USS Eagle, NCC 89561

Sim of 130807

Font color codes:
Bridge activity  Sick BayEngineeringScience labOther areas, Other area. other area
Away TeamHailsActions

21:01CaptMcCloud:=/\= ATTENTION ON DECK =/\=
21:01CaptMcCloud:MISSION BRIEF
Good evening, Crew. Has everyone had a chance to read the brief?
21:02Moonshadows:Yes sir
21:02Lt_Banning:Yes, Sir. NO questions.
21:03Dr_Fenway:Read it, Captain. No questions also.
21:03LtCmdr_Hart:Read it, no questions.
21:03CaptMcCloud:You good to go as well, Moon?
21:03Moonshadows:NO kwestions sir
21:04CaptMcCloud:Alrighty then...
=/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=
21:04Moonshadows:TAC>::Standing to at the arch, running a TAC diagnostic::
21:04CaptMcCloud:CO >[ CENG ] Mr. Hart. You're up to take a crew in the Falcon.
21:05LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ CO ] Understood, sir. [ TAC/SCI ] Moonshadows, Mr. Banning you're with me.
21:05Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CENG ] Aye, Sir.
21:05Moonshadows:TAC>[CENG] Aye sir! Mr Enpeecee, take the arch!
21:06Moonshadows:TAC>[CENG] Sidearms, sir?
21:06LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >+[ AMO ]+ Commander Hart to Sick bay, I need a medical person to report to the shuttle bay for an away mission.
21:07LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ TAC ] Of course, Lt.
21:08Dr_Fenway:AMO >+[ CENG ]+ On my way, Commander.
21:08Moonshadows:TAC>[CENG} I will meet you at Falcon, armed and ready sir!
21:08LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ TAC/SCI ] Let's get going.
21:09LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >:: heads for the TL::
21:09Moonshadows:TAC>::Follows Commander Heart::
21:09CaptMcCloud:CO >[ CENG ] Mr. Hart. If you can make a rescue, do it.
21:10LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ CO ] Understood, Sir.
21:10LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: Enters the lift with his other two crewmembers:: Shuttlebay.
21:10Lt_Banning:SCI > ::checking his tricorder as they ride in the lift.::
21:10**Eagleguest entered the room.
21:11Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: Makes his way to the shuttlebay, knowing there is already a good med-kit in the Falcon::
21:11LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: steps out of hte TL, heads into the shuttlebay, and the Falcon.::
21:12Moonshadows:TAC>::Exits the TL and goes to the arms locker, pulls out a phaser, checks the charge, puts it and two powerpacks into her shoulder bag::
21:12LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ SCI ] Mr. Banning, you have the sensors, Moon, weapons. I'll drive. :: smiles at the Felinoid.::
21:13Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: enters the shuttlebay just behind the others::
21:13Moonshadows:TAC>::Tail looops::[CENG] If you're sure sir::
21:13Lt_Banning:SCI > :: climbs aboard the shuttle:: He's sure, Moon. He's sure.
21:13LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > ::Chuckles and sits down at the helm controls::
21:14LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ TAC ] As soon as you're set, Moon, get us clearance from OPS.
21:14Moonshadows:TAC>::Takes her seat at the weapons console, powersup and runs a quick systems check::
21:14Lt_Banning:SCI > ::Powers the sensors::
21:15Moonshadows:CENG>+T+[OPS] Falcon to Eagle, request lift clearance.... Falcon is go
21:15Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: Checks the med-kit then straps in::
21:16Bot:OPS >+[ TAC ]+ Falcon, you are cleared for launch. Good luck.
21:16Moonshadows:TAC>+T+[OPS]Thank you Eagle, channel clear
21:16Moonshadows:TAC>[CENG] Clear to launch sir
21:16CaptMcCloud:CO > :: sitting in the command chair, thnks he should have pulled rank and led the away mission, but knew the guff he would get::
21:17Moonshadows:(( ::CHecks her supply of guff:: ))
21:17LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ TAC ] Thank you, Moon. :: taps the console, liftling the Falcon off the deck and towards the invisible barrier::
21:18LtCmdr_Hart:@ CENG > :: swings the Falcon around the upper secrion of the Eagle and hit full impulse:: And awaaay we go.
21:19Lt_Banning:@ SCI > :: directing sensors toward the sector::
21:19LtCmdr_Hart:@ CENG >[ TAC ] Moon, set sub-mode to one of the Scrugg shuttles.
21:20Moonshadows:@TAC>::Sets the sub mode::[CENG] Sub mode.... Active. I am also using Amuropian sensor frequencies....
21:21Bot:=/\= AXN: It does not take long for the Falcon to reach the sensor "barrier." The shuttle passses through it easily, and Banning immediatley starts to pick up transmissions from the sensor probe that had been launched. =/\=
21:22Moonshadows:(( ::Picks up and attaches an @:: ))
21:22Lt_Banning:@ SCI >[ CENG ] Oh! Wow! ::looking at all the data coming back:: Sir! The probe is still alive and active. Plenty of data coming back to us.
21:22LtCmdr_Hart:@ CENG >{ SCI ] What kind of data?
21:23Moonshadows:@TAC>::SHe scans for hostile warcraft::
21:24Lt_Banning:@ SCI >[ CENG ] Well, there seems to be a space station hovering above the fourth planet in this system. All of the comm-badge signals are aboard the station. Looks like about eighty, Sir.
21:24LtCmdr_Hart:@ CENG >[ SCI ] Well that would certainly make it easier to locate them.
21:25Bot:=/\= Moon's sensors show two mother-ships floating not too far from the station. Numerous shuttles fly back and forth from the station to the ships =/\=
21:26Lt_Banning:@ SCI >[ CENG ] Yes, Sir. They all seem to be in one place too, sir.
21:26Moonshadows:@TAC>[CENG] I have two mother ships, orbiting station. At least twenty shuttles rouund and about
21:26Dr_Fenway:@ AMO >[ NOIP ] I certainly hope they have not been harshly treated.
21:27LtCmdr_Hart:@ CENG >[ AMO ] Considering what we had seen before, Doc, that is highly unlikely.
21:28Dr_Fenway:@ AMO >[ CENG ] ::Nods solemnly:: You're probably right.
21:28LtCmdr_Hart:@ CENG >[ TAC ] Any signs that they're paying us any special mind, Moon?
21:29Moonshadows:TAC>[CENG]Cursory scan sir, no IFF query
21:29Bot:=/\= The shuttle approaches the planet virtually unchallenged.=/\=
21:30CaptMcCloud:CO >[ SCI2 ] Are we getting anything back from Falcon?
21:30Bot:SCI2 >{ CO ] Negative, Sir. Not since they went through the sensor barrier.
21:31LtCmdr_Hart:@ CENG >[ TAC ] Alright. I"m taking her as close as I can. You let me know if they start looking at us.
21:31Moonshadows:TAC>[CENG] Aye sir
21:32Dr_Fenway:@ AMO >[ SCI ] Will we be able to just beam them out of there, Troy?
21:32Lt_Banning:@ SCI >[ AMO ] Theoretically we can, Doc, but realistically we don't have enough room.
21:33Lt_Banning:@ SCI >[ CENG ] One of the comm-badges is coming back as the Quintox captain, Commander.
21:33Moonshadows:@TAC>[SCI[ THey would surely tread on my tail!
21:34Dr_Fenway:@ AMO >[ TAC ] And we certainly wouldn't want that.
21:34LtCmdr_Hart:@ CENG >[ SCI ] Let me know when wer're in transporter range, Troy. We'll bring the captain over.
21:35Bot:=/\= AXN: The Falcon safely makes it withing transporter range. =/\=
21:35Lt_Banning:@ SCI >[ CENG ] We're there, Sir.
21:36LtCmdr_Hart:@ CENG > :: cuts main engines, and uses thrusters to make it look like he is headed to one of the landing bays:: [ SCI ] Beam the captain over.
21:37Lt_Banning:@ SCI >[ CENG ] Aye, Sir. :: locks onto the comm-badge and energizes::
21:37Dr_Fenway:@ AMO > :: heads to the two-man transporter pad::
21:38Bot:=/\= AXN: When Fenway gets to the pad, he sees an empty uniform laying on it. =/\=
21:39Dr_Fenway:@ AMO > ::eyes widen:: Oh my. ::picks up the uni, heads forward again::
21:39LtCmdr_Hart:@ CENG >[ AMO ] Do we have her, Doc?
21:40Dr_Fenway:@ AMO >[ CENG ] We have... something, Commander. :: shows him the uniform::
21:40Lt_Banning:@ SCI > :: sees the uni, and checks the sensors again::
21:41LtCmdr_Hart:@ CENG >[ SCI ] Banning? Are there any life signs near the comm-badge signals?
21:42Bot:=/\= AXN: Moon sees a Scrugg shuttle headed their way. =/\=
21:42Moonshadows:@TAC >{CENG] Shuttle approaching! Bearing 223 Mk II
21:43Lt_Banning:@ SCI >[ CENG ] After a more extensive scan... No, sir. I'm searching though.
21:43Dr_Fenway:@ AMO > :: now looking over Banning's shoulder:: We may have to board the station to actually find them.
21:44LtCmdr_Hart:@ CENG >[ TAC ] Let me know if they close to withing twenty kilometers, Moon.
21:45Moonshadows:@TAC>[CENG] Twenty KM, Aye sir
21:46Dr_Fenway:@ AMO > :: Points to a spot on Banning's monitor:: There! Humanoid life signs!
21:46Lt_Banning:@ SCI > :: sees them and frowns:: [ CENG ] I am only seeing 38 life signs, Commander.
21:48Bot:=/\= The Scrugg shuttle gets to within 25 km, then veers down, headed to one of the docking bays. =/\=
21:48Dr_Fenway:@ AMO >[ CENG ] Sir! We have to get over there. Some of those life signs are extremely weak.
21:48Moonshadows:@TAC>[CENG] huttle has sheared off sir
21:49Lt_Banning:@ SCI >{ AMO/CENG ] I can't get a good lock on them, Sir.
21:50LtCmdr_Hart:@ CENG > :: thnks a moment.:: { AMO/TAC] Doc, Moon. Beam over there. Get an assessment of what's going on then get back here so we can report this to the Eagle.
21:51Dr_Fenway:@ AMO >[ CENG ] Yes, Sir.
21:52Lt_Banning:@ SCI >[ CENG ] I'm sending coordinates to the transporter to put them withing 20 meters of the life signs.
21:52Moonshadows:@TAC>[SCI] I can tie my sensors to yours if it will help
21:52Dr_Fenway:@ AMO > :: Heads to the transporeter pod::
21:53Lt_Banning:@ SCI >[ TAC ] ::Nods;; That will help.
21:53LtCmdr_Hart:@ CENG >[ TAC ] Moon. Use your discretion on encounters with the Scruggs.
21:55Moonshadows:@TAC>[CENG] Watchful but not triggetrr happy sir, those moptherships are bad medicine, we do not wish to stick y=our tail into a slicebill nest
21:55Lt_Banning:@SCI >[ TAC/AMO ] The area, right now seems relatively clear of Amuropia.
21:56LtCmdr_Hart:@ CENG >[ TAC ] ::Chuckles:: No. That would not be good.
21:58Dr_Fenway:@ AMO > :: Steps onto the transporter pad::
22:00Bot:=/\= AXN: Moon and Fenway beam into the station. Moon, immediately can detect the scent of rotting flesh. =/\=
22:01Moonshadows:((SOrry, IM window opened))
22:01Dr_Fenway:(right. On we go.)
22:01Moonshadows:::Shimmers out::
22:01Dr_Fenway:@ ::Immediately starts scanning with his tricorder::
22:02Moonshadows:@TA C>[AMO] Flesh.... decomposing.... smells bad
22:03Bot:=/\= The scent leads them down one of the corridors. They approach one of hte open doors and are greeted by the sight of some kind of laboratory, and dismembered crewmembers.=/\=
22:04Moonshadows:@TAC>AMO> Not good! Not good at all
22:04Dr_Fenway:@ AMO > God no! :: Scans in the room:: [ AMO ] No life signs in there.... Thankfully.
22:04Dr_Fenway:@ AMO > ::points further down the corridor:: THere are life-signs that way though.
22:05Bot:=/\= Fenway also detects the approach of a group of Scruggs. =/\=
22:05Moonshadows:@TAC>::Follows the Doc::
22:06Dr_Fenway:@ AMO >[ TAC ] They may be coming back from break, Moon. I see about ten of the buggers on my scanner.
22:07Moonshadows:@TAC>::Pulls her phaser, sets it on wide beam heavy stun::[AMO] Let us not get caught
22:07Bot:=/\= AXN: As they get closer to the other life signs, they find the thrity crewmembers, all naked and in one large holding cell.=/\=
22:08Dr_Fenway:@ AMO >[ TAC ] Oh these poor souls. Let's report back to the commander.
22:08CaptMcCloud:=/\= Pause Sim =/\=

USS Eagle, NCC 89561

Sim of 130814

Font color codes:
Bridge activity  Sick BayEngineeringScience labOther areas
Away TeamHailsActions

21:03CaptMcCloud:=/\= ATTENTION ON DECK =/\=
21:03CaptMcCloud:MISSION BRIEF
21:04CaptMcCloud:Good evening, My crew. I hope you have all had a great week. Did everyone read the mission brief and do we have any questions?
21:05Cmdr_Jorel:aye Captain
21:05Dr_Fenway:I have read it and have no questions, Captain.
21:05Lt_Banning:Read it, no questions, Sir.
21:05Cmdr_Jorel:no questions
21:05LtCmdr_Hart:Read it, no questions.
21:05Lt_Wren:read it, no questions Captain
21:06CaptMcCloud:Okay, what we will do for the sim, then is the whole of command officers will be coming aboard the Eagle to plan the attack on the Amuropia.
We start out our sim with all department heads reporing to conference room 4, which is large enough to accomodate the whole of the command officers.
=/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=
21:08**Eagleguest entered the room.
21:08CaptMcCloud:CO > :: moves into the conference room.::
21:10Cmdr_Jorel:xo> :: enters the conference room ::
21:10Bot:=/\= AXN: The congingent of Hrala officers from the First Carrier Group are beamed over. The Hrala officers from the Second Carrier Group are ferried to this side of the system by the Quintox and them beamed over. =/\=
21:10Lt_Wren:Ops> :: takes a seat in the Conference room ::
21:11Lt_Banning:SCI > :: steps into the conference room, taking his usual seat at the large table::
21:11Dr_Fenway:AMO > :; enters the conference room::
21:13Bot:Adml Joyne > :: strideds into the meeting room, walking alongside Admiral Troyla::
Joyne> :: ushers his other command officers to find seats, as he moves over to McCloud::
21:15CaptMcCloud:CO >[ Joyne ] Admiral, if you would like any coffee or other drinks before we get started... :: Indicates the refreshment area::
21:16Bot:Joyne> No thank you, Captain. Thank you for hosting this meeting.
21:17CaptMcCloud:CO >[ Joyne ] My pleasure, Sir. When you are ready, you may start. :: points to Banning:: Myscience officer is ready with any images you may wish to use, inclusing the sector map and all current ship positions.
21:17Bot:Joyne> If he could bring that up, I would like that to start off with.
21:18CaptMcCloud:CO > :: Nods to Banning to bring up the sector map::
21:19Cmdr_Jorel:xo> :: looks to where the map will pop up::
21:19Lt_Banning:SCI > :: taps the table console. A holographic representation of the system appears above the table, showing the planet, the base aboave it, and all ships situated in and around the system.::
21:20Bot:=/\= The Hrala officers all look on in astonishment. Mumurs are heard around the room.=/\=
21:20Bot:Capt. Atront> I want one of them for my ship.
21:21Lt_Wren:ops> :: chuckles::
21:22Bot:Joyne> :: also ... IMPRESSED with the image display, clears his throat:: [ ALL ] Gentlemen.. :: looks to the Eagle officers:: And ladies. Before you is the object of our next offensive, and if I am led to believe this system is as important as we think it is, it could be the start to our last offensive.
21:22CaptMcCloud:CO > :: stands off to the side, listening to the admiral.::
21:24Bot:Joyne> I have been informed, by Captain McCloud, that that base...::Nods to Banning ::
21:24Lt_Banning:SCI > ::Highlights the base, then makes it grow in size so everyone can clearly see it::
21:25Bot:Joyne> THis base now contains the remaining lost members of the U.S.S. Quintox. Now, we owe a lot of our improvements in our systems to other crewmembers from that fine ship we have found before.
Captain McCloud has said he has a plan for their extraction.
21:28CaptMcCloud:CO > :: steps forward.:: [ ALL ] I do, Admiral. Just as the Second Carrier Group kept the Amuropia fleet busy so the First could get in place undetected, I would like them to continue to keep the mother-ships busy so we can take the Eagle to the base and extract the remaining Starfleet crew.
21:29Bot:Joyne >[ Adm Troyla ] Admiral? Whay say you?
Adm Troyla > :: nods solemly :: [ Joyne ] We can do that, Admiral. I am eager to try out that pulse weapon the Eagle has provided us with.
21:32CaptMcCloud:CO >[ ALL ] If you can ... distract all the mother-ships to that side of the system... :: Points to where the Second Carrier Group currently sits:: .. We can take care of any smaller ships are in the system to provide protection to the station.
21:33Bot:Joyne >[ Troyla ] Which means you will have to create quite a ruckus over there.
Troyla >[ Joyne ] With our group, the Federation ship Quintox and your two destroyers, Admiral, I think we can give them real cause to put all their ships our way.
Joyne > :: considers it a moment, then nods:: We will have to consider a way to prevent them from calling for anymore assistance.
21:36Lt_Banning:SCI >[ Joyne ] I can help there, Admiral. I believe between our ship and the Quintox, we can set up a communications barrier around the system that will effectively cut-off Amuropia comm-signals.
21:37CaptMcCloud:CO > ::Nods approval::
21:37Bot:Joyne >[ Banning ] Well, if you can get that set up, Son, that would be perfect. How soon can you get this.... barrier in place?
21:38Lt_Banning:SCI > :: glances to the CENG :: Six hours?
21:39LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: nods, then looks to the Admiral:: [ Joyne ] Six hours at tops, Admiral.
21:39Bot:Joyne >[ CENG/SCI ] Then get it set up.
Joyne >[ Troyla ] I will leave you in charge of the attack from your side. Once you have their attention, we will move in from this side.
Troyla > ::Nods his approval of the plan::
21:42CaptMcCloud:CO >[ Joyne ] We can move in ahead of you, maybe with your two frigates and clear the system so you can bring 1Carrier in.
21:42Bot:Joyne > :: considers this a moment:: [ CO ] Yes. That is a splendid idea.
:: looks about the room:: [ ALL ] any other concerns?
21:43Cmdr_Jorel:xo> None from me
21:43Dr_Fenway:AMO >[ ADM ] I do, Admiral?
21:44Lt_Wren:Ops> :: shakes head ::
21:44Bot:Joyne > :: looks confused as to who this officer is, looks to McCloud::
21:44CaptMcCloud:CO >[ Joyne ] That is Dr. Fenway. He is currently amy acting chief medical officer.
21:45Bot:Joyne >[ AMO ] Proceed with your concern, Doctor Fenway.
21:46Dr_Fenway:AMO >[ Joyne ] :: also glancing to McCloud:: My concern is not only for our surviving crew on the station, Sir, but also for... our lost ones. I wish to have a team, and the time to properly retrieve their remains.
21:48Bot:Joyne > ::nods solemnly:: [ AMO ] That is ... a noble request, Dr. Fenway. :: glacnes to McCloud, then back to the doctor:: I will see if we can buy you that time.
21:48CaptMcCloud:CO > ::Nods his ascent to the request::
21:48Dr_Fenway:AMO >[ Joyne ] Thank you, Admiral.
21:50Bot:Joyne >[ ALL ] If no one else has any concerns, then this meeting is adjourned. We can spare a bit of time so the officers may enjoy some of the .... refreshments set out by the Eagle crew, then we shoud return to our respective ships.
21:51Bot:Captain Vanik> :: wanders over to McCloud.::
21:51CaptMcCloud:CO >[ QCO ] Mr. Vanik! Those pips look good on you.
21:52Vanik:QCO > :: smiles:: Thank you, Captain. It's because of you I had the chance to earn them.
21:53Lt_Wren:Ops >[ Vanik ] :: moves over to Vanik :: Just wanted to say Congrats.
21:53LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: Grabs a cup of coffee::
21:53Bot:=/\= The oher officers start miling around the refreshments table. =/\=
21:54Vanik:QCO >[ OPS ] Hailey! :: Hugs her:: Good to see you.
21:54LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: does not miss the hug of his girl, by Vanik::
21:54Lt_Wren:Ops >[ Vanik ] :: returns the hug:: How are you doing?
21:55Vanik:QCO >{ OPS ] I'm doing great. The Quintox crew has accepted me, though they still hope that Captain Benshee is still alive.
21:56Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: grabs some tea, and is talking with some of the Hrala officers::
21:56Lt_Banning:SCI > :: sitting at the table, setting up the program for the comm-scramblers.::
21:57Vanik:QCO >[ CO ] Captain, might I make a request?
21:57CaptMcCloud:CO >[ Vanik ] Of course, Captain.
21:57Lt_Wren:Ops >[ Vanik ] I can't say that I blame them. But, I'm glad things are going well :: smiles over to Hart for a bit, and then looks back to Vanik ::
21:58Vanik:QCO > :: Still half-hugging, Wren:: [ CO ] I think there are several Quintox crewmemers who would love to be in on the assault of the station, Sir.
21:59CaptMcCloud:CO >[ Vanik ] Of course! Set up whomever you want to go over and have them report to Commander Jorel.
22:00Vanik:QCO >{ CO ] I will have them beam over before we head back to the Second.
22:00CaptMcCloud:CO >[ Vanik ] Very good! And Vanik. Congrats is definitely in order. You have done well over there.
22:00CaptMcCloud:=/\= Pause Sim =/\=

USS Eagle, NCC 89561

Sim of 130821

Font color codes:
Bridge activity  Sick BayEngineeringScience labOther areas
Away TeamHailsActions

21:00CaptMcCloud:=/\= ATTENTION ON DECK =/\=
21:00**Lt_Wren left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
Cmdr_Jorel left the room
21:00CaptMcCloud:MISSION BRIEF
21:00**Cmdr_Jorel entered the room.
Lt_Wren entered the room.
21:02CaptMcCloud:Good evening, Crew. I hope everyone is having a good week.
Has everyone read the MB and are there any questions?
21:02LtCmdr_Hart:Read it, No questions.
21:03Cmdr_Jorel:no questions
21:03Lt_Banning:No questions, Sir.
21:03Dr_Fenway:Read it, and have no questions, Captain.
21:05CaptMcCloud:Alrighty then. Mr.s Banning and Wren will be the only one NOT (besides myself as I know the XO won't let me go) on the rescue team. Banning will be watching sensors for the Amuropia, Wren will be keeping a close eye on the teams.
With that said...
=/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=
21:06CaptMcCloud:CO > ;; on the bridge, pacing::
21:06Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: In TR2::
21:07Lt_Banning:SCI > ::At his console, watching the sensors:: [ CO ] Sir, the SCG has started the assault.
21:08Lt_Wren:Ops> :: on the bridge, at her station::
21:08CaptMcCloud:CO >[ SCI ] Let me know if the mother-ships all take the bait.
21:08Cmdr_Jorel:xo> :: in TR1::
21:08LtCmdr_Hart:CENG> :: in TR1::
21:09Bot:=/\= AXN: Wren starts to receive increased chatter on the Amuropia frequencies::
21:10LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ XO ] The waiting is the toughest.
21:11**Eagleguest entered the room.
21:11Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: filling in the members of his staff as to what to expect::
21:11Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] I'm getting increased chatter from the Amuropia Captain
21:11Cmdr_Jorel:xo >[ ceng ] that it is
21:12CaptMcCloud:CO >[ OPS ] Good. Now we just need them to move out.
21:12**Moonshadows entered the room.
21:12Moonshadows:((SOrry, browser wouldn't open the chat on the other computer))
21:12CaptMcCloud:(Ahhhh, Moonshadows... You are in TR1 with the XO)
21:13Moonshadows:((Armed, cigared and ready sir))
21:13Bot:HELM > :: has the course already set in, just waiting for the order to go::
21:14Moonshadows:TAC>[XO] I am ready sir ::Climbs up on the PAD, wrpas her tail around her waist::
21:14Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] They're starting to take the bait, Captain. They're moving towards the attacking forces.
21:15CaptMcCloud:CO >[ OPS ] Lt. Wren. Notify the frigates and 1Carrier that it is time. Also, let both teams know to standby.
21:15Cmdr_Jorel:xo >[ tac ] we are just waiting for the right opening
21:15CaptMcCloud:CO >[ HELM ] Mr. Sulu. Engage.
21:16Bot:Helm >[ CO ] Aye, Sir. :: taps the console, putting the ship into motion::
21:16Lt_Wren:[ Ops ] CO Aye sir :: sends out the signal to the Frigates and 1Carrier ::
21:17Bot:=/\= AXN: The Eagle and the frigates move into the system. As expected, the Amuropia react with a squadron of fighters, which are met with a squadron from 1Carrier.=/\=
21:19Moonshadows:TAC 1 >[CO] Scruggs lanched fighters, count ten, Carrier rfesponding with launch
21:19Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: acknowledges Wren's information, turns to his team:: This is it. We're on our way in.
21:20CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC1 ] Let the Hrala take care of the Amuropia unless they seem to need our help.
21:20Moonshadows:TAC1>[CO]SAye sir, maintaining targeting plot, no shoot, no shoot
21:20CaptMcCloud:CO >[ HELM ] Best speed to that base, Mr. Sulu.
21:21Bot:HELM >[ CO ] Aye, Sir. Two minutes.
21:22Bot:=/\= The Hrala fighters easily take out the Amuropia counterparts. The frigates now flank the Eagle, ready for more enemies.=/\=
21:22Moonshadows:TAC 1 > [CO] Amuropia fighters out of action, sir
21:23Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Captain. One of the mother-ships has slowed its approach to the other battle. I think they're debating coming back here.
21:23CaptMcCloud:CO >[ SCI ] Keep an eye on them. Make certain the Hrala ships are seeing what you are.
21:23Moonshadows:TAC>::Waits impatiently for the beam out::
21:24Moonshadows:TAC 1 [CO] COnfirm target Sigma 3 slowing
21:24Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Aye, Sir.
21:24Bot:HELM >[ CO ] We're in transporter range, Captain.
21:24Cmdr_Jorel:(( when we beam over we will use the @ symbol)
21:25CaptMcCloud:CO >[ OPS ] Lt. Wren. Tell the team it's time to go.
21:25Moonshadows:TAC>::Makes sure er earplugs are in place::
21:25Dr_Fenway:(I will use @@ to differentiate between our operations)
21:26Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] Aye sir. +TR1&2+ Both teams are cleared for transport.
21:27Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Yes, Sir. They're turning around. I estimate ten minutes for them to get back to the base.
21:27Dr_Fenway:AMO >+[ OPS ]+ Recover Team 2 acknowledged.
21:28Dr_Fenway:AMO >::Steps up on the platrorm, has the security guys beaming over tiwh him first.::
21:28Dr_Fenway:AMO> Energize.
21:28Cmdr_Jorel:xo >+[ ops ]+ Acknolwedged :: steps up to the platform ::
21:28Dr_Fenway:@@ AMO > :: Shimmers into the base, with his security detail. ::
21:30Cmdr_Jorel:xo> :: wheneveryones ready, nods to the Transporter chief to beam them over::
21:30Moonshadows:TAC>::SHimmers out::
21:30Bot:=/\= AXN: Both teams encouter Amuropia as soon as they appear on the station. In addition to weapons fire, the Amuropia begin their screeching. =/\=
21:31Moonshadows:TAC>::WInces, but holds steady::
21:31Dr_Fenway:@@ AMO> :: already has his ear-wigs in, and draws his phaser::
21:32Cmdr_Jorel:@xo> :: is very thankful for the ear plugs, takes cover and fires at the Amuropia nearest her ::
21:32Moonshadows:@TAC>::Opens up with her handphser::
21:32LtCmdr_Hart:@ CENG > :: shimmers in, immediately pulling his phaser and diving for cover::
21:32Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] Captain, both teams have beamed over. I'm keeping a close transporter lock on them ::
21:33Bot:=/\= The Quintox officers appear alongside the Eagle officers. =/\=
21:34Bot:@@ SEC1> :: already aiming and stunning Scruggs::
21:34Moonshadows:@TAC>::Calmly, she snaps shot after shot off::
21:34Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] 1Carrier and the frigates are headed to intercept the mother-ship, Sir.
21:35CaptMcCloud:CO >[ SCI ] Vry good, Lt. Keep an eye on it.
21:36CaptMcCloud:CO >[ OPS ] Lt. Wren. Scramble both Falcon and Talon for additional protection support.
21:37Bot:=/\= The Scruggs on Fenway's level diminish, but they keep coming at Jorel's team. =/\=
21:37Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] aye sir :: contacts the shuttle bay and informs them of permission to launch the Falcon and Talon ::
21:37Moonshadows:TAC1>Realsying Amuropia dispersment to Talon and Falcon
21:38Bot:=/\= AXN; It take but a few minutes and the shuttle and runabout are out of the shuttle bay. =/\=
21:38Cmdr_Jorel:@xo> :: keeps firing as more and more Amuropia attack
21:39Moonshadows:@TAC>::She shifts fire to the overhead above the Amuropia, bringing down chunks of ceiling::
21:40Dr_Fenway:@@ AMO > :: enters their lab, shooting and knocking out any "scientists" within.:: + TR2 + Fenway to transporter room 2. Send over the rest of my recovery team and equipment.
21:40LtCmdr_Hart:@ CENG > :: Joining Moon in bringing down the house.::
21:41Moonshadows:Scruggs ::Squish::
21:41Bot:TR2 >+[ AMO]+ AYe, Doctor. ::Nods to the rest of the team members and starts beaming them over::
21:42Bot:=/\= Jorel's team finally manages to seal off the area to the captured crewmembers, who are all huddled, naked and starving on a huge holding cell. =/\=
21:43Dr_Fenway:@@ AMO >:: starts scanning and directing his team to recover the remains of the poor crewmembers::
21:44Lt_Wren:@ xo >+[ tr1 ]+ Start beaming over the people in this room.
21:44LtCmdr_Hart:@ CENG> :: Blasts open the cell door:: We're from the U.S.S. Eagle. We're going to get you out of here.
21:45Moonshadows:@TAC>::Watches for the Scruggs to burrow through::
21:45Bot:TR1 >+[ XO ]+ Aye, Commander. :: starts locking onto life forms in the room::
21:46Bot:TR1 > :: beams them to the cargo bay which has been turned into a triage area, where the EMH is currently at::
21:47LtCmdr_Hart:@ CENG > :: Now keeping watch to make certain no more Scruggs come ::
21:48Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] 1Carrier is engaging the mother-ship, sir. Firing the pulse cannon..... now.... The mother-ship has goine powerless.
21:49CaptMcCloud:CO > :: smiles:: [ SCI ] Very good, Lt. Keep me apprised.
21:49Lt_Wren:@ xo> :: takes up position to cover the room while the Eagle beams everyone out ::
21:50Bot:=/\= AXN: A troop of Scruggs bust through the one "barrier" and head for the prisoners.=/\=
21:50Cmdr_Jorel:@ xo> :: fires at the Scruggs as they come into range ::
21:50LtCmdr_Hart:@ CENG > :: moves over and joins the XO ::
21:51Moonshadows:@ TAC>::Dials upo wiede beam - kill and fires at the scruggies::
21:51Dr_Fenway:@@ AMO > :: continues to remove the remains, getting them into stasis chambers::
21:52Dr_Fenway:@@ AMO > :: is totally disgusted by the way the Scruggs have treated our people, and their remains. ::
21:52Cmdr_Jorel:@ xo >+[ tr1 ]+ how much longer to get everyone?
21:52Moonshadows:@TAC>::As her pwoer drains, she ejects the pack and slaps in another::
21:53Bot:=/\= AXN : Long range scans deect two more mother-ships in bound. Their ETA is about a half hour. =/\=
21:53Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Captain. Two more mother-ships inbound. ETA thirty minutes.
21:54CaptMcCloud:CO >[ OPS ] Lt. Wren, Check on the status of the teams.
21:54Moonshadows:TAC1>[CO] COntact, long range contact, designate sigma four and Sigma 5.... Mother ships, bearing 224 Mk III
21:54CaptMcCloud:CO >[ SCI ] Mr. Banning make certain the Hrala are aware of the new company.
21:55Lt_Wren:Ops <[ CO ] Aye sir
21:55Moonshadows:@TAC>[XO} I do wish eagle would hurry the transport
21:55Lt_Wren:Ops >+[ AMO ]+ Eagle to Dr Fenway, what's your status?
21:56Bot:TR1 > ::curses under his breath about how much longer it will take now:: +[ XO ]+ Two more minutes, Commander.
21:57Dr_Fenway:@@ AMO >+[ OPS ]+ About twenty more minutes, Hailey. It is quite a mess in here.
21:57Cmdr_Jorel:@ xo >+[ tr1 ]+ Acknowledged :: continues to fire on the Amuropia ::
21:58Lt_Wren:Ops >+[ AMO ]+ We have 2 inbound motherships that will be here in less then half hour.
21:58Bot:=/\= AXN: The opposition on Jorel's level finally subsides as the last of the Scruggs go down. =/\=
21:59Moonshadows:@TAC>::Checks her charge::[XO] Maybe they leave me alone now
21:59Cmdr_Jorel:@ xo >[ tac ] just a lull in the storm Moon.
21:59Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Sir, 1Carrier has the threat contained from the other mother-ship, and the Second Carrier Group has their battle well in hand.
22:00Lt_Wren:Ops >+[ XO ]+ Eagle to Cmdr Jorel. What's your status?
22:00CaptMcCloud:=/\= Pause Sim =/\=

USS Eagle, NCC 89561

Sim of 130828

Font color codes:
Bridge activity  Sick BayEngineeringScience labOther areas
Away TeamHailsActions

21:00CaptMcCloud:=/\= ATTENTION ON DECK =/\=
21:02CaptMcCloud:Good evening, Crew. Good to see you all.
Has everyone read the sim brief and are there any questions?
21:02LtCmdr_Hart:Read it, no questions.
21:02CommoFyrstk:No questions, Sir
21:02Moonshdows:Read it sir, no questions
21:03Dr_Fenway:No questions, Sir.
21:03Lt_Banning:No questions, Captain.
21:03Lt_Wren:no questions
21:04CaptMcCloud:Okay, we do have a new crewperson, and a honored guest. Cadet. Step forward and introduce yourself.
21:05CommoFyrstk:( :: Looks around for the honored guest:: )
21:05Cdt_Varel_tNerik::: steps forward ::
21:06Moonshdows:::Tail waves slowly, ears go forward::
21:06LtCmdr_Hart:::gives a small nod of acknowledgement to Commodore Fyrstk, watches the new cadet::
21:08**Cdt_Varel_tNerik left the room
21:08**Cdt_VarelNerik entered the room.
21:08CommoFyrstk:(Someone scared her off)
21:08CommoFyrstk:(Did you do it, Moon?)
21:08Moonshdows:((Didn't even show clasws))
21:08Cdt_VarelNerik:(no, was the fastest way to change my name to a shorter nick)
21:09Cdt_VarelNerik:(( couldn't remember the command to change name ))
21:10CaptMcCloud:( /nick )
21:11Cdt_VarelNerik:(( I thought I tried that, oh well, it's all better now ))
21:12CaptMcCloud:I guess, our new cadet is a little shy. Anyhow, everyone give her a warm welcom, and she is going to be flying the ship.
You may step back, Cadet.
21:12Cdt_VarelNerik::: steps back ::
21:12CaptMcCloud:And, we shall...
=/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=
21:13CaptMcCloud:CO > :: steps out of his ready room, walking to the command well::
21:13CaptMcCloud:CO >[ XO ] Are we all set for departure?
21:13Moonshdows:TAC>{CO}All offensive and defensive systems on line and optimal sir
21:14Lt_Wren:Ops> :: on the bridge at her station::
21:14Cmdr_Jorel:xo >[ co ] Aye sir
21:15CaptMcCloud:CO > :: looks at the new body at helm:: [ XO ] That does NOT look like Mr. Sulu.
21:16Lr_Banning:SCI > :: at his console, doing last minute scans of the base and the area.::
21:17LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: steps onto the bridge, gives Hailey a smile, and moves to the engineering console::
21:17Cmdr_Jorel:xo >[ co ] No sir. That is Cadet t'Nerik. I believed you were informed that she would be joining the crew when we got back from the Beta Quadrant. Apparently, Cpt Vanik decided to bring her on the Quintox when he was sent out. She reported in recently.
21:19Bot:=/\= AXN: Wren receives a hail from the U.S.S. Dauntless, via the slip-stream communications array. =/\=
21:20CaptMcCloud:CO >[ XO ] :: pretends he remembers:: Ahhh, yes. :: says in a lower voice:: She is fully trained in our flight system, right?
21:21Cdt_VarelNerik:(( I don't know if I sent the bio out to the Eagle crew, but just a couple of quick things: Varel is 1/2 Romulan, 1/2 Betazoid. She is empathic and has limited telepath and limited telekinesis. ))
21:21Cdt_VarelNerik:helm> :: looks behind her to the Captain, then back to her console ::
21:22Cmdr_Jorel:xo >[ co ] :: whispers :: do you really think I'd let her even sit at Helm in unfriendly territory if she wasn't qualified Captain?
21:22CaptMcCloud:CO > :: Notices the pointed ears:: [ XO ] :: whispers:: She probably just heard me too.
21:23Cdt_VarelNerik:helm> :: blushes a little as she HAD heard the Captain, both times ::
21:24Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: Steps onto the bridge::
21:25CaptMcCloud:CO > :: Glances to the lift:: [ AMO ] Doctor? Problems?
21:25Cmdr_Jorel:xo >[ co ] :: chuckles, still speaking quietly:: I'm sure she did. Just as a refresher, she is half Romulan and half Betazoid. I know she has empathic abilities and limited telepathy as well.
21:25LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: glances over the doc's way::
21:25Cmdr_Jorel:xo> :: looks over to Fenway as he enters::
21:26Dr_Fenway:AMO >[ CO ] Ahhhh.... No, sir. Not at all. It was just quiet in sick bay so I thought I would pop in up here.
21:26Cdt_VarelNerik:helm> :: keeps her eyes on her console ::
21:28Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] Captain, incoming call from the . . . Dauntless sir. Via slipstream. She's from Pasteur Station.
21:29CaptMcCloud:CO >[ AMO ] Well, welcome to the bridge, Dr. Have a seat. :: points to the empty counselor's seat, as she went back with Quintox to work with the crew.::
21:29CaptMcCloud:CO >[ OPS ] The Dauntless? From Pasteur? :: glances to the XO, then forward. :: Put it on screen.
21:30Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: takes the indicated seat, and looks at the screen::
21:30Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] Aye sir :: puts the image on screen ::
21:31Cdt_VarelNerik:Helm> :: looks at the image on screen, wondering what happened since leaving PS::
21:31CommoFyrstk:@ D-CO >+[ EAGLE ]+ :: the image of Lukas Fyrstk appears on the screen:: Captain McCloud. Ah hope Ah have not caught you at a bad tahme.
21:31Cmdr_Jorel:xo> :: wonders if the crew is ever going to get a rest, hoping this call doesn't mean more fighting and stress, after the length of time spent here in hostile territory ::
21:32Cdt_VarelNerik:Helm> :: sits up a little straighter as she sees the image of the Commodore ::
21:32CaptMcCloud:CO >+[ D-CO ]+ Not at all, Commodore. We were just about to depart for the Alpha Quadrant.
21:33CommoFyrstk:@ D-CO >+[ CO ]+ Ah wonder if Ah mahght intrude upon you to prolong your stay out there for a bit longer.
21:34Lt_Banning:SCI > :: glances to the viewscreen. Knowing Fyrstk, can detect a note of worry in his voice. Looks over to Hailey to see if she caught it.::
21:35CaptMcCloud:CO > :: quick glances to his XO:: +[ D-CO ]+ Of course, Sir. What would you like us to do?
21:35**Eagleguest entered the room.
21:35Lt_Wren:Ops> :: frowns, not liking how strained the Commodore is sounding, glances around at the other crew who knew Lukas and catches Banning's eye, raises her eyebrows::
21:36CommoFyrstk:@ D-CO >+[ CO ]+ We've lost a shuttle, Captain. A school shuttle... to Wormhole 3. :: hopes Rayne knows what he means::
21:37Cmdr_Jorel:xo >[ d-co ] Wormhole 3?
21:37CaptMcCloud:CO >+[ D-CO ]+ :: his jaw drops:: The annual wormhole tour? How? They never.... :: then it suddenly dawns on him:: Your kids are aboard that shuttle, aren't they Sir?
21:38LtCmdr_Hart:CENG> :: watching, exchanges a look with Hailey::
21:38Lt_Banning:SCI >:: his jaw also drops::
21:39Cdt_VarelNerik:Helm> :: senses the concern level spike on the bridge crew, works on closing it out.::
21:39Moonshdows:TAC>::Knows humans really worry about theoir cub s::
21:39Dr_Fenway:AMO >[ NOIP ] Oh my, no.
21:39Cmdr_Jorel:xo >+[ d-co ]+ Where does the end of wormhole 3 come out?
21:40Lt_Wren:Ops> :: thinks this mission just got a whole lot more personal for a lot of the crew onboard, as most have met Lukas' kids::
21:41CommoFyrstk:@ D-CO >+[ XO ]+ That's th' real problem, Commander. WH-3 is unstable. It's whah it is off-limits. Captain McCloud cain fill you in more about it. We have no clue where it mahght have popped the shuttle out. We're hoping it is in the vicinity of where the Athena was originally dropped out.
21:42CaptMcCloud:CO >+[ D-CO ]+ Have you been incontact with Athena?
21:43CommoFyrstk:@ D-CO >+[ CO ]+ Yes. They were mah first call. They informed me that they could search the area they are currently in, but couldn't possibly get back out to where they were originally dropped in, in quick tahme...
21:43CommoFyrstk:They did remahnd me you were still out there, and suggested Ah give you a call.
21:44Lt_Banning:SCI > :: Immediately turns to his console and starts to pull up the information on where the Athena had been sent to in the Beta Quadrant::
21:45CaptMcCloud:CO >+[ D-CO ]+ Of course, Commodore. We'll set course right away.
21:46Moonshdows:TAC>::Runs a calibration on the SEARCH sensors::
21:46CommoFyrstk:@ D-CO >+[ CO ]+ Thank you, Rayne. We're going to start a search out this way, just in case the wormhole dropped them out this way, but we're thinking that is a really long shot.
21:47Lt_Wren:Ops> :: starts pulling up the info needed for slipstream ::
21:47CaptMcCloud:CO >+[ D-CO ]+ Good th inking, Sir, and good luck.
21:48CommoFyrstk:@ D-CO >+[ CO ]+ Thank you, Rayne. Best of luck to you as well. Dauntless out.
21:49CaptMcCloud:CO > :: watches the screen turn back to the space station:: [ SCI ] Mr. Banning. Pull up the information on the Athena.
21:49Cdt_VarelNerik:Helm> :: in her head, quickly refreshes her memory of flying through slipstream. Has never done it in real life, only in scenarios once she knew she'd be assigned to the Eagle ::
21:50Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Already done, Sir. Coordinates sent to OPS for Slip-stream calculations.
21:50Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: sits there thinking of the commodore and his kids::
21:50Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] programing slipstream Captain
21:51Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] Slipstream ready Captain.
21:51CaptMcCloud:CO >[ HELM ] Cadet. Can you .... Are you comfortable with the slip-stream. No offense to your abilities, but..
21:51Moonshdows:TAC>::Just KNOWS th sdlpistream will play havoc with the sensors::
21:53Cdt_VarelNerik:Helm >[ CO ] Yes sir. I may not have had a chance to fly in real life Captain, but once I found out the ship I was going to be assigned to had slipstream, I ran as many scenarios in the flight simulator as I could. I am confident that I will not have any difficulties sir.
21:54CaptMcCloud:CO > :: sits back in his seat. Looks over to the XO:: [ HELM ] Set course for the coordinates provided, engage slip-stream once we are clear of the system.
21:55Cdt_VarelNerik:Helm >[ CO ] Aye sir ::sets course and takes the Eagle out of the system as the best possible speed.::
21:56LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ CO ] Slip-stream core ready, sir. :: Reports more to let the captain know he is ready to assume helm if problems arise.::
21:56Cdt_VarelNerik:Helm >[ CO ] We are clear of the system, engaging slipstream now Captain.
21:56CaptMcCloud:CO >[ CENG ] :: breathes a small sigh of relief:: Thank you, Tom.
21:57CaptMcCloud:CO >[ HELM ] Make it so.
21:57Cmdr_Jorel:xo> :: does her best to appear relaxed, but can't help feeling nervous about the slipstream. However, every pilot has to have their first real time experience, and usually there is never a GOOD time to get that. At least the cadet has the foresight to practice before joining the ship.
21:57Moonshdows:TAC>[CO] I have calibrated sensors for Tactical Search Mode sir
21:58Cdt_VarelNerik:Helm> ::engages slipstream::
21:58Bot:=/\= AXN: The ship jumps to slip-stream without problems. The trip takes about a half hour and helm receives the signal to jump out. =/\=
21:58Moonshdows:TAC>::As the slipstream field engages, she feels like her whole fur coat is standing on end::
21:59LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: watches the readings the whole way::
21:59Cdt_VarelNerik:Helm >[ CO ] We are approaching coordinates to disengage slipstream Captain
21:59CaptMcCloud:CO >[ HELM ] Take us to warp 1. Give everyone a chance to look around.
22:00Moonshdows:TAC>[NOIPO] I HATE slipstream!
22:00Cdt_VarelNerik:Helm >[ CO ] Aye sir :: disengages slipstream and takes the Eagle to warp 1::
22:00Lt_Banning:SCI > :: starts sensor sweeps the moment we go to normal warp::
22:01Lt_Banning:SCI >:: looking for any signs of the shuttle::
22:01Moonshdows:TAC>::ENgages her sensors, sweeping alternate areas from SCI::
22:01Bot:=/\= AXN: Banning detects no sign of the school shuttle. Moon, however does detect signs of weapons fire about three light years away.=/\=
22:02Lt_Wren:Ops> :: checks for federation comm traffic ::
22:03Moonshdows:TAC>[CO] I have no sign of the ship... Energy signatures from weapons fire, bearing 324 Mk III, three light years sir
22:03CaptMcCloud:=/\= Pause Sim =/\=