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Welcome to the home page of the Starfleet Phoenix Sim Group. Our continuing mission: To provide quality sims for the enjoyment of our payers.
  The group is made up of a mix of e-mail and live chat sims. The chat sims, which started out as strictly America Online chat room sims have now become IRC capable rooms (mainly through Mibbit.com), allowing anyone on the internet a opportunity to join.

All of our sim activity can be found either on the "Sim log" portion of the individual sim pages, or on the the Sim Group Message board. Here is just some details of what is on our boards:

Our Latest Post:
"The Enemy Has Ah Enemy" pt.9 sim of 240403 by Rayne McCloud
Our Top Sim:
U.S.S. Eagle: 1519 posts

SIMPostsLatest post
U.S.S. Athena224"Athena's Might"
Atlantis Station49"Not Busy.... Yet" (JL Kaha/Dr Risingsun)
U.S.S. Eagle1519"The Enemy Has Ah Enemy" pt.9 sim of 240403
Pasteur Station77"Kid Talk" w/ Dr. Ane
ST: Sliders36Post #1936
U.S.S. White Knight36Sim of 1011.17
STAR TREK ONLINE LOVERS: Listen to a weekly Weekly podcast at StarbaseUGC.com.
Freelance simming:
If you have been around long enough to remember the old "Ten Forward Lounge," in AOL's* member rooms, a new AIM* chat room has been formed. It is called StarBase Lima Five Zero. Just sign on to you AIM identity, or create one and invite yourself to starbaselimafivezero (you might need to try "sblimafivezero").

We will also be creating the StarfleetPhnx chat room (IRC). Just click the link and give yourself a nickname to have any questions answered, or do some free-lance simming of your character. FYI: our room will have a rating of PG-13. Please, no foul language or inappropriate actions.

* AOL and AIM are copyright services of America Online
December 18, 2008
Majel Barrett Roddenberry passes away.

See our tribute to her.
A Sub-Space Communications note:
While we encourage anyone, and everyone, to read the stories posted by our sim membership, and we are always looking for more story-tellers, you cannot simply sign up on the message board.

Because of the rash of spammers trying to gain access to our message board, if you do not send Admiral Landers (vadmlanders@aol.com), a message requesting to join a sim, you WILL NOT be approved to the message board. It is our goal to keep the board as entertaining, with stories from our sims, as possible. All are welcome to join, just drop us a note at the above email address and we will get you started.
This site is simply for fun and to celebrate the joy of Star Trek. Star Trek & associated references are the exclusive property of Paramount Pictures and are used here most respectfully. Star Trek(TM), Registered & Copyrighted by Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.