USS Eagle, NCC 89561

Sim of 180207

Font color codes:
Bridge activity  Sick BayEngineeringScience labOther areas, Other area. other area
Away TeamHailsActions

21:09CaptMcCloud:=/\= ATTENTION ON DECK =/\=
21:11CaptMcCloud:Good evening, Crew. Good to see you all here tonight.
Have you all had a chance to read the brief and do we have any questions?
21:11Lt_Banning:Yes and no, Sir.
21:11EnsShadow:read no questions sir
21:12Dr_Fenway:Brief read, no questions, Sir.
21:12Cmdr_Hart:Good to go, Sir.
21:13CaptMcCloud:Okay. The position of Commander Jorel is once again going to be NPC'ed. With that said, let's...
=/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=
21:14! ! !=/\=ACTION: The diplomatic team beams over to a spot on the commerfial deck of the space station. =/\=
21:15Bot:OPS >[ CO ] The team is safe aboard the station, Sir, and the other warships have sent shuttles which have docked withthe station.
21:15CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] Status of the weapons on the warships, Lt.?
21:16EnsShadow:@ AMO>;;with the rest of the team, looking around and trying to pick up anything, either aurally or mentally from those around him;;
21:16Bot:Tac >[ CO ] Their weapaons are not charged, Sir. And thankfully the two warships are keeping their distance from one another.
21:18Bot:@ Enhave' >[ XO ] Are you certain all this ... :: points to the security officers:: is necessary ?
21:19Bot:@ Jorel >[ Enhave' ] Extremely necessary, MR. Enhave' :: notds to the guards to look around::
21:19CaptMcCloud:CO >[ TAC ] Keep a close eye on them, and also if any additional ships arrive.
21:20Lt_Banning:@ SCI > :: looks at the commercial deck, and does a quick scan with his tricorder::
21:20EnsShadow:@ AMO>:: Keeps searching the area for anyone that might wish to cause them any trouble;;
21:21Bot:@ Enhave'> ::brushes past Jorel and heads for the meeting hall::
21:21Bot:@ Jorel > :: rolls her eyes and follows after the diplomat::
21:22EnsShadow:@ AMO>;;goes with the others, still scanning the area for troublemakers;;
21:22! ! !=/\=ACTION: @ As they approach the meeting hall, they notice armed escorts from both factions holding positions at either side of the hall entrance. =/\=
21:23Lt_Banning:@ SCI >[ NOIP ] That gives me a bad feeling.
21:24EnsShadow:@AMO>:: Nods to [SCI] in agreement but checks to make sure that so far it's all posturing and they aren't ready to break out into open warfare;;
21:27Bot:@ Sec 1 > :: approaches the entrance first, watches carefully to be certain the delegation can enter::
21:27Bot:@ Enhave'> :: passes right through the Narger and Longo troops to enter the hall::
21:28Bot:@ JOrel >[ NOIP ] I do wish he would use some caution. :: follows him in::
21:28Lt_Banning:@ SCI >[ NOIP ] Me too. :: Glances uneasily at the armed personnel as he enters the hall::
21:29EnsShadow:@AMO>:: nods to Jorel and folows, checking the expedition medkit's supply of fastacting anesthetics in case they'd be needed
21:30! ! !=/\=ACTION: @ Inside the hall are two representatives from each faction and a jovial looking blue-skinned male, completely hairless on his head. =/\=
21:31Bot:@ Batun > :: turns and see Enhave'. He smiles broadly:: And here is our representative from the Federation of Planets. So good to see you!
21:32Bot:@ Enhave'>[ Barun ] :: returns the smile and extends a hand:: Mr. Barun. A pleasure.
21:32EnsShadow:@AMO>:: politely nods to the others in there;;
21:32Bot:@ Barun >[ Enhave' ] Please, just Barun. :: Looks to the Starfleet officers::
21:33Bot:@ Enhave'>[ Barun ] :: indicates the officers:: These are my assistants from the Eagle. Commander Jorel, Dr. Shadow and Lt. Banning.
21:34Bot:@ Jorel > :: nods an acknowledgement ::
21:34EnsShadow:@AMO>:: bows respectfully;; Fi'zhai, Warm winds to you all
21:34Lt_Banning:@ SCI > :: also nods in greeting::
21:35! ! !=/\=ACTION: @ Both Dr. Shadow and Commander Jorel suddenly sense great apprehansion, but cannot pinpoint exactly where it is coming from. =/\=
21:36Bot:@ Barun >[ ALL ] A pleasure to meet you one and all. I do hope you can help resolve their differences and cool this area down.
21:37EnsShadow:@AMO>:: tries to narrow the apprenshive feeling down to which quadrant of the room it's emanating from;;
21:37Bot:@ Enhave' >[ Barun ] That is my hope as well.
21:38Bot:@ Barun > :: turns toward the table where the others are seated, no one speaking to one another::
21:39Bot:@ Barun >[ Enhave' ] On this side.. :: pointing tot he left:: Is the Narger delegation, Yesat Woon and his aid Krell.
21:39Bot:@ Enhave' > :: nods to the Narger delegation::
21:40! ! !=/\=ACTION: @ Shadow and Jorel sense obstinance coming from Woon. =/\=
21:41EnsShadow:@AMO>;; makes a mental note to keep an eye on Woon
21:41Bot:Batun > ::points to the opposite side:: And here is the Longo delegation. Ambassador Trey and his aide Uevan.
21:41Bot:@ Enhave' > :: nods to that delegation as well::
21:42! ! !=/\=ACTION: Shadow and Jorel sense an openess from the Longo delegation. =/\=
21:42EnsShadow:@AMO>;;smiles a greeting to each delegate;;
21:42Lt_Banning:@ SCI > :: starts his tricorder to recording things::
21:44Bot:@ Enhave" >[ ALL ] Beings of the Dyglerium System. From the United Federation of Planets, I greet you. I am confident that with your assistance we will be able to come to an accord concerning weapons ans such use in this system.
21:45Bot:@ Woon > :: huffs derisively:: [ Enhave' ] And how do you propose to solve something that has plagued us for doshes?
21:46Bot:@ Enhave' >[ Woon ] :: smiles:: By listening to BOTH sides and working with you to slove differences.
21:46EnsShadow:@AMO>:: Raises his hand;;
21:47Bot:@ Woon > :: huffs again and turns his gaze, first tot he Longo, then to the table:: [ Enhave'] Good luck with that.
21:48Bot:@ Jorel >;: signals for Shadow to put his hand down::
21:49EnsShadow:@AMO>;; does so;;
21:49Bot:@ Trey >[ XO ] No. I would like to hear his question.
21:50Bot:@ Ehhave'> :: turns and looks to the officers:: Someone has a question?
21:51Bot:@ Jorel > :: grudgtingly nods to Shadow::
21:51EnsShadow:@AMO>[Ehhave'] a comment more like sir
21:52EnsShadow:@AMO>[All] With all respect sirs and not to disparage the fine work of the efforts of the diplomats of all sides, if people truly want something they can make it happen no matter how difficult that thing might be
21:52Bot:@ Enhave' > :: a little non-plussed, nods:: [ AMO ] Proceed.
21:54@ @ @EagleScoutguest left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
21:54Bot:@ Trey >[ AMO ] Well said, young one. :: looks to Woon:: Your people would do good to listen.
21:55Bot:@ Woon >[ Trey ] :: growls:: And you would do good to listen as well.
21:55Bot:@ Enhave' >[ ALL ] Yes. Anything worth wishing for is in anyone's grasp. The young doctor speals well.
21:57! ! !=/\=ACTION: Both Shadow and Jorel sense a strange wave in the room. A wave encouraging negative thoughts that the "other side" is no good, that they will never listen:: =/\=
21:59Bot:@ Enhave' >[ Delegations ] :: sits down at the head of the table, and ushers the Starfleet officers to take places on either side of him.:: Let us start. Have you tried, in the past to reach an accord?
21:59EnsShadow:@AMO>;; checks his tricorder for the additional presence of a NCB in there with the delegates;; (NCB-Non Coporeal Being)
21:59Bot:@ Jorel > :: furrows her brow slightly and tries to determine just where that... wavge is coming from;:
22:00! ! !=/\=ACTION: Shadow's tricorder readings come up negative. =/\=
22:00CaptMcCloud:=/\= Pause Sim =/\=

USS Eagle, NCC 89561

Sim of 180214

Font color codes:
Bridge activity  Sick BayEngineeringScience labOther areas, Other area. other area
Away TeamHailsActions

21:00CaptMcCloud:=/\= ATTENTION ON DECK =/\=
21:04:49CaptMcCloud:Good evening, Crew. Good to see you all tonight.
Have you all had a chance to read the brief and do we have any questions?
21:07EnsShadow:no questions sir
21:08CmdrJorel:REad, no questions.
21:09Lt_Banning:No questins.
21:09Dr_Fenway:No questions, Captain.
21:10CaptMcCloud:Okay then, let's...
=/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=
21:10CaptMcCloud:CO > :: goes to the briefing room::
21:11Bot:Enhave'> :: looks over his notes::
21:11CmdrJorel:XO > :: sips a cup of tea as she waits. Nods to the captain as he comes in::
21:12Dr_Fenway:CMO > :: sitting in the mess hall having dinner::
21:12EnsShadow:AMO>::Looks over his notes on his impressions of the other delegates;;
21:13Lt_Banning:SCI > :: sitting at the table in the briefing room. Has a sandwich and a drink before him::
21:14CaptMcCloud:CO > :: notes the Enhave' is seated in his normal spot. Frowns and grabs a mug of coffee, takes a seat next to Jorel::
21:15EnsShadow:AMO>;; gets some apple cider and a sandwich as well;;
21:15Bot:Enhave' > :: Looks up from his PADD:: [ CO ] Ah, Captain. Good then. We can get started.
21:16Bot:Enhave' >[ ALL ] While I have seen better starts to negotiations, at least this one did not end up with one side shooting at the other. I consider that a win. I would like to hear from our two telepaths.
21:17EnsShadow:AMO>;;rubs his forehead and gestures for the XO to go ahead;;
21:18CmdrJorel:XO >[ Enhave' ] I'm not sure what impressions the doctor got, but from what I sensed in that room an agreement may never be reached.
21:18Bot:Enhave' >[ XO ] :: Looked between Jorel and Shadow:: What do you mean?
21:20CmdrJorel:XO >[ Enhave' ] I sensed a strong negative emotion. I couldn't pin it down as to whom it was coming from, but it was strong enough to affect overall emotions in the room.
21:21Bot:Enhave' > :: looks dumbfounded a moment, then looks to Shadow:: [ AMO ] And you, Doctor?
21:21CaptMcCloud:CO > :: takes a sip from his mug::
21:21EnsShadow:AMO>The Narger are suspicious as all get out and apprehensive as all heck while the Longos appear to be much more open as well as friendly BUT I also got the feeling of another presence. well hidden, that was practically egging them on to war with all the bad vibes it was throwing off
21:22Lt_Banning:SCI > :: looks between the XO and Dr. Shadow::
21:23EnsShadow:AMO> I know it's not the most technical of terminology but it seems to express what I was getting from them better
21:25CaptMcCloud:CO >[ ALL ] I can definitely concur about the Narger and their suspiciousness. They've been scanning and keeping an "eye" on us, much more than they are the Longo ship.
21:26Bot:Enhave' >[ XO/AMO ] Any clues whatsoever where it is more likely coming from?
21:27CmdrJorel:XO >[ Enhave' ] I wish I could so, yes, Mr. Enhave', but I can't.
21:28Lt_Banning:SCI >[ ALL ] I did complete scans of the room. Unless this.... mysterious source had extremely sophisticated personal cloaking devie, ther was no one else in that room other than us and the delegates and the station master.
21:28EnsShadow:AMO> [Enhave'] it seemed to be like some of the non corporeal entities that have been encountered in the past but it didn't register on the tricorder
21:30CaptMcCloud:CO >[ ALL ] Could it have been one of the delegates?
21:31Bot:Enhave' >[ CO ] I would doubt that, Captain. I did studies on the little information we have on these species, and nowhere did it mention telepathic abilities.
21:32CmdrJorel:XO >[ NOIP ] Doesn't mean they don't. Or at least ONE of them doesn't.
21:33Bot:Enhave'' > :: looks a bit more distressed:: [ XO/AMO ] How can we find who is causing this?
21:34CmdrJorel:XO > :: thinks a moment and takes a sip of her tea::
21:34EnsShadow:AMO>[CO] It COULD have also been from outside the meeting hall by someone shielded enough to hide their presence from us
21:36CaptMcCloud:CO >[ XO/AMO ] How far around that room would we have to search to be sure that is not the case?
21:36EnsShadow:AMO>[Enhave'] we could move the conference to the Eagle
21:37Lt_Banning:SCI >[ CO ] We could set up a neural-null field around the hall, Sir. That way if it is outside interference, we can stop it.
21:38Bot:Enhave' > :: looks hopefully to the captain:: [ CO ] What do you think, Sir?
21:38CaptMcCloud:CO > :: cinsiders the notion::
21:40CmdrJorel:XO > :: looks over to the captain, taking another sip of her tea, wondering why she didn't get something to munch on too::
21:41EnsShadow:AMO>;; gets up and brings a sandwich and some pastries over to the XO;;
21:42CaptMcCloud:CO >[ ALL ] I think bringing the delegates aboard the Eagle might be a better idea.
21:42CmdrJorel:XO > :: takes a piece of pastry, giving the doctor a cool:: Thanks. :: wonders if he was reading her mind::
21:43Bot:Enhave' >[ CO ] Yes, yes. I think so too. It could also be a.... scrambler move of sorts. Put both sides a bit off guard.
21:44EnsShadow:AMO> [ALL] and each delegation have their own suite with Security to protect it across the corridor from the Holodeck or conference room
21:45EnsShadow:AMO>:: smiles to the XO:: I heard your stomach growling
21:45CaptMcCloud:CO > :: nods:: [ Enhave' ] My thoughts exactly. We give them a little tour, then set them down to the negotiations. Could be just the catalyst to get rid of negative emotions.
21:46CmdrJorel:XO >[ AMO ] I don't think giving them suites is a good idea. I don't want anyone to have a private time if either of them are responsible for the negative waces.
21:48EnsShadow:AMO>[XO] Very well, it WAS an idea to keep the delegations together
21:48CaptMcCloud:CO > ::nods in agreement:: [ ALL ] I agree with that. They go nowhere without an escort and are here only for the arms discussions.
21:50Bot:Enhave' > :: seeming to have liked Shadow's idea:: [ CO ] Yes, I suppose you are right, Captain:: Still not convinced.::
21:50CaptMcCloud:CO >[ Enhave' ] Do you want to suggest the change of venue, Mr. Enhave'?
21:51EnsShadow:AMO>[Enhave'] You can present it to them as the ultimate idea of a neutral meeting place
21:51Bot:Enhave' >[ CO ] ::Sighs:: It probably would be best if it came from me, but what do I use as an excuse? Do I reveal our suspicions?
21:52CmdrJorel:XO >[ Ehnave' ] I don't t hink that would be a good idea at all.
21:53EnsShadow:AMO> [ Ehnave' ] you could put it under the guise of added security
21:54CaptMcCloud:CO >[ Enhave' ] I also don't think that would be a good idea. Possible security reasons, or just plain show of good faith in our possible new friends. I am betting they would jump at a chance to get aboard the Eagle.
21:55CmdrJorel:XO > ::Nods in agreement::
21:56Lt_Banning:SCI >[ ALL ] It would be much easier to set up a neural-null field around our conference room.... just in case.
21:56CaptMcCloud:CO > :: Nods to Banning:: [ SCI ] You get that arranged, Lt.
21:57Bot:Enhave' >[ NOIP ] Okay. I will try to spin this as innocently and positively as possible
21:58CaptMcCloud:CO >[ Enhave' ] Be sure to invite the station master so we don't get his nose out of joint.
21:58Bot:Enhave' > ::Nods to the CO's suggestion::
21:59CaptMcCloud:CO >[ XO ] Commander, see to an appropriate buffet for our guests as well.
21:59CmdrJorel:XO >[ CO ] Aye, Sir.
21:59EnsShadow:AMO>[XO] Need some help?
22:00Bot:Enhave' >[ ALL ] Anyone have anything else to add?
22:01EnsShadow:AMO>:: raises his hand:;
22:01CmdrJorel:XO >[ AMO ] :: shankes her head:: I will talk to the galley master and get something set up.
22:02Bot:Enhave' >[ AMO ] Doctor?
22:03EnsShadow:AMO>[CO] IF there's a chance of the factions or their allies coming after us to disrupt the proceedings, Captain, we may need to warp outta here and possibly fight to save the chance for peace, remember what all happened at the lead up to the Babel conference
22:04Lt_Banning:SCI > :: starts entering commands into his PADD to set up the neural field::
22:06CaptMcCloud:CO >:: nods:: {AMO ] Believe me, Doctor, I have had that in my mind since we entered this system.
22:06CaptMcCloud:=/\= Pause Sim =/\=

USS Eagle, NCC 89561

Sim of 180221

Font color codes:
Bridge activity  Sick BayEngineeringScience labOther areas, Other area. other area
Away TeamHailsActions

21:00CaptMcCloud:=/\= ATTENTION ON DECK =/\=
21:01CaptMcCloud:Good evening, Crew. It is once again time for another gripping Eagle sim. ::chuckles::
Has everyone read the brief and do we have any questions?
21:02Cmdr_Hart::: chuckles at the captain's sense of humor:: No questions, Sir.
21:02Lt_Banning:No questions, Captain.
21:03Dr_Fenway:Brief read, no questions, Captain.
21:04CaptMcCloud:Okay then, let's get to this luncheon.
=/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=
21:04:54 PM) Cmdr_Hart: CO > :: leads the delegates into the Eagle's Nest, concluding the tour.:: And this, gentlemen is our lounge, the Eagle's Nest.
21:06Cmdr_Hart:CENG > :: sees the delegates come in, standing next to his very pregnant wife::
21:07Bot:CmdrJorel-XO > :: enters with the captain and the delegates::
21:08Bot:Admin Batun >[ CO ] A most impressive ship, Captain.
21:08Bot:Amb Trey >[ CO ] I am quite in agreement, Captain McCloud. Though I have a feeling you gave us a watered down version of the tour of the ship.
21:10CaptMcCloud:CO >[ Trey ] :: smiles:: As you would undoubtedly do were I to tour your ships, Amhbassador.
21:11Cmdr_Hart:CENG > :: chuckles but says nothing::
21:12CaptMcCloud:CO >[ Delegates ] And this is my chief engineer, Commander Hart and his wife, Lt. Commander Wren.
21:13Cmdr_Hart:CENG >[ Delegation ] ::Nods politely:: Welcome to our ship, Sirs.
21:13Dr_Fenway:CMO > :: comes around and stands next to Lt. Commaner Wren::
21:14Lt_Banning:SCI > :: also moves over and stands by the group::
21:15CaptMcCloud:CO >[ Delegation ] And beside Commander Wren is our chief medical officer, Dr. Fenway and I believe you have met my science officer, Lt. Banning.
21:15Lt_Banning:SCI > :: nods to the delegation::
21:16Dr_Fenway:CMO >[ Delegation ] A pleasure to meet you all, Gentle-beings.
21:17Bot:Batun >[ AMO ] Docotr, your medical bay was most impressive. I would love for you to visit our infirmary and give some tips to make it better.
21:17Bot:Jorel > :: furrows her brow as she starts to feel something::
21:18Dr_Fenway:CMO >[ Batun ] It would be my pleasure, Administrator.
21:19CaptMcCloud:CO >[ Delegation ] :: puts his hand out, indicating the buffet:: Please, partake of our chef's hard work and enjoy.
21:20Bot:Trey >[ CO ] Do not mind if I do, Captain. ::Nods to his aide, and to the two guards that accompanied him::
21:21Bot:Batun > :: steps over to Fenway:: [ CMO ] You must tell me of your facility some more. I am a retired man of medicine myself.
21:22Dr_Fenway:CMO > :: leads Batun to the food:: [ Batun ] So much to tell you, Administrator. Where would you like me to start?
21:23Bot:Jorel > :: goes over by Banning:: [ SCI ] Is the neural field set up around the Nest?
21:24Bot:Woon > :: steps over to McCloud:: [ CO ] A most impressive ship, indeed, Captain McCloud.
21:25Lt_Banning:SCI >[ XO ] Aye, Commander. And I have it ready for the conference room as well.
21:25CaptMcCloud:CO >[ Woon ] Thank you, Ambassador. I do apologize for the watered-down version. Security reasons, you know.
21:26Bot:Jorel >[ SCI ] :: frowns:: Maybe it's working. I started to sense something, though not as strong as on the station.
21:27Bot:Woon >[ CO ] Oh, I perfectly understand, Captain. You would be a fool to take us to highly sensitive areas.
21:27CaptMcCloud:CO >[ Woon ] :: smiles:: I am glad you understand, Ambassador.
21:29Lt_Banning:SCI > :: raises a brow at the XO's comment. Pulls out his tricorder and checks the link to the neural field transmitter:: [ XO ] It is functioning, Commander and there have been no external pressures against it.
21:30Bot:Jorel >[ SCI ] You can tell if someone is trying to interfere with the delegation?
21:32Lt_Banning:SCI >[ XO ] Aye, Ma'am. I've added a special receiver modulte to the generator and it is relaying to my tricorder.
21:34Bot:Batun >[ CMO ] How about those beds? That would be a marvelous addition to our facility.
21:35Dr_Fenway:CMO >[ Batun ] :: smiles as he puts some food on a plate:: Let me see what I can do for you.
21:36Bot:Woon >[ CO ] Our people are wanting this, Captain. It is just those... :: glances in Trey's direction:: Longo.
21:39CaptMcCloud:CO >[ Woon ] The Longo seem quite open to negotiations. Ambassador.
21:40Bot:Enhave' > :: is by the food, keeping an eye on both delegates and Batun.::
21:40Bot:Woon > :: starts looking over the food:: [ CO ] Things aren't always as theyseem, Captain.
21:41Bot:Jorel >:: suddenly feels a heavy wash of distrust. Glances to Banning and his tricorder::
21:43Dr_Fenway:CMO >[ Batun ] Let me see what I can do.
21:44Lt_Banning:SCI > :: sees the XO's glance at him:: [ XO ] You get something, Sir.
21:45Bot:Jorel >[ SCI ] Yes. Very strong.
21:45Lt_Banning:SCI >[ XO ] It has to be in the room, Sir.
21:46:38 PM) Bot: Jorel >[ SCI ] :: looks around:: Yeah, but where?
21:47CaptMcCloud:CO > :: looks over toward Jorel and raises his brows questioningly::
21:47Bot:Jorel >[ CO ] :: gives him a simple nod of affirmative::
21:48CaptMcCloud:CO > :: looks around. Woon is getting food, but is looking more sullen than just a moment ago. Trey and his aide are sitting and talking to Wren. Butan is talking with Fenway.::
21:49Lt_Banning:SCI >[ XO ] We're going to need a new detector here in the lounge.
21:50Dr_Fenway:CMO > :: sits down with the administrator::
21:51Bot:Woon's aide> :: slams one of the Longo delicacies:: The food of our enemy!
21:52CaptMcCloud:CO >[ w-aide ] I apologize if it offends you, Sir. Your foods are over here.
21:52Bot:Enhave' > :: hurries to the aides side as well and nods to the captain::
21:53CaptMcCloud:CO > ::Nods to Enhave' and backs off::
21:53Bot:Woon > :: Lokks suspiciously at the Longo delegation:: [ Enhave' ] How can we trust that our food has not been tampered with?
21:54Bot:Jorel > :: Makes her way over to the captain:: [ CO ] I've felt it in here, Captain. Banning assures me the field is up and running and there is no external interference.
21:55CaptMcCloud:CO >[ XO ] So it is one of our guests. :: Looks at each on in turn:: But which one?
21:55Bot:Jorel >[ CO ] It has just subsided, Sir.
21:56Bot:Woon >[ Enhave' ] We will not eat a thing! How can we trust you now?
21:57Bot:Enhave' >[ Woon ] Please, Ambassador. Just... try some. I assure you, the Federation would gain nothing trying to hurt you.
21:58Bot:Woon > :: Looks to one of his guards, and motions for him to try the fare. The guard looks skeptical at first, but tries the food, liking the taste, he nods to Woon.::
21:59CaptMcCloud:CO >[ XO ] Can you.... countermand it?
21:59Bot:Jorel >[ CO ] No by myself.
21:59CaptMcCloud:=/\= Pause Sim =/\=

USS Eagle, NCC 89561

Sim of 180228

Font color codes:
Bridge activity  Sick BayEngineeringScience labOther areas, Other area. other area
Away TeamHailsActions

No sim held