Biographical File

Number 90950813.

Techinical Data
Name:Leely Kornflakes
CURRENT POSITION:Assistant Science Officer
Personal data
Age:27 Birthday:Aug 2
Sex: Female
Race:1/4 Deltan, 1/4 Betazoid, 1/2 Vulcan
Marital status:Single
Physical Characteristics
Hair Color:Blonde
Eye Color:Green
Physical characteristicsHas Vulcan ears and a full head of hair which is uncharateristic in full-blood Deltans
Family:No Daa
- Doctorate in Stellar Cultural Development from Vulcan
- BA from Betazed in Post-Warp Societies

Special Abilities:
Telepathic, Empathic, Mind Meld and Pheromone Control

- Graduated top of class from Starfleet Academy
- 4th year awarded Daystrom Science Award-for developing computer universal interface that allows one computer to talk to another by using a heuristic algorithm that learns the communication protocols of the other computers by circuits analysis and cultural prediction tools.
- Fighter pilot advance training, Currently piloting a fighter attached to Pathfinder:
Fighter name: Iron Maiden
Calsign: Flakes
- Life sciences specialization

- Black belt in Aikido, Jujitsu and Kickboxing
- Reading, Cooking and holonovels


The only child of Karam of Vulcan and Auda, 1/2 Betazed and 1/2 Deltan, Keely was raised on Vulcan. Given her mixed heritage, she was constant at odds with her upbringing unable to be raised in the traditional logic of a Vulcan household. Her personal life did not fair better given her unusual last name. At the age of 18, she was sent to her grandparents on Betazed for her BA. With her eyes opened with the experience, she went back to Vulcan to complete her doctorate, a newer appreciation of her father’s culture imbedded in her. Determine to rise above the expectations of her father and her last name, Keely applied herself whole-heartedly to every endeavor. Her dedication proved it self when she won the Daystrom award in her fourth year at Starfleet, unheard of such a young applicant. Keely immerses herself in every activity with a single-mindedness that borders on obsession. She has remarkable mental abilities that has allowed her to succeed in her academic studies and shows a remarkable degree of control and discipline.