USS Eagle, NCC 89561

Sim of 140205

Font color codes:
Bridge activity  Sick BayEngineeringScience labOther areas, Other area. other area
Away TeamHailsActions

,td>TAC>{CO} No other contacts yet sir... he sits and hisses, but dares not charge
21:00CaptMcCloud:=/\= ATTENTION ON DECK =/\=
21:01CaptMcCloud:Good evening, Crew. I hope this Wednesday evening is finding everyone well, if not a little weather-weary. I know I am SO ready for spring.
Have you all read the mission brief and do we have any questions?
21:02Moonshdows:BEen wading through 18 inch snow to get to my smoking chair
21:02CmdrJorel:read, no questions Captain
21:02Dr_Fenway:read the brief, No questions, Captain.'
21:02Moonshdows:REad brief and no questions
21:02Lt_Wren:Read it
21:02Lt_Banning:No questions, Sir.
21:02EnsVarelNerik:read it, no questions sir.
21:02LtCmdr_Hart:Read the brief, no questions.
21:03CaptMcCloud:Very good. WE are at the start of Alpha shift. With that said....
=/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=
21:03CaptMcCloud:CO > :: sitting int he command chair::
21:04LtCmdr_Hart:CENG> :: In main engineering, checking all systems::
21:04Moonshdows:TAC>::She is at the TAC arch, scanning space for the bad guys who upswet the feline::
21:04CmdrJorel:xo> :: in her seat on the bridge ::
21:04Lt_Banning:SCI> :: strolls onto the bridge, and relieves the Gamma shift officer::
21:05Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: enters sick bay and looks to see if anyone new came in during the night::
21:05Lt_Wren:Ops> :: scanning comm frequencies ::
21:06EnsVarelNerik:Helm> :: at her station on the bridge ::
21:06CaptMcCloud:CO >[ XO ] Gamma shift reported all quiet. The next freighter is due in about two hours.
21:06Moonshdows:TAC>[CO] Possiblke fuel residue trail at 227 Mk III sir
21:07CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] Acknowledged, Lt. Make certain sciences concurs with your findings.
21:08CmdrJorel:xo >[ co ] half of me hopes that nothing happens, the other half is sick and tired of waiting
21:08Moonshdows:TAC>::Sends her data to the Sci terminal
21:08Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] I concur, Captain. Looks like it could be from a Tzenkethi ship, and... :: looks more at the data:: The trail is about five houes old.
21:09CaptMcCloud:CO >[ SCI ] Five hours? Why wasn't the ship itself detected?
21:10Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Unknown at the moment, Sir. I'm checking through the Gamma shifts sensor logs now.
21:11Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: looks over the night's sick bay report, seeing that there was only one minor injury from a holo-deck scenario::
21:12CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] Intensify your scans of the area just inside Tzenkethi space, Moon.
21:12Moonshdows:TAC>::Fingers fly over the board::[CO] Intesifying scans
21:13Bot:=/\= AXN: The freighter comes into Banning's scanner range. =/\=
21:13Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Captain, I have just had the freighter come into sensor range.
21:14Moonshdows:TAC>[CO} COntact, same bearing...
21:14CaptMcCloud:CO >[ SCI ] Send the coordinates to helm. [ HELM ] Ensign Nerik, once you have the coordinates, plot intercept course and engage.
21:14Moonshdows:TAC>[CO]Moving slow, bearing opening
21:15Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Aye, Sir. :: taps the console, sending the coordinates to helm::
21:15EnsVarelNerik:Helm >[ CO ] aye sir :: receives coordinates and sets course ::
21:16Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: makes certain all the information was entered on the crewman who got injured.::
21:17Bot:=/\= It does not take long for the Eagle to close the gap between it and the incoming freighter.=/\=
21:17Moonshdows:TAC>[SCI] I read a ship... displacement about 3000 tons, destroyer size?
21:17Moonshdows:TAC>((Sent mine at the same time)){SCI}Not armed, small freighter?
21:18CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] Make certain that is all on their side of the border, Lt.
21:19CaptMcCloud:(Nevermind that, Moon)
21:19Moonshdows:TAC>[CO] Bearing now 240 Mk III... Traveling at Warp 2.45, relitive port to starboard... On there side of the boarder
21:20CaptMcCloud:CO >[ HELM ] Ensign, match course and speed of the freighter. [ OPS ] Lt. Wren, give the freighter captain our compliments, let them know we will be with them on their course along the border.
21:22Moonshdows:TAC>::Starts running an attack plot on the frieghter for practice::
21:23EnsVarelNerik:Helm >[ CO ] Matching Course and speed Captain.
21:23Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] Aye sir :: contacts the freighter ::
21:23Bot:=/\= AXN: Tactical sensors pick up a Tzenkethi marauder just appearing on sensors. =/\=
21:25Bot:=/\= The freighter acknowledges Wren's message. =/\=
21:26Moonshdows:TAC>{ALL] Contact! New contact, designate SIgma II... Armed ship at 350 Mk IV... 4000 Tons, on approach vector
21:26Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Confirmed contact, Captain.
21:27Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] The Freighter acknowledgeds Captain
21:27Moonshdows:TAC>::Starts running a second plot::
21:28CaptMcCloud:CO >[ OPS ] Go to red alert, Wren. [ TAC ] Lt. target the marauder, and stand by.
21:28Lt_Wren:=/\= RED ALERT =/\=
21:28Moonshdows:TAC>[CO] Running plot on Sigma II sir... Seems to be a full destroyer class, big enough to wrestle us fairly effectively
21:28Moonshdows:TAC><::Punches up the alert::
21:30Bot:=/\= AXN: The marauder comes close to crossing the border, but stays on its side, and starts to shadow the Eagle and the freighter. =/\=
21:30Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: Moves out into sick bay proper to organize his staff aa the red alert flashes::
21:30Moonshdows:TAC>[CO] He watches us, he does not approach, just sits overr there and bristles his fur
21:31Lt_Banning:SCI > :: trains his sensors onto the marauder to size it up.::
21:32CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] Undoubtedly sizing us up. Trying to decide whether its worth a run at us.
21:33Bot:=/\= Wren starts seeing heavy interference over all her comm frequencies. =/\=
21:34CaptMcCloud:CO >[ XO ] If they were able to get that close to us so quickly, they must be deploying a cloak.
21:34Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] :: frowns, punches some buttons :: Captain, we're getting quite a bit of interference
21:34CmdrJorel:xo >[ co ] I would think so. Would explain why Gamma shift didn't detect anything.
21:35CaptMcCloud:CO >[ OPS ] Source of the static, Lt.?
21:36Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] :: frowning :: I am trying to determine that and clean up the channels . . . not having much luck.
21:36Bot:=/\= Both Moon and Banning start to see interference in their scanners. =/\=
21:36CmdrJorel:xo >[ co ] if I had to guess, I'd say it's from our shadow
21:37Moonshdows:TAC>[CO] Picking up interference here, sir, we afre being jameed... May be more targets out there
21:37Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Captain we are receiving interference on sensors.
21:38Bot:=/\= As a result of the interference, Moon's lock on the Tzenkethi marauder fades out. =/\=
21:38CaptMcCloud:CO >[ SCI ] Do you have the sensor net deployed, Lt Banning?
21:38Moonshdows:TAC>::She is quite determined to get in a fight if she gets the opportunity, and SOMEONE is goiing to get clawed::
21:39Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Negative, Captain. Just the standard sensor array.
21:40CaptMcCloud:CO >[ SCI ] Deploy the net, see if that clears anything up.
21:41Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Aye, Sir. :: taps the console, deploying the new sensor net, and activating the crew in the sensor pod::
21:42CaptMcCloud:CO >[ OPS ] Lt. Wren, if you have to try slip-stream comms. See if you can get a message through to Starfleet Command.
21:42Moonshdows:TAC>::She looks for other contacts, running her recievers up and down the sensor frequencies looking for other ships' sensor emmisions::
21:43Bot:=/\= AXN: It take a moent for complete deployment, but once the sensor pod is fully active, the Tzenkethi marauder appears clearly on science and tactical scanners. =/\=
21:44Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] We have a much clearer picture now, Captain.
21:44Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] aye sir :: attempts to send a message to Starfleet Command, updating the situation and the possibilities of the new abilities of the Tzenkethi ::
21:44CaptMcCloud:CO > :: stands and glances back to Moon:: [ TAC ] Lt?
21:45Bot:=/\= Wren's attempt immediately gets a response back from Starfleet Command.=/\=
21:46Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] I'm getting a response back from Starfleet Command Captain
21:46CaptMcCloud:CO > :: smiles:: [ TAC ] Can you "hit" them with something.... non-invasive?
21:47Moonshdows:TAC>::Tail loops:: Yes sir, I can focus the sensorbeam and vary the strength and frequencie, which will QUITE annoy their tactical computer
21:47CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] Do it! Let them know they haven't got us blind.
21:48Moonshdows:TAC>::She starts fossicking about the sensor beam::
21:50Bot:=/\= AXN: The sensor beam strikes the Tzenkethi ship dead on. The interference immediately stops both to normal sensors and all comm frequencies. =/\=
21:51Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Science scanners are clear, Captain.
21:51Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] That cleared up the comms!
21:52Moonshdows:TAC>::WHiskers go forward in grin::[CO] Tactical, clear... I think he is rubbing in sniffer
21:53Moonshdows:((HIS Sniffer))
21:53Bot:=/\= The Tzenkethi ship shadows the two Federation ships just a bit longer, then veers inward to go deeper into Tzenkethi space and suddenly cloaks.=/\=
21:54Moonshdows:TAC>::Contact lost, he changed course, accelrated and I think cloaked... looking for DeBroglie waves
21:54Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] They set course for deeper into their space, Captain, and definitely cloaked the ship.
21:56CaptMcCloud:CO > :: nods his acknowledgement of hte reports.:: [ XO ] I had heard they had gotten cloaking technology from the Romulans, and now we know for sure.
21:57CmdrJorel:xo >[ co ] That doesn't surprise me. When a civilization collapses, weapons and technology gets sold quickly . . .
21:57CaptMcCloud:CO >[ ALL ] We will remain at red alert until this freighter reaches port. Keep close eyes and ears open. I don't think they'll be back for this one, but just in case, let's stay vigilant.
21:58Moonshdows:TAC>[CO] At red alert sir
21:58Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Aye, Sir.
21:59Bot:=/\= For the next three hours, the ship remains at red alert, and safely escorts the freighter to its destination. The marauder does not again show itself, but that does not make the crew feel any better. =/\=
22:00CaptMcCloud:=/\= Pause Sim =/\=

USS Eagle, NCC 89561

Sim of 140212

Font color codes:
Bridge activity  Sick BayEngineeringScience labOther areas
Away TeamHailsActions

21:00CaptMcCloud:=/\= ATTENTION ON DECK =/\=
21:01**CmdrJorel entered the room.
21:01**Lt_Wren entered the room.
21:01CaptMcCloud:Good evening, Crew. I hope tonight finds all of you well and staying warm.
21:02**EnsVarelNerik entered the room.
21:02CaptMcCloud:Did you all get a chance to read the missiong brief, and are there any questions?
21:02CmdrJorel:read, no questions
21:02Dr_Fenway:Read it, no questions, Captain.
21:02Lt_Wren:Read it, no questions Captain
21:02Moonshadows:No questions
21:03Lt_Banning:Read it, no questions, Sir.
21:03EnsVarelNerik:No on the questions Captain.
21:03LtCmdr_Hart:No questions, Sir.
21:03CaptMcCloud:Good to hear it. Lets....
=/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=
21:04CaptMcCloud:CO > :: sitting on the bridge in his command chair::
21:04CmdrJorel:xo> :: on the bridge ::
21:04EnsVarelNerik:Helm> :: at Helm station, keeping close to the Border, but inside of Federation Space. ::
21:05LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: steps onto the bridge, smiles at Hailey and heads to the engineering console::
21:05Moonshadows:TAC>::STanding at the arch, assiduously searching for bad guys::
21:05Lt_Wren:Ops> :: scanning comm frequencies ::
21:05Lt_Banning:SCI > :: at his normal station::
21:06Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: In his office reading the latest medical developments from Starfleet Medical.::
21:07CaptMcCloud:CO >[ HELM ] Ensign, set course for the edge of the system. We should be picking up another freighter.
21:07EnsVarelNerik:Helm >[ CO ] Aye sir :: charts new course for the edge of the system. ::
21:07Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] Screen clear, no contact, no cantact.
21:08CaptMcCloud:CO >[ XO ] I am so hoping the Tzenkethi have lost their taste for these cargo freighters. We made it clear to Starfleet that they were out here, and I'm sure they heard our report.
21:09CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] Thank you, Lt.
21:10Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] I do have the freighter on long-range, Sir. Looks like a heavier freighter this time.
21:10CmdrJorel:xo >[ co ] I doubt they have Captain. They may either wait for us to get bored and leave, or they may be planning on how to take us out to get at the freighter.
21:11CaptMcCloud:CO >[ XO ] As much as I HOPE you're wrong, Kairyn, I think you're probably not. [ SCI ] Thank you, Mr. Banning.
21:11CaptMcCloud:CO > :: gets up and takes a walk around the bridge:: [ TAC ] Lt. How are you making out with that feline we rescued?
21:12CmdrJorel:xo> :: reading over more reports ::
21:12Moonshadows:TAC?[CO] I wish I had more time to spend with him, sior, but we are getting along fine. he headbumps.
21:12Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: Looks over the reports of a medical malady afflicting the Rigora Colonies.::
21:13CaptMcCloud:CO > :: smiles:: [ TAC ] Head bumps, Lt.?
21:14LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: turns looking at Moon, curious himself::
21:14Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] Yes sir, bumps with his forehead to show he likes me
21:16CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] Will he respond, or has he responded to others yet? I know Armand is eager to meet up with him.
21:17Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] I see no reason why Armand should not... I think the poor thing would enjoy a trip to the arboretum, sir. He would be relaxed and less likely to attack there
21:18CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] :: Smiles again:: Good. I will inform him.
21:19Bot:=/\= AXN: The Eagle arrives at the edge of the system. =/\=
21:19EnsVarelNerik:Helm >[ CO ] Captain, we are arriving at the coordinates now.
21:20CaptMcCloud:CO >[ HELM ] Drop to 1/4 impulse, and remain in this area.
21:20CaptMcCloud:CO >[ SCI ] ETA for the freighter, Mr. Banning?
21:21Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] I show interplaenteary shipping, nothing in system under warp drive
21:21Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Ten minutes, Captain.
21:21EnsVarelNerik:Helm >[ CO ] Aye sir, dropping to 1/4 impulse :: presses a few buttons to pull the Eagle out of warp ::
21:22CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] Keep an eye out for cloaked signatures, LT. [ OPS ] Lt. Wren. Contact the freighter. Let them know we are waiting.
21:23Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] aye Captain. :: hails the freighter to inform them of our arrival ::
21:23Bot:=/\= The frieghter responds to Wren's hail, and thanks her for being there. =/\=
21:24CaptMcCloud:CO > :: paces a bit more, then returns to his chair::
21:25Bot:=/\= AXN: The freighter arrives in the area. =/\=
21:26Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] the Freighter is arriving in the area Captain.
21:26CaptMcCloud:CO >[ HELM ] Ensign, match course and speed of the freighter.
21:27Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] Read 10 defense ships in orbit, sir, none a match for a marauder
21:28EnsVarelNerik:Helm >[ CO ] Aye sir :: mirrors the freighter, keeping between Tzenkethi Space and the freighter ::
21:28Bot:=/\= The escort stars off smoothily. The two ships make their way to the freighter's destination. Fifteen minutes into the escort, Moon detects a ship on an intercept course at high warp.=/\=
21:28Moonshadows:TAC>::Runs a weapon s and shield diagnostic::
21:29Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] All offensive and defensive systems, optimal, Captain.
21:30Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] COntact! COntact! Designate sigma IV... Bearing 145 Mk II... Closing at high speed!
21:30Bot:=/\= The ship does not show up as Tzenkethi, but does scan as slightly larger than the Eagle, and equally as armed. =/\=
21:30CmdrJorel:xo >[ tac ] can you tell what kind of ship?
21:30CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] Tzenkethi?
21:31Moonshadows:TAC>{CO / XO} Not Tzenkethi. About our size. Heavy armament.
21:31CmdrJorel:xo >[ co ] I don't like the sound of this.
21:31CaptMcCloud:CO >[ OPS ] Got to red alert, Lt. Warn them off.
21:32Lt_Wren:=/\= RED ALERT =/\=
21:32Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] Aye sir :: sends out a hail to the unknown ship ::
21:32Moonshadows:TAC>+T+All ship} Red alert! Red alert, battle stations. No drill, no drill!
21:33Bot:=/\= AXN: The ship does not answer Wren's warning, and arms weapons. =/\=
21:33Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] no response Captain.
21:33Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] He is powering his weapons. Phasers and torpedos ready, plot running.
21:33Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Sir, I've tried to cross reference the ship with what we have in our databases, and there currently is no match.
21:34Moonshadows:::TAC> ::SHe runs a targeting plot on the hostile.:: [CO] FIring solution, thre minutes sir
21:34Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: moves out to sick bay proper at teh red alert, making sure all teams are in motion. ::
21:34CmdrJorel:xo >[ co ] Sounds like a new Tzenkethi ship
21:34Moonshadows:TAC>::Tail whipping::
21:34CaptMcCloud:CO >[ SCI ] When you have a visual, put it on the viewer.
21:35Lt_Banning:SCI > :: puts the ship on the virewer.::
21:35Moonshadows:TAC>::Muttering to herself:: There will be no movie tonight.
21:35CmdrJorel:xo> :: looks up at the screen ::
21:36Bot:=/\= The ship is triangular in shape, an almost black color. it Turns to the Eagle and fires photon torpedoes. =/\=
21:36Moonshadows:TAC>[ALL] Incoming torpedo! SHields, full!
21:37CaptMcCloud:CO >[ HELM ] Make certain we are in between them and the freighter.
21:37CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] Target the torps. Take them out!
21:37Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] I håve a friing solution sir!
21:37EnsVarelNerik:Helm >[ CO ] Aye sir, we are between them.
21:38Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] Torpedos away! Reload commencing.... Targeting...
21:38CaptMcCloud:CO >[ OPS ] Send a message to Starfleet command.
21:38Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] Reload com plete... firing second salvo!
21:38LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: looking at the attacking ship, moves to Banning console to see what he has on it.::
21:39Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] yes sir :: sends message to Starfleet Command. ::
21:39Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] Torpedo impact... three seconds
21:40Bot:=/\= Moon takes out four of the five torps. The fifth explodes against the Eagle's shields. The ship shakes slightly. =/\=
21:40CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] Fire on the attacking ship, Lt.
21:41Bot:=/\= The attacking ship takes some hits, but their shields easily absorb the impact. =/\=
21:41CmdrJorel:xo> :: holds on to the chair as the ship shakes ::
21:42LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ SCI ] Can you get anything on theri hull, Troy?
21:42Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] Hits, clean hits, his shields took it... Concentrating fire! Torpedos,,,,, AWAY!
21:42Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CENG ] Their shielding is not letting me get that detailed of a scan. I'm trying to push through.
21:43Moonshadows:TAC>[SCI] His fur is thick
21:43Moonshadows:TAC>;;As soon as she has reload, she ripple fires on one point on his stern::
21:43Bot:=/\= The attacking ship swings closer to the Eagle, firing its disruptors, then it fires a salve of torpedoes at the freighter.=/\=
21:44Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] Phasers... FIRING! Torpedo impoact, four seconds
21:44Bot:=/\= Moon's shot causes the ship to waver just a bit, but it continues on and starts to come around for another blast. =/\=
21:45Moonshadows:TAC>::SHe times the next shots... phasers hitting the same spot as the torpedos::
21:45CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] Don't let those torpedoes hit the freighter!
21:45Moonshadows:TAC>Initiating countermeasures!
21:46Bot:=/\= The attackers torps are MOSTLY destroyed. One hits the freighter, which, thankfully has a touch hide and handles the impact.=/\=
21:47Moonshadows:TAC>[SCI] Can you locate his shield emitter?
21:47Bot:=/\= The attacker fires, again on the Eagle. The ship sudders harder, and a couple panels blow out on the bridge. =/\=
21:48Lt_Banning:SCI >[ TAC ] Not yet, Moon! Their shields are scattering our sensor beam. I'm trying to tighten it.
21:48Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: Starting to deal with casualties coming into sick bay.::
21:48Moonshadows:TAC>::COncentrates a barrage of torpedos and all phasers on one point near the bow::
21:49LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: grabs a fire extinguisheer and deal with the consoles erupting. ::
21:49CmdrJorel:xo >[ all ] Anyone hurt?
21:49Lt_Banning:SCI >{ XO ] I'm good, Commander.
21:50LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ XO ] Good here, Commander!
21:50Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] All tactical systems, working. I am well. FIRING!
21:51Bot:=/\= The attacker ship shows some weakening in their shields, but they come in firing disruptors and torpedoes at the Eagle. The Eagle's shields go to 55% =/\=
21:51Lt_Wren:Ops >[ XO ] I'm good Commander :: looks around at everyone else :: I think everyone on the bridge is okay, but I'm getting casualty reports from around the ship.
21:52Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] Eagle shields....55%. His shields are down but holding... FIRING!
21:52LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: Goes back to his console, trying to redirect power to the shields to get them back up to strength.::
21:53Lt_Wren:Ops >[ XO ] :: going through the reports quickly :: So far, nothing serious Commander.
21:53Lt_Banning:SCI >[ TAC ] Moon! I think I've got something. :: sends her an image:: Target that point.
21:54Moonshadows:TAC>[SCI] SHifiting target... Firing!
21:54CaptMcCloud:CO > :: nods his acknowledgement to Jorel's report::
21:55Bot:=/\= The attacking ship sends another salvo of fire at the Eagle which really shakes the ship up. Moon's concentrated fire on the point Banning highlighted, collapses the enemy's shields They immediately turn away from the fight.=/\=
21:56Moonshadows:TAC>::Yowls:: [ALL] Her runs! I have time for one more... ::Fires a last torpedo salvo::
21:56Bot:=/\= Moon loses the forward torpedo launchers. =/\=
21:56EnsVarelNerik:Helm> :: gets thrown from her chair when the Eagle shakes ::
21:57Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] Forward tubes off line! [CENG]Alert DC parties!
21:57CaptMcCloud:CO >[ HELM ] Pursuit course! No! Belay that! Stay with the freighter!
21:58LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: taps his console, getting a team on the forward tubes. ::
21:58Moonshadows:TAC>::Unwraps her tail from the arch leg::
21:58EnsVarelNerik:Helm >[ CO ] :: gets back up to the helm station :: aaye sir :: stays with the freighter ::
21:58Bot:=/\= The ship flees into Tzenkethi space. =/\=
21:59Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] He is out of our space sir... And I think a good thing at that!
21:59CaptMcCloud:CO >[ ALL ] Damage report!
21:59Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] SHields regenerating. Phasers operational. Forward tubes still off line
22:00LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ CO ] Showing some circuitry problems with the warp engines, Captain. We have warp, but I'd rather we keep it to Warp 5 at the most.
22:00Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Damage to the sensor pod. The sensor net is offline, Sir.
22:01Lt_Wren:OPS >[ CO ] I"m receiving a lot more damage reports, and some more serious injuries after that last hit.
22:02CaptMcCloud:CO >[ CENG ] You'll get your wish, Commander. The freighter can only do warp 4, and we're not leaving their side. LEt's get this ship back in shape people.
22:02CaptMcCloud:=/\= Pause Sim =/\=

USS Eagle, NCC 89561

Sim of 140219

Font color codes:
Bridge activity  Sick BayEngineeringScience labOther areas
Away TeamHailsActions

21:00CaptMcCloud:=/\= ATTENTION ON DECK =/\=
21:01CaptMcCloud:Good evening, Crew. I hope you have all been having a good week and staying warm.
Has everyone read the mission brief and are there any questions?
21:01Moonshadows:Melting! Melting! Fell through a lawn chair on the ice in Mondays storm,'
21:01Dr_Fenway:No questoins, Captain.
21:01Moonshadows:No questions sior
21:01CmdrJorel: Read,no questions
21:01Lt_Wren:no questions captain
21:01Lt_Banning:Read it, Sir. No questions.
21:02EnsVarelNerik:read and no questions captain
21:02LtCmdr_Hart:No questions.
21:02CaptMcCloud:Alrighty then, let's...
=/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=
21:03Lt_Banning:SCI > :: at his console, coordinating with the sensor pod crew::
21:03Moonshadows:TAC>::At her board, silently grumping about wanting claw someone's guts out::[CO] No hostiles on screen sir
21:03CmdrJorel:xo> :: on the bridge, reading over the endless reports ::
21:03Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: in sick bay finishing up follow up reports from the latest injuries.::
21:03**Eagleguest entered the room.
21:04Lt_Wren:Ops> :: at the Ops station ::
21:04LtCmdr_Hart:CENG> :: In main engineering::
21:05CaptMcCloud:CO > :: steps out of the ready room, onto the bridge:: Conditions report!
21:05Moonshadows:TAC>[CO} Sweeping sector sir, no hostiles detected
21:05EnsVarelNerik:Helm> :: at Helm, making minor course corrections and staying outside the Tzenkenthi space::
21:06Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] All offensive and defensive systems, optimal, targeting computers and sensors online
21:06Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Sensor pod up and operational, Captain. Conducting full sweeps of the area.
21:07LtCmdr_Hart:Engineer 1> :: at the bridge station:: [ CO ] Engineering reporting all systems nominal, Captain.
21:08CaptMcCloud:CO >[ ALL ] Very good. Maintain alert status. :: turns and sits in the command chair:: [ XO ] Can you believe the Tzenkethi have accused us of crossing into their territory?
21:09Bot:=/\= AXN: Banning's sensor net picks up a small anomaly. =/\=
21:10CmdrJorel:xo >[ co ] Oh, I can believe it Captain. They are upset that we have not allowed them to attack the freighters.
21:10Lt_Banning:SCI > :: checks the sensor readings. Sends a message to the Pod to confirm what he is seeing.::
21:11CaptMcCloud:CO >[ XO ] They've tried us twice now, and failed both times to thwart us.
21:12CmdrJorel:xo >[ co ] yes, and somehow I think they aren't finished. They are going to send more.
21:12Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Captain. The sensor pod is picking up some strange readings in Section Z033. We haven't put a full definition to it yet, Sir, but it could be a cloaked ship.
21:13CaptMcCloud:CO >[ SCI ] Send the coordinates to helm. [ HELM ] Ensign, when you receive them, make a slow turn toward the coordinates. Let's not spook them if it is a cloaked ship.
21:14Moonshadows:TAC>[SCI] Searching for DeBroglie waves!
21:14EnsVarelNerik:Helm >[ CO ] aye sir.
21:14Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Aye, Sir. :: Sends the coordinates to helm::
21:15CmdrJorel:xo >[ co ] As I was saying
21:15Lt_Banning:SCI > :: also links the tactical console into the sensor pod readings::
21:15Moonshadows:TAC>::Her ears go back slightly and the fur on her ruff rises::
21:15EnsVarelNerik:Helm> :: receives coordinates. Plots a course that slowly takes the Eagle towards the anomaly::
21:15CaptMcCloud:CO >[ XO ] What's your bet? A marauder, or our friends from the last run?
21:16Moonshadows:TAC>::Scans for power readings and warp signature::
21:17Bot:=/\= As the ship moves toward the anomaly, sensors show nothing more than a small "waver" in space.=/\=
21:17CmdrJorel:xo >[ co ] hmmm . . . I'm betting our friends are back. They had the best success against us.
21:18CaptMcCloud:CO >[ XO ] ::Nods:: That they did. :: tinks a moment:: Mr. Banning? Have or has anything scanned us?
21:19Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] As of this time, no, Sir. Not that I've detected.
21:19CaptMcCloud:CO >[ OPS ] Lt. Wren. Program the sub-mode. Give us the appearance of a Wiverian freighter.
21:21CaptMcCloud:CO > :: Looks to the XO:: That would give us a little bit of teeth, or at least if it is a cloaked ship, that could be what they think.
21:21Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] Aye sir. :: pulls up the sub-mode library and searches through to find the Wiverian freighter program. Starts it up. :: Activating Sub Mode.
21:22LtCmdr_Hart:Eng1> :: checks the enginer output to make certain it adjusts to match the sub-mode illiusion::
21:22CaptMcCloud:CO >[ HELM ] Maintain warp 4.
21:23EnsVarelNerik:Helm >[ CO ] Aye sir
21:23Lt_Banning:SCI > :: does a quick concentrated sweep in the area of the anomaly::
21:24Lt_Banning:SCI >[ TAC ] Moon. Grid 3. Straight in the center. You see that?
21:25Moonshadows:TAC>[SCI] I see something, your sensors are better than mine
21:25CaptMcCloud:CO >[ HELM ] Ensign, set your course to go straight through the anomalous reading. Let's see if it moves.
21:26Moonshadows:TAC>::Mutters::SHoot their bow and stern off and ram 'em in the middle!
21:26EnsVarelNerik:Helm >[ CO ] :: chuckles :: Aye sir, ::adjust course to go directly through the anomaly ::
21:27CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] I'm hoping we make them reveal themselves.
21:27Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] CHarge shields and phasers, sir?
21:28CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] Stand by on phasers, Lt. We're a freighter, remember.
21:28Moonshadows:TAC>[CO} Standing by sir
21:29Bot:=/\= The ship travels another ten minutes. The only sounds on the bridge are the beeps from the different consoles. Finally, Banning does see the anomaly shift ever-so-slighty to starboard.=/\=
21:30Moonshadows:TAC>::Running an attack plot off the main sensors::
21:31Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] It moved, Captain. Just out of the way of the freighters path. They have also hit us with passive scans. The only reason I saw it was because I was specifically looking for it.
21:32Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] Attack plot running off main sensors, targeting sensors on passive.
21:32CaptMcCloud:CO > :: looks over at the XO and give s a grin.:: [ TAC ] Lt. Moonshadows. I want a wide dispersal phaser shot, right into that anomaly, on my mark.
21:33CmdrJorel:xo >[ co ] I think someone is not going to be happy
21:33Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] Torpedos spolling up, seeker heads active. Outer doors open, I have a firing solution!
21:34Moonshadows:TAC.[CO] Phasers, locked on and ready to fire
21:34Bot:=/\= AXN: As they near the anomaly, Moon's sensors detect a weapons build up energy signature in the area of the anomaly.=/\=
21:35Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] Weapons signature, building, bearing.. .right in the anomally
21:35CaptMcCloud:CO >[ ALL ] Red alert! Drop the sub-mode. Fire weapons.
21:36Moonshadows:::Punches the alert up:: TAC>Phasers, fireing!
21:36Lt_Wren:=/\= RED ALERT =/\=
21:36Lt_Wren:Ops> :: drops sub mode ::
21:36Moonshadows:TAC>[=All ship+] A;ert ,red alert, no drill, now all hands man you battlestations
21:38Bot:=/\= AXN: The phasers from the Eagle jump out and strike the cloaked ship dead on. Because of the dispursal patter, it does minor damage to the other ship, but their cloak drops to reveal the triangular ship that attacked the Eagle before.=/\=
21:38Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] SHip uncloaked. Locking on all weapons!
21:39Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] It's the same ship that attacked us, Captain.
21:40Bot:=/\= The triangular ship fires off a shot at the Eagle, which impacts with the shields to no harm. The ship turns and starts running for Tzenkethi space. =/\=
21:40Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] Hit on forward shield. No damage.
21:41Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] She's running, Captain. Heading for Tzenkethi space.
21:41CaptMcCloud:CO >[ HELM ] Pursuit course. [ TAC ] Aim for their engines and fire.
21:42Moonshadows:TAC>::SHifts targets... Fires at his stern section a salvo of torpedos and cocentrated phaser blasts::
21:43Bot:=/\= The enemy ship fires a spread of torpedoes out the aft launchers. =/\=
21:43EnsVarelNerik:Helm >[ CO ] Aye sir :: sets course to follow the new ship::
21:43Moonshadows:TAC>[ALL[] Incomoing torpdos, initiation countermeasures!
21:44CaptMcCloud:CO >[ HELM ] Evasive maneuvers.
21:44Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Three minutes from Tzenkethi space and.... I see a marauder on the other side sir. Four minutes from the border.
21:45EnsVarelNerik:Helm> :: changes the ship to evasive maneuvers pattern beta ::
21:45CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] Fire phasers.
21:45Moonshadows:TAC>[ALL] Contact, second contact, designate Sigma II... Running plot... FIring phasers on target one.
21:46Bot:=/\= The Eagle's phaser shot strikes the shields of the fleeing ship. There is a blinding energy flare-up, but their shields hold, though diminished.=/\=
21:47Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] Target one.... Hit. Shields down to 68%
21:48Bot:=/\= Sensors show the Tzenkethi marauder powering its weapons. =/\=
21:48Moonshadows:TAC>[CO]Contact Sigma two, marauder... powering his weapons!
21:48CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] Give them a full spread of photon torpedoes.
21:48CaptMcCloud:(the fleeing ship not the marauder)
21:49Moonshadows:TAC>::Yowls softly and ripples off the full salvo:: [CO] TOrpedos away, reload cycle initiated.
21:50Bot:=/\= The torpedoes sppeed toward their mark. The triangular ship succeeds in taking out three of them, but the remainder impact with their shields, reducing them even more and showing engine damage.=/\=
21:51Moonshadows:TAC>[CO} Targett one, speed reduced. Surmise engine damage. His shields are down to 32 %
21:51CmdrJorel:xo >[ helm ] make sure we do not enter Tzenkethi space
21:51EnsVarelNerik:Helm >[ XO ] Aye sir.
21:52Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Showing definite engine damage, Captain.
21:52CaptMcCloud:CO >[ OPS ] Ready tractor beam. We're not letting them cross the border.
21:53CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] Moon, fire phasers. Take out them engines!
21:53Moonshadows:TAC>::Carefully adjusts her phasers to one point of impact, full power:: [CO] Firing! ::Lambent energy streks forth::
21:54Bot:=/\= AXN: The phasers blast away what's left of their shields, and strikes home, then engines darken down. =/\=
21:55Moonshadows:TAC>::Swings her beams forwar dup the hull then cuts them::[CO] Target has lost motive power, s hields down
21:56Lt_Wren:OPS >[ CO ] Tractor beam ready Captain
21:57CaptMcCloud:CO >[ HELM ] Time for some fancy maneuvers. We have to grab that and get away from the border. [ OPS ] Warn that marauder off. Tell them to stay on their side.
21:57LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: watching all systems carefully, ready to divert whatever power is needed tot he tractor beam and shields::
21:58EnsVarelNerik:Helm >[ CO ] Aye sir, I can arrange that. :: taps on her console and angles the Eagle into a loop to grab the ship and pull away from the Tzenkethi border ::
21:58Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] The Tzenkethi are closing fast, Captain.
21:58Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] Aye sir :: sends out a warning to the Tzenkethi not to cross the border ::
21:59Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] Take out his weapons arrays, sir? :Tail lashing::
22:01Bot:=/\= The Tzenkethi ignores the hail. The Eagle "groans" as they swoop in and grab the disabled ship then turn away from the border. Helm is sluggish. =/\=
22:01Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: ready for any casualties::
22:02EnsVarelNerik:Helm >[ CO ] :: frowns :: Captain, the helm is slow in responding, and I am at a loss to explain it ::
22:02Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] Captain, no response from the Tzenkethi
22:02CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] ::Nods:: Leave them defenseless, Moon.
22:03Bot:=/\= The Tzenkethi ship comes into weapons range, and fires their weapons. They strike the triangular ship, destroying it and then fire on the Eagle.=/\=
22:03Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] Running targeting plot on the marauder... Firing at sigma one's weaponms! Intoerably bright bolts fo phased energy lance fort, from gun mount to gun mount and thorpedo racks::
22:04Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] They have destroyed the unknown ship.
22:04Bot:=/\= Suddenly the Tzenkethi find themselves under fire from another direction as the U.S.S. Persephones drops out of warp and takes up the battle.=/\=
22:05CaptMcCloud:=/\= Pause Sim =/\=

USS Eagle, NCC 89561

Sim of 140226

Font color codes:
Bridge activity  Sick BayEngineeringScience labOther areas
Away TeamHailsActions

21:01CaptMcCloud:=/\= ATTENTION ON DECK =/\=
21:04CaptMcCloud:Good evening, Crew. I apologize for no mission brief by email but as I explained a bit earlier, I am having email program issues.
Has everyone now gotten a chance to read the mission brief posted to the message boards, and do we have any questions?
21:04Moonshadows:Aye sir no questions
21:04Lt_Banning:Read it, no questions, Sir.
21:05Dr_Fenway:No questions, Captain.
21:05LtCmdr_Hart:read it, and am good.
21:05CmdrJorel:no questions
21:06**Ravynn entered the room.
21:06CaptMcCloud:Okay, as a reminder, it is in the ship's evening hours, and Beta shift is now on duty.
=/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=
21:06CaptMcCloud:CO> ::enters his quarters::
21:07LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >+[ OPS ]+ Hart to Lt. Wren.
21:07Moonshadows:TAC>::She is sitting next to a ventilator grill, with a bowl of half espresso, half RealCreme, sweet and a cigar.
21:07CmdrJorel:xo> :: in her quarters reading over the endless reports ::
21:08Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CEng ] :: in the Eagle's Nest looking out a view port :: Wren here.
21:08CaptMcCloud:(Hello and welcome, Ravynn)
21:09LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >+[ OPS ]+ Just wondering where you are.
21:09Dr_Fenway:AMO> :: still in sick bay finishing up some reading::
21:09Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CEng ] The Eagle's Nest. Care to join me.
21:10Ravynn:((Thank you Captain ;) )
21:10Lt_Banning:SCI> :: enters the Eagle's Nest::
21:10LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >+[ OPS ]+ Try and keep me away. See you in a few. Hart out.
21:11LtCmdr_Hart:CENG> :: taps off his badge and leaves engineering::
21:11**Eagleguest entered the room.
21:11EnsVarelNerik:Helm> :: in her Quarters with a good book ::
21:11Bot:Armand > :: Comes out of his room:: Hi, Rayne. Can I go see Moon's pet?
21:12CaptMcCloud:CO >[ Armand ] Are you finished your homework?
21:12Moonshadows:TAC>::SHe is enjoying a little quiet time in the lounge, without being o0n her toes or being shot at::
21:12LtCmdr_Hart:CENG> :: enters the Eagle's Nest, looking around for his lady. Spots her by the port::
21:13Bot:Armand >[ CO ] Yes, Sir. All finished.
21:13CaptMcCloud:CO >[ Armand ] And what about dinner?
21:14Bot:Armand >[ CO ] :: shrugs:: I had a sandwich about an hour ago.
21:15CaptMcCloud:CO > :: Smirks:: [ Armand ] Alright. Contact Lt. Moonshadows first, she may be eating, herself.
21:15Lt_Wren:Ops> :: still staring out the port ::
21:15LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: approaches her table:: [ OPS ] Is this seat taken or are you waiting for your boyfriend?
21:16Moonshadows:TAC>::Regetfully, she stubs out the end of the cigar... she'd like another, but five a day was her maximum... Barring recoveering from particularly tense moments. Any excuse.... ::
21:16Bot:Armand> :: smiles and taps his comm-badge:: +[ TAC ]+ Armand to Lt. Moonshadows.
21:17Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CEng ] :: smiles, not turning around :: I'm waiting for my boyfriend.
21:17Dr_Fenway:(That still cracks me up, to think of a cat smoking a cigar)
21:18LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ OPS ] Hmmmm... Maybe I shouldn't. I hear he is quite good-looking and formidable.
21:18Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CEng ] Yes, very formidable.
21:18Moonshadows:TAC<+T+[Armand] Moonshadows here, what can I do to help you, Armand?
21:19Bot:Armand >+[ TAC ]+ I wanted to go see your pet, Moon. Is that possible?
21:19CaptMcCloud:CO > :: gives Armand a disapproving look as he'd rather the boy address the officers by their titles::
21:20Moonshadows:TAC>+T+[Armand] I am just finishing what I was doing, we certainly go see my... Pet. I will meet you there.
21:20Moonshadows:TAC>> ::SHe gets up, takes the bowl and but to the RECYCLE slot of a replicator and heads for the TL::
21:21Bot:Armand > :: catches the look and offers a sheepish smile:: +[ TAC ]+ Thank you, LIEUTENANT. I'm on my way. :: quick rushes out the door::
21:21CaptMcCloud:CO > :: Rolls his eyes and walks to the replicator to make up his own dinner::
21:21Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CEng ] :: turns facing Tom :: But you're very cute, I'm willing to risk it. Have a seat.
21:22Moonshadows:TAC>::Tail loops in laughter:: [NOIP] Armand is a good man. ::She remembered he had proven himself as adult, at least in her eyes::
21:22LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ OPS ] Ah! I'll take my chances. :: sits down opposite her:: Have you ordered yet?
21:23Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CEng ] No, not yet.
21:23Bot:Armand > :: arrives at Moon's::
21:24Lt_Banning:SCI > :: orders a quick platter and sits by himself::
21:24Moonshadows:TAC>::She exits the TL, walks down the companionway and sees Armand. [Armand] You are prompt. Let us go in and see our friend.
21:25LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ OPS ] What you in the mood for?
21:25Moonshadows:TAC>::The door HSSSSSSSes open and she leads the way in::
21:26Bot:Armand > :: eager eyes look at Moon, and the boy offers a wide smile::
::follows Moon in:: [ TAC ] How has he been?
21:27CaptMcCloud:CO > :: grabs his meal and sits down at the table::
21:27Moonshadows:TAC>[Armand] I think he is lonely. I hope to get permission to take him the the arboretum and walk on dirt. And, he needs a name...
21:27Lt_Wren:OPS >[ CEng ] I don't know. Surprise me. :: gives him a smile, then looks back out the view port ::
21:28LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: Smiles broadly:: [ OPS ] Very well. I shall be right back.
21:29LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: gets up and heads over to the bar to place his order::
21:29Moonshadows:TAC>::She makes a small sound in her throat as she approaches the feline, holding her hand out::
21:29Bot:Armand > I'm sure Ray.... errr.. the captain wouldn't mind. You want me to ask him?
21:30Moonshadows:TAC>[Ar,mand] No, that is my responsibility. You might, however, know what to call our friend?
21:31Bot:Armand >[ TAC ] He doesn't have a name yet?
21:32Moonshadows:TAC>[Armand] I have an excuse, there has been battle and repairs.
21:33Bot:Armand >[ TAC ] :: Nods his understanding:: Why don't we call him Aster, because he was found on that asteroid?
21:33LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: returns to the table with two fresh drinks:: [ OPS ] Dinner will be right up.
21:33Moonshadows:TAC>[Armand] I approve. WHy do you not tell him his name? He likes you...
21:34Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: Leaves sick bay, headed tot he Nest::
21:34Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CEng ] :: smiles and takes the drink :: Thank you. So, what did you order for us?
21:35Bot:Armand > :: reaches his hand out to the feline:: Hello, Fella. We got a name for you now. We're calling you Aster.
21:36Bot:=/\= AXN: A holo-waitress brings over two covered dishes to Hart/Wren's table. She takes off the lid to reveal a aromatic steaming dish. =/\=
21:37LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ OPS ] I present to you H'Tarian Lasagna.
21:38Lt_Banning:SCI > :: gets a whiff of the food just taken to Wren's table::
21:38Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CEng ] mmmmm, that smells really good.
21:39LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ OPS ] Believe me, it tastes just as good as it smells. Crewman Ranian brought some in to engineering today.
21:40Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: enters teh Nest, looking around to see who all is here::
21:41Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CEng ] Oh, so you've already had some today, eh? :: picks up a fork and takes a bite ::
21:42LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: Picks up his own fork:: [ OPS ] Yes, I have, but it is not stopping me from having more.
21:44LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: takes a forkful, and savors the taste::
21:44Moonshadows:TAC>[Aster] I greet you, Aster to Eagle... Welcome to the family. ::Tail loops:: I shall register you with the Quartermaster
21:45Bot:Armand > :: strokes Aster's fur:: [ TAC ] Are you going to get him a collar like yours?
21:45Moonshadows:TAC>::Considers::[Armand] I do not know, I think I should do that alone with him, he might not like it and put up a fuss.
21:46Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CEng ] This is good. You'll have to thank Crewman Ranian for me.
21:46Bot:Armand > :: Looks up to Moon:: [ TAC ] Ya really think so? He seems so nice and gentle.
21:47Moonshadows:TAC>::She goes to the replicator and orders a plate of shelled shrimp, brings the plate to Aster:: [Aster] Try these, my friend, I like them.
21:47LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ OPS ] I certainly shall.
21:47Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: spots Hart and Wren, then spots Banning::
21:48Lt_Banning:SCI > :: sees the doc and waves him over::
21:49Dr_Fenway:AMO > ::Moves among the tables, passing Wren and Hart, nods to them, then goes to Troy's table:: [ SCI ] Good evening Troy.
21:49Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CEng ] :: continues to eat the Lasagna ::
21:50Lt_Banning:SCI >[ AMO ] Hey, Core. Wanna join me?
21:50LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ OPS ] I guess things were quiet up there today, as I didn't have any emergency repairs to make.
21:51Dr_Fenway:AMO >[ SCI ] Don't mind if I do. ::Sits down and waves the waitress over::
21:51Bot:Waitress> :: saunters over to Dr. Fenway:: What'll it be, Doc?
21:52Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CEng ] Yes, it's nice and peaceful today. I'm glad Captain Marqusa showed up with the Persephone.
21:52Moonshadows:TAC>::Aster sniffs the shrim, and begins eating them enthusiastically::
21:52Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: points over his shoulder to Hart and Wren:: I'll have whatever they're having. It smells fabulous.
21:53Bot:Waitress >[ AMO] :: offers a wink:: Oh it is, Doc. Be right back with it.
21:53Bot:Armand >[ TAC ] :: wide smile:: He really likes that!
21:54Lt_Banning:SCI >[ AMO ] That really does smell good.
21:54Dr_Fenway:AMO >[ SCI ] You should have gotten bold and ordered some.
21:55Moonshadows:TAC>{Armand] We shall have to have Aster scanned for the replicator. It will measure him for a collar... And I am the one to risk my pelt putting it on him.
21:55Lt_Banning:SCI >::frowns:: [ AMO ] Ah, I already had orederd my food when theirs came out.
21:56LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ OPS ] Did you get a chance to see her at all? It would be nice to see how she and Rommie are doing.
21:57Moonshadows:TAC>[Computer] Computer, scan neck of second feline in compartment. Measure for a collar, 5 Centimeters wide, black leather, buckling, with leash ring.
21:58Bot:=/\= The computer beeps its complance of Moon's directive.=/\=
21:58Bot:Waitress> :: comes back over with Fenway's food order and his usual drink::
21:59Moonshadows:TAC>[COmputer] Send data to my replicator and materialize
21:59Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CEng ] No I didn't. I'm sure they are doing well.
21:59Dr_Fenway:AMO >[ Waitress ] Thank you, My dear. :: watches her saunter away:: [ SCI ] :: sighs:: It's a shame she's a hologram.
22:00LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ OPS ] ::Nods:: I hope so. Rommie's a good friend, and I konw he was head over heels in love with her.
22:01Lt_Banning:SCI > :: chickles:: [ AMO ] You going to let that stop you?
22:01Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: laughs and digs into his meal:: Ohhhh! This is brilliant!
22:02Moonshadows:TAC>::Picks up the collar:: [Armand] Stand near the door, and run if he panics...
22:02Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: slides his plate towaed Troy:: [ SCI ] Here! Take a piece. I insist.
22:02Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CEng ] :: chuckles :: She was in love with him too. I remember when I first came on. I . . . umm . . . had a tendency to flirt with people. Just because it's fun to flirt. I accidentally flirted with Rommie while Marqusa was around. She did NOT take that too kindly.
22:03Bot:Armand > :: gets up and moves toward the door::
22:04LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ OPS ] :: Laughs:: Yeah, we heard about that down in engineering.
22:04Lt_Banning:SCI > :: stabd at the dish, taking a small fork full::
22:05Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: Watches expectantly::
22:05Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CEng ] Yeah. I didn't mean anything by it. I'm glad that Vanik was around. He sure helped me adjust.
22:05Lt_Banning:SCI >[ AMO ] Ohhhhh, this is fantastic!
22:06Moonshadows::TAC>::She approaches slowly, reaches out to strok Aster, then carefully, slowly, puts the collar on his neck, ready to jump out of the way::
22:07LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ OPS ] Yeah, Varik. Good ole' Varik. Who would've ever pictured him in the captain's chair?
22:07Bot:Armand > :: watches, expectantly::
22:07Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CEng ] Oh, I knew he'd get there some day. I'm happy for him.
22:08LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ OPS ] I am too, believe me. I just thought I get a command before he would.
22:08CaptMcCloud:=/\= Pause Sim =/\=