or somewhen else.
21:19 LtJG_Costa AENG >[ CO ] shall I put it on screen sir?
21:19 LtCmdrMatsu @CSci>::Scans to see if there is anyone comming towards them.::
21:19 CadetStyles @SCI2> ::Nods in agreement with Yoshi. I can't see the Eagle on my tricorder either. I am betting it is not there.
21:20 LtCmdrMatsu @CSci> No one seems to be aware of our presance yet.
21:20 CmdrMarqusa @ XO >+[ EAGLE ]+ Commander Marqusa to the Eagle
21:21 LtJG_Costa ((commodore, have you seen my messages, you haven't responded))
*** CmdrMarqusa quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
21:21 LtCmdrMatsu @CSci> We need to find out if we are in another dimension or another time.::Goes back to scanning for the annomilie.::
21:22 LtCmdrMatsu (Oh no we've lost Gwen!!)
*** Cmdr_Marqusa joined #usseagle
+++ Bot has given admin to Cmdr_Marqusa
+++ Bot has given op to Cmdr_Marqusa
21:23 CommoFyrstk =/\=ACTION: Gwen gets no answer from the Eagle =/\=
21:24 CommoFyrstk CO >+[ CENG ]+ Eagle to Commander Haas
21:24 Cmdr_Haas @ CENG >+[ CO ]+ Go ahead sir.
21:25 CommoFyrstk CO >+[ CENG ]+ Rommie, we have lost track of the away team, the rest of the team, Can you contact them?
21:25 LtMelody @CSci> We need to find out if we are in another dimension or another time.::Goes back to scanning for the annomilie.::
21:26 CadetStyles @ SCI2> I think we need to find someplace to hide. They're coming this way.
21:26 LtCmdrMatsu (Thank you for reposting that Jen)
21:27 Cmdr_Marqusa @xo> I agree :: looks around::
21:27 Cmdr_Haas @ CENG> ::checks the internal sensors for the station::
21:27 LtCmdrMatsu @CSci> Yes eventually someone is bound to walk down this hall and see us standing here.
21:27 LtJG_Costa AENG> ::keeps trying to get a lock on the away team's badges::
21:27 Cmdr_Haas @ CENG >+[ CO ]+ I find this impossible, but.... I'm the only one on the station, sir.
21:28 CommoFyrstk CO> ::angry now:: This is unacceptable people. They were there a moment ago.
21:28 LtMelody :::Attempts to contact Mal with telepathy.::
21:28 CommoFyrstk =/\=ACTION: Melody cannot feel Mal at all =/\=
21:29 LtJG_Costa AENG >[ CO ] I'm working on it now, I have a partial sensor reading of what's going on, but not that much. Putting it on screen
21:29 LtMelody CNS> Sir they aren't here. I can't even feel Malachi. They must have gone through a rift or something simmilar.
21:30 Cmdr_Marqusa @xo> ::scans the area:: This way, there doesn't appear to be anyone behind this door. ::opens the door and steps through::
21:30 LtMelody CNS> Ensign Banning can you scan the station for anomilies?
21:31 LtCmdrMatsu @CSci>::Follows Gwen.::
21:31 EnsBanning SCI> I have been trying, Counselor. I am detecting nothing.
21:31 Cmdr_Haas @ CENG> ::heads out of engineering::
21:32 LtJG_Costa AENG >[ SCI ] Ensign, try rotating the scanning frequencies
21:32 LtCmdrMatsu CNS> How about any resuduals it may not have been open long?
21:32 EnsBanning SCI >[ CO ] Mr. Haas is on the move, Commodore.
21:33 EnsBanning SCI> ::concentrates scans:: There could be, but the radiation could be masking it as well, Counselor.
21:33 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ asci ] Mal, see if you can tap into the computers here
21:33 CadetStyles @SCI2> ::with Gwen as well::
21:33 LtJG_Costa AENG >[ SCI ] I'm boosting sensor power to full
21:33 LtMelody CNS>Could you check the sensor data from when we last detected the team to see if it is visable then?
21:34 CommoFyrstk CO >[ SCI ] Mr. Banning, take the counselor, and Mr. Costa over there. See if you can fahnd what happened to our team.
*** Ratchet joined #usseagle
21:35 LtMelody CNS>::walks over and gets a tricorder:: I'm ready.
21:35 EnsBanning SCI >[ CO ] Aye, sir. ::gets up ahd heads for the lift:: (where you at Costa))
21:35 LtJG_Costa AENG> ::goes over to Ensign Banning::
21:35 LtJG_Costa ((I'm on the Bridge))
21:36 Ratchet [sorry all Karate class time has changed again, ends at 9]
21:36 EnsBanning ((Nm))
21:36 LtMelody CNS>::Follows Banning into the TL::
21:36 CommoFyrstk ((Ratch you're with the XO's team))
21:36 Ratchet CMO>::with the XO's team::
21:37 CommoFyrstk CO >+[ CENG ]+ Commander Haas, Ah'm sending Banning, Melody and Costa to assist you.
21:37 Cmdr_Haas @ CENG >+[ CO ]+ Affirmative sir. I'll meet them in the tr
21:38 LtJG_Costa AENG> ::follows Banning to TR1::
21:38 EnsBanning SCI> ::gets on the TR platform::
21:38 LtMelody CNS>::Also follows. Steps up on transporter pad.::
21:39 LtJG_Costa AENG> ::steps onto the transporter pad::
21:39 LtCmdrMatsu @CSci>::Helps Mal try to tap into the computer system without being detected.::
21:39 CadetStyles @ SCI2> ::finds a console, tries to tap in. It's all in Romulan, but he has an edge there:: I am in, Commander.
21:40 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] ::walks over to Mal:: What have you got?
21:40 CommoFyrstk =/\=ACTION: The second team beams to the station =/\=
21:40 LtJG_Costa @AENG> ::arrives on the stations::
21:41 LtMelody @CNS>::Also arrives.:: Hello Commander.
21:41 CommoFyrstk =/\=ACTION: the computer has a history of the station, and how it was found out by the Romulans three years ago, and taken over. It also shows a log of some Federation people just.... showing up... three days ago. =/\=
21:42 LtJG_Costa AENG >[ CENG ] Hello commander
21:42 Cmdr_Haas @ CENG> ::Nods to the new team:: Okay, we need to find out what happened to our people. Where did you track them to, Troy?
21:43 CadetStyles @ SCI2> Relays the information to Gwen::
21:43 LtCmdrMatsu @CSci> Maybe the crew didn't abandon the station. Maybe they got shifted here.
21:44 EnsBanning @SCI> ::they left this room and walked about thirty meters, and I lost them.
21:44 Cmdr_Marqusa @xo> looks that way. Question is, where is here?
21:44 Cmdr_Marqusa @xo> I want an answer to that, and to how we got here
21:44 LtCmdrMatsu @CSci>Can you bring up a stardate Mal?
21:45 LtJG_Costa @ AENG >[ CENG ] I'd like to take a few scans of that area, if you don't mind Commander
21:45 Cmdr_Haas @CENG> Let's go. Tricorders up and alert. Let's not disappear also.
21:46 LtJG_Costa @AENG> ::takes out tricorder and starts scanning::
21:46 CommoFyrstk CO> ::orders the new science officer to put the tracking of the comm badges on the main viewer.
21:46 CommoFyrstk CO >+[ CENG ]+ Commander, keep your comm badge open.
21:47 Cmdr_Haas @ CENG >+[ CO ]+ Aye, sir. We're moving out now.
21:47 LtMelody @CNS>::Turns on her tridorder and follows Rommie.::
21:47 CadetStyles @ SCI2> It is the current date on the Romulan calendar, Commander.
21:48 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] can you tell if we are in a different reality Mal?
21:48 Cmdr_Haas @CENG> ::Moves into the cprrodor
21:49 LtCmdrMatsu @CSci>::Scans for quatum signitures.::
21:49 CadetStyles @SCI2> ::taps for recent history:: I would say we are, Commander. Romulus still exists, but Hobus has gone nova.
21:49 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] how is that possible?
21:50 CadetStyles SCI2> ::reads more:: Ambassador Spock, sir. He deployed red matter, just as Hobus was going.
21:51 Cmdr_Marqusa @xo> so, he was in time in this universe
21:51 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] what are the current federation / romulan relations like?
21:51 LtJG_Costa AENG >[ CENG ] Commander, I'm reading some strange emissions, very faint, only a tricorder can pick them up at very close range, I'venever seen anything like it
21:52 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci ] Yoshi, any luck on the quantum signatures?
21:52 EnsBanning @ SCI> ::stops:: It's right up ahead. The spot where the disappeared.
21:52 LtJG_Costa @ AENG >[ SCI ] Ensign, can you get a better reading
21:52 EnsBanning @ SCI> I confirm Mr. Costa's readings.
21:53 LtCmdrMatsu @CSci> I am picking up a diffrent quantum signiture but I can't pin point it with a tricorder.
21:53 Cmdr_Haas @ CENG> ::Looks at the tricorders:: What do you make of it? A temporal anomaly?
21:53 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] Mal, I need to know if the Romulans will help us, or shoot us on sight
21:54 LtJG_Costa @ AENG >[ CENG ] It could be, what do you think Banning?
21:54 CadetStyles @SCI2> ::reads on.. his face goes pale:: Commander?
21:54 LtMelody @CNS>It doesn't have a temporal signiture.
21:54 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] what it is Mal?
21:55 CadetStyles @SCI2> Vulcan. It says here, it .... imploded almost a hundred years ago.
21:55 Cmdr_Marqusa @xo> What?
21:55 CadetStyles ((Or was tat 125?))
21:56 Cmdr_Marqusa (( can't remember ))
21:56 LtCmdrMatsu @CSci> What caused it?
21:57 LtJG_Costa @ AENG >[ CENG ] I'm gonna scan for a frequency, Ensign, can you help?
21:57 CadetStyles @ SCI2> It is unclear, but Romulan conjecture says red matter then, and an advanced Romulan ship involved.
21:57 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] And what of current relations?
21:57 LtMelody @CNS>::Tries to sense Mal through the anomilie.::
21:57 EnsBanning @SCI> :Nods:: Sure.
21:58 LtJG_Costa @AENG> ::scans for a specific frequency::
21:59 CadetStyles @SCI2> Very strained. There were those who thought Ambassador Spock had no right going behind the Senate's ruling. They didn't want him near Hobus. They maintained it was not a threat.
21:59 CadetStyles @SCI2> ::gets a faint feeling of someone trying to contact him::
21:59 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] so they are likely to shoot on site then help. Great.
22:00 CommoFyrstk =/\=ACTION: Mr Costa finds the frequency he is looking for. =/\=
22:00 CommoFyrstk =/\= Pause Sim =/\=

USS Eagle, NCC 9561

Sim of 090909

21:00:15 CommoFyrstk: =/\= ATTENTION ON DECK =/\=
21:00:20 Cmdr_Marqusa:::AA::
21:00:25 Ens_Wren:::AA::
21:00:29 EnsBanning:::AA::
21:00:36 Cmdr_Haas:::AA::
21:00:42 LtCmdrVanik:::AA::
21:00:48 CadetStyles:::AA::
21:01:11 CommoFyrstk:Captain's log, Stardate 64500.45 (07/02/2387, 16:00 hours)
21:01:52 CommoFyrstk:Part of mah first away team has disappeared on Outpost two-zero-three-fahve.
21:02:47 CommoFyrstk:Ah have sent an additional team over to assist the one member of the first party who managed to stay on out sensors. Commander Haas is trahying to determine what happened.
21:03:00 CommoFyrstk:==== BEGIN ====
21:03:43 Cmdr_Marqusa:@ xo >[ sci2 ] Okay Mal, how did we get here, and more importantly, how do we get back?
21:03:53 EnsBanning:@ SCI> ::Scanning the corridor.
21:05:34 CadetStyles:@ SCI2> I am theorizing it has to do with the radiation from Hobus going super nova. it has somehow fractured the time-space continuum in this area of space.
21:06:16 CadetStyles:@ SCI2> How we get back? I am not certain if we can just walk back through or not.
21:09:28  LtCmdrMatsu [Mibbit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] entered the room.
21:09:43  LtMelody [Mibbit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] entered the room.
21:10:03 LtCmdrMatsu:(Sorry we're late)
21:11:35 Cmdr_Marqusa:@ xo >[ sci2 ] I'm guessing we can't just walk back through. Otherwise there would have been Romulans on the station in our universe
21:13:12 CadetStyles:SCI2> [XO] Aye, sir, that would be my conjecture as well.
21:13:26 LtCmdrMatsu:CSci> I would think so as well.
21:13:51 Cmdr_Haas:@ CENG >[ SCI ] Give me some good news, Ensign.
21:15:21 LtMelody:CNS>::Tries harder to send a message telepathicly to Mal::~~Can you hear me?~~
21:15:27 ** Ens_Wren left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
21:15:46 EnsBanning:@ SCI >[ CENG ] I have been trying the frequency Lt. Costa suggested. I can see a definite break in the time space continuum. The strange part is,,,, it is wavering, sir.
21:15:54 ** Cmdr_Marqusa left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
21:16:59 Cmdr_Haas:@ CENG >[ SCI ] Wavering? You mean we could wind up, someplace else?
21:18:31 EnsBanning:@ SCI >[ CENG ] ::scans some more:: No. ... Wait. It's.....
21:19:01 Cmdr_Haas:@ CENG >[ SCI ] It's what, Ensign?
21:19:16 Cmdr_Haas:@ CENG> ::getting impatient::
21:19:45 LtCmdrMatsu:CSci> Does the computer say what they did with the other Starfleet officers Mal? (I don't remember asking last week.)
21:19:52 **Cmdr_Marqusa [Mibbit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] entered the room.
21:19:53 **mode (+ao Cmdr_Marqusa Cmdr_Marqusa) by Bot
21:20:04 Cmdr_Marqusa:(( okay that was not fun ))
21:20:28 CadetStyles:@ SCI2> Aye, Commander. They are in the brig. Deck 12.
21:22:10 CadetStyles:@ SCI2> [XO] Commander, I need to take somemore scans in the corridor.
21:22:23 LtCmdrMatsu:CSci>Drat so we not only need to figure how to get ourselves home but get them out of the brig and home too.
21:22:44 Cmdr_Marqusa:@ xo >[ sci2 ] Do what you need Mal
21:23:57 EnsBanning:@ SCI >[ CENG ] I apologize, sir. The radiation that was still in the station is effecting my tricorder.
21:24:40 CadetStyles:@ SCI2> [XO] You may not like it, sir, but I could probably stay hidden if I went on my own.
21:25:39 Cmdr_Haas:@ CENG >[ SCI ] Can you compensate for it?
21:27:03 EnsBanning:@ SCI >[ CENG ] Tyring, sir.
21:27:24 **Ratchet [Mibbit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] entered the room.
21:27:42 Cmdr_Marqusa:@ xo >[ sci2 ] you're right, I don't like it.
21:28:09 CadetStyles:@ SCI2> [CSCI] Commander. I wonder if we can create a diversion for the Romulans..... Something to keep them busy?
21:28:17 Cmdr_Marqusa:@ xo >[ csci ] any idea how safe we are here?
21:30:15 EnsBanning:@ SCI >[ CENG ] I've got it, sir. Things are stable, now, but there is a definite shifting onf the opening. It is staty constant right in front of us, just wavering in it's size.
21:30:23 LtCmdrMatsu:CSci> I've been scanning and we seem to have been lucky enough to have come into a little used part of the station. I've only detected one patrol since we've been here and very little other traffic
21:30:52 Cmdr_Haas:@ CENG >[ SCI ] Wavering how? Getting larger?
21:31:14 Cmdr_Marqusa:@ xo >[ sci2 ] What do you suggest Mal?
21:32:03 CadetStyles:@ SCI2> [XO] We can play around with their sensors. Make them think they are under attack.
21:32:43 Cmdr_Marqusa:@ xo >[ sci2 ] but, will that tell them that there are more people on the station? Right now we have a good advantage and they don't know to be looking for us
21:32:47 EnsBanning:@ SCI >[ CENG ] No, sir. Getting smaller.
21:32:55 Cmdr_Marqusa:@ xo >[ sci2 ] I"m not sure I want to throw that away
21:33:29 EnsBanning:@ SCI >[ CENG ] If I were to hazard a guess, sir, space is repairing itself.
21:34:30 CadetStyles:@SCI2> ::Nods: They would eventually figure out someone tampered with the sensors, yes, sir.
21:35:22 Cmdr_Marqusa:@ xo >[ sci2 ] I'm thinking that it might just be best to try to avoid the patrols. We should all go
21:35:50 Cmdr_Haas:@ CENG >+[ CO ]+ Commander Haas to the Eagle, you copy that, sir?
21:37:17 CommoFyrstk:CO >+[ CENG ]+ Loud and clear, Rommie. Ah have Ensign Truene scanning for any other damage to the tahme-space continuum, so far it seems it is just insahde the station.
21:38:30 Cmdr_Haas:@ CENG >[ SCI ] Ensign, is there any chance it might be .....more damaged, elsewhere on the station?
21:39:41 EnsBanning:@ SCI >[ CENG ] There is a good possibility, sir. It is wider at the deck level, then it is ceiling level.
21:40:19 Cmdr_Haas:@ CENG >[ SCI ] Let's go down a deck, see what we read down there.
21:41:12 CommoFyrstk:=/\=ACTION: Rommie and team make it down one level. The damaged area is stronger. =/\=
21:41:45 Cmdr_Marqusa:@ xo >[ sci2 ] lead the way Mal Yoshi, make sure to keep a good scan of the area, I don't wanna run into any suprises
21:42:01 LtCmdrMatsu:@CSci> Will do.
21:42:42 CadetStyles:@ SCi2> :: heads out in the corridor, stops suddenly:: I can feel her!
21:43:19 LtMelody:@CNS>::Tries again at the new opening.::~~Mal Can you hear me?~~
21:43:37 LtCmdrMatsu:@CSci>::Constantly scans for movement.::
21:44:08 Cmdr_Marqusa:@ xo >[ sci2 ] feel who?
21:44:09 CadetStyles:@ SCI2> ::shaked his head.... like trying to listen to a really weak radio station::
21:44:55 CadetStyles:@ SCI2> [XO] Melody.... Errr... The counselor, sir. I can feel her, and I think she just tried to contact me.
21:45:54 EnsBanning:@ SCI >[ CENG ] Sir, the opening encompasses the entire corridor.
21:46:21 Cmdr_Marqusa:@ xo >[ sci2 ] keep things focused on getting back
21:46:43 Cmdr_Haas:@ CENG> ::looks over at the counselor::
21:47:11 Cmdr_Haas:@ CENG >[ CNS ] You feel anything, Counselor?
21:48:10 CadetStyles:@ SCI2> Aye, sir. ::Leads the way to the point they crossed into this universe:: Here it is. ::scans::
21:48:29 LtMelody:@CNS>I can feel Malichi but he's very far away.::Puts more effort into trying to contact Mal.::
21:49:17 CadetStyles:@SCI2> :: Can definitely feel her, but can't hear her yet.::
21:49:52 Cmdr_Marqusa:@ xo >[ csci ] anything on scanners?
21:50:20 CadetStyles:@ SCI2> [XO] There is no opening here, sir, but.... I can feel Lt. Melody. I couldn't feel her before.
21:50:31 LtCmdrMatsu:@CSci> Everything is quiet so far.
21:51:10 Cmdr_Haas:@ CENG >[ ALL ] Let's go down one more deck.
21:51:47 EnsBanning:@ SCI> ::Nods and follows the Commander::
21:51:48 LtMelody:@CNS>::Follows Rommie.::
21:52:39 Cmdr_Marqusa:@ xo >[ sci2 ] Okay, so it looks one way. Can you contact Melody from here?
21:53:00 CommoFyrstk:=/\=ACTION: As Rommie's team gets one deck lower, the readings are very strong, but there seems to be a dead end to the corridor. =/\=
21:53:57 CadetStyles:@SCI2> ::suddenly feels her stronger:: ~~ Mel? ~~
21:55:14 EnsBanning:@ SCI >[ CENG ] This is definitely a more open spot, sir. But.... the corridor is a dead end.
21:55:49 LtMelody:@CNS>~~Mal! I can hear you.~~
21:55:57 Cmdr_Haas:@ CENG >[ SCI ] I can see that. ::Looks to Melody:: Anything, Melody?
21:56:16 LtMelody:@CNS> I can hear him.
21:56:41 CadetStyles:@ SCI2> [XO] I can hear her, Commander!!! ~~ Melody! Where are you?~~
21:57:20 LtMelody:@CNS>~~We are two floors down from where you dissapeared but there is a dead end here.~~
21:57:22 CommoFyrstk:=/\=ACTION: Yoshi's tricorder shows some Romulans headed their way. =/\=
21:58:01 LtCmdrMatsu:@CSci> Commander we have about four Romulans headed towards us.
21:58:28 Cmdr_Marqusa:@ xo >[ sci ] tell Mel that we are in an alt Universe and that we have to go hide from the Romulans
21:58:28 CadetStyles:@ SCI2> ~~ Then there is probably a dead end on this side too. Maybe that explains why one one has walked back through. ~~
21:59:07 CadetStyles:@ SCI2> [XO] Sir, they are on deck 10 of the other station. Melody says it is a dead end corridor though
21:59:27 Cmdr_Marqusa:@xo > let's get going, we can't stay here. We need to find a place to make a base camp
21:59:33 LtMelody:@CNS>So what is on the other side of the wall?
22:00:18 CadetStyles:@ SCI2> ~~ CNS - Melody, We are in an alternate universe. The station is full of Romulans. We have to find a hiding spot. ~~
22:00:53 Cmdr_Marqusa:@ xo >[ csci ] which way is opposite from where the Romulans are coming?
22:01:39 LtCmdrMatsu:@CSci>Thisway. ::Points::
22:02:35 EnsBanning:@ SCI >[ CNS ] I can't get any readings beyond the rip opening.
22:02:37 Cmdr_Marqusa:@ xo> let's go ::heads off the way Yoshi points::
22:02:44 LtMelody:@CNS> Mal says they are an alternate universe where the station is full of Romulans. They are looking for a plce to hide.
22:03:05 LtMelody:@CNS> How about looking at the floor plan?
22:03:21 Cmdr_Haas:@ CENG> ::curses under his breath:: And we can't help them.
22:04:04 Cmdr_Haas:@ CENG> ::hears Melody's suggestion. :: Good idea.
22:04:33 Cmdr_Haas:@ CENG> :: checks the rooms where they are, for a computer terminal::
22:05:00 CommoFyrstk:=/\= Pause Sim =/\=

USS Eagle, NCC 9561

>Sim of 090916

21:02 CommoFyrstk =/\= ATTENTION ON DECK =/\=
21:02 Cmdr_Marqusa ::AA::
21:02 Ens_Wren ::AA::
21:02 CadetStyles ::AA::
21:02 EnsBanning ::AA::
21:02 Cmdr_Haas ::AA::
21:02 LtCmdrVanik ::AA::
21:03 CommoFyrstk Captain's Log, Supplemental
21:04 CommoFyrstk We continue to seek the answers to whah our crew from the original away team is missing. The second team has found evidence that they first team stepped through some sort of rip in the tahme space continuum.
21:04 CommoFyrstk Now, the question is..... how do we get them home?
21:05 CommoFyrstk ===== BEGIN ====
21:06 Cmdr_Haas @ CENG> ::still checking the computer console to see what is on the opposite side of the dead end corridor::
21:06 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ at ] in here
21:07 CadetStyles @SCI2> ::follows Gwen::
21:07 EnsBanning @ SCI> ::enters the room where Cmdr Haas is::
21:07 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo> ::waits for everyone to get into the small room::
21:08 Cmdr_Marqusa (( can we have the second team use a different symbol? ))
21:08 CommoFyrstk =/\=ACTION: Yoshi and Dr. Hamza join Gwen:: =/\=
21:08 CommoFyrstk ((Second team use #))
21:09 CommoFyrstk ((Gonna have to create an alias for that))
21:09 CommoFyrstk ((Correction. Second team use @@
21:09 CommoFyrstk ))
21:10 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo> Okay, we need to make a plan. Mal, I want you to figure out a way to get out of here. Yoshi and I will work on getting the prisoners out.
21:10 Cmdr_Haas @@ CENG> ::frowns:: There is machinery for this deck behind that wall.
21:11 CadetStyles @ SCI2> ::Nods:: Aye, Commander. I do know, Commander Haas's team is two decks down.... on the other station.
21:12 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] how does that help us?
21:13 EnsBanning @@ SCI> This deck seems to be the focal point also, Commander. The opening is not as strong below or above us.
21:14 CadetStyles @ SCI2> [XO] As soon as they apprroached the rift, on that deck, I was able to contact Mel.... Counselor Melody telepathically.
21:15 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] does that help us get home?
21:15 CadetStyles @SCI2> [XO] I would think if we have any chance, it would be on that deck, sir.
21:16 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] Do we need to get down there for you to figure out how to get out of here?
21:17 Cmdr_Haas @@ CENG> [SCI] We need to find an answer, here, Troy.
21:18 EnsBanning @@ SCI> [CENG] Well, i do have an idea, Commander.
21:19 CadetStyles @SCI2> [XO] ::Nods:: Yes, sir. Unfortunately we do.
21:19 Cmdr_Haas @@ CENG> [SCI] And that idea is?
21:20 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] Okay, as soon as the area is clear, we will make our way down there. :: moves over to a console and pulls up a plan of the station ::
21:20 EnsBanning @@ SCI> It's going to sound silly, but.... take a tricorder, and slide it down the floor towards the rift. See if it crosses over.
21:20 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo> ::looks over the plans and finds the least traveled route::
21:21 Cmdr_Haas @@ CENG> [SCI] I don't see how that will help.
21:22 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo>::scans the area around the door:: Okay, looks like the way is clear, let's go.
21:22 EnsBanning @@ SCI> [CENG] It could give our team a point of return.
21:22 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo>:: quickly heads out and keeps a scanner going of the area. ::
21:23 CadetStyles @ SCI2> ::Moves out with Gwen, the other two officers following as well
21:24 Cmdr_Haas @@ CENG> [SCI] Chances are, it is going to be a dead end just like on this station.
21:24 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo> :: makes the way down two decks, then finds an empty room, heads in there::
21:25 CommoFyrstk =/\=ACTION: Another team of Romulans passes by the corridor just as the last of Gwen's team slips in the room. =/\=
21:26 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] okay Mal, that was a little too close
21:26 EnsBanning @@ SCI> [CENG
21:26 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] Can you figure it out from here Mal?
21:26 EnsBanning ] Aye, sir. It more than likely is.
21:27 CadetStyles @SCI2> [XO] It is about 10 meters down the corridor, Commander.
21:28 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] okay, I want to stay here for a little bit and see if we can figure out the patrol route patterns
21:28 Cmdr_Haas @@ CENG> ::shakes his head in dismay:: Let's do it. I don 't see another option, right now.
21:29 CadetStyles @ SCI2> [XO] Do you want me to go check, Commander?
21:29 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] yes
21:30 CadetStyles @ SCI2> ::Nods. Feeling just a bit nervous, walks to the door, checks the corridor, and slips out::
21:31 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo> ::goes through the schematics and works out a plan to get the prisoners out, and back down here::
21:31 EnsBanning @@ SCI2> ::walks back out to the rift "opening." Takes a secondary tricorder, switched it on, and sends it sliding along the deck towards the dead-end::
21:33 CadetStyles @ SCI2> ::scanning the corridor, finds the rift. Says to himself:: Here it is! I found it!
21:34 CommoFyrstk =/\=ACTION: The tricorder slides across the floor and disappears just before it hits the wall. It appears in the station where Gwen's team is =/\=
21:34 CadetStyles @ SCI2> ::Looks up and sees the tricorder::
21:35 CadetStyles @ SCI2> +[XO]+ Commander, I've found the opening.
21:36 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >+[ sci2 ]+ on my way
21:36 CadetStyles @ SCI2> ::scanning the area::
21:37 EnsBanning @@ SCI> It's crossed over, Commander.
21:37 Cmdr_Haas @@ CENG> ::Nods:: I see that. Now what?
21:38 Cmdr_Marqusa @xo > ::makes way over to where Mal is:: What do you have?
21:38 EnsBanning @@ SCI> :: baffled look:: I..... am not sure, sir.
21:39 CadetStyles @ SCI2> ::Points to the tricorder:: A Federation tricorder, sir. I think one of our team just sent it over.
21:39 CommoFyrstk =/\=ACTION: Another Romulan patrol approaches Gwen and Malachi's position. =/\=
21:40 Cmdr_Marqusa @xo > ::picks up the tricorder, then hears a beep on her own, and looks down:: We gotta run Mal
21:40 Cmdr_Marqusa @xo > ::quickly moves away from the Patrol::
21:41 CadetStyles @ SCI2> ::goes with her::
21:41 Cmdr_Marqusa @xo > ::tries to find an unlocked and unoccupied room::
21:42 CommoFyrstk =/\=ACTION: One of the patrol sees them, chases them. =/\=
21:42 Bot ROM> Intruder! Stop!
21:42 Cmdr_Marqusa @xo > ::pushes Mal inside a room, and then follows him in, not even attempting to lock the door:: Take cover Mal
21:43 CadetStyles @ SCI2> :: finds a hiding spot in the darkened room::
21:44 BotServ Access denied.
21:44 Cmdr_Marqusa @xo> ::crouches down next to the door::
21:45 Bot ROM> ::rounds the corridor to find them gone. Ushers his partners to continue on, while he enters the room where Gwen and Malachi went into::
21:46 EnsBanning @@ SCI> ::scanning for ANY readings from the other side.
21:46 Cmdr_Marqusa @xo> ::waits for the door to close before kicking both knees of the Romulan who entered the room. Then fires her phaser at the man on the ground, on low level stun::
21:48 Bot ROM> :: taken completerly by surprise, his last thought as he started towards the deck was the Romulan translation of "DOH!"::
21:48 CadetStyles @ SCI2> ::rises from his hiding spot:: Nice job, Commander.
21:49 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] shhh
21:49 CadetStyles @ SCI2> ::ducks back down::
21:49 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] there were two of them. Find something to tie this one up, also, take off his uniform, it might come in useful. Take anything of use on him.
21:50 CadetStyles @ SCI2> ::Nods, dragging the Romulan out of the way::
21:51 Bot 2ndROM> ::comes back looking for his partner;:
21:51 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] I'll be right back. If I'm not back in 10 mins, make your way back to the others.
21:52 CadetStyles @ SCI2> Understood, Sir. ::starts removing the Romulan's uniform::
21:52 Cmdr_Marqusa @xo > :: scans the area right outside the door:: Take cover again
21:52 CadetStyles @ SCI2> ::ducks back into his hiding spot::
21:53 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo> :: moves to an area with cover, aims at the door::
21:54 Bot 2ndROM> ::opens the door, looking for his partner:: Daeven? ::does not enter the room::
21:54 Cmdr_Marqusa @xo> ::fires at the Romulan officer::
21:54 Cmdr_Haas @@ CENG> ::Looks to Banning:: Anything?
21:55 Bot 2ndROM> ::hears Gwen's slight shuffle and manages to duck back out the door just as the phaser fire passes over his body::
21:56 Cmdr_Marqusa @xo> ::rushes out of the room quickly, and fires again, just past the door::
21:57 Bot 2ndRom> ::Gets caught by that shot and collapses to the deck::
21:57 Cmdr_Marqusa @xo> ::quickly grabs the second officer and drags him back into the room::
21:58 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] Mal, see if they informed anyone else about spotting us.
21:59 EnsBanning @@ SCI> [CENG} I'm pretty sure someone picked up the tricorder. I do believe i was receiving faint readings from it, and then... they stopped.
21:59 CadetStyles @ SCI2> ::goes to the computer console and accesses the communicqations streams.::
22:00 CommoFyrstk =/\=ACTION: No extra comms are heard =/\=
22:00 CommoFyrstk =/\= Pause Sim =/\=

USS Eagle, NCC 9561

>Sim of 090923

21:02 CommoFyrstk =/\= ATTENTION ON DECK =/\=
21:02 EnsBanning ::AA::
21:02 Cmdr_Marqusa ::AA::
21:02 Cmdr_Haas ::AA::
21:02 LtCmdrVanik ::AA::
*** Ens_Wren joined #usseagle
21:02 CadetStyles ::AA::
21:03 CommoFyrstk Captain's Log, Supplemental
21:03 CommoFyrstk The away team continues to trah and fahnd out a way to retrieve to Commander Marqusa's team.
21:04 CommoFyrstk Thus far, they have found a rift, and sent a trah-corder through the rift.
21:04 CommoFyrstk ==== BEGIN SIM ====
21:05 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] our time is now very limited Mal, someone will be missing those two
21:06 CadetStyles @ SCI2> [XO] Agreed. We need to figure out how to get home.
21:07 EnsBanning @@ SCI> :: does some quick data checking::
21:08 Cmdr_Haas @@ CENG> :: stands in the corridor, looking at the dead end::
21:09 Cmdr_Haas @@CENG> We still need to establish contact with out team. Do you think the communicators would work through the rift?
21:09 EnsBanning @@ SCI> I am checking now, sir.
21:11 EnsBanning @@SCI> I can program this tricorder to send a signal through, bounce it off the dead end and hopefully the other tricorder will receive it.
21:11 Cmdr_Haas @@CENG> And hopefully it was one of our team members that picked it up.
21:12 Cmdr_Haas @@ CENG> Do it, Troy.
21:13 Cmdr_Marqusa @xo> :: works on the escape plan::
21:13 EnsBanning @@ SCI> Aye, sir. ::reprograms the tricorder. Give Haas a hopeful look and presses the transmit, pointing it at the rift.::
21:14 CommoFyrstk =/\=ACTION: The transmission goes through, and as Banning hoped, it' =/\=
21:15 CommoFyrstk =/\=ACTION: cont.... it;s signal reflects off the deadend bulkhead and to the other tricorder:: =/\=
21:16 CadetStyles @ SCI2> ::hears a slight beep::
21:17 CadetStyles @SCI2> ::looks around for the source::
21:17 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] what is it Mal?
21:17 Cmdr_Haas @@CENG> ::a little impatient:: Well?
21:18 CadetStyles @SCI2> ::Listens more carefully:: [XO] I think you are beeping, Commander.
21:19 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] me?
21:19 CadetStyles @ SCI2> ::points to the tricorder she had picked up in the corridor::
21:19 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo > ::looks around, and pulls out the tricorder::
21:20 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo > ::tosses it to Mal:: What do you make of it?
21:21 CadetStyles @ SCI2> :: presses a control on it.:: It is a transmission..... from Ensign Banning, sir.
21:21 EnsBanning @@ SCI> They... well someone has seen the signal, sir.
21:22 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] can you respond?
21:23 CadetStyles @ SCI2> I believe so. ::starts to adjust the tricorder::
21:25 CadetStyles @SCI2> ::makes the adjustment and transmits::
21:25 EnsBanning @@ SCI> ::smiles:: They've got it, sir! Cadet Styles had just responded to the message.
21:26 Cmdr_Haas @@ CENG> :: Smiles and murmurs:: Good boy, Mal.
21:26 Cmdr_Haas @@ CENG> Check their status.
21:27 EnsBanning @@ SCI> :: transmits the query about their status::
21:27 CadetStyles @SCI2> [XO] It is definitely Ensign Banning. I made contact, and they want to know our status.
21:29 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] Let them know we are alright, and that we found the others from the station. Also inform them we are in hostile territory
21:29 CadetStyles @ SCI2> ::sends back a quick run-down of our status::
21:30 EnsBanning @@ SCI> ::repeats the message Styles sent to Haas::
21:31 Cmdr_Haas @@ CENG> ::feeling very helpless, wants see how he can help his wife::
21:32 Cmdr_Haas @@ CENG> +[CO]+ Sir, we have made contact with the other team. :: goes over what Mal had sent::
21:33 CommoFyrstk CO >+[ CENG ]+ Received, Commander. Good job, and see if there is anything at all you can do from your side of the rift.
21:34 Cmdr_Haas @@ CENG> Troy? How much space is in between the rift and that bulkhead at the dead-end?
21:35 EnsBanning @@ SCI> I would estimate about .80 meters, sir.
21:35 Cmdr_Haas @@ CENG> And if I stepped through it, i should be able to step back in to this reality?
21:36 EnsBanning @@ SCI> Theoretically, yes, sir.
21:37 Cmdr_Haas @@ CENG> :: points to the tricorder:: Contact them. Ask them if the corridor is clear there.
21:38 EnsBanning @@ SCI> Sir... maybe I should....
21:38 Cmdr_Haas @@ CENG> Contact them!
21:38 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] okay, show me how to use this
21:38 EnsBanning @@ SCI> Aye, sir.... ::Sends the query::
21:39 CadetStyles @ SCI> It is pretty simple, sir, this button tr.... :: sees the query coming through:: We are receiveing a message, :: Shows Gwen::
21:40 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] :: looks at the screen:: And how do I tell them it's clear?
21:41 CadetStyles @ SCI> ::touches a control/ A small keypad appears on the screen of the tricorder:: There, sir.
21:44 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] Okay, I think I got it.
21:47 Bot ::Jeopardy music plays::
21:48 CommoFyrstk ((You okay, Gwen?))
21:48 Cmdr_Marqusa (( Yeah, waiting for you ))
21:49 Cmdr_Marqusa (( Waiting for Rommie to come through ))
21:49 CommoFyrstk ((I believe they are waiting for your answer))
21:49 Cmdr_Marqusa (( I thought Mal answered ))
21:49 CommoFyrstk ((No, you asked him how you could answer it))
21:50 Cmdr_Marqusa (( yeah, by him answering ))
21:50 CadetStyles ((My bad))
21:51 Cmdr_Marqusa (( LOL, just misunderstanding ))
21:51 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo> ::sends the all clear::
21:52 EnsBanning @@ SCI> They're saying it is all clear, sir.
21:52 Cmdr_Haas @@ CENG> Tell them to meet me in the corridor.
21:53 EnsBanning @@ SCI> Aye, sir. :: Sends the message to them::
21:54 Cmdr_Haas @@ CENG> :: Cautiously starts down the corridor towards the dead end:: I should just walk...
21:54 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo> what? ::sends back a word "no" ::
21:55 Cmdr_Haas @ CENG> ::the lighting changes and the temperature:: ... through? ::looks at the dead end bulk head::
21:55 EnsBanning @@ SCI> ::Sees Gwen's answer:: Oh crap. :: Sends back "Too late." ::
21:56 Cmdr_Haas @ CENG> :: Turns around, looking back down the corridor::
21:56 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo> ::frowns::
21:57 Cmdr_Haas @ CENG >+[ XO ]+ Haas the Commander Marqusa.
21:57 Cmdr_Haas (* Haas TO....)
21:57 Cmdr_Marqusa ( LOL )
21:58 CommoFyrstk CO> ::hears the comm signal go dead::
21:58 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >+[ ceng ]+ Gwen here, what are you doing Rommie?
21:58 CommoFyrstk CO >+[ CENG ]+ Eagle to Commander Haas... :: Gets on answer::
21:59 Cmdr_Haas @ CENG >+[ XO ]+ Waiting to see you, of course, I think I have a way for this to work.
21:59 CommoFyrstk CO >+[ SCI ]+ Eagle to Ensign Banning.
21:59 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >+[ ceng ]+ let's here your idea?
22:00 EnsBanning @@ SCI> +CO+ Banning here, sir. Commander Haas went through the rift.
22:01 Cmdr_Haas @ CENG >+[ XO ]+ Theoretically, I can walk back into our reality just by reversing my course. If you can gain access to a transporter, and do a site to site to this .... dead end, you all could walk back as well.
22:01 CommoFyrstk CO >+[ SCI ]+ He what?
22:02 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >+[ ceng ]+ theorectically? Have you tried walking back?
22:02 EnsBanning @@ SCI> ::cringes:: +CO+ He went through the rift, sir.
22:02 Cmdr_Haas @ CENG >+[ XO ]+ Not yet, I wanted to make contact with you first.
22:03 CommoFyrstk CO> ::rubs his temples in frustration:
22:03 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >+[ ceng ]+ I want you to go back now. I will make sure that Mal knows.
22:03 CommoFyrstk CO >+[ SCI ]+ Whatever you do, Ensign, don't you DARE go through that rift!
22:05 EnsBanning @@ SCI> :: (GULP) :: Aye, sir. Staying put. ::sends to the other tricorder, "Have you made contact with Commander Haas?"::
22:05 Cmdr_Haas @ CENG >+[ XO ]+ Nag-nag
22:06 CommoFyrstk =/\= Pause Sim =/\=
22:06 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo> ::sends response back saying yes, and the fact that he's returning now. Also states that Banning better not let the Cmdr do that again::

USS Eagle, NCC 9561

Sim of 090930

21:18 CommoFyrstk =/\= ATTENTION ON DECK =/\=
21:18 Cmdr_Marqusa ::AA::
21:18 EnsBanning ::AA::
21:18 Cmdr_Haas ::AA::
21:18 LtCmdrMatsu ::AA::
21:18 CadetStyles ::AA::
21:19 CommoFyrstk Before we get started on the sim, I was informed the Yoshi's player was killed in a car accident.
21:20 CommoFyrstk Melody's player is in the hospital, possibly paralyzed for life.
21:20 Cmdr_Marqusa wow
21:20 Cmdr_Marqusa That really sucks
21:20 CommoFyrstk She has said she was quitting the sim, but I have informed her she always has a place here. Maybe... given time she will return to us.
21:21 Cmdr_Marqusa how did you find all this out?
21:21 mibbit email: No such nickname online.
21:22 CommoFyrstk So, I would like to take just a moment to think of Kaitlin.
21:22 CommoFyrstk And say a prayer for Jen
21:23 CommoFyrstk In Kaitlin's honor, Yoshi will be making one final appearance in the sim.
21:23 CommoFyrstk Now... onto the sim.
21:23 CommoFyrstk Captain's Log, Supplemental
21:24 CommoFyrstk Gwen's away team still remains in the other universe. Commander Haas has taken it upon himself to cross over, voluntarily into that univers to make contact with the tema personally.
21:25 CommoFyrstk Ah have instructed Ensing Banning NOT to cross over for any reason.
21:25 CommoFyrstk ==== BEGIN ====
21:26 Cmdr_Haas @ CENG >+[ XO ]+ have you come up with a way to free the outpost crew?
21:27 EnsBanning @@SCI> ::scanning the rift:: Ohhhh... this is not good.
21:27 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ ceng ] I think so, but we'll have to time it right. Once we get them out, they WILL know we are here. I need to know a timing on when we can get back
21:28 LtCmdrMatsu @ CSCI >[ XO ] Commander, I have a suggestion.
21:29 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ csci ] yes?
21:29 EnsBanning @@ SCI> +CO+ Commodore, we have a problem.
21:29 CommoFyrstk CO >+[ SCI ]+ Explain, Mr. Banning.
21:30 LtCmdrMatsu @ CSCI >[ XO ] Even though this station is occupied by Romulans, it is still basically a Federation built outpost.
21:32 LtCmdrMatsu @ CSCI >[ XO ] Why don't we use their transporter to do a site to site. Beam them out of the brig to the corrodor where Mr. Hass is and they can go back through.
21:33 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ csci ] Good idea, and then we can transport ourselves
21:33 EnsBanning @@ SCI> +CO+ The rift is starting to close. I would estimate the have less than an hour, sir.
21:33 LtCmdrMatsu @ CSCI >[ XO ] Hai.
21:34 CommoFyrstk CO >+[ SCI ]+ Get word to them on the other side. Tell them to step it up.
21:34 EnsBanning @@ SCI> +CO+ Aye, sir. Banning out.
21:35 EnsBanning @@ SCI> ::sends the message to the other tricorder::
21:35 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >+[ ceng ]+ Rommie, we will be transporting the prisoners from the bring to the coords you gave . . . then transport ourselves over. we should be prepared for the romulans to follow us
21:35 Cmdr_Haas @ CENG >[ XO ] I'm going back through to make sure this whole idea is going to work.
21:35 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >+[ ceng ]+ good idea
21:36 Cmdr_Haas @ CENG >[ XO ] ::smiles to his wife:: Wish me luck.
21:36 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo> ::looks down at the tricorder:: merde. We don't have much time, the rest of us need to make our way to the transporter room. The rift is closing.
21:37 CadetStyles @ SCI2> ::looks at the tricorder:: Commander we better hurry.
21:37 CadetStyles ((Neverming))
21:37 Cmdr_Marqusa (( Gwen has the tricorder still ))
21:38 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ csci ] lead the way Yoshi
21:38 CadetStyles SCI2> ::Scans the rift with is tricorder:: Ensing Banning is right. The rift is re-sealing itself.
21:38 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >+[ ceng ]+ good luck Rommie
21:39 LtCmdrMatsu @ CSCI >[ XO ] This way. ::heads off down the corridor::
21:39 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo> ::follows yoshi::
21:40 Cmdr_Haas @ CENG> ::takes a deep breath and starts walking forward::
21:40 CommoFyrstk =/\=ACTION: Rommie succeeds in walking back into our universe. =/\=
21:41 EnsBanning @@ SCI> Commander!! You're back!
21:42 Cmdr_Haas @@ CENG> ::Looks around:: So I am. Send the message to them that I made it back.
21:42 EnsBanning @@ SCI> Aye, sir. ::Sends the message to the other tricorder::
21:44 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo>good, he made it back
21:44 LtCmdrMatsu @ CSCI> ::Leads the group to the brig area::
21:44 Cmdr_Marqusa (( why brig ))
21:44 CadetStyles @ SCI2> So that part of the plan will work.
21:45 LtCmdrMatsu ((We have to at least lower the force fields, and let the prisoners know what to expect.))
21:45 Cmdr_Marqusa (( lol, good point! ))
21:46 CadetStyles @ SCI2> ::scanning:: I'm showing two guards, Commander.
21:46 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo> one of us is going to need to stay here and deactivate the force fields, once they are down, the Romulans will be alerted.
21:47 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo> good, then we shouldn't have a problem. Yoshi, on three, we both enter, you stun the one on the right, I'll take left
21:48 LtCmdrMatsu @ CSCI >[ XO ] I Hai, Commander. On three. ::draws her phaser::
21:49 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo> one . . two . . . three ::enters and fires at the Romulan on the left::
21:49 LtCmdrMatsu @ CSCI> ::enters and fires at the other guard::
21:51 CommoFyrstk =/\=ACTION: With the two guards down the team enters the brig area. They start to lower the force fields. Suddenly a third guard emerges and draws his weapon, firing at Gwen. =/\=
21:52 LtCmdrMatsu @ CSCI> Commander! ::Dives and takes the full brunt of the disruptor fire::
21:52 CadetStyles @ SCI2> YOSHI!!!! ::fires his phaser at the Romulan::
21:53 CommoFyrstk =/\=ACTION: The Romulan drops to the deck:: =/\=
21:54 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo> ::Quickly moves over to Yoshi, and does a quick scan::
21:54 CadetStyles SCI2> ::kneels down by Yoshi:: Commander!!
21:54 CadetStyles SCI2> ::tears in his eyes;: She's dead!!
21:55 CadetStyles SCI2> She's dead, Commander!!!
21:55 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] Yes. Now calm yourself Mal. We still have a mission we must complete.
21:55 CommoFyrstk =/\=ACTION: Gwen's scans reveal what Malachi says is true. =/\=
21:56 CadetStyles @SCI2> It's my fault.
21:57 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo >[ sci2 ] Mal. Get your head back in the mission! We still need to get these people back to our universe, and we need to get Yoshi's body back so that her family can have a proper bariel (sp? )
21:57 CommoFyrstk =/\=ACTION: Some of the scientists come out of the cells:: =/\=
21:58 Cmdr_Marqusa @xo> Everyone listen up, we have a way to get you all home, but you'll have to be quick and follow us, being very quiet.
21:58 Bot SCIENTIST> Federation? From our universe?
21:58 Cmdr_Marqusa @xo> Yes, and we don't have much time left. The rift is closing as we speak
21:59 CadetStyles @ SCI2> ::picks Yoshi's body up himself::
22:00 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo> ::looks over to Mal, but says nothing::
22:00 CommoFyrstk =/\=ACTION: Alarms start to sound. =/\=
22:00 Cmdr_Marqusa @xo>We are heading for transporter room 1. Let's move out. ::takes the lead to clear the way::
22:01 CadetStyles @ SCI2> ::Mutters to Yoshi:: I am so sorry Commander.
22:02 Bot ::The outposters follow Gwen::
22:03 CommoFyrstk =/\=ACTION: Romulan guards appear at the head of the corriror =/\=
22:03 Cmdr_Marqusa @xo> ::fires at the Romulan in her way::
22:04 Bot ::one of the scientists grabs Mal's phaser and starts firing as well::
22:05 CommoFyrstk =/\=ACTION: The Romulans fall. =/\=
22:06 Cmdr_Marqusa @xo> ;;keeps moving;;
22:07 CadetStyles @ SCI2> :: following quietly now::
22:08 CommoFyrstk =/\=ACTION: They make it to the transporter room. =/\=
22:08 CadetStyles @ SCI2> Commander.... We should.... isolate the circuits... so... they don't stop the transports.
22:09 Cmdr_Marqusa @ xo> Do it Mal. ::moves over and takes Yoshi's body::
22:09 BotServ Unknown command @. "/msg BotServ HELP" for help.
22:10 CadetStyles @ SCI2> :: Carefully lays Yoshi down, and move tot he transporter control::
22:10 Cmdr_Marqusa @xo> The rest of you up on the platform
22:10 CadetStyles @ SCI2> ::quickly isolates the panel:: (q) It is ready Commander
22:11 CadetStyles @ SCI2 we have to do it two at a time, sir. NOt much room in that corridor.
22:11 CommoFyrstk =/\= Pause Sim =/\=