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File Number: 57588903
Daniel C. Landers

Rank: Admiral
Assignment: Board of Admirals Starfleet Phoenix
Race: Human
Place of birth: Earth, Southern, North American Continent.
Marital status: Widower
Children: Two sons, Thomas (born 2359) and Caleb (born 2364)

Starfleet Service Record

2350: Joined Starfleet at the age f 18
2354 Graduated the Academy, posted as an Ensign to the USS Lexington, NCC 14427
2354 - 2360 Served as Science Officer aboard the Lexington. Promoted to lieutenant in 2357, then lieutenant commander in 2360.
2360 - 2365 Served as XO aboard the Lexington. Promoted to Commander in 2363.
2364 Promoted to captain.
2364 - 2372 Commanding officer of the U.S.S. Intrepid.
2373 Promoted to Fleet Captain.
2375 - 2376 Promoted to Commodore. Served as Logistics & Tactics Officer for the Second Fleet.
2376 - 2378 Promoted to Rear Admiral, given charge of the Second Fleet.
2378 Promoted to Vice Admiral, 5th in charge SFI.
2379 (late)Promoted to Admiral, moved to Starfleet Phoenix fleet.
Personal History:

     Dan was born in the city of Atlanta in the southern part of the Northe American continent on Earth. Ne grew up on his family's farm with one older sister, Jessica. He was an averae student through his school years, but e knew from an early ae that his festiny was Starfleet and the stars.      He worked hard on his grammar erasng all traces of the southern accent the res of his family maintained adraid of what they would think of him at the Academy. Jessica would constantly tease him saying, "You can never take the South out of the boy." ~Arentra Esot Reosica Ambrensadoria Daniel Landers~ Ambassador to the USC.

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