Page 5, Crew Logs
RES sol'Eagle, REC 9561

Duty-Personal- Story
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The Eagle has undergone a change. It has been enveloped in a time warp which has changed it's history. The entire crew finds that they are subjects of the Romulan Star Empire and they don't know the difference!


     Nurse Lata walked into medbay. She was returning to duty after meal break and wanted to check in with the current status of those in her care. She stops as she sees a holographic image of the Daise Maenek appear. Wondering what is going on, she walks over closer to the image.
      "Hello whomever entered this medbay, this is not the EMH but a farewell message to the ship. As you all have known i have served on this ship for many years and i regret now is the time i must go. i apologize for the way im saying goodbye. it is not standard procedure but those who have known me the longest know i am not one for standard procedure."
     Lata knew the Enarrain was not going to like hearing this. She wondered how she was going to tell him that his daise maenek was leaving. Lata just hoped she'd still had a career after this.
     "I am leaving or should I say left because my time in this universe has come to an end. you may be thinking what does he mean this universe?"
     Lata half listened to the message, she was still worried about what would happen to her. All she knew was that she was definately NOT telling Commander Haedl about the message. She was pulled out of her thoughts by hearing the Daise mention another universe, now she gave the recording her full attention.
     "I mean i was never truly part of universe 684528.5 i come from another universe or dimension so to say. in my universe we can travel to others like you travel to other solar systems. i have been sent to this one as an observer we knew that your universe has yet to figure away to travel through all dimensions intentionaly and with precsision. so i was sent to see how far along and how you all live together. we have a thing called the universal directive which states no matter how involved you get you cannot help the beings you are sent to monitor in a way as to jump their progress more than they are ready to."
     This was just getting more and more unbelievable. She started wondering if the Daise Maenek was in his right mind. Lata figured the only safe way to give the message to the Enarrain was to have him listen to the hologram itself.
     "All of my little gifts were at a time you were ready for them. sub-mode is a childs toy where i come from, but when the engineer on the warbird eagle came up with the idea i helped him develope a crude version and let you all improve on it. if you havent noticed i have been way too quiet when it comes to technology and situations lately. that is because you are at a pivitol point in your progress. that is why i was called back never to return.
     "I have left you one last little gift and thats only because the empire has asked me to create it, it only took me a few minutes but i had to make it seem like a terribly hard task. it is my last gift, its called solid submode. its a type of sub-mode that actualy forms the ship into what its soposed to be so scanners cannot see that its a ship until its too late sheilds are at nominal wepons full power everything is great except the one little flaw it emits a slight radiation that is only picked up when looked specificaly for but this radiation occurs naturaly in space. i have left the specs for it on my desk."
     Lata perked up at this bit. Maybe she wasn't going to be tossed out the torpedo tube after all. At least she had something helpful to report now.
     "Now to the goodbyes, to my nurse i hope you treat the other maenek with as much respect as you did me and dont let the patients die even if they are the enemy. to the bridge crew you are one of the best crews i have ever laid my eyes upon in this universe and many others believe me. and to commander fyrstk my trusted friend i hope that this message doesnt anger you to much there were many things i did not tell you and this was one of them, i just wish you the courage to hold your head high through anything that comes your way, the perserverence to follow through any tasking no matter how menial and the wisdom to know how to trust your heart at all times. with these words i bid farewell. hows many universes fit into a light bulb??????" The hologram disseapeared, leaving nurse Lata standing there.
     "The message is saved under dm farewell for future viewing." The computer stated, as if answering Lata's question about how she was going to find the hologram.
     Lata moves off to the Daise Maenek's office to send a message to the Enarrain. She makes sure to include all the useful information that the hologram said, along with giving Enarrain tr'Fry'stk the location of the hologram program.
Nurse Lata
Guest Nurse

Dr. Ian Resork
Daise Maenek


     Gwen looked over at Rommie. She knew they didn't have much time until more of those creatures would be here. He had said he'd finally gotten into the computer system. Gwen knew the information from the system would be valuable, but only if they were still alive to get it back to the ship.
     She thought for a moment about Commander Haedl. How, at the last minute, he'd backed out, almost chickened out. What would he think of her being in the situation? He'd probably be thrilled, happy to see her gone. He didn't seem to like her much, and he would like to see the Enarrain hurt.
     If her life wasn't hanging on the balance by those creatures, Gwen probably would have started wondering how Lukas was doing over on that Rihannsu Ship. However, she did not have the luxury of idle thoughts at the moment. She needed to decide what to do, and where to go.
     How could Haedl have left her in command? Especially since the Daise'Dheno (Cheif of Security) was on the mission as well. Not only did he outrank the Erien, but he was directly in her chain of command. She probably figured that since the Alo was a late edition Haedl didn't have the time to change who was in charge. That meant that Gwen was incharge of her first away team. If she succeeded on this, it would really look good on her record. But, in order to succeed, she needed too make a decision. And she had.
     Gwen couldn't give Rommie much time, but she'd give him a little. If they moved now, he could always get back into the system at a latter time. Staying here too long would be a death sentance to them all.

Erien Gwenivere Marqusa
Amnei'saehneNext post by Gwen

     Erien Lost sat on his bed. Erien Hamza had left not to long ago, and Tru needed to clean up the mess from the games. He knew that he didn't have much time before he needed to be back on the bridge. After all that is why Ratchet had left his quarters. Unfortunately for Tru, he didn't really feel too inclined to go back to the bridge for more abuses from Haedl. Because of this, he was very slow at cleaning up the mess.
     All of his games were finally put back away, in the bag and Tru looked around his quarters one last time. He had to be sure that everything was cleaned up afterall. A sigh escaped from the poor Erien as he found that he had no more excuses not to get back to the bridge. He left his quarters and headed back to duty.
     On the bridge he noticed that Eriens Hamza, Haas, and Marqusa were not at their stations. Lost's heart gave a leap as he noticed that Commander Haedl wasn't there either. Lost surmised that they had all gone over to the enemy ship. That was fine by Lost, he didn't mind the free time away from Haedl. Though, he wouldn't have minded if Erien Hamza had remained.
     As Lost went to take his seat, the current Gonaiih (helmsman) rose from the seat. He whispered to Lost that Commander Haedl was in the Enarrain's RR with a high level communication. At hearing the news, Lost's heart sunk. He was torn between wanting the Commander to hear good news so that maybe Haedl wouldn't harass him so much, and wanting the Commander to hear bad news. Any good news for the Commander would probably be bad news for the Enarrain. Lost sighed and hoped that whatever Haedl's communication was, it would be bad news. He would rather take the torments then have Haedl cause trouble for Enarrain tr'Fry'stk. Tru would just have to wait to find out.

Erein Tru Lee Lost
Guest Gonaiih (helmsman)
Next post by Erein Lost


      Roman fussed over the information that was flooding into his multi-corder. Gwen was presing him to finish up so they could move on, and Haas wanted to be sure he had at least basic information which would give some insight to these aliens. He saw images and strange characters (which he was assuming was their language) flash across the small screen of the multi-corder.
     “Haas!” came tthe voice of one of the other security people., “Now!”
     The multi-cordere beeped that it could take no more. Roman frowned as he still tried to make sense of the data that had been collected. He set the multicorder on translate and hoped that there would be enough memory left for the program to run. He cilped the unit to his belt and looked over to Marqusa.
     “Ready,” he told her.

Erein Roman Haas
Operations Officer
Next post by Erein Haas

Sim of 030702


     Gwen walked back into her quarters and looked down at her uniform. It definately wasn't looking the greatest, and it exemplified how she felt. While only one member of the away team was killed, the mission wasn't even close to becoming a success. At least Rommie had done his job. She, on the other hand, had not. Of course, she didn't know exactly what she could have done that would have had any better outcome. There were only 6 people sent over to that ship, and the enemy definately had them outnumbered drastically. Not to mention that they had armor which proved very hard to get through.
     Of course, those were all excuses, and excuses almost always met with disapproval. Gwen didn't know who she was more angry at; Herself for failing at securing the ship; or Commander Haedl for chickening out of the away team. It really didn't matter who she was angry at, rather just the anger itself. She needed to work it off somehow.
     The Enarrain had told them to change and get to work. However, her shift on the Bridge was over and she hadn't been assigned any extra work. Therefore she decided that a good work out would be called for. Part of her duty was to remain in top physical health, and good mental health. Working out to help satisfy both.

Erein Gwenivere Marqusa


     Gwen finished her workout and was now exhausted. But this was exactly what she needed. All of her pent up frustrations from the failure had been released on some poor, unfortunate holographic people. The sweat poored down her face as she sat back and relaxed for a moment. She was in an almost euphoric state, and wanted to maintain it for just a little bit longer, before she went back to work.
     While she was off bridge duty, Gwen figured it was only fair to go and see if Rommie and Erein Hamza could use her help. She didn't really know if there would be anything she could do, but she wanted to do something. Of course, before she could do that she needed to change, yet again.
     With one last look around the holodeck, Gwen sighed and stood up, resigning to getting back to work. She figured that there would be more time to play. If not in the holodeck, she was sure she could find it elsewhere on this ship.

Erien Gwenivere Marqusa
Next post by Erein Marqusa


     Riov (Commander) Saeihr Haedl quickly left the Enarrain's office and made his way to his quarters. All the while making sure to keep his face in its customary scalow. But on the inside his emotions were running out of control. On the one hand he felt contemped for Fyrstk. ~The man is a veruul for trusting me. If only he knew...~
     But on the other hand, Saeihr felt a little something that he was unaccustomed to. Fear. With Lukas's getting suspicious it may be necessary to move up the plans. At the very least Sitvek needed to be made aware. At the worst, Haedl would have to carry out the destruction of the Eagle. He had all the items set just in case he did have to take out the Eagle, but Haedl hoped it wouldn't come to that. Without the Eagle, it was possible that the new empire would lose one of there greatest new weapons....the ability to travel in time.

Riov Saeihr Haedl
Tie Saehne
Next post by Commander Haedl

     Erein Haas had finally gottena break from the bridge, but again it wasn't going to be a long one. He wanted to get back to decyphering the language of the attackers.
     He entered his cabin A frown came to his face when he saw the mess left by his roomater, Erein Juxta from engineering. THe man was an absolute slob. Roman thought breifly about cleaning up the engineer's stuff once again, but then thought differently. He wanted to get back to the multi-corder.
     He stepped over all the clutter, stripped off his uniform and jumped in the shower. Within fifteen minutes he had a crisp clean uniform and was headed out. Back to the bridge.

Erein Roman Haas
Operations officer


     Roman arrived back on the bridge. As he stepped thru the turbo lift doors, Tru Lost, who had been subbing at the Operations post, started to rise. Roman put his hand out in a stopping motion, and shool his head no.
     "I'll use another console," Roman told Lost. Tru looked a bit confused, but sat back down.
     Roman crossed tot he auxilary science panel. He plugged the multicorder in to check on the progress. Much to Roman's dismay, there was very little. He plugged the unit into the console and pt the ship's more powerful computer to work on the problem..
     Roman tried different algorythims and syntaxes from the many different languages that were stored in the computer, but none of them seemed to be making any sense. There just didn't seem to be a common word for the computer to matc up to.
     It seemed as if he had been working for several hours when it had only been an hour and a half. Roman leaned back inhis chair and rubbed his eyes. I have tried just about everything. He thought ot himself. I just don't know where to look n....
     Then it hit him. He remembered an ancient Bederite civilization. There languge had been particulraly hard to decypher. He called up the library on the language and had the computer start comparisons. In seconds, recognizable words were appaearing. The data was all coming together.
     "Erein Haas, to Enarrain Lukas," he said tapping his comm badge. It took longer than normal for the reply
     "Lukas, here"
     "Rekkhai," Haas said somewhat proudly. "I have completeed decyphering the data. The enemy now has a name."

Erein Roman Haas
Operations officer
Next post by Erein Haas

Sim of 030709

*Later on, while repairs are continuing on the Liner.*

     Shadow turnned the bridge back over to the Captain and had another Erein take over helm for her as she gave what little there was to report to him.
     Leaving the bridge, she moved to her quarters for a brief time and sat down at her consule. "Computer, open duty log." then takes off her translator, turning it off so that her log would be naturally encrypted.
     "While in the process of playing hide and seek with our enemies, we recieved a distress call and imediately changed course from their homeworld towards a Liner under attack. Upon arriving, we found several pirate ships attacking and quickly joined in the fight. At current time, repairs are still being made and we should be able to leave within the next few days."
      pauses a moment to replace her translator, turning it back on. "Computer, close log." stands and moves back out of her quarters and up to the bridge.

Arrain Nighthawke
Helm officer

*middle of the night*

     Shadow bolted up from her bed, wide awake and drenched in sweat. This was the third night in a row that she had had the same dream and each time it was more vivid then the last. Laying back down, she closed her eyes and sighed heavily as she took several deep breaths to calm herself down. As she lay there, she slipped back into the darkness, back off to sleep and once again the dream began.
     She could see herself within sickbay, but it wasn't the Eagles. She was fighting someone then he was upon the ground, bleeding and wounded badly. Her laugh, her voice - that surely isn't her, but it was her face twisted and full of darkness. Her eyes moved to the doors to watch a woman enter. She could swear she knew her but she wasn't sure. She was screaming, crying out viciously then she was still, lying motionless upon the deck. Looking down at her motionless self, she seen her eyes were wide open. They were obsidan black, almost like that of a void or a wormhole that sucked anything and everything into them yet they were also empty of life and showed no sign of a soul within. She slipped within those dark eyes, drifting past memories she'd long since forgotten. Then she was there, deep within the back of her own mind; fighting once again, but this time she was fighting herself. Good vs Evil, but it was more and she felt the battle growing within her own mind. She watched the good of her fall as the evil within her kicked just below her neck, snapping her spine and parellizing her from the neck down. She no longer felt pain but she felt the fear. Another shadow within her mind grew-the outline of another, then the bright glitter of a blade....
     Shadow bolted up again, her heart racing within her chest. Climbing out of bed, she reached over to her nightstand and slipped on her translator. "Computer, lights to 25%." and as the lights came on, she walked slowly to the replicator, ordering a warm glass of milk mixed with a small amount of peppermint. "Computer, open PL." said as she takes a sip and takes a seat at her consule.
     Shadow took another sip of her milk before she began. Once again, she removed her translator and sighed heavilly. "This is the third night in a row that I've had the same dream and each time that I have it, the images within are more vivid then the last. I am now beginning to believe that the things I am seeing is not what is to happen in the future, but what is happening now with my other self. I regret not teaching her how to block her mind and protect herself from such things and now believe it to be my downfall. I fear greatly that if things do not get better with her shortly that I, myself, will fall and no longer be what I am. Computer, pause." her words slightly urgent.
     Wiping her eyes and cheeks of tears that had begun to slip away, she lowered her head and cried softly for a moment. The glass of milk between her hands began to slop over the rim and spill upon her lap from her hands shaking so badly. "Computer, resume." takes a deep breath before continuing. "I do not wish to bring this to the attention of Captain Fyrstk at this time but I fear that I may have to sooner then I wish. If such things continue to progress as they have, then I do not have any choice. I can hold out slightly longer then my past, but once she has been changed I fear I will too and that will bring an evil upon this ship that I do not wish to curse it with. I find myself gazing off in the distance now from lack of sleep because of the dreams and that in itself is deadly because my post is currently Helm." Closing her eyes, she speaks aloud yet also in her mind. "Rekkai, if you hear me know now that I am sorry if this brings disaster to us all. I pray that you and the Guardians will be able to forgive me in time and I also pray that this matter both here and within our real time will get better and we will all be able to return home."
     Shadow opened her eyes to find over half the glass had now spilled upon her. Replacing her translator to her collar, she sighed. "Computer, end log." Retuning to her room, she changed into a very light blue dress before leaving her quarters and making her way as quickly as she could down to SB.

Arrain Nighthawke
Helm Officer
Next post by Arrain Nighthawke
Personal Log Terran SD 0307.09
     I'm worried. Something just doesn't seem right. We were on the bridge, having just destroyed 3 pirate ships, and preparing to help the attacked liner when for no reason Lukas leaves the bridge. When I followed him into his ready room, he told me that something wasn't right. I wanted to inquire more, but Haedl called him away. He tried to make it seem like everything was fine, but he doesn't realize something. I can see right through that face he puts up. I probably know him better then anyone else on this ship. He's worried, and I don't think it has anything directly to do with what happened on that senate ship. I don't know what it is, but, I know something just isn't right. I do hope that Lukas doesn't push me away. I hope he knows that I'm here if he needs someone to talk to, someone he can trust. Unfortunately, not sure how many people Lukas trusts. Causulty of the job, I guess.
End Log
Erien Gwenivere Marqusa
Next post by Erein Marqusa
A JOint post by Enarrain Lukas and Arrain Nighthawke

     Enarrain Lukas walked back on to the bridge. A new puropse in his mind now that they had a way to disable the Hirogen ships. He glanced over to the Operations officer currently on duty.
     "Do whatever is possible to get a track on the Hirogen," he told the officer.
     Arrian Nighthawke looked up from helm and picked up a PADD as if she was copying something down then stood letting another officer take over for her. "Rekkhai Could I speak with you a moment, please?"
     Lukas was just about to sit in the command chair. He looked to Nighthawke, and raised an eyebrow questionably.
     "Here or in private, Arrain?"
     "Private, Rekkai, if it's alright."
     He glanced up to the Operations officer. Seeing that an immediate answer to his order was not forthcoming, he nodded to Nighthawke. He gestured with his head.
     "My office, Arrain," he said and turned to go in.
     She nodded and followed behind him quietly till the door was closed behind them. The PADD was still in her hands. Lukas went into his office. He moved directly behind the desk at the far end of the room. AS he slid into his seat, he gestured for the helmsman to take the seat opposite him.
     She nodded once again in thanks and took a seat, not relaxing. "Permission to speak freely, Sir." Whoa.. odd.
     Lukas did not even notice the slip in language, as if it were natural to hear Nighthawke address him as "sir" as opposed to the Rihannsu version, "rekkhai."
     "What is on your mind, Arrain?" he asked.
     "Several things, Sir." Takes a deep breath, her ears flickering. "I know about Gwen and you, Captain and I was wondering what had happened between you and Commodore Fyrstk?"
     Her eyes never left his, though she did seem to be thinking and chosing her words very carefully.
     "Commodore Fyrstk?" Lukas asked, raising an eyebrow again. He had no idea who she was talking about and it showed in his voice. "Who is Commodore Fyrstk, Arrain. My father was only a commander in the Galae."
     A deep sadness seemed to fill her eyes. "You don't remember her? She is your wife, Sir." Clutching the PADD harder.
     This surprised Lukas even more. "Arrain? I don't know what you've been ...," and then he suddenly remembered the dream. This caused him to look with more suspicion at Nighthawke. "I have never been married, Arrain."
     "Yes you have." Her tone firm and strong. "You are married to Commodore April Styles-Fyrstk of the USS Wyld Foxx A." Her eyes, which had been a dark blue were now slowly turning grey.
     "The USS What??" Lukas asked. "Where is that ship from, Arrain?"
     "USS, Wyld Foxx A. It's a Federation ship and has your wife. Last I heard, you were to be a father." Her ears moved slowly, making her hair move just slightly.
     Lukas leaned forward on his desk and narrowed his eyes. "And just where is this...Federation, Arrain?"
     "Here." And slid the PADD towards him. It held the Eagles entire history up till the time they came here. She said nothing more, but kept her eyes on him, blinking every once in a great while.
     Lukas could not hide the surprise on his face as he looked at the data which was held on the PADD. It was definitely the woman from the dream, and the ship. It was his Eagle, but not. After long moments he opened a drawer and slid the PADD inside it. Then he fixxed his ggaze on Nighthaawke.
     "I don't know where you got this information from, Arrain," he told her in a no-nonsense tone. "but I assure you: I have never been married and there is no such Federation.
     "What's more, you will NOT mention this to anyone else onboard. Is that clear, Arrain?"
     "Captain Fyrstk, I will not do such a thing and I will not be quiet about it." And she spilled it. "I'm not even from this time, nor are you. We are all from a seperate time and I farther from you. I came from 25 years into the future and into my past and now I'm here with you in another time line and right now all I'm wanting is for us to go home and if that means breaking every code of the Federation I know to do it, then so be it." She did not even back down, but continued to look directly in his eyes. "If you do not trust me then you will more then likely hate yourself later. You are wed and a father to be and your home IS the Federation."
     "Arrain," he said back at her with equal force. "Do NOT force me to put you in the brig. This will not be mentioned! Is that clear?"
     "Leave Gwen." She said standing. Her ears were flickering, tears in her eyes and slipping down her cheeks. "Please, I'm begging you before you hurt yourself and your soul even more then what it already is." Then moves around his desk, knealing down. "Look in my eyes, Rekkai, and tell me if I'm lying when I say that I know that you are not the only one in pain."
     Anger flared in him. He stod and backhanded Nighthawke, sending her backwards to the deck.
     "Enough!!" he shouted. "You are confined to quarters, Arrain!! If you should refuse that, I shall put you in the brig!!"
     For the first and only time, she held fear in her eyes as her hand moved to where he had struck her. "You've never struck an officer of yours and I wish that it wasn't me but you needed to know the truth."
     Standing slowly and looking at him. She was shaking but she was still going to try and make him see. "Rekkai,... Captain, Please. I am begging you to listen and I don't care if you kill me. I'm dying anyway and I wanted you to know the truth before something happens but I see that I am too late."
     The rage was still in his eyes. Now he wasn't certain if he was more angry with Highthawke or himself. She was right, damnit! In all his career, he had never struk one of his officers. Never!!
     "You are correct, Arrain," he said after a lengthy silence. "Something is not right. It is why you will not speak of this to anyone in the crew."
     He turned back to her and his gaze softened. "I am making it a request to you now, Shadow."
     She tried to regain her composure, but him striking her wasn't letting her. She just nodded once, her eyes slowly moving away from him.
     "Return to duty, Arrain!"
     Her voice shaky. "P-permission to go to quarters, Rekkai." Avoiding his eyes.
      "Permission denied," Lukas said. His voice quiet, but tone firm. "I wasnt my best helmsman at the controls unless you feel you are not at your best."
     "I-I just thought it best to clean up first, Rekkai but I shall go." Starting to go back to work.
     Lukas knew her reasoning was sound, but for some reason did not want her to clean up. Still the more reasonable side of him won out.
     "Very well, Arrain," he said before she exited. "You may go clean up."
     She paused and looked at him, finally, tears still slipping away. "Hann'yyo, Rekkai." Then very quickly fled his office.

Enarrain Lukas tr'Fyrstk
Commanding Officer

Arrain Shadow Nighthawke

(A joint log by Nighthawje and Commander Haedl (Bass))

     Shadow moved into the TL and quickly left the bridge. She was still in tears from her meeting with the Captain and was trying, in vain, to bring her hair down to hide the mark that was left upon her.
     Riov Saeihr Haedl had just finished changing his uniform and was back on his way to the bridge. Working with Erein Haas had dirtied up his uniform and it would not do for a commander to be seen in such a state. Or so he thought to himself as he approached the nearest turbolift.
     She looked up as the TL stopped. This wasn't her stop. Quickly she turned her back and tried to hide her shaking as the doors opened and let in whoever it was on. Hopefully they would fail to notice her and the state she was in.
     Haedl stepped in and could barely keep the sneer off his face as he saw who was in the lift. Arrain Shadow Nighthawke, the only one of her kind on this ship and as far as he was concerned, one to many. Barely keeping his tone civil he said, "Arrain."
     She flinched and quickly turned about. Tears still slipped down her face and she was barely able to stop herself from shaking. Standing at attention the best she could, she tried to look him in the eyes but somehow could not do so. "I-ie, R-rekkai..?"
     Saeihr could hardly believe what he saw as she turned to face him. He had never seen this woman cry before. Not that it really effected him any. "Report!" he simply said, knowing that if she was as smart as she thought she was she would know what he was asking about and know what the proper answer was to give.
     She jumped at the tone in his voice, and brought her hands up to her face as if expecting more."N-nothing to report, R-rekkai." Trying to hold back another wave of tears she wanted to let go. When she moved, so did her hair and revealed the mark upon her where she had been struck.
     The Riov knew a lie when he heard one and he was sure that the Arrain was lying to him. He was about to say so when he saw the mark on her face. Reaching over and grabbing her chin, he forced her to turn her head so he may get a better look at it. "Who gave this to you?" he asked in a tone that said that if you don't tell me the truth, you will be dead soon.
     She closed her eyes tightly and moved back against the back of the TL as she could. "I fell, nothing more, Rekkhai" her ears twitched, confirming his suspicion of her lying. Shaking from head to toe, she was trying to become as small as possible though for her height it was rather impossible.
     Haedl turned and flung her out the open lift doors. "You lying #$%&^. You are lucky I have more important things to deal with then you right now. But if you ever lie to me again I will personally cut your throat myself." That said the first officer spit to show his contempt for shadow's lying and then let the doors close as he ordered the lift to the bridge.
     She flew back, and landed hard against the deck. She wanted so much at that moment to just crawl into a ball and cry, but seeming as how she was now being stared at she quickly stood and ran to another TL to get away from him and to her quarters. Tears slipped down her face but she had kept her promise to the Captain. She didn't tell what had happened and now she felt she would regret it more then before.

Riov Saeihr Haedl
Tie Saehne
Next post by Riov Haedl

Arrain Shadow Nighthawke
Next post by Arrain Nighthawke

(a joint log by Erein Marqusa and Enarrain Lukas) :ON:

     Lukas sat back in his chair after putting out the call for his Betazoid. The PADD, or was it something else in that drawer that seemed to be calling out to him. He reached his hand over to open the drawer.
     Gwen decided to try talking to Lukas again. Something wasn't right with him, and she wanted to know what it was. She moved over to his RR and rang the chime.
     The chime stopped him from reaching into the drawer. He quickly closed it and looked to the door. "Enter," he said aloud.
     Gwen walked in and let the door close behind her, she looked into Lukas' face for a moment and didn't like what she saw. "Do you have a few minutes to talk Lukas?"
     Lukas had been expecting it to be Jev Rixx walking in. The surprise was evident on his face when it wasn't the Betazoid. He recovered quickly and gave Gwen a smile.
     "Certainly, Gwen," he said, gesturing to the seat across from him. "Come in, sit down."
     She moved in closer and took the seat he indicated, just watching him for a moment, not sure exactly what to say, but knowing he was covering something up. "What's wrong Lukas?"
     "The usual beuracratic nonsense, Gwen," Lukas said inhis most non-chalant way he could. "They were less than appreciative as toour intervention on the Senate ship." It wasn't the whole truth, but it wasn't a lie either.
     "Come on Lukas, it's more then that. You've never acted like this before over bueracratic nonsense." Gwen wanted to know why he felt he couldn't trust her, but she refrained from saying those thoughts outloud. At least for the moment.
     Lukas wrestled with what he would say next. She was perceptive. He also knew she wouldn't buy anything less than the truth, but what was the truth. He was hoping Jev could help him to see this.
     "Gwen," he finally said. "There is something happening here that could shake the very foundation of the Empire. I honestly don't know what to tell you because at this moment...I just don't know the truth."
     This news startled her a bit, "Shake the foundation of the Empire?" Gwen looked at him for a moment, the added, "Then just tell me what you do know. Please, just don't shut me out. Let me help if I can Lukas."
     Lukas knew without a doubt that whatever he told Gwen would stay with Gwen. It was this knowledge that allowed him to decide to confide in her on most of what he knew.
     "Something is not right with that Senate ship, Gwen," Lukas finally said. "I don't know what Sitvek is up to, but I have a feeling it is not exactly sanctioned actions.
     "What's more, I have a feeling one or more members of this crew may be involved. I just don't know who."
     Gwen looked at him, "You don't know who Lukas?" It seemed obvious to her, "You should look at Haedl. He seems real keen on getting rid of you."
     This actually brought a smile to his face and a slight chucckle. "Haedl?" he said. "Yes, a very obvious choice. Almost TOO obvious, and I am not ruling him out, but there was something else which really makes me wonder, Gwen."
     "What is that something else?" She was glad to see the smile, first genuine smile she'd seen him have since that visit to the senate ship.
     Again, he wrestled with what he wanted to say. The content of his dream, what Nighthawke told him would all effect his relationship with Gwen.
     "I had a strange dream," he told her, but decided not to g into the details of the dream. "And then a crewman presented me with some data which would corroborate the contents of the dream. I need to know just how authentic this data is."
     Gwen wasn't going to let him skim by on the details, he was hiding something from her, choosing his words carefully. For a moment she started to wonder if he felt that maybe she was involved in this. She put that thought aside, "What was the dream about Lukas?"
     "I'm not going to say just now, Gwen," he told her. The tone in his voice said that was all the details he WOULD say on the matter. "Just know it was disturbing enough to really make me wonder what is going on with that Senate ship."
     Gwen nodded. She sat there for a moment, not knowing what to say or what to think. She wondered what was in that dream that was so bad and she wondered if it wasn't connected to her in some way. She couldn't help but feel this, though she told herself that she shouldn't even think this way. It was just a nagging feeling. She figured now was probably a good time to go back to her duty. "I wish there was something I could do to help you." With that she rose from the chair, trying to hide a saddened expression. "I should get back to my duties. You know where to find me, should you wish to."
     "There is something more you can do, Gwen," Lukas said before she left. "Check through Security records, see if any other commanding officer has asked to have a psi-suppressant field around his office."
     This request startled her for a moment. She really wondered what was going on, but knew that Lukas wouldn't be forth coming with anymore information. "I will check into it, and let you know." With that she turned and headed out of the RR.
     Lukas contemplated his conversation with Gwen and what he could do to try and sort it out. He tapped the comm switch one more time.
     "Lukas to Erein Haas," he said into the speaker. "Report to my office."

Enarrain Lukas tr'Frys'tk
Commanding Officer

Erien Gwenivere Marqusa


     Gwen walked out of Lukas' office more concerned then ever. She had hoped that talking to him would relieve those worries, but they had only made them worse. Looking around the bridge, she moved over to her station, remembering Lukas' strange request. Why does he want to know about psi-suppressant feilds? What did that have to do with what was going on? Gwen wanted to know, wanted to ask Lukas. But, he wouldn't be any more forth coming with details until he sorted some things out for himself. The best she could do was to let him know that she was there if he needed her. And get him this information.
     Then that nagging feeling came back to her. She didn't know why, but she felt that whatever Lukas was not telling her was something much more personal. Whatever that dream was, it had more to do with personal life then with duty. Gwen knew that Lukas was used to being shafted by the Empire. She also know that he could take that stuff in stride. Sure, it did bother him, but, not like this dream was bothering him.
     Gwen needed to get the thought of this dream Lukas had had out of her mind or it was going to drive her crazy. Instead she tried to think who else on this ship might be a spy for the Empire, besides Haedl that is. The trouble with this was that it could literally be anyone. Though, it would most likely have to be a person who had some access to power and probably access to Lukas as well. That made most of the bridge crew likely suspects.
     She went through her mind each of the bridge crew in turn, starting with . . . Rommie. She liked him, and yet she didn't really know why. There was just something about him. But it wouldn't be him. She didn't know why she thought that, it was just a gut feeling.
     Then there was Erien Hamza. She was a Vulcan, at least supposedly. What if she wasn't really Vulcan, but rather Romulan? She did seem to have a hard time not showing her emotions. She seemed rather naive, as if she couldn't make a decision on her own. That was definately not a trait a romulan spy would have. Unless. Unless she was just acting the part. It was possible.
     Next was Erien Lost. He was a very odd man. One almost had to feel sorry for him, the way Haedl picked on him. No way the kid could be a spy. Unless, he really was working for Haedl. Maybe that's why the Commander always seemed to be so much harder on him then anyone else. And Lost did know his way around almost every single position on the bridge. He could change on a moments notice. That would definately be very useful in sabotage.
     Finally there was Arrain Nighthawke. There was something about the look the Arrain gave Gwen that just didn't sit right. Gwen really didn't know that much about the helmsman, but she didn't trust her. She was definately a possibility.
     Gwen sighed as she realized that this was a hopeless line of thought. There was no way that she'd be able to figure out if someone on this ship was plotting behind Lukas back, at least not by mentally going over the possibilities. Besides, she had other things she needed to be concentrating on. Though, the thoughts would still linger on in the back of her mind. Sure to reinsert itself on occasional basis, only to drive Gwen crazy because she didn't have any answers, only questions and suspicions.
     Gwen's inquery came back. Negative. There was nothing about psi-suppressant fields being placed over ready rooms. She figured she should tell Lukas, but going back ot his Ready Room was not really an option. Instead she sent a quick message to him. All the message said was: "Per status report request, dhat (no) information to report Rekkhai." She figured that he would know what that meant, but anyone else looking at it would just assume it was a amnei (tactical) status report.

Erien Gwenivere Marqusa
Next post by Erein Marqusa
A joint log with Erein Haas and Enarrain Fyrs'tk

      Erein Roman Haas had been ready to grab a bite to eat when he heard the commanding officer's page. From the sound of Enarrain Furs'tk's voice, Roman knew he shouldn't keep him waiting.
      "On my way," Haas responded to the comm system.
      Lukas pulled the top drawer of his desk pen enough to reveal the data PADD's location. He pulled it out and examined it. THis was not standard isssue equipment. It was vastly different from the Rihannsu data padds. He turned it over in his hands then turned it face up to him and activated it. Roman quickly made
      his way to the bridge, and stood before the commander's office door. The chime announced his presence.
      "Enter," came Fyrs'tk's voice.
      "Erein Haas reporting as ordered," Haas said upon entering the office. He stopped a meter inside the room and snapped to attention.
      "Come in, Erein," Lukas said. "Have a seat."
      Haas crossed the room and sat where indicated. Roman has expected his commanding officer to be in a worse mood than what he now indicated. He looked expectantly at Fyrs'tk. He also noticed a device which resembled one of their own PADDs in the captain's hand.
      "You did fine work today, Erein," Lukas said easily. He watched the boy visibly relax at the praise. "Was it difficult working with Riov Haedl?"
      "Dhat, Rekkhai," Haas responded. "It was actually a pleasant experience, rekkhai."
     "And Haedl actually came up with the suggestion for the beam from the slip-stream core?" Lukas asked. He searched for any indication that Haas would be covering for Haedl.
     "Ie, rekkhai," Haas answered. "It was amazing to watch him dive into the problem and come up with a solution."
     "Good," Lukas said. "But Haedl is not the rea reason I asked you here, Erein."
     "I had figured as much, Rekkhai," Hass said honestly.
      Lukas held Nighthawke's PADD up for him to see. "Have you ever seen one of these before?"
      "Dhat, Rekkhai," Haas responded. "If I had to guees as to what it was, I would say a data padd, but it is not one of ours."
      "That is exactly what it is, Erein," Lukas said. His eyes traveled back to the PADD and he spun it in his fingers once again. "This padd contains some disturbing information, Erein. I want you to analyze not only the PADD but the information it contains."
      "what would you like me to be looking for, Rekkhai?"
      "Authentication, Erein," Lukas said leaning forward n his desk. "I want to be certain that data wasn't just concocted up n our computer."
      "Ie, Rekkhai," Haas replied.. "I will get right on it."
      "Good. Dismissed," Lukas said. Haas rose and started out. "And Erein?"
      Haas stopped and glanced back to his commanding officer.
      "Ie, Rekkhai?"
      "Not a word of this to ANYONE!" Lukas ordered. "No one. Is that clear?"
      "Ie, Rekkhai," Hass responded. "Crystal clear, Rekkhai."

Enarrain Lukas tr'Fyrs'tk
Cpmmanding Officer

Erein Roman Haas
Operations officer
Next post by Erein Haas

Sim of 030716


     After the firefight, Lost looked over to where Rommie stood, in the back. Tru knew that the Erein was busy doing special assignments. That was why, He afterall, had been switched over to Ops, to fill in for Rommie. It really was strange to be sitting in his position, but he was doing the best he could, and he wasn't half bad.
     Lost was crossed trained in almost every position. But by being so trained, he usually wasn't as good in any of the specific areas. The one exception to that was flying. Of course, he grew up flying and was a good pilot even before he joined the sol fleet. It was his second favorite pastime (his first being his games of course!).
     It wouldn't be long now until shift was over and Tru could get back to his games. He glanced over at Ratch and wondered. Maybe she would like to join him. He decided to ask her later, when they were off the bridge. Last thing Lost wanted was for Haedl to overhear and make some snide remark or worse yet, to assign Lost extra duty. Haedl always seemed to like making Lost miserable. He seemed so damn good at it too!

Erien Tru Lee Lost
Flavor of the Week: Operations

A joint log by Ereins Hamza and Lost

     Lost looked up from his console, relieved that his shift was over with. He stood tentatively and looked over towards Ratchet, making sure that he entered the TL at the same time that she did. He'd ask her to join him after they left the bridge. Lost hoped that the two of them would share the TL alone.
     Ratchet almost sighed with relief when finally it was time to leave the bridge. The shift had somehow seemed even longer then usual and she was just eager to get off the bridge. Barely containing her desire to leap up and run she somehow stood in a dignified way then walked for the turbo lift.
     Lost entered the TL just after Ratchet, and to his delight, they were the only ones in the lift, when it closed. "Uh . . . " Lost was at a loss for words, "You wouldn't want to join me and play some of my games again, would you?" Lost's heart was pounding, he really hoped she'd say that she wanted to.
     Ratchet leaned against the wall with a relieved sigh then looked at him and smiled slightly then nodded. "I would be honored. I very much enjoyed the last time we played."
     He couldn't have kept the smile out of his face even if he wanted to. His whole demeaner changed, now he was really excited. "You glad to get away from Haedl too?"
     "Very much so" she said nodding. "It must be so hard for you. My station at least is behind him so he cannot see me all the time but when I had to go on that landing party with him." Her eyes closed tight at the memory of it.
     Lost looked at her, and wondered if he should give her a hug or something to comfort her. He decided against it. He really didn't know her that well and he didn't want to do something that would frighten one of his only friends away. "I . . . I know how you feel. It's horrible."
     His stomach started to growl, and he wondered if maybe they shouldn't get something to eat first. "Um, are you hungry at all?"
     Looking a little embarressed she nodded slowly. She had wanted to suggest food as well but had not wanted to disappoint him. He was so eager to play the games and she knew he had had a hard time on the bridge.
     Lost really did want to play his games, but he thought that some food wouldn't be so bad. Normally he tried to spend as little time as possible eating, but that was when he ate alone. "You want to stop off at the mess hall first then?"
     "It will be quick" she told him reassuringly. "I am sure we can find something that can be eaten quickly. Away from the bridge there was an obvios relief and lifting of spirits to her.
      "Well, we . . . uh . . . don't have to eat . . . uh . . . too quickly if you don't want to."
     "The faster we eat" she said with a smile "the sooner we can play your games. I really enjoyed last time." Her eyes circled the turbo lift a little uncertain. Vulans did not normally enjoy games.
     A girl after his own heart. He smiled brightly, "Yeah. I'm glad you enjoyed the games. They really help me relax." He knew she wasn't a typical vulcan, for more then one reason. He didn't care. He liked her, in some ways, because she wasn't typical; because she liked his games; because she seemed to understand him.

Erein Ratchet Hamza
Chief Science Officer
Next post by Erein Hamza

Erein Tru Lee Lost
Gamer Addict
Next post by Erein Lost
(A joint log between Erein Haas and Enarrain Lukas ON

      Lukas rose his chair and looked around the bridge.
      "well done, everyone. Well done." Theyhad just taken on three ships and come out virtually unscathed. He saw Erein Haas standing at the back of the bridge. The younger officer gave a small gesture with his head towards the captain;s office.
      "Stand down red-alert," Lukas ordered. "Commander Haedl. See to repairs and you have the bridge." He didn't wait for an answer from the first officer. INstead he went directly to his office, Haas fell into step behind him.
     Inside the office, lukas oved directly behind his desk. He gestured towards a chiar then sat down inhis own.
      "What have you got for me, Rom," Lukas asked.
      Roman raised an eyebrow in surprise. It was the first time he had ever heard the captain call him by name. He set the two PADDs on the captain's desk.
      "As far as I can tell, rekkhai," Roman said, "That is as authentic as one of our own."
      It is not what Lukas wanted to hear. He wanted to hear that it was all a sham. A ruse to test Lukas' loyalty to the Empire. He icked the strange PADD up and turned itover in his hands.
      "The metal casing suggests it was made on Earth, Rekkhai," Roman added. "But it is missing the usual trace elements that would make it a Rihannsu device."
      "What about the data in it," Lukas asked. He clearly was not pleased.
      "As authentic as the unit itself, Rekkhai." Roman watched the captain;s reaction. He had to keep reminding himself that this was not Haedl, that Roman was not going to be punished for delivering this information. He hoped anyhow.
      "The information had a source encoding to it, rekkhai. It came from an LCARS computer."
      "Dhat, Rekkhai," Roman said. "L-C-A-R-S."
      Lukas looked at Roman and shrugged. Clearly the Erein thought that would mean something to him, but it didn't.
      "LCARS was a Starfleeet computer, Rekkhai," Roman informed him.
      "Starfleet?" Lukas said not even trying to hide the surprise he was feeling. "Earth's Starfleet? Like in before the Rihannsu-Earth War?"
      "Ie, Rekkhai," Roman said weakly.
      "I find it hard to believe, Erein," Lukas said. "That this could have been around that long."
      "Dhat, Rekkhai," Roman said quickly. "That particular unit is approximately seven years old. The data on it was done with an LCARS computer, but a much more sophisticated version, Rekkhai. The trace algorithims are there though."
      Lukas tried to keep the anger he was feeling down inside him. There was no sense taking it out on the erein. He had simply done his job. He just happened to be the bearer of bad news. What was that old Terran saying? Something about not shooting the messenger.
      Lukas looked at Roman. The kid seemed to have more information. He could see it in his eyes.
      "There's more," he asked.
      "Ie, Rekkhai," Roman said. "Every computer in our fleet has it's own footprint.... it's own unique identifier in the way it writes data to a source. The footprint on that PADD is that of the Eagle's computer core."

Enarrain Lukas tr'Fyrs'tk
Commanding Officer

Erein Roman Haas
Operations officer
RES sol'Eagle
      Erein Haas left the captain;s office greatly relieved that Enarrain Lukas hadn't taken out his frustrations on him. It wasn't like the captain to do so, but these were very strange circumstances.
      He stepped into the turbo lift without glancing at anyone on the bridge. The lift started on it's way after Roman gave his destination. The ride didn't take long. Roman went directly to his quarters.
      Once inside, Roman went over to the desk he was forced to shar with the slob from engineering. He sat down behind the console.
      "Computer," he instructed. "Access personal log for man..."
      "Please restate request," came the automated voice of the computer.
      Roman looked around the small cabin. He reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a multicorder he had specially devised. He turned the unit on and smiled. The multi-corder was designed to fool any "listening devices" that he knew were in place. The device would simply record Roman listening to music instead of what he was really doing.
      "Computer. OPen personal log."
      The computer beeped it's compliance.
      "personal log, supplemental," ROman started. "I had been working on a special project for Enarrain Lukas. A project whih=ch has revealed some very disturbing possibilities. I have been sworn to secrecy by the captain but I just have to get it out of my head.
      "It seems either someone is concocting a very eloborate lie to test our loyalty, or we are living a lie. The data PADD the captain asked me to analyze suggests the latter.
      "The data suggests we are realy part of a Federation. A FREE Federation. One not ruled by the iron-fisted Rihannsu. If this were true, it would be so much better for my people. Even though we are Vulcanoid as are the Rihannsu, we are still viewed as a lower species of people. Something I have always personally found offensive.
      "If the data is true, then somewhere, somehow, the Rihannsu have managed to change time. One ting I did not tell the captain is I have a sub-routine running now, comparing the time line suggested in the PADD and our own.
      "The question is: Can we do anything about it?"
Roman reached over and pushed the manual control on the screen to end the recording. He also encrypted it so any Tal'Shiar snoopers would not hear his true words. If they even found his log, it would take them weeks to decypher it. By then, who knows... there might not be even a need for the encryption.

Erein Roman Haas
Operations Officer
Next post by Erein Haas

Amnei'saehne duty log, Terran Stardate 0307.16

     We went hunting for the Hirogen. Enarrain tr'Fyrs'tk seemed to want revenge against the ships which had destroyed several Rihannsu ships. Well, we found them. Three ships, who seemed to be on the hunt as well. We lured them in, and with the sub mode look of a senate ship. Finally we were exposed for what we were, once they used the beam to disable the ship. However, what they didn't know was that we had a weapon that we could use to disable their ship and return ours to power. We then got into a firefight, it was enjoyable. With Arrain Nighthawke's flying and My targeting we were able to destroy the three ships.
     After the firefight I went over standard procedures of checking out the weapons systems. Everything was still up to specs, and routine maintenance was performed. The weapons are up to peak performance.

End Duty Log

Erein Gwenivere Marqusa


     Gwen couldn't remember the last time she had as much fun while on duty as she had when she destroyed that last ship. It was as if she was destroying more then just the one ship, like she was taking out all her frustrations over the past days. She even forgot about the troubles with Lukas.
     That was, until she saw Rommie follow Lukas into his ready room. It all flooded back to her. She know that Rommie was doing something for Lukas, and knew it had something to do with Lukas' weird dream. The high that she had been feeling just a few moments ago evaporated in a flash. And worry flooded in to fill the vacated space. Or maybe it had pushed the elation out. Which ever didn't really matter. The feeling only intensified when Gwen saw Rommie leave the ready room and high tail it off the bridge.
     Gwen stared at the ready room doors for a while, wondering if she should try and talk to Lukas again. This time she opted to not. She didn't want to be too intrusive, and he knew where to find her should he wish to talk about it. She would give him some space for the moment. Maybe later tonight, she would try talking to him, not nessasarily about what was bugging him. Though she thought the topic of conversation would eventually find it's way there.

Erein Gwenivere Marqusa
Next post by Erein Marqusa

A joint log by Ereins Lost and Hamza :ON:

     Lost sat on his bed playing with one of his games. He had no idea how long he and Ratch had been playing, it hadn't really seemed that long. Yet his stomach was growling again.
     Ratchet knew most Vulcans, no rather all Vulcans would not have found the time spent playing video games enjoyable. They would have told her she was being highly illogical and was wasting time better spent doing better things. In this matter she did not care what they thought of her. First they were not here and second she really did enjoy the time spent. She always regretted when it was time to leave and always looked foward to the next time. She liked Lost too. He was a nice young man whom she felt was just greatly misunderstood by others.
     Lost set his game down and looked over at Ratchet. He couldn't help but smile. She really did seem nice and she seemed to like him.
     Lost cleared his throat and looked over to Ratch. "Um . . ." He wasn't sure what to say. He looked back down at his game PADD that was laying on the bed, his cheeks turning pink.
     She looked up, returned the smile. From the coloring of his cheeks she could tell he was embarressed about something, that he wanted to tell her something. She only wished there was a way for her to assure him he did not have to get embarressed in front of her and that if he need say something not to worry. She put down the PADD she had been holding then tried to give him a calming smile.
     "It is getting late?" she asked then suddenly added, "You can tell me I am not Commander Haedl. I am your friend." She liked the sound of that. She had never had many friends before and it was nice having one.
     Lost looked up at Ratch. A little bit of panic in his eyes. That wasn't what he wanted at all. "No no. That's not what I . . ." He looked down again, even more embarrased. "I was . . . uh . . . just . . . well . . . I . . . wanted to . . . say that I . . . uh . . . " His voice went really soft at these last words, "really enjoy your company." Lost didn't look up at Ratch, didn't want to see her reation or her probable rejection.
     Ratchet brightened. "I do too" she admitted. It was not like she could get herself in any worse with her people. "And I look foward to enjoying your company more in the future." She gave him a small smile. "And it is not only because the games are fun. You are a nice person. I have had the honor of meeting few like you."
     Lost blushed even more, but a smile crept across his face. "Yyou do?"
     "Of course I do" she said and this time she really smiled. "And I am a Vulcan and Vulcans are incapable of lying."
     Lost couldn't help but smile playfully, "Vulcans are capable of lying. Besides, you're not a typical Vulcan." He didn't mean that as an insult at all, but rather as a compliment.
     "And you have shown me it is a good thing I am not" she said still smiling. For a long time she had always been a little troubled at not being like other Vulcans but meeting Lost and sharing his games - no Vulcan would have done so and enjoyed it but she did. She smiled again enjoying the feeling of being happy, being with a friend, away from the bridge, Haedl and tr'Fyrs'tk.
     Lost smiled at Ratch. "You're free to come over any time you like. And . . . and . . . " He looked down at the PADD that she had in her hand. "You can keep that game if you'd liked."
     She stared at him totally shocked. "You would would give me......" the shock turned to gratitude, to obvious thanks. "These games...are your ...your most valuable...and you would give ....give me..... one of them....."she looked down at the game she was holding then looked to him."You....I ..I cannot.....cannot thank are so....nice. I. . . .you are the nicest person I know."
     Lost blushed even more, but smiled happily. "Yeah. I've . . . " He looked down again. "Never had a friend to share my games with before."
     She looked down at the game in her hands then back at him. "I never had a friend before either" she said. "But I am very glad I do. I cannot thank you enough and not just for the game." It was her turn to blush a bright green.
     Lost smiled and went back to playing his game. Although he wasn't concentrating on it at all, and was losing horribly. He was still rather happy right now.

Erein Ratchet Hamza
Chief Science Officer
Next post by Erein Hamza

Erein Tru Lee Lost
Currently In the Ops Position
Next post by Erein Lost

A joint log by Enarrain Lukas and NPC Nurse Lota

     Lukas always found that walking the corridors of his ship helped him think. The ramifications of this whole PADD deal was a lot to think about. He left the bridge.
     His wanderings brought him, without really knowing so, to the Med Bay. He looked at he doors for a moment then decided a talk with Ian might just be what he needed.
     The doors to the med parted and Lukas walked inside. He glanced around the medical facility, expecting to see the doctor fiddling with something.
     Lata looked up to see the Enarrain walk in. She was not totally surprised. She had sent a that message to him about the doctor leaving. She did hope that he wouldn't take it out on her.
     The nurse walked over towards Enarrain tr'Fyrs'tk, "Can I help you Rekkhai?"
     "Ie, nurse," Lukas said, a bit distracted. He hadn't read any of his regular ship's messages since Nighthawke dropped the PADD on his desk. "I was looking for the Daise Maenek. Is he in?"
     Lata's face drained. He hadn't read her message. This was NOT good. She had sent the message specifically so that she wouldn't have to tell him to his face and be the one to pay the consequences. "You . . . you haven't read your messages have you rekkhai?"
     Lukas raised an eyebrow at the color draining from the nurse's face. "No, Arrain. I have not. Where is Maenek Resork?"
     Lata figured the best way for him to find out would be for him to personally listen to the Maenek's message himself. While she remained at a discreet distance. "There is a holographic message for you Rekkhai. I think that would explain things much better then I could. If you'd like, I could play it for you in the Maenek's office."
     Just like Ian, Lukas thought. Always being cryptic. "That would be fine, Nurse."
     Lata nodded and headed towards the office, she stopped at the door and let the Enarrain enter first, not really wanting to anger him more then he's going to be.
     She followed him in and called up the file that the Maenek left, then moved back towards the door, standing next to it while the CO listened to the message.
     Lukas watched the message with a calm he wasn't really feling. When the message was over he stood there in silent cntemplation.
     Just great, he thought to himself. This stupid universe is coming apart at he seams and he has to leave me now!!!!
     "What preparations have you made," he asked the nurse calmly.
     Lata tried to remain calm. She looked over at him, prefering to remain where she was. "I have been going over the reports of what's been done and what needs to be done Rekkhai. I sent you a message explaining what the Maenek said and informing you that we would need a new Maenek. We have been lucky so far Rekkhai, very little injuries." She hoped this would be enough to satisfy the Enarrain.
     "Excellent work, Arrain," Lukas told the nurse. He really wanted to punch something, but once again it would do no good to hit the messenger. It wasn't her fault. "We wil be putting in for a new maenek as soon as we get to a starbase."
     Slightly taken back by the compliment, "Ie Rekkhai. I will keep the medbay in working order until then." The nurse really hoped that no critical injuries came in before they got to a starbase, but she kept that thought to herself.
     "I know you will, Arrain," Lukas told her. "Keep up the good work."
     Lata couldn't help but smile. This was going a lot better then she could ever have anticipated. "Hann'yyo rekkhai. There is one other file that the Maenek left Rekkhai. More details about what he left as a parting gift."
     "Make certain it is sent to my office, Arrain," Lukas told her.
     "Ie rekkhai" She wondered if he'd get that message, but wisely choose not to mention that comment.
     "Is there something I could help you with Rekkhai? You entered medbay for some other reason then to see this message."
     "Dhat, Arrain," Lukas told her. "I was looking to speak with the Daise Maenek, that's all. I must be going now." And without further words, he departed the Med Bay.
     Lata watched him go and shook her head. Then she went back to her duties, she would be pulling double shifts for a while, at least until they got a new Maenek.

Arrain Lata

Enarrain Lukas tr'Fyrs'tk
Commanding Officer

Duty Log Stardate 0307.21

      My role in the fire fight against the Hirogen was minimal. Instead I spent the time researching the Founders and familiarizing myself with the details of the Dominion War and how the Empire won in the end. The leaders of the Dominion, the Founders are changelings, shapeshifters like the ship's own Doctor Resork, once Chief Medical Officer. They are capable of altering their form at will and were able to hide themselves among the officer's of the Star Navy. Their fighting power - the soldiers that made the Dominion so powerful and hard to defeat were the Jem'Hadar. These genetically engineered super soldier's loyalty was kept in check by an extremely addictive drug called Ketrasel White. These soldiers could be produced in vast endless numbers and for a time the Empire was hard pressed. It was upon the discovery of a formula that turned the allegiance of the Jem'Hadar from the Founders to the Empire and it's introduction into the Ketrasel White supplies that the tide turned and the Empire crushed the Dominion.
      I am most curious to see what is the status of the Founder Homeworld and it's people now that they have come under the control of the Empire. I myself have not had chance to work with Doctor Resork before he departed and so am eager for a change to see and scan a live Founder.

End Log
Ereain Ratchet Hamza
Chief Science Officer


      Now back in her quarters, with an almost reverence Ensign Ratchet gently placed the PADD with the game from Ensign Lost safely in her dresser drawer. Just before shutting the drawer on it she could not help smiling again. She had a friend. Just the very idea of it lifted her spirits.
     It was getting late, she had to sleep. She did not want to sleep but if she did not sleep now she would be falling asleep on the bridge and she did not think Commander Haedl or Commodore tr'Fyrs'tk would like that very much. As a Vulcan she could go longer then most without sleep and she had a bad habit of completely taking advantage of this as much as possible - Ratchet did not like to sleep.
     Unlike most Vulcans Ratchet never bothered to even meditate anymore. She just could not do it. Blanking her mind from all thoughts was something beyond this young Vulcan who was always thinking about something. She had always found meditation extremely boring - one of the many things that had driven her further from the Vulcan way. As she undressed then pulled on her off duty sleep uniform she dictated a personal log.

Personal Log Stardate 0307.21

     We have been seeing a lot of action as of late. The battle with those three Hirogen vessels was great. I only wish I could have done something more. Being the Chief Science Officer I am so not needed in battle and I feel so helpless that I cannot help is some way or another. Still it did give me a lot of time to look up information on the Founders. Shapeshifters! I hope I get to see one. It must be really great being able to change one's form.
     When Commodore tr'Fyrs'tk told Commander Haedl that if he did not get up from the Command chair he would sit on him - that would have been great to see. I wonder if there will be a great battle between Haedl and tr'Fyrs'tk. I hope I am there to see it. I hope tr'Fyrs'tk wins. I do not like how Haedl picks on Ensign Lost. Maybe next time I can do something to make him stop. If I see him going on Lost I can interrupt him, take his attention away from Lost then he will be too busy with me to notice Lost anymore. I very much would rather be the one to face Haedl's wrath.
     I have a friend now! I cannot believe someone would actually like me and enjoy being with me. When I finally got back to Vulcan, with hopes of attending the Vulcan Science Academy everyone was so cold and boring and I can never forget the looks. Some said I was so eager to please the Romulans I was acting emotional to be like them. They could never see I could not help myself. It is not my fault my parents died before they could teach me all that emotional control stuff. When I was on Earth people could never get used to me - a too emotional Vulcan. Most people thought I was a strange Romulan or something. Others did not want to get too close because they knew the Romulans did not like Vulcans so why risk everything just to be nice to a weird Vulcan. But Lost! He is so nice to me and I enjoy being with him. I am glad I am not like the others who dismiss him because he can be so quit or like other Vulcans who would just call him highly illogical.
     I hope we see some excitement when we reach the Founder homeworld and maybe we will beam down or something. I do sometimes get so bored just sitting on the bridge doing research. Sometimes I just want to bounce from my seat and just circle the bridge a few times, see what everyone else is doing. I would so love to try piloting - Lost is so good at that. And what must it be like being at tactical and firing the weapons.
     I so do not want to sleep right now - would much rather play the game Lost gave me. I can completely understand why he so looks forward to playing them and cannot wait to get off the bridge. Maybe just an hour or two. I am not that tired.

End Log

Ensign Ratchet Hamza
Chief Science Officer
Next post by Erein Hamza

A joint log by Shadow Nighthawke and Nurse Latta

     Nurse Lata was getting tired, she was finishing up her second shift of the day and hoped to go back to here quarters soon. She couldn't believe the Maenek would leave just like that, and leave medbay in chaos.
     Shadow walked into Sickbay, her pale blue nightgown hanging loosely about her. She looked tired, as if she hadn't been asleep yet. Letting her eyes scan the room slowly, she looked about either for the Maenek or the nurse.
     Lata looked up and saw the Arrain enter, she sighed softly, and moved over to the tired patient. "May I help you?"
     Shadow smiled softly and nodded. "I haven't been sleeping well and I thought it was time I got some help."
     "Why don't you come and have a seat. What seems to be the problem?" Lata took out her multicorder and started to scan Nighthawke.
     Nothing was really wrong with her, matter of fact everything was fine save the lack of sleep. "I just... keep having a reoccuring dream and no matter when I wake up during it, it just starts back up again where it had stopped." Sitting down on one of the beds.
     Lata looked down at her scans. "I can give you a sleeping aid that will help you sleep without the dreams" The nurse knew better then to ask prodding questions. She learned that quickly in the Rihannsu Gaela.
     Shadow nodded once. "It would be nice not to have dreams and get a full nights rest." A smile of relief crossing her face though worry was still in her eyes.
     The nurse nodded and moved over to get a hypo with a heavy sedative. "This should help you sleep Arrain. Once I inject it into you, you will have about 30 minutes until you start getting really sleepy." She injected the sedative in her. "Get some sleep. If you have trouble again, come back and we'll see what we can do."
     Nods. "Thank you very much." Slowly moving off the bed. "I'll let you know if I'm troubled again."
     Lata nodded and went back to the last bit of work she had to do before she got to go to her quarters and rest.

Arrain Arrenhe (skilled) Lata (death)

Arrain Nighthawke
Helm Officer
Next post by Arrain Nighthawke
A joint log by Erein Hamza and Daise Security Alosar Koebera =/\= On =/\=

Alo was on his way back to his quaters when he passed Ratchet in the corridor and looked at her.

Ratchet looked up at the large cat like security chief. "That was incredible fighting on the enemy ship Rekkhai" she said with more then a little admiration in her voice.

Looking down at the young Vulcan he nodded. "Thank you" he said, then suddenly asked. "What were you scared of?"

Ratchet tried to hide her embarressment. She had not realized her fear was that obvious to all about her. Even without knowing where her Katra would go she had always been afraid of death. "Dying" she admitted slowly.

Alo looked at Ratch, purring softly. He still wore his, now repaired, battle gear. "So, why are you afraid of dying?"

Ratchet looked up a little nervous. "My Katra" she admitted. "I cannot transfer it to another to be taken to Vulcan." Then frowning slightly she added, "I do not know what will happen when I die."

"Katra" asked Alo. "Is that what you Vulcans call the mind of soul?"

"Yes sir it is." Ratchet nodded a little reluctantly. Despite being so seperate from her own people she could not help being a little uncomfortable sharing her people's secrets with offworlders.

"Ah" he purred looking at her, his head tilted slightly to one side curious. "Do you not believe that your soul comes back regardless of where you die?"

Ratchet frowned, and could not help looking slightly shamed. "I do not know" she admitted. "My parents died before they could teach me everything. I was raised away from Vulcan so I never learned our ways completely."

"I am sorry to hear that my little Vulcan" said Alo. "One should always be tought the ways of there own people."

For a moment Ratchet looked sad then suddenly she brightened slightly. "I would be honored to learn about your people sir."

Alo canted his head to one side, quirked a brow and studied the young Vulcan before him. "You would huh?" he asked.

She nodded a little too eagerly for a Vulcan. "Yes sir" she said. "I am always eager to learn about new cultures. My own people never accepted me and I want to learn about others."

He purred and cracked a smile - an expression normally not seen on his muzzle. "I see" he said.

There was now an eagerness to Ratchet's tone. "I have a lot of work to do for the Enarrain right now" she said. "But perhaps another time you can tell me more about your people?"

"My door is always open to anyone that wishes to talk to me but within limits Vulcan" said Alo nodding. "I value my privacy but if you want to learn I will not turn you away."

"Of course sir" she said completely understanding ones need for privacy but very excited he had agreed to teach her more about his people. "My name is Ratchet sir. Well Erein Hamza actually but everyone calls me Ratchet."

"And your real name is?" asked Alo.

"It is difficult to pronounces" said Ratchet with a sigh. She also really hated her Vulcan name and very much preferred to be called Ratchet or sometimes just Ratch for short. "Only Vulcans have been able to pronounce Vulcan first names." Then realizing he might take offense from this she added hastily, "I mean no disrespect sir!"

"None taken" said Alo.

Ratchet nodded relieved. "If you will excuse me sir I need to clean up. Enarrain's orders" she said, then suddenly looking hopeful asked, "We will speak again at a later date?"

"Anytime you like" said Alo nodding.

Ratchet saluted smartly. "Thank you sir" she said then quickly turned and hurried towards her quarters. There was still so much work to be done.

Alo nodded then made his way back to his station to finish his shift up.

=/\= Off =/\= < br> Alosar Koebera
Chief of Security

Erein Ratchet Hamza
Chief Science Officer
Next post by Erein Hamza

      It took all of Commander Haedl's will power not to cuss the elements for his run of luck of late. Not only did that damn padd turn up but the stupid half breed had found what's left of the temporal disturbance. The disturbance that he had helped create and the disturbance that sent him into the past to change history. Now the damn crew of the eagle had found it, just a few days before the rift would have closed and the changes would be made permeant.
      ~Damn that half breed.~ Haedl thought to himself as he quietly worked the console in front of him. Keying in a little known security code, he activated a program that would discreetly send off a signal to the senate ship letting them know of the danger. He also readied a the ship's self distruct program, ready to destroy the ship if necessary to protect the empire of this time line.

Commander Haedl
Executive Officer
Next post by Commander Haedl
Duty Log Terra Stardate 0307.23

      Enarrain tr'Fyrs'tk has ordered us back to where we encountered that anomaly. Something's wrong though. He had me keeping an eye out for the senate ship that we rescued. His suspicions were correct. The senate ship was in the area. They did not seem to notice our presence. At least not until after Enarrain tr'Fyrs'tk and Riov Haedl come out from the CO's ready room. Not long after that, the senate ship made a straight course for us, as if they knew exactly where we were located.
      I hope that the Enarrain does not order the senate ship destroyed. It could have serious consequences in the empire for him and this crew, especially me. However, should that order come, I will put my trust in my commanding officer and obey his order. I just hope that he knows what he's getting into.

End Duty Log Erein Gwenivere Marqusa

Personal Log Terran Stardate 0307.23

      I hope that Lukas knows what he's getting into. I'm sure he does. I'm just a little worried. He's been preoccupied about something for a little while now. We are back to the spot where we hit that anomolie a little while ago, and that senate ship is in the area, and they seem to know where we are. They changed course abrutly and head straight for us. I think someone told them where we are. Lukas is right, there is a spy on this ship. My guess is that it's Haedl. Even though Lukas isn't sure about it, I am. He's always had a grudge against Lukas. Should Lukas give the order to fire, my guess is Haedl will try to mutiny. I hope that others think the same and watch the Commander.

End Personal Log

Erein Gwenivere Marqusa
Next post by Erein MArqusa
Personal Log, terran stardate 0307.23

      I can't believe it! I just can't. I'm still shaking from it. Enarrain tr'Frys'tk left me, ME of all people, in charge of the bridge. He and . . . Haedl Left the bridge to talk. Usually I relax when Haedl leaves the bridge, but this time I really couldn't. I was sooooo afraid that I was going to screw something up. That I was going to be responsible for destroying the ship. Or worse yet, for betraying the ship to the Senate ship. I was also afraid that Haedl would come back out and find something, anything, wrong with anything on the bridge, and then blame me for it.
      But . . . But, I got through it. I didn't screw anything up this time! I still am in shock over that. I was actually relieved when the Enarrain and Haedl returned to the bridge. I think that was the first time in my life that I've ever been relieved to see the commander.

PAUSED . . . . Resumed

      This is no way to live. I live in fear each day when I come to duty. I can't wait until my tour is over and I can get off this ship, and away from the stress of life. The only thing I would miss from this ship is my friendship with Ratchet. I have never had a friend before, not one who really liked things. But, right now I'm not sure even that is worth the ariennye that I go through while I'm on duty. Maybe she and I can stay in contact. I hope so.

End Personal Log.
Erein Tru Lee Lost
Jack of All Trades (JAT): currently Helm


      Lost sat at helm, having just finished his personal log. He decided that maybe he should record a duty log as well. He'd never done that before, but it seemed like the right thing to do. He keyed into the console to open up a duty log.

BEGIN Recording

      Lost just sat there. He had no idea what he was suppose to say in his log. But, now that he'd opened it, he figured he had to say something at least.


      I . . . uh . . . was given command of the sol'Eagle. . . . No, not given command, just left in charge of the bridge. Nothing . . . uh . . . happened while I was in charge, well, not nothing . . . umm, people were working . . . and . . . uh . . . stuff. But . . . well, no incident occured.


      Lost quickly ended the log. He knew it sounded horrible, but at least he'd finally done a duty log. Besides, everything he send in there was true. Maybe he'd take time later to redo the log.
      Right now, with that Senate ship heading for the Eagle, he figured that he shouldn't waste anymore time on logs. Rather, he should be prepared for anything to happen. Lost stiffled a laugh at that. He was never truelly prepared for anything. But, he would make do as best he could. Thank goodness for his instincts when flying.

Erein Tru Lee Lost
JAT: Currently Helm
Next post by Erein Lost

Operations Log, Stardate 030804

Working alongside Erein Ratchet, weh ahve found a temporal sensistive spot in space at precisely the pont at which we dropped out of Slip-stream when returning from the Delta Quadrant. I am not certain, yet exactly what it means, but it has Enarrain Lukas' full attention.

I also find myself wondering if we have a spy on board. Despite our cloaking device, the Senate ship has turned and is headed in our direction. What will happen if they do know we are here? Will they fire on us? Will Enarrain Lukas fire back? Are they connected to this temporal anamoly?

End Log
Erein Roman Haas
Operations Officer
Next post by Erein Haas
Personal Log Stardate 0308.06

Begin Recording

Okay things are getting stranger and stranger. I thought the Enarrain would just dismiss completely Arrain Nighthawke's claims but instead he told me to research into it. He had told me she was insane and yet - somethng odd is going on here. I know find myself unwhittingly wondering what I am like in this alternate timeline if indeed all this is true - not that it is very likely but still. Am I like other Vulcans - logical and cool? Do I serve the Empire well there as well? Am I even female? On a brighter note though he did say I had done good work and had served the ship well!!! I have had little contact with the Enarrain but he is not as frightening as I originally thought him to be. Tru got the conn today! And he did an excellant job. I knew he had it in him! He is a great officer - he just need to believe in himself. I am very glad they did not leave me the conn - I would have messed things up for sure but Tru - he did a great job! This mystery of the temporal anamoly is . Work on the bridge is far more interesting when there is a scientific mystery that needs to be figured out. Though we do not have all the answers yet I am sure me and Haas will figure it all out. I cannnot wait to tell the Enarrain we have the answer to this puzzle.

End Log

Erein Ratchet Hamza Chief Science Officer Next post by Erein Hamza
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