Biographical File

Number 00650813.

Techinical Data
Name:Ferruin Taliesin D'N
CURRENT POSITION:Assistant Science Officer
Personal data
Sex: Male
Race:El Aurian
Physical Characteristics
Hair Color:Black
Eye Color:Brown
Family:No data
Special Racial
indistinguishable from Terrans, Spatial-temporal Sensitivity, Q Suppression (Q powers not effective within 200 meters, Q’s are not invulnerable to attacks from El Aurians), Genomic malleability (easily can accept transplants from other races as their bodies transform implants and transplants into biological analogs of existing organs), Invulnerable to Borg Nano-bot assimilation techniques. Mildly telepathic and prescient.
Homeworld:,/b>El Auria

Languages: Terran English, Japanese, and French, Vulcan, Cardassian, Vorta, Bajoran, Romulan, El Aurian, Deltan, Mishaaran, Andoran, and Sheean

  • Doctorate in Stellar Topography and Gravitometrics
  • Doctorate in Sociology
  • Doctorate in Xeno-biology
  • Doctorate in Kinesthetics and Kinestiology
  • Masters in Warp Field Engineering
  • Masters in Computer Engineering and Computer Science
  • Certification in Pre-technological Fabrication Techniques
  • Masters rating in unarmed combat
  • Commissioned by Starfleet without the benefit of the Academy at the request and pleasure of the El Aurian government at large. Tested out of all required coursework with 98 percentile exam grades or better.
  • Served on the Daystrom Science Award Selection Committee for 25 years.
  • Served as El Aurian Ambassador to the Federation for 21 years
  • Transferred at the rank of Ensign to the Sciences Dept aboard USS Wyld Foxx A. Re-assigned to USS Pathfinder following the destruction of Wyld Foxx.

Avoiding boredom


Ferruin spent many of the 369 years of his life wandering the Beta and Gamma quadrants, except for the last 69 years where he has served with Starfleet in some capacity or another. During his previous experience he studied many subjects and sought to become the ultimate mercenary. His technical skills served to enhance his ability to innovate and overcome any obstacle.

Notably his 55 years as the Master of Arms for the Prefect of Janus V, a planet where the art of personal combat is the highest social form and dueling is as common as the air. Ferruin faced no fewer than 2,000 combat trials with every form of weapon from small furry animals to armored tanks.

Ferruin took his middle name from a bard in the history of earth as he appreciated the widely scattered capacities of that profession. . Kitty was re-assigned to the USS Pathfinder afer the dstruction of the USS Wyld Foxx A.