Biographical File

Number 77650903.

Techinical Data
Name:(Real name untranslatable)Kitty t'Rehu Pryde
CURRENT POSITION:Assistant Science Officer
Personal data
Age:23 (human years)
Sex: Female
Race:Felinoid (Catian)
Physical Characteristics
Hair Color:Varies
Eye Color:Green
     Kitty Pryde was found on Bajor after the Cardassian Regime was ousted. She explained that she came from a planet in the Capa Quadrent. Her race had been extermintated by a race she called The Kazin. Another race of cats. Unlike her race that had evolved from common house cats the Kazin were a race of Tiger Humanoids looking more like walking tigers than the mostly human looking people of her race. The reason given for their extermination was the Kazin considered them weak. She and a few other young Catians were taken as prizes. Kitty and her brother Marcus became slaves to the Kazin but proved they were not a docile as their parents. They were sent to a place that, when described, was reminicent of the Old Roman collusem. They were taught how to fight in the arena by an elder Kazin who was put there for sparing the life an enemy in battle. This was seen as a weak trait and Kazin who showed such mercy were sent to the arena to re-learn the ways of the warrior or die. Kitty and her brother Marcus became the champions of this Arena due to their hatred of thier captors, their lighter, more agile bodies and the fact they could wield things with their strong tails. The elderly Kazin won his freedom and as his prize took Kitty and Marcus as his slaves. The Kazin taught them how to fly a small fighter and navagate in open space. One night Kitty and her brother "escaped" as their doors were found unlocked. They were chased by Kazin warships untill their smaller figher hit a wormhole. The wormhole was only big enough for the fighter and closed soon after they entered it.
     They ended up in the Cardassian controled space near Bajor. They were again captured. During her confinement with the Cardassians Kitty turned five (her years) and her body started to change. She has told us her race goes through growth spurts. She went from looking like a child to looking like a teen in a week. This got unwanted attention from her Cardassian captors. She said that she was beaten several times for "turning down" thier advances. Before Bajor was freed by the Federation the Cardassians took Marcus off planet. Kitty spent a couple of years on Bajor and Deep Space Nine before requesting to come to Starfleet Acadamey. She was excepted and was sent to Earth. Several odd reports of her came from the Acadaemy. She refused at any and all times to be examined naked and her medical records kept getting "misfiled". She seemed to have an extreme fear of being seen unclothed as her bunkmate has said " In the entire time we shared a room I never once saw her without some sort of clothing. I know she showered but I never saw her in there."
     She excelled in Zenobiology, Zenoherbology, internal medicin. She showed remakable skills at helm and small figher piloting. She impressed the Klingon defense teacher with her fighting skills. Her first assignment was the U.S.S. Stargazer. She was made assistant science officer of their new science department. She was a good officer and rose to Lutenant. She met a young human named Mathew Styles. They fell in love and got married. Her life and job were going well untill she recieved a report that her brother Marcus had been located on Cardassia. The Federation was unwilling to assist her in the recovery of her brother so she resigned her commission and "borrowed" her husbands old Klingon ship. Thus ending her marrage and her Starfleet ties.
     Kitty Pryde recently returned to Starfleet. Even though she has refused to discuss the events that happened in Cardassian space, the Cardassians have not filed charges against her. Though it is evident that she did not return with her brother. After a review of her record, Starfleet cleared her for active duty at the begining rank of Ensign aboard the U.S.S. Wyld Foxx NCC-2222-A under Fleet Commodore April Styles-Fyrstk.
      The Cardassians contacted Miss Pryde informing her of brothers murder. They delivered to her his belongings. She confided in her boyfriend, one Aehkhifv i-Nn'Verih Tr'Rehu, that she had gone to Cardassia Prime during her LOA from Starfleet to rescue her brother but was forced to kill him. During her assignement on the Wyld Foxx A. Kitty met and fell in love the Romulan exchange officer noted above as her boyfriend. She married him later in a join Catian/ Romulan ceremony preformed by the ship's captain Fleet Commodore April Fyrstk. Kitty was re-assigned to the USS Pathfinder afer the dstruction of the USS Wyld Foxx A.