USS Eagle, NCC 89561

Sim of 120404

Font color codes:
Bridge activity  Sick BayEngineeringScience labOther areas, Other area. other area
Away TeamHailsActions

21:03CaptMcCloud:=/\= ATTENTION ON DECK =/\=
21:03EnsSHidewara:CNS> ::AA::
21:04CaptMcCloud:Captain's Log, supplemental
The away team has returned,and Commander Vanik has reported contact with a man named Borad, who is now claiming leadership on Tronng.
21:05..Cmdr_Jorel1 [] entered the room.
21:05CaptMcCloud:That lets Armand off the hook, so to say, and Borad has requested aid from the Federation against the Vastar. And aid is just what we'll give them.
=/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=
21:07..Cmdr_Jorel2 entered the room.
21:08EnsSHidewara:((Jorel has clones now! XD))
21:08Lt_Banning:SCI> :: at his station::
21:08Cmdr_Jorel2:(( unwanted clones! ))
21:08CaptMcCloud:CO >[ OPS ] Lt. Wren. Open a channel to the Vastar fleet.
21:08..Cmdr_Jorel left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
21:08..Lt_Wren left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
21:08EnsSHidewara:CNN> ::on the bridge::
21:08EnsSHidewara:((Try CNS))
21:09CaptMcCloud:(and thank you, Counselor. I was going to make that clarification)
21:10..Cmdr_Jorel1 left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
21:10EnsSHidewara:((PASS... and yeah, auto correct is ruining my life. Sadako Hidewara, CNN News, Tronng.))
21:10CaptMcCloud:CO >[ OPS ] Lt. Wren. Open a channel to the Vastar fleet.
21:10..Lt_Wren entered the room.
21:11CaptMcCloud:(::sighs:: )
21:11CaptMcCloud:CO >[ OPS ] Lt. Wren. Open a channel to the Vastar fleet.
21:12EnsSHidewara:((Have we lost Wren and don't know it?))
21:12Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] Aye sir, :: opens a channel:: Open
21:12EnsSHidewara:((OK good))
21:12LtCmdrVanik:HELM> :: at his console::
21:13EnsSHidewara:CNS> ::ponders the situation at hand::
21:14CaptMcCloud:CO >+[ V-Fleet ]+ Vastar Fleet. This is Captain McCloud. Be on notice we are now protecting the planet Tronng. And further hostilities will be dealt with, with deadly force. You've seen what this ship can do.
21:15CaptMcCloud:CO > ::motions to Wren to cut the channel::
21:15LtCmdr_Hart:CENG> :: at the Engineering console on the bridge.::
21:17CaptMcCloud:=/\=ACTION: Long-range science scanners detect five more ships leaving the Vastar home world. =/\=
21:17Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] :: cuts the channel:: closed sir
21:18Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Captain. I have five more ships leaving the Vastar system, enroute here.
21:19CaptMcCloud:CO >[ SCI ] How long til they get here?
21:20Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Two days at best, sir.
21:20EnsSHidewara:::attempts to send thoughtwaves to the V-Fleet:: ~::PROBE::~
21:21CaptMcCloud:CO >[ SCI ] Is it sage to assume that the Vastar homeworld has not heard the latest information? :: Meaning the last communique to the fleet::
21:22Cmdr_Jorel2:xo >[ co ] it does seem kind of fast
21:22Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Very safe, sir. With the Vastar form of communication, if they sent a message, it might not reach the homeworld for another two hours.
21:23EnsSHidewara:((Let's try this correctly:)) CNS> ::attempts to send thoughtwaves to the V-Fleet:: ~::PROBE::~
21:24CaptMcCloud:CO > :: Nods in agreement to th XO:: [OPS] Lt. Wren. IF we were to send the homeworld the message, could they receive it from our transmitters, or would we have to resotrt to their mode of comms?
21:25CaptMcCloud:( :: winks to Hidewara:: To used to the USF? ))
21:26EnsSHidewara:((Oh yeah))
21:27Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] checking
21:27EnsSHidewara:CNS> ::gives up:: [NOIP] If we could only harness their thoughts from long range...
21:28EnsSHidewara:((At that spot I completely forgot SP))
21:28CaptMcCloud:(You can elaborate, Wten)
21:29CaptMcCloud:CO >[ CNS ] I would settle for their emotions at this point, Ensign.
21:30EnsSHidewara:CNS >[ CO ] Should I try and harness them for you? You might not like the result...
21:31Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] they might be able to hear Captain
21:31CaptMcCloud:CO >[ CNS ] IF you can give me even an inkling of what is going on, over there, it would be helpful.
21:31CaptMcCloud:CO >[ OPS ] Send the same message to the homeworld, I sent to their fleet.
21:32EnsSHidewara:CNS>[CO] Create a three-meter force-field, square, emanating around my position as a pivotal point. What I see is ridiculously wild.
21:33CaptMcCloud: =/\=ACTION: Any emotions that Hidewara gets from the Vastar fleet contains confusion and doubts. =/\=
21:33Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] aye sir :: retransmits the COs message to the homeworld ::
21:34EnsSHidewara:CNS> ::when the force field is active, face scrunches, and begins to pace the floor::
21:34CaptMcCloud:CO > :: looks a littel doubtful at Hidewara, but nods to the tactical officer to comply with her request.::
21:34..Cmdr_Jorel entered the room.
21:35..Lt_Wren1 entered the room.
21:35Lt_Banning:SCI> :: watches Hidewara::
21:35Lt_Wren1:(( grrrrrrrr . . . I am getting soooo dang tired of this! ))
21:36LtCmdrVanik:HELM> :: turns in his seat to watch as well.::
21:36EnsSHidewara:CNS> ::suddenly begins to punch something but hits the force field wall instead:: [NOIP] Gahhh!! What in space do we DO about this?!
21:36CaptMcCloud:(I don't blame you, Wren)
21:37CaptMcCloud:CO > :: watching the counselor:: Counselor? Do about what?
21:38..Lt_Wren left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
21:38..Lt_Wren entered the room.
21:38..Cmdr_Jorel2 left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
21:39..Cmdr_Jorel1 entered the room.
21:39CaptMcCloud:(welcome back Lt)
21:39EnsSHidewara:CNS> ::snaps out:: [CO] As far as I can tell, Captain, they have no idea what to do.
21:39CaptMcCloud:(and welcome back, COmmander)
21:39EnsSHidewara:((Bad weather out there))
21:39CaptMcCloud:CO> :: smiles:: [CNS ] That's just what I was hoping for.
21:41EnsSHidewara:CNS> [CO] You can drop the force field now, unless you want to see a grand, Ringling Bros.-style performance of Vastar confusion.
21:41..Lt_Wren1 left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
21:41..Cmdr_Jorel left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
21:41EnsSHidewara:((Back into the past, going we are.))
21:41Cmdr_Jorel1:(( Nope . . . I haven't seen my internet this bad ))
21:42EnsSHidewara:((I meant that with a question mark))
21:42EnsSHidewara:((Happened to me when I joined USF for the 1st time))
21:42CaptMcCloud:CO >[ CNS ] What you've done will be sufficient, Counselor. :: looks to the TAC officer, and nods. The officer drops the force-fields::
21:42Cmdr_Jorel1:(( so, I"m really lost as to where we are in the sim ))
21:43EnsSHidewara:CNS> ::grins at Captain McCloud::
21:43CaptMcCloud:(No problem, Commander. Just play it by ear)
21:44CaptMcCloud:=/\=ACTION: Surprisingly enough, the Vastar homeworld replies to the Eagle message. =/\=
21:44EnsSHidewara:((Ringling Bros... LOL))
21:45Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] I"m g etting a reply from the homeworld Captain
21:45EnsSHidewara:CNS> ::sits back and listens::
21:45CaptMcCloud:CO >[ OPS ] :: raises brows and looks at the XO, then back to OPS:: Put it onscreen.
21:47Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] :: puts the message on screen ::
21:47LtCmdr_Hart:CENG> :: turns and looks at the screen::
21:48EnsSHidewara:((That Gul Dukat Owns the Black-Market Dude scene from DS9 comes to mind here, I dunno why))
21:48Cmdr_Jorel1:xo > :: looks at the screen ::
21:48Bot:@ Vastar >+[ Eagle ]+ This is an outrage. Who do you think you are? By what authority do you say such things?
21:49EnsSHidewara:(( !! ))
21:50CaptMcCloud:CO >+[ Vastar ]+ We have been requested by the current ruler on Tronng to assist in them keeping their freedom. We have contacted the Federation, and a team from the Ambassadorial services are on their way here.
21:50Cmdr_Jorel1:xo> :: tries not to roll her eyes ::
21:51Bot:Vastar >+[ Eagle ]+ Requested by their ruler? By the boy prince?
21:52EnsSHidewara:CNS> ::catches Jorel trying to keep from laughing, shoots him a look::
21:52CaptMcCloud:CO >+[ Vaster ]+ No. By Borad of Tronng. The people-appointed ruler.
21:52EnsSHidewara:((Try HER))
21:52Cmdr_Jorel1:( Jorel is female )
21:52Cmdr_Jorel1:( and I wasn't trying to laugh )
21:52CaptMcCloud:(Good catch, Counselor)
21:53EnsSHidewara:((Trying to roll your eyes, sorry ))
21:53Bot:Vaster >+[ Eagle ]+ :: visibly shakes, as he is fuming:: You have not heard the last of this! I will complain to your superiors!
21:54EnsSHidewara:CNS> ::mutters to herself:: [Herself] Good luck, Vastar rat sav...
21:55CaptMcCloud:CO >+[ Vastar ]+ You go ahead and do that, but in the meantime... If your fleet makes so much as a thruster burst back to this system, we will blow them to bits.
21:56Bot:Vastar >+[ Eagle ]+ :: shakes even more in anger:: You will rue the day!
21:56CaptMcCloud:CO >[ Vastar ] :: smiles:: Yeah.... I'm sure I will. Eagle out.
21:56CaptMcCloud:CO> :: motions to Wren to cut the transmission::
21:57EnsSHidewara:((And I'm dam I well))
21:57Lt_Wren:Ops> :: cuts the channel ::
21:57EnsSHidewara:((And that's ::ind:: our newest foal))
21:57CaptMcCloud:(Newest foal?)
21:58EnsSHidewara:((Sire, dam, ...? LOLz))
21:58CaptMcCloud:CO > :: looks to hs XO and CNS for their opinions::
21:58EnsSHidewara:((Nvm horrible play))
21:58EnsSHidewara:CNS>[CO] I was about to get in the act there.
21:59CaptMcCloud:CO >[ CNS ] I appreciate you restraint, Ensign.
22:00CaptMcCloud:=/\= Pause Sim =/\=

USS Eagle, NCC 89561

Sim of 120411

Font color codes:
Bridge activity  Sick BayEngineeringScience labOther areas
Away TeamHailsActions

21:00CaptMcCloud:=/\= ATTENTION ON DECK =/\=
21:01CaptMcCloud:Captain's Log, Stardate 66061.41 (01/23/2389, 10:00 hours)
The Vastar, for the time being seemed to have accepted our stance where Tronng is concerned. The U.S.S. Arrinity is due to arrive within the next day to start official talks with Borad of Tronng. We will remain in orbit until they do.
21:03CaptMcCloud:Borad has offered an invitation for us to go down. They have re-established a city at the old site of Armand's castle.
21:04Moonshadows:Has the away team returned or are we still on the surface sir?
21:04CaptMcCloud:YOu have returned.
21:04Moonshadows:Aye sir
21:05CaptMcCloud:I have decided to visit the planet before we depart.
=/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=
21:06Moonshadows:TAC>::At her board watching the Vastar like a cat at a musehole having eaten cheese: WIth baited breath::
21:06CaptMcCloud:CO> :: rises from his seat, looking over to Moon:: Lt. Would you care to accompany me to the planet surface?
21:07Moonshadows:TAC>[CO]My pads prefer soil sir... Of course I would like to go back down
21:07CaptMcCloud:CO> :: smiles:: Very good. Mr. Vanik, you will have the bridge.
21:08Moonshadows:TAC>::Logs out of the Tac board and hands it over to an NPC::
21:08CaptMcCloud:CO >+[ SCI ]+ Bridge to Lt. Banning.
21:08Moonshadows:TAC>::Goes to the READY locker and puts on bandolier with a phaser and slings her shoulder bag over the other shoulder::
21:09LtBanning:SCI> ::on the observation deck with Armand:: +[ CO ]+ Banning here, sir.
21:09CmdrVanik:HELM >[ CO ] Aye, sir. :: turns the helm console over, and moves to the command seat::
21:10CaptMcCloud:CO >+[ SCI ]+ Would you and Armand please meet me in transporter room 1?
21:10Moonshadows:TAC>::She waits by the TL::
21:10CaptMcCloud:CO> :: moves to the TL::
21:11LtBanning:SCI >+[ CO ]+ On our way, sir.
21:11Bot:Armand >[ SCI ] Does this mean I'm going to the planet?
21:12LtBanning:SCI >[ Armand ] It seems so. Are you okay with that?
21:12Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] ::Tail corkscrewing tightly in laughter::Beaming in should impress the primitive natives of our Ancient Alien godlike powers, sir
21:13Bot:Armand> :: thinks a moment, as they walk out of the lounge:: [ SCI ] Yes. I think I am.
21:13Moonshadows:TAC>[NOIP] Perhaps in the far future they will find mysterious statues of us
21:14CaptMcCloud:CO > :: chuckles as he enters the lift:: [ TAC ] Yes. I guess it would, Lt., but that is not my goal.
21:15Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] As long as they do not build pyramids to drag people up and rip their hearts out to us
21:15LtCmdr_Hart:CENG> :: in main engineering running tests, now that the Vastar have backed off::
21:15Moonshadows:TAC>::Tail stays tightly coiled::
21:16CaptMcCloud:CO > :: shudders at the thought:: [TAC ] Grozit! I certainly hope not!
21:16CaptMcCloud:CO> :: steps out of the lift and heads to the TR::
21:17Moonshadows:TAC>::Follows the CO, obviously not in a serious mood::
21:17LtBanning:SCI> :: with Armand, enters another lift:: Transporter room 1.
21:18CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] Of course they're likely to erect a statue of the great talking cat, before they do one of the plain human starship captain.
21:19Moonshadows:TAC>::Draws herself up to her full five feet + ears and strikes a dramatic pose::
21:20CaptMcCloud:CO> :: laughs:: [TAC] There you have it.
21:20LtBanning:SCI> :: steps out of the lift, and heads to the TR::
21:20Moonshadows:TAC>[SCI / Armand] I greet you!
21:21LtBanning:SCI >[ TAC ] :: smiles:: Good morning to you, Moon.
21:22Bot:Armand >[ TAC ] :: smiles also:: Hello, Lt. Moonshadows to Enien.
21:22CaptMcCloud:CO> :: steps onto the transporter pad::
21:22Moonshadows:TAC>[Armand] You may call me Moon, Armand, it is easier
21:22Moonshadows:TAC>::Steps up on the pad and wraps her tail around her, not trusting the machine implicitly::
21:22Bot:Armand> :: smiles even broader:: Thank you... Moon.
21:23Bot:Armand > :: steps up on the pad, and stands beside the captain::
21:24Moonshadows:TAC>[Armand} Tuck in your tail, cub!
21:24CaptMcCloud:CO> :: reaches over and nudges Armand to stand on the disc.::
21:24Bot:Armand> :: quick glances behind him to look for a tail:: Huh?
21:25Moonshadows:TAC>{Armand} I am joking, Armand
21:25LtBanning:SCI > :: steps up on the pad, chuckling at Armand's reaction::
21:26CaptMcCloud:CO> :: nods to the transporter chief:: Energize.
21:27CaptMcCloud:=/\=ACTION: The team gets beamed to the surface. They appear on the road in front of the castle. There are still scorch marks on the walls, but it is obvious that thery ey are rebuilding. =/\=
21:28CmdrVanik:(Ahhhh... sound effects!)
21:28LtBanning:@ SCI > :: appears on the surface::
21:29Bot:@ Armand> :: gulps as he looks at the castle::
21:29CaptMcCloud:@ CO >[ Armand ] :: glances down at him:: Are you okay?
21:30Bot:@ Armand >[ CO ] ::nods a bit apprehansively::
21:31CaptMcCloud:@ CO > ;: puts his hand on Armand's shoulder, reassuringly::
21:31Moonshadows:@TAC>::Uncoils her tail::
21:32CaptMcCloud::: A man comes from out of the castle. He approaches the group then sees Armand. He immediately goes to his knees:: Your Grace!
21:32LtBanning:@ SCI > :: raises brows at the man::
21:33Bot:@ Armand >[ Man ] Lord Hantel. Please rise. Can you take us to King Borad?
21:34Bot:@ Hantel> :: rises:: Of course, My Grace. It is so encouraging to see you alive.
21:35Moonshadows:@TAC>::She settles her load comfortably::
21:35Bot:@ Armand >[ Hantel ] This is Captaim McCloud. He is leader of the starship Eagle.
21:36Bot:@ Hantel> :: bows his head slightly to McCloud. His eyes catch sight of Moonshadows:: Captain. We owe you much.
21:37CaptMcCloud:@ CO >[ Hantel ] You owe us nothing, m'Lord. It is what the Federation does.
21:38Moonshadows:@TAC>::She reaches into her bag and produces a bar of chocolate and hands it to Armand::
21:38Bot:@ Hantel > :: looks over to Banning then Moonshadows. His gaze stays on her, fascinated::
21:39CaptMcCloud:@ CO >[ Hantel ] These are my officers, Lt. Banning and Lt. Moonshadows to Enien.
21:39Moonshadows:@TAC>::SHows her claws formally to Hantlel::
21:40Bot:@ Hantel> :: looks up, startled:: A lieutenant? :: his gaze falls back to Moon:: Does it speak?
21:40Bot:@ Armand >[ Hantel ] IT... is a she, and she speaks and is quite intelligent, and sometimes funny.
21:41CaptMcCloud:@ Hantel > :: obviously chastised:: [ Armand ] My apologies, Your Grace. I... I did not mean offense. It's just....
21:42CaptMcCloud:@ CO >[ Hantel ] It is understandable, Lord Hantel. I believe many people have the same first reaction.
21:43Bot:@ Hantel >[ CO ] Yes... yes of course. Please... Come this way. :: turns and heads for the castle opening::
21:44CaptMcCloud:=/\=ACTION: As the group approaches, they see very little left of the massive doors which once protected the opening to the castle. People are busy working inside, making repairs. =/\=
21:45Moonshadows:@TAC>[Hantel]It is understandbale, Lord Hantel to Trongg
21:46CaptMcCloud::: They are led through the small streets within the walls of the castle, to a building.::
21:47Moonshadows:@TAC>+[CONN]+Moonshadows to Vanik, materialization successful, entering village
21:48Bot:@ Hantel >[ CO ] This is what King Borad is using while the main parts of the castle are being rebuilt. If you will wait one moment... :: then quickly glances to Armand, wondering if he's going to be chastised again.:: I will announce your presence.
21:48Bot:Armand >[ Hantel ] That is acc...
21:48CaptMcCloud:@ CO >[ Hantel ] :: at the same time as Armand:: That will be fine, m'Lord.
21:49Bot::: Hantel rushes inside::
21:49Moonshadows:@TAC>::She keeps careful watch, being responsible for the captain's safety::
21:49CaptMcCloud:@ CO >[ NOIP ] :: looks around:: They certainly have a lot of work to do.
21:50Moonshadows:@TAC>[CO] On Sivao, it would take putting up new tents...
21:50LtBanning:@ SCI >[ CO ] Aye, but it looks like they will have it back in shape in good time.
21:51Bot:@ Armand >[ TAC ] You live in tents all the time, Moon?
21:52Moonshadows:@TAC>[Armand} There are very few permanat buildings on Sivao, we live in tent villages and do not stay in one place long so that the land can regrow
21:52Bot:@ Borad > :: appears at the opening:: Prince Armand! You have been returned!
21:52Moonshadows:@TAC>[Armand} We hunt and gather
21:53Bot:@ Armand >[ Borad ] Lord.... King Borad. I have returned for the moment.
21:54CaptMcCloud:@ CO> :: watches::
21:54Bot:@ Borad >[ Armand ] But you are rightful heir, not I.
21:55Moonshadows:@tAC>::Making sure she is ready if trouble evlops::
21:55Bot:@ Armand >[ Borad ] I am but a boy, Your Grace. You have fought and survived, and worked to keep your people alive. You deserve the throne.
21:57Bot:@ Borad >[ Armand ] :: smiles:: You are as wise as your father. :: looks to McCloud:: Captain MkKloud. I... my people are in your debt.
21:58CaptMcCloud:@ CO >[ Borad ] We, of the Federation strive for freedom and independence.
21:59Moonshadows:@TAC>[CO] Perhaps we could leave the Tronng an interstellar communicator in case of emergency, sir?
21:59Bot:@ Borad >[ CO ] Well you have assured ours. Whatever we have is yours.
22:00CaptMcCloud:@ CO >[ TAC ] That will be up to the ambassadorial services, Lt. Not us.
22:01CaptMcCloud:=/\= Pause Sim =/\=

USS Eagle, NCC 89561

Sim of 120418

Font color codes:
Bridge activity  Sick BayEngineeringScience labOther areas
Away TeamHailsActions

CO >[ SCI ] Thank you, Mr. Banning.
21:00CaptMcCloud:=/\= ATTENTION ON DECK =/\=
21:01EnsSHidewara:((Wow. You're a writer?))
21:01CaptMcCloud:Captain's Log, Stardate 66088.92 (02/02/2389, 11:00 hours)
21:01Moonshadows:((Only for my own amazement))
21:02CaptMcCloud:The U.S.S. Arrinity has arrived, and is in talks with the people of Tronng. There is no longer a need for us here, so we have left orbit and are headed out of Vastar space. Even though King Borad offered Armand to stay, the boy stayed fast in his decision to go with us.
Starfleet command has contacted us and asked that we re-direct to the Selelvian borders. There have been reports of rogue ships causing havoc to Federation colonies on our side of the border.
21:05Moonshadows:(( Ties into the navigation lights and reprograms them to flash KLINGONS FART IN AIRLOCKS in old Earth Morse:: ))
21:07CaptMcCloud:I do have concerns, only because my helmsman is Selelvian. He chose to stay with Starfleet despite his people's suspension from Federation membership, and the war which resulted afterwards.
21:07CaptMcCloud:(Done Moon?)
21:08Moonshadows:((SIr yes SIR))
21:08CaptMcCloud:(I wouldn't want to interrupt.)
21:08CaptMcCloud:=/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=
21:08EnsSHidewara(CNS) is on the bridge, near the turbolift.
21:09Moonshadows:TAC>::She runs checks on the shields and weapons systems prior to entering the Selelvian area::
21:09CaptMcCloud:CO> :: shuts off the recorder, while in his ready room:: +[ HELM ]+ Captain McCloud to Commander Vanik. Could you please report to my ready room?
21:10Moonshadows:TAC>::Makes some adjustments to the sighting sensors::
21:10CmdrVanik:HELM >+[ CO ]+ : sighs, having been waiting for this :: Aye, sir. ON my way.
21:11Lt_Banning:SCI > :: at his station, watches Vanik head to the ready room::
21:11LrCmdr_Hart:CENG> :: in engineering::
21:12Moonshadows:TAC>[Helm] ::Tail looping:: WOulod you like me to drive?
21:13CmdrVanik:HELM >[ TAC ] :: Looks back over his shoulder:: Don't go ANYWHERE near that console, Moon.
21:13CmdrVanik:HELM> :: rings the chime on the captain's door::
21:13Moonshadows:TAC>[::Whiskers drooping comically:: [HELM] Aye Commander
21:13CaptMcCloud:CO> Enter.
21:14CmdrVanik:HELM > :: enters the ready room:: [ CO ] Captain. I believe I know what's on your mind, and I assure you, there is not problems from my end.
21:15EnsSHidewara:CNS >[Anyone] Where's Armand? I haven't seen him since we left for the Selelvian front.
21:15CaptMcCloud:CO >[ HELM ] And how do you know what I'm thinking, Commander?
21:15Moonshadows:TAC>::She scans surrounding space... Where there has been war, there are sometime wandering warships::
21:16Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CNS ] ::Chuckles:: Poor kid. I think the captain has him "in school."
21:17CmdrVanik:HELM >[ CO ] Well, sir. IF I were captain, and had one of the "enemy" as a part of my crew, I would have reservations.
21:17Moonshadows:TAC.[SCI] I think I should take him aside and teach him to chip flint speartips and make fire...
21:17EnsSHidewara:CNS > ::furrows her brow:: [SCI] School? As in... Starfleet Civilian Educational Suite?
21:19CaptMcCloud:CO >[ HELM ] ::nods:: Well, you're correct, Commander. I do have reservations. Commoder Fyrstk has vouced, repeatedly, for you, but I guess I need to see for myself.
21:19Moonshadows:TAC>[SCI] Tying my sensors to yours... I see nothing out there
21:20Lt_Banning:SCI> :: Chuckles at Moon's comment:: [ CNS ] I believe it is something like that, Counselor, though it is more on FEderation history and customs.
21:21Moonshadows:TAC>[SCI] Armand will have to pick up cigar smoking on his own
21:21EnsSHidewara:CNS >[SCI] Well, that's a little better than SCES... man, I hated that...
21:21CmdrVanik:HELM >[ CO ] Would you prefer I excuse myself from this mission, sir? Restrict me to quarters?
21:22Moonshadows:TAC>::Pulls up a history file on the Selelvian military capabilities::
21:22EnsSHidewara:((be back in a few... fixing a computer problem by restarting))
21:22CaptMcCloud:CO >[ HELM ] :: looks at Vanik a moment, detecting a note of sarcasm:: No, Commander. That will not be necessary. Plesase make certain it remains that way.
21:22CaptMcCloud:(Okay, Counselor)
21:23..EnsSHidewara left the room.
21:23CmdrVanik:HELM >[ CO ] Very well, sir. Will that be all?
21:24Moonshadows:TAC>::Decides Eagle can stand up to Selelvian ships quite nicely::
21:25CaptMcCloud:CO >[ HELM ] Yes, Commander. That will be all. :: rises from behind his desk::
21:25CmdrVanik:HELM> :: turns crisply and leaves the captain's ready room. Returns to his station without looking at anyone or commenting::
21:26Lt_Banning:SCI > :: Sees Vanik come out. Exchanges glances with Moon::
21:26Moonshadows:TAC>:: Looks back at SCI, decides that now is not the time for humor::
21:27..SonikkuAmerica1 entered the room.
21:27Lt_Banning:SCI> :: nods in slient agreement::
21:27..SonikkuAmerica1 is now known as EnsSHidewara
21:27CaptMcCloud:CO> :: walks out to the bridge:: ETA, Helm?
21:28Moonshadows:TAC>{[CO] Space clear... no ship contact sir
21:28CmdrVanik:HELM >[ CO ] Just under ten minutes, Captain.
21:29CaptMcCloud:CO >:: takes his seat:: [ TAC ] Anything on sensors, Moonshadows?
21:29EnsSHidewara:CNS > ::seeing the Captain has a reservation or two about the "enemy" being on his ship, but doesn't say anything::
21:29Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] No sir... Not so much as a grabfoot
21:29EnsSHidewara:((cont'd)) ::in her telepathy::
21:30Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Long range scans are clear as well, Captain.
21:31EnsSHidewara:CNS > ::mutters:: My long range scans tell me something different.
21:32Moonshadows:TAC>::Looks at Hidewara... WOnders if Espers can be hooked to sensors, idly::
21:32CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] Tactical. Prepare sub-mode to a Triexian freighter.
21:33Moonshadows:TAC>::Punches up the mode::[CO] Sub-mode is ready sir... Trexian freighter programmed
21:34CaptMcCloud:CO > :: looks down at his console, entering a few commands:: [HELM] Mr. Vanik. Once in the area, drop to warp 3, and follow the course I am sending you.
21:35Moonshadows:TAC>::Waits for the execute order::
21:35CmdrVanik:HELM >[ CO ] Aye, sir.
21:36Bot:=/\=ACTION: The ship comes into the patrol area =/\=
21:36CmdrVanik:HELM >[ CO ] Dropping to warp 3, captain.
21:37Moonshadows:TAC>::She activates the sub-mode::
21:37CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] ::not knowing she arelady did:: Activate sub-mode, LT.
21:37Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] On it sir! Thinking harmless thoughts
21:38EnsSHidewara:CNS >[CO] Captain, when you are finished with your patrol course, may I have a word with you?
21:39CaptMcCloud:CO > :: looks over to Hidewara:: [ CNS ] Do you wish to speak to me now, Counselor?
21:39EnsSHidewara:CNS > [CO] If you are finished with the other crew members.
21:40LrCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: sees the different power drains and adjustes accordingly::
21:40CaptMcCloud:CO > :: raises brows:: [ CNS ] This could take hours, so.... Now would be fine.
21:40CaptMcCloud:CO > :: rises and heads to the ready room::
21:41EnsSHidewara:CNS > ::follows McCloud in::
21:42Moonshadows:TAC>::She continues scans, switching her sensors to covert frequencies::
21:42EnsSHidewara:CNS > ::concerned:: [CO] Captain, ever since we left Tronng for our new mission, I have sensed that you have been feeling a little ... how should I put this ... tense.
21:42Bot:=/\=ACTION: Moon's sensors detect another freighter about ten minutes from intercepting with the Eagle. =/\=
21:43CaptMcCloud:CO >[ CNS ] Anytime we are going into a possible hostile situation, Counselor, I feel a bit tense.
21:43Moonshadows:TAC>[HELM] COnntact... Bearing 126 Mk IV... Reads as a freighter sir... Intercecting course! Estimate ten minutes out
21:44Moonshadows:TAC>::She starts a plot, programming torpedo computers to track the contact::
21:44CmdrVanik:HELM> :: looks at the console:: Got it, Moon. I'm adjusting course slightly so we won't crash.
21:45Moonshadows:TAC>::Whiskers spread in grin::[Helm] I am sure Captain McCloud will appreciate that, sir
21:45EnsSHidewara:CNS > [CO] Well, that is understandable, but every time we encountered a hostile situation with the Vastar, your voice was cool and controlled. Now it sounds more like you are becoming a little ... nervous ... towards one of us.
21:46LrCmdr_Hart:CENG> :: sees a possible "weak" circuit, and sends out a repair team to take care of it::
21:47Moonshadows:CENG>::Sends text to CENG she might need weapons and shields::
21:47CaptMcCloud:CO >[ CNS ] :: raises eyebrows:: Toward "one of us?" Who do you suppose that woud be, Counselor?
21:48EnsSHidewara:((Ooh! Hittin' the hot seat!))
21:48LrCmdr_Hart:(taking over my job and sending a message to yourself, Moon?)
21:48Moonshadows:((Operating poroceedure sir_))
21:49LrCmdr_Hart:(No, look at how you typed that in... :) )
21:49Moonshadows:((Oh I see, sorry))
21:49LrCmdr_Hart:CENG> :: sees Moon's message and sends her back a "No problem"::
21:50EnsSHidewara:CNS >[CO] The only one on that bridge right now that is the exact same species as the one whose rogue ships we're trying to corral.
21:50EnsSHidewara:((Corralling ships... how paradoxical))
21:51CaptMcCloud:CO >[ CNS ] So, what is your suggestion, Counselor? Should I confine him to quarters?
21:52EnsSHidewara:CNS >[CO] Not at all, Captain. Actually, I would suggest you take some time to relax if you need to. Commander Vanik is one of us, no matter how Selelvian he might be.
21:53Lt_Banning:SCI > :: scans the incoming frieghter.:: Hmmmm.... intensifies the scan::
21:53Moonshadows:TAC>[HELM] COntact report... range closing... Weapons and shiles on standby
21:54CaptMcCloud:CO >[ CNS ] Relax. Hmmmm.... I will endeavor to try and do just that, Counselor.
21:55CmdrVanik:HELM >[ TAC ] Yep. JUst remember you won't have shields til we drop the sub-mode.
21:55EnsSHidewara:CNS > ::not entirely convinced:: [CO] There was a story I was told at Pasteur Station about a sergeant in the old United States Army who asked a private to deliver a letter.
21:56Moonshadows:TAC>[HELM] Yes sir... Just ready to change settings as reapidly as I can in case of emergencies and bad language
21:56EnsSHidewara:CNS > ((cont'd)) The private said, "I'll try my best, sir." But the Sgt. said "No, I don't want you to try your best. I want you to deliver this letter."
21:57Lt_Banning:SCI >[ HELM ] Commander there's just something about that freighter, I .... I'm getting a strange reading on their ion trail.
21:57Moonshadows:TAC>::Ears go back, her fingers hover over her board::
21:57EnsSHidewara:((cont'd)) The private said "I'll do it or I'll die, sir." The Sgt. said, "No, you don't understand. I don't want you to die. I want you to deliver this letter." Finally the private got it and said, "Okay, sir, I'll deliver the letter."
21:57EnsSHidewara:((cont'd)) See where I'm driving at?
21:58Bot:=/\=ACTION: The circuit, Hart sent the engineers to fix, suddenly burns out. A trouble light comes on, on Moon's board indicating trouble with the Sub-mode. =/\=
21:58Moonshadows:TAC>[HELM] Submode trouble sir... Losing our disguise!
21:58CaptMcCloud:CO >[ CNS ] :: smiles:: I believe so, Ensign.
21:59CmdrVanik:HELM >[ TAC ] Go ahead and shut it down, and raise shields.
21:59EnsSHidewara:CNS >[CO] If you say you'll relax, don't try. Do. I'm sure we have it all under control. That is all, sir.
21:59Bot:=/\=ACTION: Moon is not able to shut the sub-mode down. =/\=
22:01Moonshadows:TAC>::Tries to deactivate::[HELM} Submode jammed on... no shields, no shields!
22:01CaptMcCloud:CO >[ CNS ] :: smiles again:: Good, Counselor.
22:01Moonshadows:TAC>::She keeps trying to shut the submode off::
22:02Bot:=/\=ACTION: A ship suddenly appears from "behind" the other freighter, on a direct intercept course for the Eagle. =/\=
22:02CaptMcCloud:=/\= Pause Sim =/\=

USS Eagle, NCC 89561

Sim of 120425

Font color codes:
Bridge activity  Sick BayEngineeringScience labOther areas
Away TeamHailsActions

21:06CaptMcCloud:=/\= ATTENTION ON DECK =/\=
21:06..Lt_Wren entered the room.
21:07Moonshadows:::AA:: ::^-^::
21:07EnsSHidewara:((Ack USF got to me again))
21:07EnsSHidewara:CNS> ::AA::
21:08CaptMcCloud:Captain's Log, Supplemental
21:08Moonshadows:((Hello Lt. Wren too))
21:08CaptMcCloud:We have been sent to the border near Selelvian space to check out the report of attacks to shipping and colonies along the border. We initially took on the disguise of a freighter, to possibly lure out any such attackers. Our plan worked, just a little too well. We now have a cruiser on an attack run, and cannot drop the sub-mode. This leaves the ship with nothing more than navigational shields.
21:10Moonshadows:((Making Tactical a REALLY happy cat))
21:11CaptMcCloud:(that too)
21:11CaptMcCloud:=/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=
21:11CaptMcCloud:=/\= RED ALERT =/\=
21:11Moonshadows:TAC>::Trying desperately to drop the sub mode and get her systems on line::[CO] Sounding red alert!
21:11EnsSHidewara:CNS> ::leaves the ready room just after her li'l chat with the Captain::
21:12CaptMcCloud:CO >[ OPS ] Wren! Deploy the armor!
21:12Moonshadows:TAC>+T+[All ship} Damage Control parties to stations! Internal forcefields up!
21:12Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] On it Captain :: deploys the armor ::
21:13Bot:=/\=ACTION: The ship comes in and fires on what it believes is a cargo freighter. The energy weapons strike the admantium armor which helps to absorb the blast. =/\=
21:13EnsSHidewara:CNS >[NOIP] Looks like we could just be blown out into that vacuum...
21:13Moonshadows:TAC>[NOIP] ::Whacks the console:: WOrk you fuzz brained thing!
21:14CaptMcCloud:CO >[ HELM ] EVasive maneuvers, Mr. Vanik.
21:14Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] Hit on the armor sir... minimal damage
21:14CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] Return fire, Moon!
21:14EnsSHidewara:CNS >[TAC] Moon! Keep a positive attitude and maybe we won't lose our heads!
21:14Cmdr_Jorel:xo >+[ engineering ]+ Bridge to Engineering, get the submode off
21:15Moonshadows:TAC>+T+[Enggineeroing] And as fast as you can! ::Growls::
21:15Bot:Engineering >+[ XO ]+ We're trying, Commander!
21:16CmdrVanik:HELM> :: moves the ship, quickly, dodging the next weapon assault.;:
21:16Lt_Wren:(( *sigh* no hart . . . ))
21:16Moonshadows:TAC>::Tries to work around the sub mode tactical systems cut out::
21:17EnsSHidewara:CNS > ::moves out into a hallway by an ejection tube and hurls as a result of Vanik's barrel roll::
21:17CaptMcCloud:(you should have weapons, Moon, just no shields.)
21:17Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] Open fire, sir?
21:18CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] I believe I aready said so. FIRE.
21:18EnsSHidewara:CNS ((cont'd)) > :: ... and heads back onto the bridge ::
21:18Cmdr_Jorel:xo >+[ eng ]+ I'll let you too it, but the armor will only hold so long
21:18Moonshadows:TAC>::Punches her trigger contacts:: Weapons firing sir! Full volley!
21:19Bot:ENG >+[ XO ]+ WE're aware of that, sir.
21:19Moonshadows:TAC>::Deploys full spread of torpedos and phasers::
21:20Bot:=/\=ACTION: The attacking cruiser, still no identification, is taken by total surprise by the fire power thrown at it. It takes direct hits to its shields, which collapse immediately. =/\=
21:20Moonshadows:TAC>::Fires again and again::
21:20EnsSHidewara:CNS > [Thought-speak] ~You'd better quit it...~
21:20CmdrVanik:HELM > :: brings the ship around to the cruiser::
21:21Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] Hits! Hits! Target shields down!
21:21EnsSHidewara:((That was broadcasted outside the ship))
21:21Bot::: Moon's continured onslaught slices through the unsuspecting cruiser, and it blows up.::
21:22Moonshadows:TAC>[Cruiser] Nastiest freighter YOU ever attacked!
21:22Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] Target destroyed... Check fire, check fire
21:22CmdrVanik:HELM >[ TAC ] Nice shooting, Moon.
21:23Moonshadows:TAC>[HELM] Thank you Commander
21:23Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Cruiser totally destroyed, Captain.
21:24CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC/SCI ] What about that freighter they were hiding behind? Where are they?
21:24Bot::: scans show no sign of the freighter::
21:25Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] Switching scans... I've lost his scent sir
21:25Cmdr_Jorel:xo >[ co ] they probably high tailed it. Banning, can you see if there's atrail?
21:26Lt_Banning:SCI >[ XO ] Scanning, now, Commander. This far.... no trail.
21:26Moonshadows:TAC>[XO] I imagine out firepower scared them! ::Tail loops::
21:27CaptMcCloud:CO >[ SCI ] I want a detailed scan of that debris field. [OPS] Lt. Wren stand down to Yellow alert until we get the sub-mode off.
21:27Moonshadows:TAC>[::Tail looping tighter::[CO] Cigars all around, sir?
21:28CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] Once the ship is back to full service, Moon. I want to know what happened witth the sub-mode.
21:29Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] I will run a diganostic on my board sir... it may be here
21:29CmdrVanik:HELM> :: stops ths ship where the cruiser blew up, so Banning can scan the field::
21:29Lt_Banning:SCI> :: starts a scan of the field::
21:30EnsSHidewara:CNS >[Everyone] So what if we don't find that freighter?
21:30Cmdr_Jorel:xo >[ tac ] probably moon
21:30CaptMcCloud:CO >[ ALL ] I want anyone who CAN run a diagnostic to get moving on it.
21:31Moonshadows:TAC>[Computer] Full diagnostic, Tactical controls, special attention to to sub mode!
21:31EnsSHidewara:CNS > ::wishes she could run a diagnostic of the rogue Selelvians' heads::
21:31Moonshadows:TAC>::Starts her own manual check as well::
21:32Moonshadows:TAC>::Her fingers fly over the board, as she growls again back in her throat::
21:32EnsSHidewara:CNS > ::to lighten the mood:: [NOIP] Full diagnostic, cerebral area, rogue Selelvian.
21:32Bot:=/\=ACTION: Banning's scans show the hull fragments seem to be of Orion origin. =/\=
21:33CmdrVanik:HELM >[ CNS ] You going to start with me, Counselor?
21:34Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Captain. Some of the fragments are showing up as Orion material.
21:35Moonshadows:TAC>::Not to be left out:: [CNS] I read an ancient series of novels, where the communications were psionic, they used a dog's brain on life support to link with as an amplifier
21:35CaptMcCloud:CO > :: looks to Jorel, then to Banning:: [SCI] Have the fragments beamed to the shuttle bay. Get a full diagnostic down there.
21:35Lt_Wren:Ops> :: scanning for any Comm traffic, giving priority to Orion frequencies ::
21:35EnsSHidewara:CNS >[HELM] Commander Vanik, I was talking about those Selelvians that were AGAINST the Federation and what we stand for, and I was not talking about you.
21:36EnsSHidewara:CNS >[TAC] What was that novel series called?
21:37CmdrVanik:HELM > :: turns and smiles at the counselor:: [CNS] I realize that.
21:37Moonshadows:TAC>[CNS] It was the Commodore Grimes series by an author named A. Bertram Chandler, an Australian steamer captain
21:38Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Aye, sir. :: taps on the console, locking onto several pieces of the ship's hull, sends the message to the transporter room.::
21:38EnsSHidewara:CNS >[TAC] Hmm... worth checking out, but I am not here to analyze dog brains. I will leave that to Medical.
21:39CmdrVanik:HELM >[ CNS ] I could be wrong, Counselor, but I believe Moon has a different point.
21:39Moonshadows:TAC>::Whiskers spread in a felne grin, she goes back to chacking the sup mode circuits::
21:40EnsSHidewara:CNS > ::frowns:: [HELM] And what exactly might that be?
21:40Bot:=/\=ACTION: The ship fragments are beamed to the shuttle bay. Moon's diagnostic turns up three different burned out circuits. =/\=
21:41CmdrVanik:HELM >[ CNS ] I'm sure you would have to ask her.
21:42Moonshadows:TAC>::She was unaware she had a point, was just joining in banter::[CO] SIr, I have three burned circuits in junction C-57-D... D-45-G, and D-48-L
21:42Moonshadows:TAC>::SHe quickly texts the report to CENG::
21:42Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Fragments are aboard, Captain. :: gets up from his seat:: On my way to the shuttle bay, sir.
21:42EnsSHidewara:CNS > ::shrugs::
21:42Moonshadows:TAC>[CNS] You are telepathic, I thought it was an interesting trivium...
21:43Cmdr_Jorel:xo >[ sci ] :: stands :: I'll join you Lt
21:43CaptMcCloud:CO > :: nods acknowledgement to Banning:: [XO] I'm going to go down with Banning. You have the conn.
21:44CaptMcCloud:(LOL.. Go ahead, XO. I"ll stay on the bridge)
21:44EnsSHidewara:CNS >[TAC] Indeed it is... while you fix whatever you need to fix, I shall go and try to find that archive...
21:44Cmdr_Jorel:( LOL, you can go if you'd like )
21:45Cmdr_Jorel:xo >[ co ] :: chuckles :: I'll take your Comfy seat then Captain
21:45EnsSHidewara:CNS > ::grabs a PADD out of storage and searches for it::
21:45CaptMcCloud:CO >[ XO ] :: smiles as he and she had said that at the same time:: Go ahead, XO. Let me know if you find anything useful.
21:45EnsSHidewara:((The novel series I mean))
21:45Moonshadows:TAC>::She sets the sensors to sound an alarm if they pick up another ship, goes to a locker and grabs a case of parts and a soldering laser::
21:45Moonshadows:((Try a book called The Big Black Mark))
21:46Cmdr_Jorel:xo >[ co ] :: smiles :: Aye Sir. :: heads to the TL ::
21:46EnsSHidewara:CNS > ::Manages to find 3,487,593,847,596,273,468,276,342,937,192,836,492,375,928,354 matches::
21:47EnsSHidewara:((Fortunately The Big Black Mark is about the 4th one down))
21:47CaptMcCloud:(Ummmm... wow.)
21:48EnsSHidewara:((The database is rather expansive IMO))
21:48Moonshadows:TAC>::Pops the inspection panels on the bottom of the TAC arch and lies on her back, starts pulling and replacing carefully but quickly::
21:48Lt_Banning:SCI> :: steps out of the TL, headed to the shuttle bay::
21:49EnsSHidewara:((Somewhere with 45 place values))
21:49Cmdr_Jorel:xo> :: follows Banning ::
21:50Lt_Banning:SCI> :: enters the shuttle bay, sees some flight techs already looking over the fragments::
21:50Lt_Banning:SCI > :: walks over and starts scanning with his tricorder::
21:50EnsSHidewara:CNS > ::realizes the first 3 are informational articles, then sees the 4th is a novel::
21:51Bot:::The techs don't react much when they see Banning but jump to attention the moment they see Jorel::
21:51Moonshadows:TAC>::Yips as she burns a finger::
21:51Cmdr_Jorel:xo >[ sci ] :: goes to the opposite side from Banning :: I'll start over here ::
21:51Lt_Banning:(I get no respect)
21:52Lt_Banning:SCI >[ XO ] Aye, sir. It is definitely Orion in nature, but there is something unusual about it.
21:52Moonshadows:TAC>[NOIP] Medical emergency! Ouch!
21:52Cmdr_Jorel:(( *chuckles* Rank does have some privilege ))
21:53CmdrVanik:(Gotta be careful there, Moon.)
21:53Moonshadows:TAC>::She puts the last circuit in place, seals the connections::
21:53EnsSHidewara:((Random enlisted men> ::salute:: SIR YES SIR LIEUTENANT BANNING!))
21:53Cmdr_Jorel:xo >[ techs ] As you were, we need to get as much info as we can, but you all know the job
21:54Bot:::The sub-mode drops and shileds raise.::
21:54Bot:Techs> Aye, sir! :: they hurry off to do other work::
21:54Moonshadows:TAC>[XO] I have things under control again, Commander:: Slams the panel shut and ooches out from under the arch::
21:55CaptMcCloud:(the commander is in the shuttle bay)
21:55Moonshadows:TAC>::Drops from battle stations::
21:55Moonshadows:((Adds a +T+))
21:55Cmdr_Jorel:(( the CO was nice and let me have some fun, while he gets to sit around twiddling his thumbs ))
21:56CaptMcCloud:( :: twiddle-twiddle-twiddle :: )
21:56Moonshadows:TAC>::Shuts off the alarms mode::
21:56Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] Circuits repaired sir
21:57CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] Sub mode shut down?
21:57Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] Affirmative sir
21:58CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] Good work. Send your report down to engineering. Let's make certain this DOESN'T happen again.
21:58Moonshadows:TAC>::Sends the report to CENG::[CO] DOne sir
21:58CaptMcCloud:=/\= Pause Sim =/\=


USS Eagle, NCC 89561

Sim of 120229

Font color codes:
Bridge activity  Sick BayEngineeringScience labOther areas
Away TeamHailsActions
