USS Eagle, NCC 89561

Sim of 140305

Font color codes:
Bridge activity  Sick BayEngineeringScience labOther areas, Other area. other area
Away TeamHailsActions

21:00CaptMcCloud:=/\= ATTENTION ON DECK =/\=
21:01CaptMcCloud:Good evening, Crew, and happy anniversary to Moonshadows mun.
21:02Moonshadows:((Moon's Mun's other persoanlity))
21:02CaptMcCloud:Have we all read the sim brief and do we have any questions?
21:02Moonshadows:REad and no questions sir
21:02Lt_Banning:Read it, No questions, Sir.
21:02Dr_Fenway:No questions, Captain.
21:02CmdrJorel:no questions
21:03LtCmdr_Hart:read it. No questions.
21:03CaptMcCloud:As we start our story, the ship will be nearing Sector 1231.
=/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=
21:03CaptMcCloud:CO > :: in the command seat::
21:03Moonshadows:TAC>::At her board, standing alert and scanning::
21:04Lt_Banning:SCI > :: At his normal duty spot::
21:04Dr_Fenway:AMO >:: In sickbay::
21:05CmdrJorel:xo> :: in her chair on the bridge reading reports ::
21:05Lt_Wren:Ops> :: at her station on the bridge ::
21:05EnsVarelNerik:Helm> :: at the helm station. ::
21:05Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] I see no shipping in deepspace sir
21:06LtCmdr_Hart:CENG> :: steps onto the bridge, moves to the engineering console::
21:06CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] Thank you, Lt..[ HELM ] ETA Ensign?
21:08EnsVarelNerik:Helm >[ CO ] 10 minutes Captain.
21:11Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] Scanning for in system traffic sir
21:12Lt_Banning:SCI > :: scanning the planets in Sector 1231::
21:13Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: brings up the file on the research team in 1231, so he has comparative data for the teams' physicals.::
21:14Bot:=/\= AXN: The ship approaches Sector 1231. =/\=
21:15EnsVarelNerik:helm >[ co ] we are approaching now
21:16CaptMcCloud:CO >[ HELM ] Slow to three-quarter impulse. [ OPS ] Lt. Wren, contact the research station. CHeck for the best approach not to be noticed.
21:17EnsVarelNerik:helm >[ co ] aye sir
21:17Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: starts jotting notes on his PADD to refer to while dealing with the team::
21:18Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] Detecting no interstellar sensor trace....
21:18Lt_Wren:Ops> :: contacts the research station ::
21:18Bot:=/\= AXN: Wren's signal opens the comm at the station, but there is no response. =/]\=
21:19Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] no response Captain
21:20Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] The Class-M is the thrid planet in the system, Sir, with two moons, and an eloborate sattelite communications system. They would be able to detect our apporach if we are not careful.
21:21CaptMcCloud:CO >[ OPS ] Keep trying, Lieutenant. :: Looks down at his chair console, bringing up the ordres:: [ XO ] They are supposed to be at the station.
21:22Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] Nothing powered in near orbit sir, bigger than a freight shuttle
21:22CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] Thank you, Lieutenant. Keep a close watch on that.
21:23CaptMcCloud:CO >[ SCI ] Mr. Banning. Determine the stealthiest approach to the station, and send the route to helm.
21:24Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Aye, Sir. :: runs the plot on his console, then sends it to HELM:: Plot sent, Sir.
21:24Lt_Wren:ops >[ co ] aye sir ::
21:24CaptMcCloud:CO >[ HELM ] Follow the plot, at 3/4 impulse, Ensign.
21:25LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: runs his normal checks, then moves over by Wren's console::
21:26EnsVarelNerik:Helm >[ CO ] aye sir :: follows plotted course ::
21:26Bot:=/\= It takes another ten minutes at current impulse to make it to the moon where the base is. =/\=
21:28Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] I belive we are undetected so far sir, there is scanning on the microwave bands
21:29CaptMcCloud:CO >[ HELM ] Place us in low orbit above the base, Ensign. [ XO ] I believe an away team to the base is in order.
21:29EnsVarelNerik:helm >[ co ] aye sir :: places the eagle in low orbit above the base ::
21:31Lt_Banning:SCI > :: Scans the base:: [ CO ] I am detecting the base, Sir, but no life signs inside it.
21:31CmdrJorel:xo >[ co ] sounds reasonable
21:32CaptMcCloud:CO >[ SCI ] Any chance they're on an EV mission on the moon's surface?
21:32Moonshadows:TAC>::SHifts scans looking for signs of weapons fire at the base::
21:32Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Negative, Sir. I have scanned the area around the base and there are no life signs for kilometers around it.
21:33CmdrJorel:xo> lets go moon, banning.
21:33Bot:=/\= Moon detects no signs of weapons fire. =/\=
21:33Lt_Banning:SCI > :: stands.:: Aye, Sir. :: grabs his tricorder::
21:33Moonshadows:TAC >[ CO ] No signs of energy weapons signature sir
21:34CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] Thank you, Lt.
21:34CmdrJorel:xo> :: heads to the tl and makes way to tr ::
21:34Lt_Banning:SCI >:: moves to the turbo-lift::
21:35Lt_Banning:(and to the TR. ::Chuckles:: )
21:36Lt_Banning:(Coming, Moon?)
21:36Lt_Banning:SCI > :: grabs a phaser and steps onto the transporter platrorm::
21:37Moonshadows:TAC>::Turns board over to Ensign Enpeecee:: I come... ::She grabs a tricorder and heads to the TL::
21:37CmdrJorel:xo> :: steps up on platform::
21:38Moonshadows:TAC>::Eixts TL, goes to TR, goes to locker and gets a phaser belt, slings it on her shoulder then gets up on the Pad and wraps her tail around her waist::
21:38Bot:=/\= AXN: The team beams into a fairly sophisticated base set-up. They are aboard to four-man transporter pad, which leads to the main control room.
There is a living area, with a sitting room, kitchen, four sleeping rooms and a refresher.=/\=
21:39Moonshadows:TAC>::Unwraps her tail and gives it a good snap,,, she never trusts the transporter completely::
21:39CmdrJorel:xo> :: looks around ::
21:40Lt_Banning:@ SCI > :: Steps off the transporter pad, activating his tricorder::
21:40Lt_Banning:@ SCI >[ XO ] Definitely no one in the station, Commander. All systems are functional though.
21:41Moonshadows:@TAC>::She ties into the station computer and pulls up a diagram of the station::
21:41CmdrJorel:@ xo >[ sci ] see if you can find out anything from the main computer
21:41Dr_Fenway:AMO >+[ CO ]+ Sick bay to the bridge. We are ready for the research team when they are picked up, Captain.
21:42CaptMcCloud:CO >+[ AMO ]+ Very good, Doctor, but there seems to be an issue at the moment. We will keep you advised.
21:43Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: raises brows:: +[ CO ]+ We will be standing by, Sir.
21:43Lt_Banning:@ SCI >[ XO ] Aye, sir. :: moves to the main computer console and accesses the logs::
21:44Moonshadows:@TAC>::She ties into the internal sensors and begins looking for crew... Or remains... In the station::
21:44Bot:=/\= Banning finds nothing unusual in the logs. ONly the research data the teams had collected thus far. =/\=
21:45Lt_Banning:@ SCI >[ XO ] Nothing unusual, Commander. Just the normal research data.... :: furrows his brow:: Funny thing. Their last entry was over a week ago.
21:47CmdrJorel:@ xo >[ sci ] a week ago? That's not typical. Bring up the last entry. [tac] any signs of struggle? Also check to see if any equipment is missing.
21:47Bot:=/\= AXN: The sensors on both the station and the ship beep. They see a launch of a ship from the planet. =/\=
21:47CaptMcCloud:(Wren, you can pick that up on your console)
21:48Lt_Wren:ops >[ co ] the planet has just launched ships captain
21:48Lt_Banning:@ SCI > :: checks the beeping:: Hmmmmm... [ XO ] Commander we may just have a problem.
21:48Moonshadows:@TAC>[CO] CHecking the vehicle bay.... {XO] I shall return ma'am.
21:49CmdrJorel:@ xo >[ sci ] what's that?
21:49Bot:=/\= The vehicle bay stores one surface rover, which is intact.=/\=
21:50Moonshadows:@TAC>+T+XO>Moonshadows to Jorel... Rover is in bay. Suit rack is full...
21:50Lt_Banning:@ SCI >[ XO ] They seem to have just launched a ship from the surface of the planet. It is a fuel propelled vehicle, approximately the size of one of our runabouts.
21:51Moonshadows:@TAC>::Heads back to the group::
21:51CaptMcCloud:CO >[ OPS ] What kind of spce vehicle, Lt.?
21:51LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: Moves over to Banning's station, and scans::
21:52CmdrJorel:@ xo >[ sci ] can you tell where they are headed? +[tac]+ acknowledged.
21:52Lt_Wren:ops >[ co ] it's a fuel propelled vehicle, approximately the size of one of our runabouts.
21:52Lt_Banning:@ SCI > :: shakes his head:: [ XO ] Difficult to say until they clear the planet's atmosphere, which will be in about thirty seconds.
21:53Moonshadows:@TAC>::her tricorder tie in shows no one in rooms or corridors::
21:53Moonshadows:@TAC>[NOIP] Come out come out wherever you are...
21:54LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ CO ] A lot like Earth's early space shuttles, Captain. If I were to take a WAG at the speed of that thing, I would say it would take them two days to reach this moon's orbit.
21:55CmdrJorel:@ xo >[ sci ] is this based hidden from their sensors?
21:56Bot:=/\= The shuttle clears the planet's atmosphere and adjusts its course, heading directly for the moon the base is on. =/\=
21:58Lt_Banning:@ SCI > :: Checks the systems:: [ XO ] Aye, sir. It is covered with a holographic projector, much like the Eagle's sub-mode. It should look just like the moon's surface.
21:58Lt_Banning:@ SCI > The shuttle has just cleared the atmosphere and... It is headed here, Sir.
22:00CmdrJorel:@ xo >[ sci ] Okay, eta?
22:01CaptMcCloud:CO >[ CENG ] Tom. I want your team aboard the base and get our equipment out of there. I would like all traces of our existence here off that moon, but if you can't get the shelter dismantled, at least get our stuff out of there.
22:01Lt_Banning:@ SCI >[ XO ] Approximately two days at their current velocity, Sir.
22:02Moonshadows:Ens. Enpeecee ATAC>::He starts a plot on the approaching ship::
22:02LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ CO ] :: Nods:: Understood, Sir. I'll get my teams on it right away.
22:02CmdrJorel:@ xo >[ sci ] Okay, we have some time then. Let's download all the data and log entries.
22:03Lt_Banning:@ SCI >[ XO ] Aye, Sir. :: starts tapping on the console to open a link to Eagle's computers::
22:04CaptMcCloud:=/\= Pause Sim =/\=

USS Eagle, NCC 89561

Sim of 140312

Font color codes:
Bridge activity  Sick BayEngineeringScience labOther areas
Away TeamHailsActions

21:04CaptMcCloud:=/\= ATTENTION ON DECK =/\=
21:05CaptMcCloud:Good evening, Crew, and thank you for being patient.
Has everyone had a chance to read the brief and are there any questions?
21:06Dr_Fenway:read it, no questions, Captain.
21:06Lt_Banning:No questions, Sir.
21:06Moonshadows:Read and no questions
21:06LtCmdr_Hart:Good to go.
21:08CaptMcCloud:Okay, I see no other objections so....
=/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=
21:09Bot:=/\= The word has gone out for the briefing, so all officers should be on their way to the conference room. =/\=
21:09Moonshadows:TAC>::She organizes her scans in the tricorder::
21:09CaptMcCloud:CO > :: in the conference room, already waiting.::
21:10LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: enters the conference room. Grabs himself a drink from the repllicator. ::
21:10CmdrJorel:xo> :: in confence room::'
21:11Moonshadows:TAC>::Grateful to be back on the ship, she sits at the conference room table, with a bowl of her coffee in front of her::
21:11Lt_Banning:SCI > :: enters the conference room. Also gets a drnk and small snack. Sits in his usual spot.::
21:11Lt_Wren:Ops> :: enters the conference room and takes a seat ::
21:11Dr_Fenway:AMO >:: enters the conference room, takes a seat::
21:12EnsVarelNerik:Helm> :: enters the conference room and sits down::
21:13CaptMcCloud:CO > :: looks around and nods to his officers:: [ ALL ] Thank you for coming. We still have a couple hours before the Soolian shuttle reaches the moon here, but I have had helm move use to low orbit of the other moon, so we can keep an eye on the shuttle.
21:14CaptMcCloud:CO >[ SCI ] Mr. Banning? What can you tell us of the abduction of the research team?
21:14Moonshadows:TAC>::TAIL LOOPS:: [CO] Then... that is three Moons in orbit sir
21:15Lt_Banning:SCI > :: taps on the console. An image appears on the wall viewer, showing the interior of the research station::
[ ALL ] It appears, an you will be able to see it in just a moment, that the researchers had use the station's transporter to beam to Soolia III. Howecer...
:: The scene shows the transporter being activated. Not two, but three people appeat on the platform. The third individual appears to be holding a weapon.::
SCI >[ ALL ] Apparently one of the Soolians had forced the other two to bring him back with them to the base. He then made a round, checking out all the equipment, then made the entire team beam back to the planet.
[ ALL ] I am surmising they are now being held by the government, somewhere, which is what we have to figure out.
21:19CaptMcCloud:CO >[ SCI ] Are we able to get accurate scans of the planet from this distance?
21:20Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Fairly accurate as far as life signs go, Captain, but not accurate enough to pick out the research team from the Soolians.
21:21LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ ALL ] What about sending a probe into orbit to enhance our scanning capability?
21:22Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CENG ] Their satellites and tracking systems are sophisticated enough to pick it out, Sir.
21:22Moonshadows:TAC>{CENG}They know aliens are here... WE could just shift orbits. Or... I could go down and demand to be taken to their leader... ::Tail loops::
21:23Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: Chuckles at Moon's idea::
21:23CmdrJorel:xo >[ tac ] they may just kill you Moon. Since you are very different from them.
21:25Dr_Fenway:AMO >[ ALL ] What about tapping into their comm systems? Perhaps they will reveal the location of the research team?
21:26Lt_Wren:Ops >[ all ] It wouldn't be that difficult.
21:27Lt_Banning:SCI >[ ALL ] But what if all they do is refer to the team, if even mention them at all?
21:27Moonshadows:TAC>[SCI] THEn a hard hack into their computer net?
21:28LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ NOIP ] :: just throwing an idea out there:: We could abduct the shuttle crew and see what they know about the research team.
21:29Lt_Banning:SCI > ::Nods at Moon's suggestion:: [ NOIP ] THAT would probably be our best bet, but.... We may need to go to Soolia III to do that.
21:30LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ SCI ] Does the shuttle maintain a computer link back to their control on the planet... Like the early NASA filghts did?
21:31Moonshadows:TAC>::Does not suggest blowing the tops off a couple of mountains, THEN going down and asking to be taken to their leader::
21:31Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CENG ] Yes.... They do. I could try to hack into the system through that, but they may detect it.
21:32CaptMcCloud:(Good idea to keep quiet on that one, Moon.)
21:32CaptMcCloud:CO > :: Listens to his officer brain-storm::
[ XO ] Commander, what do you think. You've been pretty quiet.
21:36CmdrJorel:xo >[ co ] just debating the prime directive and the safety of the researchers. Having contact with the Soolians would violate the prime directive, so we can't exactly negotiate for their release. Nor can we kidnap those in the shuttle to find information. I think our best option is to try to hack into their computer systems and not get caught.
21:38CaptMcCloud:CO > :: nods in agreement:: [ ALL ] The XO is correct. We will keep an eye on the shuttle, but not interfere with their mission. If they are looking for the base, they won't find it.
[ SCI ] Mr. Banning. Do whatever you need to do to try and break into their computer system. Hopefully it is not too archaic for you to be able to do so.
[ OPS ] Lt. Wren, see if you can assist Mr. Banning in that effort, but also have your department keepin tabs on all comms on Soolia III for ANY mention of the research team.
21:40Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] aye sir
21:41Lt_Banning:SCI >::nods:: [ CO ] Aye, Sir.
21:42CaptMcCloud:CO >[ XO/TAC ] Commadner Jorel, Lt. Moonshadows. I want an extraction plan in place for when we do find the location of the researchers. If we can beam them off the planet, so be it. The Soolians obviously already know we can do that.
21:44Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] I wonder just how much of out tech they got, sir
21:45CmdrJorel:xo >[ co/tac/amo ] If we do have to make an incursion, I would suggest that we look more like the Soolians. Which means Moon that you won't be able to go, but you should recommend your best. And Doc, you should prepare what you need to alter us.
21:46Lt_Banning:SCI >[ TAC ] I can answer that, Moon. Very little if any at all. The most they might have is a tricorder or two. All the other equipment has been inventoried and accounted for.
21:46Moonshadows:TAC>[XO] I like the idea of being the intimidating strange alien ::Draws her self up to her full five goot height::
21:46CmdrJorel:xo >[ tac ] yes, but if anyone saw you it would needlessly violate the prime directive Moon.
21:47LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ NOIP ] That's probably why they were sending the shuttle. To secure the base and whatever equipment is on it.
21:48Dr_Fenway:AMO >[ XO ] I can start work on the prosthetics or any alterations and make certain we're ready to transform whomever is on the away team.
21:50CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] I agree that you will have to sit this one out on the ship, Moon, but being my Chief of Security and tactical, I want you in on the planning of the extraction.
21:50CmdrJorel:xo >[ amo ] Good. I'm guessing no more then 3 or 4 people .
21:50Dr_Fenway:AMO >[ XO ] ::Nods his acknowledgement::
21:51CaptMcCloud:CO > :: Looks around the table:: [ ALL ] Anything else to add?
21:51Lt_Banning:SCI > :: shakes his head::
21:52LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ CO ] Negative, Captain.
21:52Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] Aye sir
21:52CmdrJorel:xo >[ co ] no sir
21:52CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] You have something, Moon?
21:53Moonshadows:TAC >{ CO ] Sir, we could scan for the material in the station crew uniforms...
21:54Lt_Banning:SCI >[ TAC ] Again, we would have to be in orbit of Soolia III to do that, Moon.
21:55CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] But keep that in mind. If we have to send an away team ON TO Soolia III to find our team, that may be what we have to do.
21:56CaptMcCloud:CO >[ ALL ] Okay team. Thank you for your time. Now, let's all get to our jobs and find this research team.
21:56Lt_Banning:SCI >:: Rises:: [ CO ] Aye, Sir.
21:56Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: rises and heads for the exit::
21:57Moonshadows:TAC>::She finishes her coffee, rises and places the bowl in the RECYCLE slot of the replicator, heads out::
21:57LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > ::Finishes his drink and takes the empty mug to the replicator to reclaim it::
21:58LtCmdr_Hart:(GMTA, Moon)
21:58CmdrJorel:xo> :: stays seated, drumming my fingers on the table ::
21:58Moonshadows:TAC>[SCI] Can we get a diagram of their prison if we find it?
21:58LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: exits the conference room and heads to the bridge::
21:59CaptMcCloud:CO > :: Looks over to his first officer:: [ XO ] Something on your mind, Kairyn?
22:01CmdrJorel:xo >[ co ] :: frustrated :: I just don't like this situation Captain. If we follow the prime directive, we may end up having to leave the researchers to their fate on the planet. That doesn't sit well with me.
22:01CmdrJorel:xo >[ co ] I know they knew the risks, but that doesn't make it any easier.
22:02CaptMcCloud:CO >[ XO ] With me either, XO. That is why we will do whatever is necessary to get our people back.
22:02CaptMcCloud:=/\= Pause Sim =/\=

USS Eagle, NCC 89561

Sim of 140319

Font color codes:
Bridge activity  Sick BayEngineeringScience labOther areas
Away TeamHailsActions

21:00CaptMcCloud:=/\= ATTENTION ON DECK =/\=
21:00**Moonshadows entered the room.
21:01CaptMcCloud:Good evening, Crew.
Before we get started, can you all say "Hi," and welcome our new CMO, Dr. Phoenix.
21:02Dr_Fenway:Hello, Dr. Phoenix. Welcome to the Eagle.
21:02CmdrJorel:Welcome Ravynn
21:02Lt_Banning:Hello, Dr. Phoenix.
21:03Ravynn:thank you and hello to you all as well. :)
21:03LtCmdr_Hart:Hey, Doc. I sure hope you're better then our Ex-Acting-CMO.
21:04Lt_Wren:Hush Tom! Core is a good Doc.
21:04CaptMcCloud:::chuckles:: Okay. Have we all read the mission brief and are there any questions?
21:05CmdrJorel:no questions
21:05Moonshadows:Read and no questions sir
21:05Lt_Banning:No questions, Sir.
21:05Dr_Fenway:No questions, Captain.
21:06Ravynn:No Sir
21:06LtCmdr_Hart:::winks at Hailey and whispers:: Gotta keep him humble. ::Goes back AA :: No questions, Captain.
21:07Lt_Wren::: just shakes her head ::
21:07CaptMcCloud::: shakes his head, and chuckles:: Okay... For our new CMO's reference, she joined the ship at the last transfer of crew persons, but is now in charge of sick bay.
21:07Moonshadows:((DO you expect me to hear it rattle all the way over here? :) ))
21:08CaptMcCloud:if you have any questions about the mission, Doc, just ask myself or Dr. Fenway
21:08Ravynn:aye Sir
21:09CaptMcCloud:( :: makes a motion to Jorel that Moon gets demerits for her next performance report:: )
21:09CaptMcCloud:Okay then, lets....
21:09CmdrJorel:(( :: nods, and marks something on her PADD :: ))
21:09CaptMcCloud:=/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=
21:10CaptMcCloud:CO >[ SCI ] Status of the Searcher shuttle, Lt?
21:10Moonshadows:TAC>::Watching the shuttle. Scanning for further launches::
21:10Lt_Wren:Ops> :: at her station on the bridge ::
21:11Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] They are maintaining orbit above the former base location, Sir. The rover is still searching.
21:11EnsVarelNerik:Helm> :: On the bridge ::
21:11Dr_Fenway:AMO >:: in sickbay, looking over supplies::
21:12Bot:=/\= AXN: Wren picks up a transmission from the Soolian control center to the shuttle. =/\=
21:13Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] I'm getting a transmission you might be interested in Captain.
21:13CaptMcCloud:CO >[ OPS ] put them on, Lt.
21:14Moonshadows:TAC>::She runs a tracking plot on the shuttle in the targeting computer::
21:14Lt_Wren:Ops> :: puts the audio only transmission through the speakers ::
21:15Bot:Sollian Control >+[ Searcher ]+ ... port for the major?
21:15CmdrJorel:xo> :: looking over plans for an assualt ::
21:15Ravynn:CMO > ::straightens the top of her uniform as she enters SB::
21:16Bot:Searcher >+[ S-Control ]+ The rover has found nothing, Sir. It has coverd a five square mile area that the base was reported to us, and found nothing.
S-Control >+[ Searcher ]+ You are certain you are above the correct coordinates?
21:18Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: Turns to see the new CMO:: [ CMO ] Good morning, Dr. Phoenix.
21:18Ravynn:CMO > :;smiles softly:: Good morning and you are Dr. Fenway?
21:19Bot:Searcher >+[ S-Control ]+ :: it is noticeable the tension in his voice:: Yes, Control. We are above the correct coordinates.
21:19Dr_Fenway:AMO >[ CMO ] I am, Doctor, but please, call me Core.
21:20Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] No other craft leaving planet sir
21:20Bot:S-Control >+[ Searcher ]+ Please stand by on this frequency.
Searcher >+[ S-Control ]+ Like we'd do anything else. Searcher standing by.
21:21Ravynn:CMO> AMO > Very well Core, and please call me Ravynn. So shall we get started. Do you care to show me around?
21:22CaptMcCloud:CO > :: Stifles a chuckle at the shuttle commander's response:: [ NOIP ] I have felt that way before.
21:23Dr_Fenway:AMO >[ CMO ] It would be my pleasure. :: turns and walks through the main ward:: This, of course is normal treatment area.
21:23CaptMcCloud:CO >[ SCI/OPS ] Have had no luck tapping into their system?
21:24Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Actually, Sir. With this latest transmission, they have sent data back from the rover, and... I have been successful.
21:25CaptMcCloud:CO >[ SCI ] You're into their network?
21:26Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] I am, sir. And I am utilizing one of Lt. Wren's translation protocols ato get our computer to recognize theirs.
21:26Lt_Wren:Ops >[ Sci ] need any help?
21:27Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: takes the CMO back to the surgical ward:: [ AMO ] Not as big as on a Sovereign-class, but it is as advanced.
21:27Ravynn:CMO>AMO> and do you have a typical case load on here and how often ?
21:28Lt_Banning:SCI >[ OPS ] I'll have these readings sent to your console as well. I believe it is translating properly, but if you can double-check that would be helpful.
21:28Lt_Banning:SCI >:: taps the console, so that Wren is now getting the same info he is.::
21:29Lt_Wren:Ops> :: looks through the data ::
21:29**Ravynn left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
21:29Dr_Fenway:AMO >[ CMO ] Typical? :: shrugs:: Not much different from any starship. Simple stuff, headaches, trouble sleeping, minor injuries.
AMO >[ CMO ] The one thing we have that no other ship has is our unique EMH.
21:31CmdrJorel:(( Looks like our new Doc got kicked out of the room ))
21:32Dr_Fenway:(so I see. :: sighs:: )
21:32Lt_Wren:Ops >[ Sci ] Looks like you did a good job with the program Troy.
21:32**RavynnPhoenix entered the room.
21:32CmdrJorel:(( wb ))
((Thank you))
21:33CaptMcCloud:(Welcome back, Doc.)
21:35Lt_Banning:SCI > :: Tapping on his console:: [ ALL ] Looks like I'm in to their main system now...... Doing a search......
21:35CmdrJorel:xo >[ sci ] How long ti--- Good.
21:35CaptMcCloud:CO > :: Looks over at the science officer::
21:36RavynnPhoenix:CMO>AMO> I see... shall we continue and you can tell me more about your EMH. :;smiles softly::
21:36LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: walks over, looking over Banning's shoulder::
21:37Dr_Fenway:AMO >[ CMO ] Well... he is to be seen. Computer, activate EMH.
21:37CmdrJorel:(( ahh, the remnants of Ian Resork ))
21:38Bot:Resork-EMH> :: Appears. A handsome man, looking nothing like the Mark1 or Mark 5 EMHs:: [ AMO ] Hello Core, and this, I presume is Dr. Pheonix.
21:39RavynnPhoenix:CMO> ::nods:: Resork-EMH> ou would presume correctly.
21:41Bot:Resork >[ CMO ] Dr. Resork at your service, Dr. Welcome aboard.
21:42Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] It wasn't easy, Sir, but I think I have their location.
21:42CaptMcCloud:CO >[ SCI ] Don't keep us in suspense.
21:44Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] Stand by, Sir. :: tapping on the console:: Trying to triangulate the coordinates... :: taps again and an image appears on the screen of the main continent on the planet. A small square blinks::
21:44CaptMcCloud:CO > :: Looks to the screen::
21:45CmdrJorel:xo> :: looks at the screen :: [sci] Can we get a closer look?
21:45Moonshadows:TAC>::Expecting demerits, she assiduously watches her board::
21:45Dr_Fenway:AMO >[ CMO ] Dr. Resork, well the EMH version was programmed with the memory engrams of one of the other Eagle's CMOs.
21:45RavynnPhoenix:CMO> Resork-EMH> Thank you Doctor I look forward to working with you, just hope not to often or to soon. No offense meant of course.
21:46Bot:Resork >[ AMO ] Correction, Core. There is an actual part of Ian in the system. Much better than simple engrams.
21:46RavynnPhoenix:CMO>AMO> Then I suppose there is always room for improvement then isn't there.
21:47Lt_Banning:SCI > :: taps again, and the image zooms in to reveal a large square building::
21:48Lt_Banning:SCI >[ ALL ] From what I can glean, this is the main military building for the main continent's forces. They are being held in this building, Sir.
21:49Dr_Fenway:AMO >[ Resork ] My apologies, Dr. I often forget that Dr. Resork was a shape-shifter and had the ability to do just that.
21:49CmdrJorel:xo >[ sci/tac ] Banning send as much of the details of that area as you can to Moon. Moon, we need to now shore up the rest of the assault plan.
21:50Lt_Banning:SCI >[ XO ] Aye, Sir. I am trying to get a building layout now. Their security system seems pretty simple.
21:50RavynnPhoenix:CMO>AMO> Interesting.
21:51LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ XO ] We might even be able to devise something that would almost act like a personal cloaking device to their level of technology.
21:52Bot:Resork >[ CMO ] I am also quite good with social conversation. I have... well Ian has developed his own wine that you will simply have to try.
21:52CmdrJorel:xo >[ ceng ] any help you can give.
21:52LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ XO ] :: Nods:: I'll get right on it.
21:53CaptMcCloud:CO >[ XO ] As soon as you have all the information you need, your mission is a go. We need to get them out of there and then get out of here.
21:53RavynnPhoenix:CMO> Resork> Thank you, I do enjoy a good glass of wine. One evening after shift I will have to give it a try.
21:53CmdrJorel:xo >[ co ] Aye sir
21:54Bot:Resork >[ CMO ] :: smiles:: It will be my ultimate pleasure.
21:55Dr_Fenway:AMO >[ EMH ] Thank you, Dr. Computer end EMH program.
21:55Bot:Resork > ::nods and fades out::
21:55RavynnPhoenix:CMO> AMO> ::chuckles:: Quite the um... Pleasant um... Fella.
21:56Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: shows Dr. Phoenix the isolation bay, and then takes her to her office:: [ CMO ] And this, of course is your office.
It definitely makes me wish I had know the actual Dr. Resork.
21:57Moonshadows:TAC>::Maintains watch::
21:57Lt_Banning:SCI >[ TAC ] I have a building layout, Moon. I'm sending it to your console.
21:57RavynnPhoenix:CMO> AMO> ::Looks around her office through the door way::
21:58Dr_Fenway:AMO >[ CMO ] I promise that I hven't worn out your chair.
21:58RavynnPhoenix:CMO> AMO> ::Turns back to Core:: I would imagine he was quite the interesting fella. I think it would have been interesting as well to known him.
thank you for the tour, I greatly appreciate it. Now I think would be a good time for a cup of coffee.
21:59CmdrJorel:xo >[ sci ] anyways to get a layout inside the buildings?
22:00Lt_Banning:SCI >[ TAC/XO ] The only thing I cannot determine is the EXACT location of the team. I can put a few suggestions, but they aren't defining exactly where the "aliens" are being held.
[ XO ] The schematic I just sent to Moon's console does show some good floor plans.
22:01CaptMcCloud:=/\= Pause Sim =/\=

USS Eagle, NCC 89561

Sim of 140326

Font color codes:
Bridge activity  Sick BayEngineeringScience labOther areas
Away TeamHailsActions

21:00CaptMcCloud:=/\= ATTENTION ON DECK =/\=
21:01CaptMcCloud:Good evening, crew. I hope MOST of you are having a good week, though I would prefer ALL of you were.
I know one of our team here is under the weather, but is here nonetheless.
21:01Moonshadows:Actually my three and a half week headache is gone
21:02CaptMcCloud:Now taht is awesome. Moon.
Has everyone read the mission brief, and are there any questions?
21:02Moonshadows:I have read it and have no questions
21:02Lt_Banning:Read it, no questions, Sir.
21:03Dr_Fenway:Read it, no questions Captain.
21:03CmdrJorel:read, no questions
21:03Lt_Wren:no questions captian
21:03**LtCmdr_Hart entered the room.
21:03RavynnPhoenix:I have read thank you and will just fall in.
21:03LtCmdr_Hart:(Made it)
21:04CaptMcCloud:(Good, any questions Mr. Hart?)
21:04LtCmdr_Hart:Ahhhh, no questions, Sir. ::AA::
21:05CaptMcCloud:In that case, let's....
=/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=
21:05CaptMcCloud:CO >[ XO ] Do you have your team ready?
21:05Moonshadows:Tac>::At her arch, scanning for hostile launches or other ships appraoching::
21:06Lt_Banning:SCI > :: at his science console::
21:07Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: enters sick bay after a satisfying lunch::
21:07CmdrJorel:xo >[ co ] Yes sir. We just need to do the cosmetic alterations. I'm going to take Lt Banning, Ensign Nerik, and 1 security officer.
21:08Lt_Banning:SCI > :: checking on the progress of Searcher::
21:08Moonshadows:TAC>[XO] I would not need alterations, I already look like an alien... ::Tail corkscrews in laughter::
21:09CaptMcCloud:CO >[ XO ] :: glances to the helm officer, then back to the XO:: Nerik? Any particular reason?
21:09CmdrJorel:xo >[ co ] Yes sir. She's telepathic. I think that could prove very useful.
21:10CaptMcCloud:CO >[ XO ] ::Nods:: Good reasoning. What about a medical officer?
21:10EnsVarelNerik:Helm> :: glances back at the Captain and XO::
21:11Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: Looks around sick bay to see where the CMO is::
21:11RavynnPhoenix:::gets another cup of hot tea then back to going over the PADDs that were stacked on her desk::
21:12Dr_Fenway:(Sorry 'bout all those padds, Doctor. The CO made me do it.)
21:12RavynnPhoenix:(( ;) ))
21:13CaptMcCloud:(wow! Just toss me under the landing shuttle, Fenway.)
21:14RavynnPhoenix:(( Seems he did and happily at that :) ))
21:16Cmdr_Jorel:xo >[ co ] I've gone back and forth on that Captain. Maybe it would be good to bring a doctor, just in case.
21:17CaptMcCloud:CO >[ XO ] ::nods in agreement:: We don't know what methods of interrogation they use on the team.
21:18Lt_Banning:SCI > :: packs up his tricorder. Turns the console over to the aux sci officer::
21:18CmdrJorel:xo >[ co ] I'll have the team meet in sickbay for the alterations, and talk to the doc then.
21:19Dr_Fenway:AMO> :: pokes is head into Ravynn's office:: [ CMO ] Back from lunch, Doctor.
21:19CaptMcCloud:CO >[ XO ] Make it so. Let's get that team out of there and out of here.
21:20CmdrJorel:xo >[ tac ] Moon, have your officer report to sickbay. [sci/helm] Banning, Nerik you two are with me :: stands and heads to the TL ::
21:20RavynnPhoenix:CMO>AMO> ::looks up and smiles softly:: Did you enjoy your lunch?
21:21Moonshadows:TAC<+T+ATAC>Ens. Kirkland... Report to sick bay!
21:21Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: steps more into the office:: [ CMO ] Absolutely. :: smiles:: Had some wonderful company as well.
21:22EnsVarelNerik:Helm> :: stands and lets the replacement helm in. Heads to the TL ::
21:22Lt_Banning:SCI > :: stands and heads to the lift::
21:23Dr_Fenway:AMO >[ CMO ] The chef makes a brilliant Bolian stew.
21:24RavynnPhoenix:CMO> AMO> Oh lovely. ::set the padd down:: Well then I must try it sometime. Thank you for the suggestion.
21:24CmdrJorel:xo> :: makes way to sickbay. Enters and looks around for the CMO ::
21:24Lt_Banning:SCI > :: Enters sickbay::
21:24RavynnPhoenix:CMO>AMO> How long have you been here?
21:24Moonshadows:TAC>::She runs her sensor receivers up and down the bands, surveying the alien frequencies::
21:25Dr_Fenway:AMO >[ CMO ] Absolutely. :: hears the doors to sickbay opening:: Looks like we have customers.
21:25EnsVarelNerik:Helm> :: enters sickbay behind the others ::
21:25Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: exits the office, and sees the XO:: [ XO ] Commander. Here for alterations?
21:27CmdrJorel:xo >[ amo ] :: smiles :: Yes doc. Also, I've decided that I would like a doctor on this mission.
21:28Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: Motions to an area already set up.:: [ XO ] Step over this way please and have a seat. When Dr. Phoenix comes out, you can inform her and she will assign an officer or take the mission herself.
21:28RavynnPhoenix:CMO>AMO> So it does, shall we? :gets up from her desk to go into the main examining room::
21:29RavynnPhoenix:CMO>XO> Commander what alterations need to be done?
21:29Dr_Fenway:AMO> :: gestures to two nurses to get the tools ready:: [ ALL ] Fortunately a lot of alterations won't be required. :: Looks to Nerik:: You even less, ensign, as they seem to have the same greenis tint to their epidermis as you.
21:29Lt_Banning:SCI > :: sits down where indicated::
21:30EnsVarelNerik:Helm >[ AMO ] Good to hear Dr. Fenway. I'm not a big fan of surgery.
21:30RavynnPhoenix:CMO> AMO> Dr. Fenway do you care ot assist?
21:30Dr_Fenway:AMO >[ CMO ] My pleasure, Doctor.
21:31CmdrJorel:xo >[ cmo ] Ahh, Dr. Phoenix. I would like a doctor to go on this assignment as well. Either you or Dr. Fenway will also need the appropriate alterations.
21:32Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: starts on Troy, applying the stimulant for the skin tint::
21:34Lt_Banning:SCI > :: watches with amazement as his skin takes on the greenish hue of a green-blooded humanoid::
21:35Dr_Fenway:AMO >[ SCI ] Just lie back, Troy and I will apply the slight brow ridges.
21:35Lt_Banning:SCI > :: does as ordered::
21:35EnsVarelNerik:Helm >[ Sci ] :: watches as Troy's skin changes color, smiles :: I like the color changes Lt.
21:35RavynnPhoenix:CMO> ::Looks to Dr. Fenway:: XO> I suppose I will go Commander. ::begins working on the XO::
21:36CmdrJorel:xo> :: lays back on the biobed ::
21:36Dr_Fenway::: one of the nurses astarts applying the brow ridges to Nerik::
21:37Moonshadows:TAC>[CO] No other traffic appraoaches. No new launches.
21:37RavynnPhoenix:CMO>XO> this should not take long Commander. ::hums softly as she applies the tint stimulant::
21:37Dr_Fenway:AMO > :: uses the dermal-plast to seal the ridges::
21:37Moonshadows:Ens K>::SIts and lets the alterations take place::
21:39Bot:=/\= AXN: It take about a half hour but the appropriate alterations are made (including to Dr. Phoenix), and the clothing issued. The team is ready to transport down. =/\=
21:39LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > ;; In the transporter room::
21:40Lt_Banning:SCI > :: walking into the TR, looks again at his skin:: [ HELM ] So... you like this, huh?
21:40CmdrJorel:xo> :: makes way to TR ::
21:41EnsVarelNerik:Helm >[ Sci ] Yep. Green is MUCH better. :: follows the others to the TR ::
21:41LtCmdr_Hart:CENG> :: Looks up as the other enter, hears Troy's question to Nerik:: [ SCI ] No, Troy. She won't go out with you.
21:42Lt_Banning:SCI > :: blushes:: I.. uh... [ SCI ] I didn't mean... I.... :: just shuts up and gets on the transporter pad::
21:42RavynnPhoenix:CMO> ::Waits with everyonelse, butterflies in her stomach::
21:42LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: chuckles::
21:43EnsVarelNerik:Helm >[ Sci ] Blushing Green also looks better. :: walks up to the Transporter Pad ::
21:43CmdrJorel:xo> :: steps up on the transporter pad ::
21:43LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >[ XO ] Because of the distance, Commander, I will be handling the transport. I have made alterations to boost the signal so they would be more like the base transporters.
21:44LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: Looks at Troy:: [ SCI ] MOST of you should get there. :: smirks::
21:44RavynnPhoenix:CMO> ::smiles at the light banter as she steps up to the transporter pad::
21:44CmdrJorel:xo >[ ceng ] Good. Make sure you keep a lock on us if you can. I really don't want to be stuck on this planet.
21:45Lt_Banning:SCI > :: swallows:: [ CENG ] Why are you picking on me?
21:45LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > :: winks:: [ SCI ] Because you're easy, Troy. [ XO } Ready, Commander?
[ XO ] Each of your uniforms have a borilleum patch on them, so we should have a good lock on you.
21:46Moonshadows:TAC>::Ties into the main sensors to increase coverage::
21:47CaptMcCloud:CO > :: tries to refrain from pacing the bridge::
21:47CmdrJorel:xo >[ ceng ] :: nods :: Energize.
21:48LtCmdr_Hart:CENG > Good luck to you all. :: Energizes::
21:48CmdrJorel:(( :: throws @'s to the entire away team :: ))
21:48Bot:=/\= AXN: The team beams safely to a darkened corridor. =/\=
21:49Lt_Banning:@ SCI > :: Immediately starts scanning:: [ XO ] We need to go up two levels, Sir.
21:49RavynnPhoenix:CMO>@ ::rematerializes, blinks a few times to adjust her vision as much as possible::
21:49CmdrJorel:@ xo >[ at ] :: looks around :: Becareful all.
21:49Moonshadows:@ATAC>::SHimmers in::
21:50LtCmdr_Hart:CENG >+[ CO ]+ Away team successfully transported, Captain.
21:50CaptMcCloud:CO >+[ CENG ]+ Thank you, Tom. Keep a lock on them.
21:51CaptMcCloud:CO >[ OPS ] LT. Wren. Keep a close watch on their comms. Any mention of the resarch team of our away team let me know.
21:51CmdrJorel:@ xo >[ sci ] Lead the way Troy. [helm] Let me know if you sense any Soolians nearby.
21:52Lt_Wren:Ops >[ CO ] Aye sir.
21:52Lt_Banning:@ SCI > :: leads the way to a stairwell, scanning for anyone who would spot them.::
21:53EnsVarelNerik:@ Helm >[ XO ] aye sir.
21:53Lt_Banning:@ SCI > :: enters the stair well and scans:: [ XO ] There seems to be a sentry two levels up, in the stair well, sir. Stationary.
21:54CmdrJorel:@ xo >[ sci ] :: frowns :: is there another way up?
21:54Bot:=/\= AXN: Nerik gets a mental impression of one of the team members in som serious pain. =/\=
21:55Lt_Banning:@ SCI >[ XO ] Another stairwell at the other end of the building, Sir, but I'm betting they have a sentry at that door as well.
21:56EnsVarelNerik:@ Helm >[ XO ] Commander. I can sense that someone is in a lot of pain. From the general area that Lt. Banning indicates the scientists are.
21:58CmdrJorel:@ xo >[ sci ] Very well. Let's go up this stairwell. [atac] Ens Kirkland I want you to take the lead.
21:59Lt_Banning:@ SCI > ::Nods, ready to follow the security officer::
21:59RavynnPhoenix:@ CMO> ::falls inline with the rest of the crew as they head up the stairwell::
21:59CmdrJorel:@ xo >[ helm ] Acknowledged Ensign. [cmo] Looks like we'll probably be needing your services doc.
21:59CaptMcCloud:=/\= Pause Sim =/\=